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  1. Nothing is finalized. 😉
  2. Just to clarify, there are no technical differences than the existing shards. Everything runs the same codebase. Outside of that, the only difference is that some characters (along with SGs memberships and bases) from when it was operating as its own separate server on it's own infrastructure have been migrated in. Those that were migrated, opt in to do so. The merger of Victory was announced at the time of the Licensing agreement. It just took us a while to complete the merger.
  3. If you haven't already, I would recommend posting in the [Focused Feedback] thread for Marine Affinity. It is more likely to be seen by the devs there.
  4. Having one character at each would be ok. Having more than one at either would be a no go.
  5. This will be the only event happening. But, “winter is coming”.
  6. Hi there BaBs. Welcome Home! We're glad you joined us!
  7. It's a tough job but, someone's got to do it. 🫡
  8. You might be on to something here. That'd give us two Regen sets to nerf!
  9. Hey there! We don't have the petition system connected to beta. Best to report that in the RWZ Revamp focus feedback.
  10. Anyone else start humming "Rubber Ducky You're the One" when you saw that picture?1? Just me then?
  11. Island Rum's future itself is TBD. But, we will still support MAC regardless.
  12. That won't affect anything on HC. As long as you continue to abide by the Code of Conduct, you'll be able to continue to play.
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