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Dragon Crush

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Everything posted by Dragon Crush

  1. Fun Fact - Intentionally being a jerk isn't a good way to get people to listen to support your positions. Also, fire area at least appears much smaller than slick area. Don't have a TA anything so can't say if visuals are off or if it in fact covers a smaller area.
  2. Seems that could be a good idea. That unfortunately applies to nearly everything that can be done in game.
  3. Well in the case of getting a KB->KD toggle you'd at least have the option of simply not using it and continuing as is regardless of obsessive badge collection (something I suffered from on live as well). I don't think it's possible to come up with a perfect solution simply because everyone will have differing desires, some of which can change minute to minute, at best we can look for a wide reaching "good enough" patch that doesn't break things for others. Edit to add - And IOs are also imperfect since as others have said, sometimes you want KB in some situations, and in others you want KD, and carrying a ton of unslotters and changing IOs multiple times a session is infeasible.
  4. I meant to frame it in a way if you wished to try to talk your friend into playing, sorry for the miscommunication.
  5. Some of the accolade powers are clicks, not auto. Vanguard medal, eye of the magus, geas of the kind ones and elusive mind are click buffs that last a minute on long timers. Someone else suggested, and I expanded on the idea of the accolade granting a toggle power so you can switch between KB and KD.
  6. Not going to get into everything that inspired DP, but to this I remember an anime Outlaw Star, one of the main character's had a specialized gun that had a wide range of effects based on what shells he loaded it with.
  7. Since your friend seems to be OK letting others beat on enemies and just doesn't want to personally attack, might have them try a mastermind, taking pets and skipping personal attacks to focus on secondary like nature, empath or FF (others seem more "attacky" to me, but may fall within friend's interests). And to OP, to echo everyone else, pure heals aren't very useful in this game, especially if it means you're neglecting buffs/debuffs/control/damage. Beyond buffs and debuffs drastically reducing the need for need for heals, literally anyone can play healer to a degree with the medicine pool powers. I've played both blasters and tanks who would toss the occasional heal for groups with no traditional support classes before. However, pure support on the other hand can still be useful, controllers locking down enemies while buffing and debuffing, or defenders/corrupters who slot for debuffs/control in their attacks rather than damage can still bring alot to the team neutering foes and/or turning allies into unstoppable juggernauts. Or you can try the "passive" MMs I mentioned at start if you want to play a character that doesn't personally attack.
  8. I disagree with giving DP combos, although them adding a second, similar set with combos might be OK for people who want them if it wouldn't be too large a burden on the devs. I'd be in favor of tweaking ammo effects to be a bit better, -res for all versions of piercing rounds, and a follow-up type buff to executioner's shot, with perhaps only 8 second duration or weaker/un-enhanceable +damage/+to-hit if needed. Maybe adjust HoB a bit as well, adding more defense for first 5 seconds starting as soon as you click and current level off defense for 5 seconds afterward as well as making the first tick do more damage and lowering remaining ticks to front-load the DoT a bit.
  9. Buff KB would need to bypass protection so tanks aren't left standing. Would actually be useful on MMs with ranged pets, toss a buff on them to get them back out of melee without bunch of clicking/binds. Although more serious, they could implement something like that for Pocket D only.
  10. It'd be cool if you could come up with a real story arc that is more than a farm and you think it's good enough, you could flag it for consideration for devs to implement in the game outside of AE. Although possible downside would be people misusing it and devs getting drowned in bad farm suggestions.
  11. If it bypassed pet summon caps, I'd go double summons whether two of the same or two different primaries. Then I'd cackle as my horde of robo-demons (or any other combo beside merc/beasts) slaughtered all while I toss out the occasional pool power.
  12. No idea how hard it would be to code any of this, but I'd like to see some badges for total distance foes have been knocked back, and changing the proposed accolade toggle idea based on rank you have for those badges. KB 50 or 250 yards along with another couple badges or story arcs and you get a toggle that reduces KB on most powers to knockdown (agree bonfire should be excluded, and perhaps a couple others I'm not thinking of atm). First rank could have .5 end/s and 1 minute recharge, whereas after getting badge for knocking back foes 10 miles for example, it costs .1 end/s and recharges in 10 seconds with granularity in between. Another idea that I'd find amusing, if not necessarily balanced, would be bonus damage based on KB distance. Kicking crey off skyscrapers for fun and profit.
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