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Dragon Crush

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Everything posted by Dragon Crush

  1. Millions of peaches, peaches for me Millions of peaches, peaches for free
  2. Haven't gotten incarnate levels here on homecoming, but iirc from live, clarion was also useable while held or slept like a break free.
  3. Miracle would be always on, panacea would have a chance to fire off every few seconds (10.25 I think for health) with an average of 3 per minute. Also, possible downside to slotting it in health, it's very possible to get a wasted proc, having it go off while you're already at full health/end from what I remember on live.
  4. Merc attacks at least do more damage and have secondary effects like -def and KB, ninja attacks are both pure damage, and weakest of the MM attacks. I guess they're supposed to make up for it with faster cast/recharge, but at MM damage scale they don't hit for anything and because of low recharge and pure damage have worst proc rates and proc slotting opportunities.
  5. While I know this would require a good bit of UI work, slightly expanding the bio window and also being able to provide a link to an in-game resource for expanded bios would be cool. While the bio you read clicking the character might be a sort of teaser or summery, it's established that there are tons of groups keeping tabs on all the supers, it's not unreasonable to expect there's at least a few dozen pages in a FBSA database somewhere on each character. And also echoing that costume specific blurbs would be nice.
  6. I haven't gotten back up to 50 yet on homecoming, but IIRC there were special repeatable missions that provide shards back on live.
  7. Was looking through the AMAs on paragon wiki and they said that it was indeed animation issues that made them decided to make them dedoggle Not sure if anyone has figured out a shortcut since the servers went down, but if not I suspect new travel powers will either be "the same with new colors", animation neutral, or detoggle until the dev team expands a good deal. Which is unfortunate, didn't realize how much I wanted that air-step travel for some toons before seeing that scene.
  8. I have near zero artistic skill and my coding knowledge is some self taught HTML, and reading a bit from a book on perl I haven't gotten around to finishing. Might be able to build a new server on the other hand, though I'm a little out of practice.
  9. Honestly the abundance of puns threw me for a moment and thought you wanted pie based pants from the title. I've heard that the way the game is coded there is a hard limit on the number of costume sections you can have, but if there is room adding thighs and arms between shoulders and gloves would be nice.
  10. Beirut - Cliquot (Not repeating artists has been deliberate up to this point, but wanted to share the second video, but slightly prefer the first's audio) (bonus track) Beirut - Nantes Love this street side flashmob style performance
  11. One-Eyed Doll - The Ghosts Of Gallows Hill
  12. Jurassic 5 - Freedom Another group I didn't discover until they broke up, but they re-formed in 2013, though they've only released a few new songs since.
  13. Handsome Boy Modeling School - I've Been Thinking (Featuring Cat Power) HBMS is a collaboration with 2 writers/producers and a slew of guest vocalists, and aside from jokes in interludes rarely has the same vocalist for more than a couple songs, if you like hip-hop or R&B I think both albums are worth a listen.
  14. The Delgados - Come Undone Like just about all their songs, unfortunately first discovered them 6 months after they broke up =/
  15. Hurt - Falls Apart Song's a bit depressing but cathartic for me, and if you know the clips used they range from "that's not good" to "f'ing tragic"
  16. Bring Me Home - Whitechapel Someone introduced them to me a few weeks ago in a discord chat
  17. Yoko Kanno and The Seatbelts - Gotta Knock A Little Harder Originally found them through Cowboy Bebop, they have lots of good non space cowboy related songs as well. Also not letting me insert videos again, will try editing in a bit see if that fixes it like last time. Edit worked, not sure why first pass doesn't always post video.
  18. Not sure where you would add it in, unless it was an extra power linked to normal teleport like mystic flight gets a teleport baked in, but a TP that has very fast cast ( .5 seconds or less), gave a small small boost when used (could see either some def or regen being thematic, or a chance for AoE KD as you displace the things around you), and can be used 2-3 times in a row before going into a 10-15 second recharge would be nice.
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