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Everything posted by Excraft

  1. Something like Martial Arts or Street Justice as a primary and Willpower as a secondary would make a good Kirk-type scrapper. Of course, MA or StrJ doesn't hold a candle to the sheer awesomeness of the Kirk-fu style of combat.
  2. Out of curiosity, where do you think the money Disney makes comes from? Did the money that Disney used to make these movies grow on a tree? All the money MCU fans spent over the years on movie tickets, film related merchandise, streaming services etc. wasn't their money? And since it's not their money, they shouldn't care about the quality of the films being produced? Interesting point of view you have there. I don't see the harm in discussing where the money is going for these movies.
  3. It's still falling under Disney, no matter how many LLCs and shell companies they try to make to hide money.
  4. This proceeds from a false assumption that people want these films to fail. I know I don't and no one I know looks forward to these MCU films being box office flops. I like Anthony Mackie. He was great as Falcon. I've enjoyed most of the MCU films and loved comic book characters as a kid. I really want these movies to be good and make everyone involved a lot of money. There are a lot of people who work really hard on these movies and I don't think they want them to be failures either. Most critics I've read all want these movies to be a success too, but what Disney and Marvel is doing now isn't working for them and hasn't been for years now. I think people aren't wishing these films to fail, it's more they're hoping that the poor performance is a wake up call for Disney and Marvel to right the ship and get back to what worked. From what I've read and what my brother told me, this film ruined the Red Hulk and Leader. Stick with the plots and stories that drew fans to these characters. That'd be a good start.
  5. I'm not sure I'd consider those "meh" numbers either. However, if you compare that to all the other films adjusting for inflation, they aren't that great for the franchise as a whole. https://screenrant.com/star-wars-movies-box-office-adusted-inflation/ Also, it's important to note that your list didn't include Solo. The box office was definitely on the downward trend for the Star Wars franchise with what you have there.
  6. Well no, the word misogyny doesn't have multiple meanings. The word itself has its roots in the Greek words misos (hatred) and gunē (woman). It's not a homonym or homophone like "bear" or "jam" that requires context in order to be understood properly. Again, as it applies to Bond, "misogynist" isn't really the correct word for him. He's more a male chauvinist.
  7. So following your logic here, the accepted definition of misogyny includes words like hatred of, loathing toward and despising women to further explain the meaning and provide context. According to you, that's the accepted meaning, so your entire argument here fails. You're also failing to understand that if Bond were this woman hating man who despised women, that would make characters like Vesper Lynd complete morons. They weren't. What? Of course it does. I can't point to a frog and say that's an elephant and because I said so that makes my word usage correct. I agree and as was said earlier, keeping true to the source material is what endeared people to the character to begin with. I don't hold out any hope that Amazon will do it though. I think we can near guarantee they will try to make Bond "more appealing to modern audiences."
  8. It's been widely reported that the $180 isn't the entire budget of this film, rather it's the original approved budget or the cost of the reshoots. This movie is indeed another MCU flop.
  9. Of all the Marvel stuff of late, this is the one thing I'm looking forward to. I really enjoyed the Netflix series. I'm hoping Disney does it justice.
  10. What "negative effects"? The arrows and plus sign would work same as they do now, only with the suggested change, it would allow for expanding the tray between 1 and 10 rows instead of between 1 to 3. If anyone wants more or less rows, they can add them. If anyone wants to break out and reshape rows, they can. The suggested change just makes adding additional rows a little easier.
  11. If you want to play that way, go for it. No need to waste the time and resources bringing yet another server into the fold for this, especially since it would require a different code base.
  12. My brother took the kids to see it and said it stunk. He said you could tell this movie was re-shot a number of times as the story seemed disjointed in quite a few places, and certain story elements were clearly geared toward not offending certain international audiences. His biggest gripe was what they did with the Red Hulk and Ross. Beyond that, he said it wasn't "The Marvels" bad, but still not great.
  13. If the arrow allowed you to expand up or down to allow between 1 tray or 10, you'd still be able to set up your trays however you like. I don't think the OP or anyone else is suggesting that their layout should be mandatory for everyone.
  14. Do you mean Sovereign? I don't know him personally, but he's leader of one of if not the largest and most active SGs on Excelsior. Sovereign members are always hosting Hami raids, iTrials, TFs, MSRs, all sorts of content. I've been on several runs they've organized and they all seem like a good bunch of people. Not sure why you'd be calling anyone an idiot for that. I'm surprised this thread hasn't been closed already. What happened to being excellent to each other?
  15. I think most people would agree and are the same. I'd probably give this a try just to do it but I think it would get boring after a while. Would be fantastic for concept characters though. I don't think it would destroy the game as some people here are suggesting. Incarnates, IOs and such have already done that anyway.
  16. I disagree with the notion that Spider-Man is a stalker 100% of the time. Can he be "stalkerish" some of the time? Sure. Is he that 100% of the time? Absolutely not. Even your own examples show this. If you watch the film, Iron Man exclaims "underoos!" before Spider-Man leaps in. In the pic you posted of him attacking Sam and Bucky, Bucky asks Sam "What the hell is that?" they both saw Spider-Man coming for them. That isn't a stalker using stealth to approach and attack a target who doesn't even know they're there. Same thing with your examples of Spider-Man "sneaking up and cracking jokes" to alert the bad guys of his presence. He did that in the photo you posted of him with Sandman. If he really wanted to, he could've taken out Sandman without him ever knowing he was even there. He didn't. That's not really being a stalker in the CoH sense. Again, can Spider-Man use stealth and attack an unsuspecting target? Sure, but so can other heroes and there are plenty of examples of this throughout comics history. You're welcome to continue being of the opinion that Spider-Man is a pure stalker 100% of the time, but I will respectfully disagree because he quite clearly isn't. I don't think it's such a bad idea to have a different version of a "Super Strength" type power set. There are varying degrees of strength and the current version we have is (at least to me) more geared for a Hulk-type rage monster character. There are characters who aren't quite that strong, but are still at super levels of strength and their strength isn't necessarily tied to their rage/anger level. I also don't see a reason why a new set would need to be exclusive to Scrappers and not be able to be ported to over to Tankers and Brutes. I think it would a good thing to have some different flavors of super strength to accentuate less "super strong" characters.
  17. Actually, yes it does refute your statement. Why else would Iron Man build and use an armor designed specifically for stealth? Yes, Spider-Man does creep around some of the time. Other times he attacks head on, just like many other characters. They'll all use stealth when the situation calls for it and its advantageous.
  18. As do any number of other superheroes in the comics. Even Iron Man has a "stealth armor" variant.
  19. I don't know if I'd say Spider-Man "sneaks around". He's more super quick and agile with his reflexes so fast they border on precognition.
  20. It isn't and I didn't say it was. What I corrected was the assertion that Spider-Man is at the "high-end" of the super strength scale. He isn't. He never was. I provided examples of character who are at the high-end of the strength scale for clarity.
  21. Yup. Spider-Man isn't at the high end of the strength scale. He's never lifted skyscrapers by one corner or held entire planets together.
  22. Good for them. If they want to disregard decades of lore that have Bruce Wayne traveling around the world learning and mastering many different martial arts, more power to them.
  23. The official Marvel website says differently. So does my Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe from the 1980s. All of these characters are subject to the whim of the writers, some of whom way overpower certain characters, such as Wolverine. In general, Spider-Man has been at the 10 ton range for decades. He's not on the same level as Hulk or Thor.
  24. Batman is more of a martial artist than a street justice type character.
  25. Well no, it clearly says "Spider-Man’s strength and agility stand far above those of the average human, allowing him to lift nearly 10 tons". Note the word "nearly". Source.
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