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Everything posted by Excraft

  1. Finally had a free evening and was able to watch this last night. Fun movie! I enjoyed it. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have great chemistry together. The cameos were great too. Story was very simple, but I think that helped more than hurt the movie.
  2. It also doesn't mean everything is impossible based on your first sentence. Sometimes a fresh look at an old problem yields new ideas. Sometimes it confirms it can't be done. Is that a demand this get done? No. Does that mean that this is not impossible to program? No. Yes, we all know that there are a lot of things that can't be done with the game code. Yes, we all know the chances that most every idea posted in these forums will never see the light of day. We get it. We heard you. None of that should be a deterrent from people posting suggestions, thoughts and ideas and dreaming about things that they feel would improve the game. I can't speak for him, but from what I can tell players like @ShardWarrior have been around a long time and don't need to have his "expectations tempered", especially when they've already acknowledged the limitations you've mentioned.
  3. I like the idea of having the option to respec slots only. This would be a very nice QoL feature. It's the "won't happen because of how the game works" excuse that's been repeated ad nauseam. There's a whole host of things that the game couldn't do before that it can do now. And no one is holding their breath for any changes. This subforum is for sharing ideas, even if they will never get implemented.
  4. I don't think it's the strongest set there is, but I don't know that I'd say it sucks. At least not all the time. It's fun to play solo. On teams, it's absolutely terrible due to the lengthy animation times.
  5. I know what you mean. For some reason, I think Gymkata is criminally underrated. Don't ask me why though. It is truly awful. lol
  6. I'm sorry that my opinion upsets you, hurts your feelings, offends your sensibilities and runs counter to your view of the world. I won't change my mind or my opinion on this issue, but I do promise to try and do better to take your gentle feelings into account next time I make a post. I certainly don't want to upset you or hurt your feelings.
  7. I never read it so I can't say for sure. I'll take your word for it though, and point remains... poor guy couldn't catch a break and took backseat in his own comic. 🤣 You're doing the exact same thing you're whining about others doing. No, there is no nuance for me. Winter Soldier isn't an A-List character. Feel free to disagree.
  8. Sort of. 😉 The show was more about the "new and improved" Hawkeye Kate Bishop than it was about Clint Barton poor guy took something of a back seat in his own TV show. The guy just can't win. 🤣
  9. Some people don't like having their world view challenged or disagreed with.
  10. Hey you're perfectly welcome to disagree. I certainly don't begrudge you an opinion. If you like him, good for you. Welcome to the internet where people are going to have a different opinion on things.
  11. Bucky isn't Cap's sidekick in the MCU. He never was. He is a supporting character. Always has been. He's never had top billing in a solo movie. With the exception of Hawkeye (poor fellow) all of the OG Avengers have had their own solo films. As for him taking on the mantle of Cap, he did that in the comics too. I wasn't a huge fan of that either to be honest. Cap will always be Steve Rogers to me.
  12. Ok. He's an original sidekick for Marvel. He's not a top billing character, same as the rest of them. Eternals didn't draw the big crowds, so I really don't see hordes of people wanting to know what happened after that movie ended. If they did, they'd have turned out to go and see Eternals, we'd see "Eternals pt. 2" on the MCU slate, solo Black Knight film etc. and they're nowhere to be fond. I'm a fan of the MCU and I certainly couldn't give a hoot if they never do anything with the Eternals again and let that story fade away.
  13. You're certainly welcome to your opinion on that. I will respectfully disagree.
  14. Correct. His character was a subtitle, not main character. It wasn't The Winter Soldier with Captain America. He was also the subtitle for a series where he took second billing to a secondary supporting character. The Winter Soldier, regardless of how long he's been around, isn't an A-List character. No offense meant to Sebastian Stan as he's a fine actor and great as the character, but he isn't the leading man box office draw like a RDJ. Bucky works best in a supporting role in my opinion. Why do you think Marvel/Disney are bringing back RDJ? There are a whole host of very talented actors who would be fantastic choices for the role of Dr. Doom. RDJ is a box office draw and they know just having him in the film is going to fill some seats for the nostalgia factor. Captain America, Hawkeye, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man etc. are all original characters. U.S. Agent, Yelena, Red Guardian, Red Hulk etc. are all copies of the more popular, better developed and more interesting originals. No one is going to go flock to the movie theaters to see a Yelena or U.S. Agent or Red Guardian solo movie. A decent Fantastic Four film would be a good start.
  15. I'll go out on a limb and say it didn't sell anywhere near X-Men or Avengers level. Don't get me wrong, Bucky is a great supporting character and I like him in that capacity. He isn't a leading man level character though.
  16. The D-List is a commonly used euphemism, especially in entertainment. I'm surprised you've never heard of it, although I suspect you actually have. You can't read an article or watch an interview about a big Hollywood star being referred to as an "A-List" celebrity. Per Google: "The D-list in Hollywood refers to celebrities who are so obscure that they are typically only known for their appearances on reality television and panel game shows. A D-list celebrity is considered to be at the bottom of the celebrity heap." The same can be said for these characters. So Red Guardian, Bucky, Ghost, U.S. Agent et al. aren't "A-List" characters. Other than US Agent, did any of them even have their own comic solo comic series? This is Marvel/Disney attempting their take on a "Suicide Squad" type film and hoping there are enough saps fans still out there to spend money on it. I just don't see these characters being the box office draw Disney/Marvel is hoping for. You're welcome to disagree.
  17. You seem to be confused that I'm accusing you of something or suggesting your stance on the issue one way or the other. For clarification, I'm not. I was addressing the excuse that "the live devs didn't do it" shouldn't be used a catch all for not making improvements. The live devs didn't do a lot of things the HC people have done and that hasn't stopped them before. That isn't suggesting this is your position on this.
  18. Not in my opinion. Sam may wear the costume and have the shield, but he isn't Steve Rogers and certainly isn't Captain America in my eyes. Nothing against Sam Wilson the character or Anthony Mackie the actor, but he's a way better supporting character of Falcon than leading man.
  19. "Because the live devs didn't do it" shouldn't be a catch all excuse against QoL improvements. The live devs aren't working on the game anymore. A lot of the work the HC people have done is an improvement upon the original, some of it much needed QoL improvements. I really don't see the harm in adding some of the Null options to trainers or the P2W vendor or both.
  20. Even a Meh rating is being too kind for these. Uninteresting, tertiary D-list characters, none of which are box office draws. Both of these are going to be colossal flops. No interest in either of them. The fact that Disney/Marvel is resurrecting RDJ as Iron Man Dr. Doom is proof enough how desperate the MCU has become. No thanks on either of these. Hard pass.
  21. I like this idea best. Give trainers the same options Null has with exception of alignment switching. It seems the simplest solution. Players have the options right out of the tutorial when they first visit Miss Liberty and the options would be accessible while on a TF since you can talk to trainers running them.
  22. Yes. They were part of the Veteran Rewards system and started at 12 Months. This much I remember because I was stoked when I hit 30 months and could get all of the signature character trophy pieces to add to my humble one room base. All of these trophy items are available in the editor now, so there's no need to unlock them. For me, I don't think we should get into adding any new unlockable items for bases. Just like the costume pieces, vanity pets and badges, these things were part of the incentives to keep the money flowing by keeping your subscription active. Paragon didn't want people subbing for a month when new content dropped and then unsubscribing until the next update. Sub fees are no longer an issue here and never will be. Also as has been said already here, bases aren't something the folks here seem all that keen on doing anything with. That's not a criticism of the team at all, just an observation.
  23. Their 20th Anniversary Event ran during April - May of this year. IIRC, that may have been right around the time of when the GM changes went into effect, but I'll be honest and say I don't remember when that change was made specifically. Wasn't it back in June? And yes, FF did spawn a Kronos Titan (or more) during the SNS at that time.
  24. I'm not at all disagreeing with you. I've said several times that I've no issue following the request and that it isn't me doing it. At the same time, I can also understand that some may not have received the commandment from on high and therefore didn't get the message and thereby didn't understand what the fuss was all about. I agree completely that the event leader asked for these not to show up, so others should be respecting that. You go right on doing you and ignoring the facts. Bottom line is, people spawned multiple Kronos Titans before and were gloriously praised for doing so by your circle of friends. This wasn't all that that long ago either, so no, it's not ancient history. No one asked them not to spawn Titans because they're part of your little clique of friends. That's fine if you want to have that double standard, but it's also a fact and you can't deny it. When it's some unknown person(s) doing it, then it's all of a sudden a huge issue. But we get it.... "Do as I say, not as I do" and all. It's your friends, so that makes it ok. Nor has anyone said they're owed an explanation on anything. If you were to take a deep breath, calm down, unclench and read the thread, you'd see that there are people who didn't get the message before for any number of reasons. There was confusion over whether this was or wasn't a problem. They have the information now and have all said they're happy to abide by the request. Yet you keep wanting to spew your vitriol on them. Everyone was being respectful here until you showed up looking to start a fight with everyone and anyone who dared ask a question. After reading your posts here and how you're addressing fellow players, it's absolutely clear to me you're more than likely one of the people who sent those rude and offensive tells - which included threats of physical violence - to others who disagreed the Kronos was an issue. But yes, we all know how wonderful you are and how you and your event and super cool friends are saving the server and "breathing life into it" because its a virtual ghost town without you. Let me be absolutely clear for you. I am not the one spawning Kronos Titans. I do not think others should be doing it and should respect the request not to do it. I have no issue at all respecting the request and will do so happily. I'm more than happy to help do what I can to get the message out to as many people as possible to help prevent any future problems or arguments. I thank @Kalikamata again for taking the time and effort every week to organize and host the event. If you need me to dumb down anything for you by using smaller words or a larger font so that you can understand better, be sure to let me know.
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