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Posts posted by UltraAlt

  1. 9 hours ago, DougGraves said:

    So how confident are you that you have the right amount of END, recharge, ACC, etc. slotted in your powers?  Or do you just go with the idea that more is better and you have slots to burn?


    The "right" amount means what?

    Character conception for the win!


    But seriously, my general rule is 2 ACC in any attack power. I figure it saves END to make sure that you hit. If you miss, you still spend the END.

    Any power that cost more than 10 END per use gets an end reducer. After the 2 ACCs if an attack power. After one enhance of the power's specialty if it is not an attack.


    I don't keep track of when, but generally at least 2 end mods in Stamina by 20 and usually a Performance Shifter +End proc.

    Lately, have been putting a Panacea - +END/+HP proc in as second health slot pre-level 20.


    If I get low on END, it try to pace my attacks.


    Other than that, all the slotting is based on character conception.

    I really do try to avoid getting powers or power VFX that I don't think fit the character's conception.



  2. On 2/2/2024 at 4:27 PM, Xalon said:

    What level should I start heading into PVP zones?




    Bloody Bay - combat level 25

    Siren's Call - combat level 30

    Warburg - combat level 38

    Recluse's Victory - combat level 50


    I don't know what server you are on, but, basically ... I'm guessing (except maybe on the weekends), you aren't likely to find any other player characters in the PVP zones.

    I honestly don't think I've gone into any PVP zones on Homecoming except for Torchbearer, but the only other player characters that my character ran into in the PVP zones were the ones that came along and were in the same team.

    There are some different missions to run there. Some of them require more than one player to complete due to various factors.


    To me, Recluse's Victory is the most fun. You have to capture pillboxes/control points, and you can man them or let them self automate. The Signature heroes and villains show up to fight. There are PVE enemies in the zone. You get Vanguard Mechs to use as pets in the zone. Capture all the pillboxes in the zone to change the timeline. 



  3. 15 hours ago, Zombra said:

    Like, I just want to run missions and get a little inf, and buy enhancements appropriate to my level.  But I feel like I'm doing it wrong and the economy is only set up to support billionaires.


    Before there was the /ah, there was a time when you gained influence based on how much damage you did and that alone.

    I had an empathy defender that did a lot of healing. By the teen levels, they didn't even have enough influence to fill even half their slots with Training Enhancements.

    Be then came the market.

    And slowly and steadily, I began to sell salvage and recipes, and craft salvage with recipes into enhancements to sell and use that money to keep making more until I had built up enough, that had enough to keep financing the crafting and selling and could scrape some off the top to buy things for myself. 


    So no, it's not just for "billionaires".

    I try to pay good on the market for the stuff that I use for crafting. The salvage I buy, I buy well above the average market price and I purchase a lot of it.

    The stuff I don't use, I sell well below the normal market value.

    I can do that because I make enough profits to give back to the community. 


    I  used to xp lock a some characters at level 1 and see how much influence I could make.

    It is easier to make some influence when you have influence, but you can start from scratch and do it. It's just more time consuming. Once the ball gets rolling, it will yield a return in this game.


    15 hours ago, Zombra said:

    I don't remember the early/mid levels being this rough, contacts don't even sell enhancements any more even though they all say they do, can't even afford DOs for my level 15 characters when I finally get to the zones that have stores.


    I don't know how other players play, but I purchase all my SO's from the base vendors. I buy all my insps from base vendors. I level up my characters in a base.


    If you don't have a base, there are links on the bottom of this page for open bases on every server: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Supergroup_Base

    You can also ask in /LFG if anyone is recruiting for a supergroup, ask for a base passcode, or make your own base when you get around to it.


    It is well worth getting the https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Rapid_Response_Member_Badge accolade from the https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Monitor_Duty_Badge and https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Patroller_Badge day jobs.

    Use the free base teleports these give you to go to a base in the open world to level up, exit through the portal you came in, and it will drop you where you were when you went to the base.


    15 hours ago, Zombra said:

    Is the economy perfectly fine if you don't do these weird exploits people are talking about?


     I don't use any of their tactics.




    15 hours ago, Zombra said:

    Or should I give up on fun and L2Farm?


    I suggest against it unless you only want to buy stuff that isn't in the /ah.

    Otherwise, you'll be giving your influence to me and others like me.

    Instead of learning how to turn lead to gold like Ral Partha.





    • Thanks 1
  4. 19 hours ago, PancakeGnome said:

    Lex Luther doesn't live in a different part of the city where Superman can't get to.... and if Superman goes over to Lex's building, he didn't do it by becoming a "rogue". 


    City of Heroes isn't DCUO online.


    19 hours ago, PancakeGnome said:

    This idea that if you walk into the wrong part of town you are "actually a villain of some sort" isn't how it should work.


    It is exactly how it works in City of Heroes.


    19 hours ago, PancakeGnome said:

    The ONLY REASON it works this way is because of economics


    The main reason was PVP and to increase demographic reach by allowing people to play evil characters. (see: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Good_Versus_Evil_Edition)

    Originally, the main interaction between heroes and villains would be in PVP zones where they could fight one another.


    4 "Colosseum" Introduced player versus player (PvP) content in the form of an arena, and also added costume options such as finer tuning of body and face scale. May 4, 2005


    6 "Along Came a Spider" Updated the game client's graphics engine, and added support for dual-core CPUs and 3D sound; it also introduced three shared PvP zones, and the ability for Super Groups to build bases. October 27, 2005


    City of Villains 6: Along Came a Spider October 2005 Villain player archetypes, villain character tutorial and villain player zones (Level 1–50), player vs. player zones, player-created superbase system.


    19 hours ago, PancakeGnome said:

    City of Villains was released as an expansion (and one not everyone had access to, you have to buy it). So they had to treat it like its own separate game. 


    Yes, it was a seperate game to draw in the people that wanted to play villains rather than heroes.

    You didn't even have to buy City of Heroes to get a base if you only wanted to be a villain, but you HAD to get City of Villains to have a base in City of Heroes.


    "...Bases were introduced with the release of City of Villains, and were initially restricted to those who had purchased the expansion. Individuals who did not own CoV received a message stating that a City of Villains purchase was required to enter when they tried to enter a base..." - https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Supergroup_Base


    19 hours ago, PancakeGnome said:

    But now on homecoming we can just have a single super powered game.


    Nope. At all.

    And that is why you are in this thread labeled "Redside... Best side? Right??", where Villains get together to try to contrive some way to increase the number of players playing Evil characters rather than Heroes. Not Rogues that can go to either zone. Certainly not vigilantes, but far to the opposite side of the alignment scale from the side of Good. Not my terms, but the DEVs terms. (see: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Good_Versus_Evil_Edition)



    I was against the alignment system and the influence/infamy/information merger. I can live with that.

    Completely taking down the walls when there is a method of "changing" sides is not what City of Heroes is about.


    Be as much of a villain as you want, but City of Heroes should be City of heroes and not City of Murky-grey Ethics.

    I play City of Heroes to be in that Good versus Evil context and not the "real world". (see: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Good_Versus_Evil_Edition)


    19 hours ago, PancakeGnome said:

    Where YOU get to decide what kind of character you are and where you go.


    Rogues and Vigilantes that can do that as I stated - and not change the game that the majority of players are here to play.

    You get to decide if you want to change alignements to go to the Hero side.


    19 hours ago, PancakeGnome said:

    And again, there is no reason going into the bad part of town should require your hero to "fall from grace".


    Yes, there is.

    That's historically how comics work.


    I don't expect you to understand it.

    But I would think you would realize that if someone feels like they have to post a thread names "Redside... Best side? Right??" to try to get more players to play villains, that a majority of the players aren't playing City of Heroes to play villains.


    Generally, there aren't more than 25% of any server that are playing villains at any given time and most of the time it is less than that.

    Over 3 times as many players are playing heroes and not villains for a reason, and it isn't because they don't know that there is a villain side because the game tells that they can be a villain every time they make a character.


    That isn't because the "red" side is "better" or "best".

    It's because players have chosen to play heroes rather than villains. 







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  5. 1 hour ago, DougGraves said:

    Do you run the same TF every other day?



    I might run a task force more than once a week, but with different characters and generally on different servers.

    I don't run task forces for merits. I run them to run content on a team.


    1 hour ago, DougGraves said:

    Do you run through the same arcs as you level your character?


    I run arc based on character conception, but I have outleveled content that I wanted to play with a character because I was running on task forces. 

    Over the last several months, I've been trying to keep better track as I level and shut off the xp so that I don't outlevel arcs I want to play with that character.


    2 hours ago, DougGraves said:

    Between arcs, TFs, AE missions (farms or story content), pvp, blue side, red side, gold side, etc - how varied is the content you are playing?


    I run arcs, TFs, trials, police scanner missions and hunt Giant Monsters on the hero side.

    I run arcs, AE missions, and the Summer Blockbuster in co-op zones.


    I run newspaper missions to get and run mayhem missions on the villain side. I think I have run more than one villain strike force since starting on Homecoming. My rogues tend to team up on the heroside, and I don't have any "villain" characters that don't turn "rogue" pretty quickly after zoning into the game.


    I haven't created any Praetorian characters, and I have no intention of doing so.


  6. On 1/20/2024 at 8:13 AM, PancakeGnome said:

    I think it's time to do away with the red / blue. Just allow all characters to go to all zones.


    Characters "can" go to all zone simply by being a vigilante or a rogue.


    The whole point of City of Heroes is to play a superhero.

    It isn't about playing a supervillain.

    I don't want to see heroes merged into villainy simply because villains don't have enough players to game with.

    The gates were opened for villains to come to the heroside if they want more players to play with. Influence/infamy/information were merged because of the horrible market situation in the infamy-only and information-only markets - because players didn't want to/enjoy playing villains or Praetorians.


    And sure enough, villains moved  characters over to the heroside when Going Rogue allowed them the opportunity to do so.


    They had to add hooks to get people to buy City of Villains.

    I wouldn't have bought or played City of Villains if didn't get more slots to make more superheroes and gain access to supergroup base.

    Sure, I played City of Villains because I paid for it, but I don't enjoy the content other than a mayhem mission every once in a while.


    It isn't the "red" side. It is the villain side.

    It isn't the "blue" side it is the hero side.


    The villains want it to be called red and blue in order to confuse the fact that it is heroes and villains.

    Yeah, yeah, fall back on the background for heroes is blue and the background for villains is red, but that is just an excuse to "muddy the waters". 


    The mythology of comics had always been about the stark differentiation of good versus evil through the end of the Comics Code Authority era.

    When it was removed and deconstructionist writers moved into the comic book they started tearing apart the mythology and destroying the strict good versus evil divide.

    It pulled comic books down from mythology into dystopian reality. (Praetoria is a dystopian reality.)


    I'm not sure where I can draw the line here, but I don't think we should be forcing anyone or intentionally luring anyone to the "dark side"/villain side.


    I don't think the villain side content is any better than the hero side. I played it to level 50. I didn't enjoy it. I felt that I had to play it because I bought it for the perks for the hero side.

    I don't like the Twinshot or Matthew Habashy arcs (these were added for "funneling" players into arcs that more people might take). I didn't like the removal of Galaxy City (also, apparently, for "funneling" purposes). I think they are both bad compared to the Origin contacts. Best to outlevel them or go with an Origin arc.


    Many of the players that seem to be always cheering how great the "red" side is seem have bought City of Villains or want to play villains.

    The majority of players are here to play superheroes.


    Players are back because Homecoming made a deal with NCSoft to be able run City of Heroes.

    "We’d like to thank you all for your patience over the past few years, and we’re incredibly thrilled to announce that it’s paid off: NCSOFT® has officially granted Homecoming a license to host City of Heroes™." - NCSOFT & Homecoming License Announcement


    "Redside... Best side? Right??" obviously not.

    I'll give the villain-content this, it has more players that Praetoria (they don't even get listed on the https://forums.homecomingservers.com/status/ listings until they turn hero or villain)


    How is it said?

    "Let players play the game the way that they want to play it and respect their choice", is that correct?



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  7. 20 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

    That's not a "lack of creativity", it's passion, which is what I personally think some people are doing when they make a clone here.


    It isn't a "passion".


    This isn't some licensed product like Halloween costumes.

    This isn't about some cosplayers that go to a convention celebrating the fandom/creators of those characters - most likely with a costume contest.


    This is more like charging people to show up at Birthday parties dressed as Superman, Batman, or Spiderman in an ongoing basis without permission of the company that holds the copyright.


    What "it is" is not reading the Code of Conduct.




    "...Copyright Policy

    Use of copyrighted characters and content without permission is not permitted when creating characters or Architect content. This includes characters and stories from intellectual property belonging to any IP that is not City of Heroes...."


    It is clearly stated.


    And, yeah, if you actually read and understood the Code of Conduct and then try to replicate a character that has a copyright then you are not only showing a "lack of creativity" but a lack of respect not only for the Code of Conduct but all the other players that are playing.


    I would hate for them to have to put up a screen when you go to create a character that has to explain each time that when creating a character, you understand that you are not try to duplicate characters that have a copyright and that you can have your account banned for doing so.

    But maybe we are at the point that a system like that needs to be implemented. 


    It appears that there are a good number of people that don't read that the policy because the naming policy isn't for characters with copyrights. There are plenty of other names that are against the Code of Conduct and should be reported as well.


    I'm ongoing to say that I haven't created homage characters, because I have.


    People are expected to use their imagination when using City of Heroes by creating their own characters to play in the game.

    Not using one's own imagination and stealing other people's creations/imagination/material that has a copyright is a showing a "lack of creativity".

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  8. 23 hours ago, captainstar said:

    But I don't like using the rainbow aura when I'm flying because the bright glow bothers me a little. So my idea is this, transforming these auras into a power that we can click on.


    /macro fx0 "noparticles 1"

    /macro fx1 "noparticles 0"


    The first one turns most VFX off.

    The second one turns them back on. However, they don't completely "come back on" until you zone.


    So you want to fly to a mission, try using the first one and see if it helps.

    Once you land and get ready to go into the mission, turn them back on before going into the mission.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 55 minutes ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    but while flying obscure your character so much you cant see much else

    Usually I have an idea on how this could be addressed but

    in this situation I just avoid those auras on my "flying" characters


    scroll out and change the angle of view.

  10. 19 hours ago, Cozybread said:

     As of now... The way things are set with GM's now is a greatly reduced reward system.  Most people don't have a lot of interest in defeating a GM because the rewards for the effort are not there.  Most of the "effort" being.. making your way to the zone to fight it. 


    You seem to be talking from a villain's point of view. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that.


    Often heroes band together on some of the servers to do nothing other than go on Giant Monster hunts. That is to say, we travel around to the hero-side of the game looking for Giant Monster spawns and fight several of them one after the other with the same team/league.


    Traveling around to different zones is simple at this point - at least on the hero side. Many players that are on Giant-Monster hunting teams seem to be able to spawn supergroup portals and many supergroups have teleporters set up to all zones. Even one player being able to spawn a supergroup portal is enough for a whole league to travel to the next zone. I'm not sure how fast the Rapid Response Portal (since I can't check because the game is down) but the P2W Supergroup Portal recharges every 10 minutes. The P2W Base Transporter - personal teleporter - recharges in 10 minutes aw well. There is also the O-portal and Fast-Travel power; get to Talos, and there is a base portal at the Trum, so you could go to a zone by the tram or supergroup base.


    I like giant monster hunts because they are fun, but I'm not running level 50's (3 of my 150+ characters are 50's) and try to avoid speed-runs.

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  11. On 1/30/2024 at 12:45 PM, Laucianna said:

    Would people want a larger selection of Giant Monsters they could hunt in game?


     I would like to see at least one Giant Monster per zone, but not one on the starter zones unless it was on the highest threat-level area in the zone.


    In Atlas for example, it doesn't seem like there is all that much activity in the Argosy Industrial Park area, so maybe having a Giant Monster there would be avoidable enough for low level characters.


    I definitely think it would be cool to have a giant https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Minions_of_Igneous down in Grendel's Gulch in the Hollows.

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  12. On 1/26/2024 at 10:09 PM, darcstarmerc said:

    For me since i like music and pets, I would like to see backup dancers or singers for support.


    So a symphony or sonic Mastermind set? 


    But, yeah, there are a bunch of threads about different mastermind sets or at least being able to do at least some customization of existing mastermind pets.


    Though I suggested it before, I'd still like to see a ninja blaster (defender/corruptor) set with throwing stars and various "bombs" at least as a cosmetic change to Archery. (Yeah, I known dominators get to throw shuriken)  

    • Thanks 1
  13. 16 hours ago, WuTang said:

    I'm still in the new-boy phase where I'm just cloning my favorite super heroes from the comics so haven't gotten too exotic or original yet, though I did just create a "magic" Hulk as a Brute with dark melee and willpower armor. I did an original science super strength and invulnerability brute Hulk but it felt like I pigeonholed the toon, though I fully intend on leveling him out at some point. Oh I lied...did create an original Brute with energy/radiation fun combo so far. Also wanted to say....some of y'all have some incredible imaginations when it came to character creation. 


    10 hours ago, DoctorDitko said:
    • Copy the color scheme
    • Clone the costume
    • Approximate the name


    I would change that and order to

    1) same or very similar name

    2) clone the costume or very close to it - including color scheme


    If caught for 1, you will get your name generic-ed by the GMs. If you keep trying to cheat on the offending name, your account is likely to be banned.

    If caught for 2, your costume will changed by the GMs. If you keep trying to look like an IP and get caught, you're going to get your account banned as well.


    If your characters are either of the above, I would change them before a GM has to.

    It's to protect Homecoming. If you read the Code of Conduct and Terms of Service and understand them, then I'm sure that you did neither of these.


    It is easy enough to make a homage character with the same feel of a character without making them a duplicate/clone to the level that it would be IP infringing.

    If you do it well, people will even know who you are "trying to be" without having the same name or exactly the same costume.


    Really this game is about being creative, so I would suggest making your own character conceptions even if they are within a known comic book/fantasy/sci-fi/etc environment - as long as you don't directly reference the environment in your bio, then you are usually good to go (don't say you are member of the Avengers, X-men, Jedi, JLA, JSA, etc, or a Hobbit, Vulcan, Wookie, etc.)


    16 hours ago, WuTang said:

    The AH, man that is dog eat dog... You vets show no mercy, all good though. But I'm getting the hang of it...somewhat. I'm not raking in 100s of mil but I've socked away a few mil....nothing to brag about but it keeps the lights on.


    The /AH is the greatest and most played PVP in City of Heroes.


    16 hours ago, WuTang said:

    Enhancements, what are "SO" etc? IOs are the sets, right?


    There are TOs (Training Enhancement - generic), DO's (Dual Origin enhancements - can slot it if your character is one of the two Origins), and SO's (Single Origin enacements - can only slot if your character has the same origin). Enemy groups drop DO's and SO's based on their origin. So, back-in-the-day, you would try to fight against enemies that were the same origin as your character to insure you could get drops that you could slot.

    IOs are Invention enhancements. They can be sets or they can be the generic version of the SO's.


    There are some main difference between the TO/DO/SO's and the IO's. TO/DO/SO's expire after 5 levels, but they can be automatically upgraded to max level (2 levels above your character) using the upgrade button on the manage screen. Generic IO's always stay the same level of benefit regardless of level.

    As indicated by others, always buy attuned IO sets - as those level with your character - up or down - as you sidekick, level, or mentor. You can attune unattuned IO set enhancements with catalyst in the management interface screen by 1) clicking on the enhancement, 2) if you have catalyst, it will show up on the upper left, and 3) by clicking on the catalyst and confirming that you want to use the catalyst to attune the enhancement. 


    Then there are also other types for things like defeating the Hamidon and some other TF missions that are more powerful than that same level of SO or generic IO.

    Also, there are 2 sets of ATOs (Archetype enhancements) per Archetype. These can be purchased through the Auction House, a Merit vendor, or https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Super_Pack. There are no recipes of ATOs.

    And there is the Event Sets, There several in the https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Super_Pack/Lords_of_Winter for power catagories like holds, melee attacks, ranged attacks, ranged AoE's, etc. And there is the Summer Blockbuster Event grants you an enhancement from the https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Overwhelming_Force set. All of these are usually on-sale on the Auction House and can be bought through a Merit vendor as well. Like the ATO's there are no recipes for them.


    17 hours ago, WuTang said:

    P.S. great community btw!


    Have fun!

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 1/30/2024 at 10:46 PM, Techwright said:

    When I first started out, particularly looking back to the first Winter Lord event, I spent a lot of time climbing the fire escapes in Kings Row to get to the monsters and villains up top.


    I remember the Winter Lord in Kings Row (at least I think this happened in Kings Row and not Steel).

    The Winter Lord as  showing up in five places. Once I figured that out, I recruited for a team, flew until I found the Winter Lord at one of the five locations, and started teleporting the team in. We would fight until it was down, then onto the next. I did that for entire play sessions with my mid-teens defender that ...


    On 1/30/2024 at 10:46 PM, Techwright said:

    Every cent of INF was precious, and I'd usually have to let some enhancements go red before I earned enough to replaced a few at a time.


    ... didn't even have enhancements in all their powers - before Wentworths and Invention system were added -  because ... back then ... you only got influence based on the amount of damage you did to enemies. Being a empathy defender and working to keep keep teams running, they didn't do anywhere near the amount of damage of other characters on the team.


    Once there was a Wentworth, well .. then it was time to make all those damage dealers pay ... not long after that they evened out the distribution of Influence among team members. But I still kept marketing and still do today.


    On 1/30/2024 at 10:46 PM, Techwright said:

    I did almost all play with my best friend, and an occasional friend or two, and focused on mission givers.  Initially I never did a PUG for months, and consequently didn't do task forces for quite some time.  The one PUG exception was the Frostfire mission, which I ran almost daily.  I lost count at 500 Frostfire missions, but suspect I did a couple hundred more.


    I pretty much PuG until a RPG (pencil-and-paper, tabletop, whatever people are calling it these days) gaming friend started playing, but I still PuG'ed more than teaming up with with my RPG gaming friend or two or soloing. 

    I played the CoV content because I paid for it. I paid for it much more to get a supergroup base and extra slots for heroes than because I wanted to play a villain.
    I tried to play Praetoria content but I thought it was horrible. I didn't enjoy the gameplay. I didn't enjoy the maps. I get enough dystopia in the real world.

    I leveled some heroes and villains to 50.


    Now I'm more prone to lead TF or Trail teams than I am to run content teams. Content missions get bogged down with the hunts, and many people don't want to deal with that. Sometimes I'll run police scanner missions to get the last bit of xp to level up. Sometimes I'll run Newspaper missions to save up mayhem missions on multiple characters and run a mayhem mission night.

    I team up with a couple of people that I used to RPG game with a couple of nights a week.

    I'll join TF, trail, or mission teams.

    The only content I play on the CoV side is the newspaper missions to save up the mayhem missions.

    It isn't worth my game play time to make a Praetorian character. The DEVs start forcing their storeline into the mainstream with First Ward and Night Ward at any rate. I can game in those areas without having to deal with Praetoria.

    I have leveled I think 3 hero characters to 50. I don't intend on making any more (thought I might level 1 more up to 50 so I can slot a Contiguous Confusion proc).

    I tend to play levels pre-35 unless I'm on a team with friends running higher-level content.


    On 1/30/2024 at 10:46 PM, Techwright said:

    Now, I always get Ninja Run from the P2W vendor in the tutorials, and leap from place to place, barely touching fire escapes.


    I remember the days when you couldn't trade influence even to your own characters.

    So there was a big change when that happened.

    Before the Sunset I had two tactics.

    Make a character, transfer influence, level up enough to get the tutorial in Wentworths, and start marketing. They would keep gaming and running missions.

    Or make a character, and see how soon I could make enough loot by selling salvage until I could make enough on that character to make the first IO to sell on Wentworths, then stop leveling (even had the XP turned off from the get go), and see how much money they could make on the markets without leveling up.

    oh... I'm getting to the P2W ....

    Back then, I'm pretty sure you only had 10 slots for enhances per character and only 10 slots at Wentworths as well.

    So marketing wasn't so time consuming ... unless you did it across a bunch of characters.

    The P2W was by subscribing, getting add-on packs, and, eventually, the microtransactions that lead to me cutting off my subscription and quitting City of Heroes almost exactly a year before the Sunset.


    Now, I was told about the P2W the first time I logged in by that old RPG gaming friend from before that convinced me that it was safe to play on Homecoming.

    So when I make a new character, after slotting all the micros I always did at character creation, I go to my email and pull out a couple hundred million and go to the P2W. I get a running power and flight power based on character conception.  I get my prestige enhances, unlock team insps, get all the teleportation powers. Sometimes I get one of the free P2W ranged powers if it is in character conception. Recently, I've tended lock out the basic recipe drops and certain kinds of insps. Based on character conception I'll get some P2W temp attack powers. Sometimes I'll get a vanity pet, a buff pet, etc. I always start out with 8 hours of double XP (and don't get any more of that unless I'm in some group that is leveling up together.


    As for travel, I probably have more more characters that fly than anything else, but I still get all the travel pools across my characters. Now sometimes I don't even bother with getting a travel power and just go with the P2W fly power or the dayjob flight pack from the Shadow shard (for fighting in flight) for long distances, and one of the 3 P2W run/jump powers for short distances.

    And, traveling around the City,  used to travel on foot or use a long-distance travel power. I was never one to do a bunch of running up fire escapes. I would be, and still am, more likely to window up up the side of a building with or without combat jumping. Now, well, people are alway in a hurry it seems. They don't want to race across the zone with a team if they don't have to. So much team transport power, base portals, bases full of teleporters, and O-portals readily available to most players. At least one time a saw a team use team transport power to go to a mission about 150m away.


    The City seemed so much bigger when you didn't get a long-range travel power until level 14 (? been so long) and there was no such thing as supergroup bases.

    You had to evade mobs or fight as you went unless you had hover.

    So much fun avoiding mobs.

    I remember being part of one of the "Naked Noob" races where characters wearing the minimal amount of clothing ran as level 1's from Atlas to Peregrine without using the trams. Challenging, yet do-able.


    On 1/30/2024 at 10:46 PM, Techwright said:

    INF was only a problem on my first character in Homecoming, but even that was better handled than my early days in the OG game.


    I had the experience many people had.

    I ran into someone that had been on Homecoming longer than I that found out that I had played before the Sunset and gave me a couple 10 million....


    On 1/30/2024 at 10:46 PM, Techwright said:

    I now have a dedicated auction character, and email 50 million INF seed money to myself whenever I have a new character starting


    ...then it was off to the /AH - since I no longer had to travel to the Wentworths. No more parking in Steel at Wentworth or the University so I could trade and craft. I could teleport to a base easily enough to craft and return to the same spot. And then it seemed so much cheaper to buy the crafting table power from the P2W than to earn it.


    Most of my characters ....





    On 1/30/2024 at 10:46 PM, Techwright said:

    I buy all enhancements as the slots open, and run the upgrade button with each level.


    Yeah, the upgrade button is great.

    The market has been good enough to me that I can slot SOs starting at level 5.

    I upgrade every level or two.


    Then I think back to that teen-level defender before Wentworths and IOs were added to the game that didn't even have enough to buy enough Training enhances to fill their enhancement slots.


    On 1/30/2024 at 10:46 PM, Techwright said:

    When I'm ready to change to IOs at level 38, I've already bought all of them on the auction house several levels before.


    I usually add IO's as a level up. Slotting Performance shifter: chance for +END at 17, Power Transfer: Chance to Self Heal at 18, and then a bunch around 27 dependant on archetype and character conception.

    I've been buying a lot of card packs, so I'm usually starting slipping in some ATOs early on. I tend to slot Overwhelming Force sets quite frequently as well.


    On 1/30/2024 at 10:46 PM, Techwright said:

    I almost never duo, but run PUGs constantly and focus on the task forces, incarnate stuff, and the instances like DFB and DIB.  I only rarely talk with mission givers. 


    I do probably 6-7 hours of 2-3 player groups most weeks.

    I do far too much trading, but it is kind of addictive I guess.

    I don't run 50's. I have enough characters so that I can pull one in the general level range for the content. I hate overpowering content myself, and that is partially because I really hate when level 50's come in to sub-level 35 mission and ruin a lot of the fun as they tend to far outpower the content and throw off the game play that newer/lower-level characters are experiencing.

    While I'm marketing keep my eye out for sub-50 level teams that are trying to fill.

    I'm ready to play the game (non-market-wise), I'll look for a team that is recruiting, I'll recruit for one, or I'll run solo - but I prefer to team up.

    PuG for the win!



  15. 16 hours ago, Earth Dragon said:

    Why not just start every character at level 50?


    Why not just give everyone unlimited access to every Enhancement, Recipe, and anything else they want on their character during creation?


    Why not just click on the TF contact and get the rewards without playing it if you don't want to bother, have too small of a group, or don't have the time?


    Why is group accomplishment something that has to be burned at the stake?


    You are just going berserk at this point.


    You aren't doing anything to advance your position.


    The group that I game with and all the PuGs that I run with achieve group accomplishments. 


    You are obviously new. 

    How about enjoying the environment and see if you are still playing in a couple of weeks?

    • Like 1
  16. 20 hours ago, Earth Dragon said:

    but it would be great to have Prestige gain and Super Group badges back again.


    No. It would not be.

    Having to worry about Prestige and monthly rent was tedious and not enjoyable in anyway.


    20 hours ago, Earth Dragon said:

    allowing you to contribute to Group badges again would be great, give groups goals


    Why not just allow all that by default for being a member of a supergroup.

    If you are in a supergroup, you help toward the badges.

    If your supergroup gains badges while you are part of it, you get the badges and keep them when you leave.


    Badges are for characters and not supergroups.

    Proposed "Supergroup badges" that are for the "supergroup" (and not characters) are a vanity item for the creator of a supergroup. This does not contribute to the community.


    20 hours ago, Earth Dragon said:

    Some of these badges could give you new stuff for the base that isn't vital, but looks cool, like guards that patrol the place.  Take out 100k Longbow, and now you can have Arachnos guards in the base.  Take out 100k Arachnos, now you can have Longbow patrolling your base etc.  Smaller groups in the game have much smaller requirements (Blighted, for example, would be like 500, while Arachnos, as I noted, could have a 1k, 10k, and even 100k as a reasonable long term goal).



    We can't even post NPCs that wander around bases.

    PVP is almost non-existent so there is no reason to bother the DEVs with the programming necessary to do this.


    20 hours ago, Earth Dragon said:

    I'm just asking that groups that wish to consolidate get goals and perks they can work for once again which can help build teams to do events, in particular on redside.


    You can do all of that yourself without changing anything in the game.


    You get what you get for being a villain.

    Being a hero has its own rewards.




  17. On 12/17/2019 at 9:08 AM, DeamonWithin said:

    Is there any way to EASILY store enhancements on your account to be used later on different toons?  Is Email the best way?


    So part of the situation here is "are all your characters on the same server or not"?


    If they aren't on the same server, then you have two routes.

    You transport enhancements between servers through email or by transferring alts from one server or another - and would suggest this to be some generic mule that you don't care what server they are on.


    At least one of your characters per server should create a base.

    A storage base can be setup in a single additional room and can be done quickly without adding or doing anything fancy.

    Just place the enhancement storage tables (and other storage items) you want and DONE.


    When you want to invite another of your characters to that supergroup use

    /altinvite charactername

    to invite your characters on the same account to the supergroup.

    ... and that includes your server switching mule.


    Personally, I just buy what I need on the market (usually make, post, and then buy to convert to attuned).

    I use email to carry stuff that I am almost always going to use but don't build/craft/invent on every server ... I character and server jump a lot.



  18. On 1/27/2024 at 1:15 PM, DougGraves said:

    assault rife


    Combat-Drug Fluid - Cone, +Heal Over Time + Frees an allies from any Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, and Immobilize effects for 1 second

    *Fire a stream of combat-drug from the under-barrel your assault rifle onto nearby allies that instantly frees an ally from any Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, and Immobilize effects and starts to heal them over time.


    Combat-Drug Dart - Ranged, Ally Heal Over Time + Frees an ally from any Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, and Immobilize effects for 1 second

    *Fire an injector dart of combat-drug from your assault rifle onto nearby allies that instantly frees an ally from any Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, and Immobilize effects and starts to heal them over time.


    Web Grenade - Ranged, Foe Immob, -Rech, -Fly

    *Fire a Web Grenade from the under-barrel of your assault rifle that expels a strong, tenuous, and very sticky substance that can Immobilize most targets. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking, although their attack rate is Slowed. The Web can bring down flying entities and halts jumping.


    Berserker Dart - Ranged, Ally Special -or- enemy Confuse, -Def, Slow

    *Frees an ally from any Disorient, Immobilization, or Hold effects and leaving them resistant to such effects for a while. It also turns your ally into a berserker enabling them to withstand Knockback, Repel, and enemy Teleportation, as well as Smashing and Energy damage. Because the target is out of control, their defense is slightly reduced. 

    *If used an enemy, they can't determine friend from foe and begin attacking their allies. They will will have their defense reduced and are slightly slowed due to their confusion.


    Adrenaline Injection - Ranged, Ally +Rech, +SPD, +Rec, +Res(Slow)

    *Fire an injector dart filled with adrenaline into one of your allies. The target's movement speed, attack rate, and Endurance recovery are all greatly increased and the target gains resistance to Slow effects. You cannot use this power on yourself.


    Combat-Drug Inhalant - Cone, Ally +Rec

    *Fire a smoke cloud out of the under-barrel of your assault rifle onto nearby allies that increases their recovery rate.


    Combat-Drug Disperser - PBAoE, Ally +Regen

    *Place a canister on the ground that releases a cloud of of smoke that increases the regeneration of all allies that inhale it.


    EMP Grenade - Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Hold, Special

    Fire an EMP grenade from the under-barrel of your assault rifle that releases a massive pulse of electromagnetic energy on impact. This EMP can affect machines, and is even powerful enough to affect synaptic brain patterns. It will incapacitate all foes in its radius. Additionally, most machines and robots will take moderate high damage. Allies in range of the pulse will also have their resistances to all damage except toxic increased, as well as be protected from status effects, knockbacks, endurance drain and recovery debuffs.


    [to be continued]


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  19. On 1/23/2024 at 9:03 PM, UltraAlt said:
    On 11/22/2023 at 11:43 AM, The Curator said:

    New Powerset - Arsenal Assault




    I'm working with Arsenal/Arsenal Doms so I'm going to post in both threads - at least to start - and then keep specifics of the sets to the on the individual threads.


    Character 1) auto leveled up to like level 22. Set-up with mostly if not all SOs.

    Ran a police scanner mission in Talos.

    I didn't really get the flow of the game play. Their are a bunch of click on a target location powers, and I wasn't using them so much because I forgot to turn the difficulty up, was on a purple cave map, and just wasn't figuring when to use the different click on target location powers.


    Character 2) Since I wasn't getting the flow of the set, I created a new character. Running x2 xp but leveling through game play. 

    Ran the lake and the building behind it to get the first 4 levels without enhancements. It seemed easier than most sets.


    Character 1) dormant for for this post


    Character 2) Ran in a 3 player team. Levels 3-7. Hunted behind the Lake in Atlas until 5, then moved to Hollows, ran Wilcott's first mission, unlocked Meg, and ran first two door-missions from Meg. First one on flat. second one at +1.

    No real challenge on the door missions on that setting.

    Running with Arsenal Assault: Burst and Buckshot at this point.


    Had a little gun envy from one of the two Arsenal Controllers that I as running with.

    They were Arsenal/Traps and Arsenal Bubbles.

    I'm assuming that Arsenal/Traps is going to be a go-to for the Arsenal Controllers.



    • Banjo 1
  20. On 1/23/2024 at 9:02 PM, UltraAlt said:
    On 11/22/2023 at 11:43 AM, The Curator said:

    New Powerset - Arsenal Control




    I'm working with Arsenal/Arsenal Doms so I'm going to post in both threads - at least to start - and then keep specifics of the sets to the on the individual threads.


    Character 1) auto leveled up to like level 22. Set-up with mostly if not all SOs.

    Ran a police scanner mission in Talos.

    I didn't really get the flow of the game play. Their are a bunch of click on a target location powers, and I wasn't using them so much because I forgot to turn the difficulty up, was on a purple cave map, and just wasn't figuring when to use the different click on target location powers.


    Character 2) Since I wasn't getting the flow of the set, I created a new character. Running x2 xp but leveling through game play. 

    Ran the lake and the building behind it to get the first 4 levels without enhancements. It seemed easier than most sets.


    Character 1) dormant for for this post


    Character 2) Ran in a 3 player team. Levels 3-7. Hunted behind the Lake in Atlas until 5, then moved to Hollows, ran Wilcott's first mission, unlocked Meg, and ran first two door-missions from Meg. First one on flat. second one at +1.

    No real challenge on the door missions on that setting.

    Current Arsenal Control powers unlocked - Tranquilizer, Cyro Freeze Ray, Liquid Nitrogen.


    I'm not overly attracted to the set, but it is something different to explore

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