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Posts posted by UltraAlt

  1. 5 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:
    On 11/22/2023 at 11:43 AM, The Curator said:

    New Powerset - Arsenal Control




    I'm working with Arsenal/Arsenal Doms so I'm going to post in both threads - at least to start - and then keep specifics of the sets to the on the individual threads.


    Character 1) I took Sleep Grenade instead of Tranquilizer on this one. It seemed to have a really long recharge time for a starting power. Based on the effect of the power, I can understand the recharge time, but, because of the recharge time, I don't think it should be a tier 2 power.

    Cryo Freeze Ray - a hold is a hold. I didn't notice anything different about it.

    Liquid Nitrogen - VFX is fine. 

    Cloaking Device - Seems equivalent to https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Devices#Field_Operative. I'm not sure why this needs a different name, but then there are the variously named Scrapper taunts, so I guess a different name for flavor.

    Smoke Canister - I would have liked to be able to color tint this one, but it's just too bright for me. I had to use the dark setting. I'm not sure if even used this power when I was running the mission I ran with it.

    Flash Bang - as indicated previously, just too bright and has no dark option. I don't I even used this power in the mission I ran with it.

    The one mission I ran so far with this character was a police scanner in Talos. it was set on flat, and I didn't need to use most of the click on spot powers in order to fairly easily complete the mission.


    Character 2) Tranquilizer is a sleep power. However, it does not appear to auto hit. I'm assuming this is because it does damage. Bypassing Sleep Grenade for now because of the recharge time.

    Cryo Freeze Ray - a hold is a hold. I didn't notice anything different about it.



  2. 1 minute ago, UltraAlt said:
    On 11/22/2023 at 11:43 AM, The Curator said:

    New Powerset - Arsenal Assault




    I'm working with Arsenal/Arsenal Doms so I'm going to post in both threads - at least to start - and then keep specifics of the sets to the on the individual threads.


    Character 1) My loss and my prejudice for the name, but I simply can't get behind using a power called Buttstroke Melee. (I'm stating this for honest sake.)


  3. On 11/22/2023 at 11:43 AM, The Curator said:

    New Powerset - Arsenal Assault



    I'm working with Arsenal/Arsenal Doms so I'm going to post in both threads - at least to start - and then keep specifics of the sets to the on the individual threads.


    Character 1) auto leveled up to like level 22. Set-up with mostly if not all SOs.

    Ran a police scanner mission in Talos.

    I didn't really get the flow of the game play. Their are a bunch of click on a target location powers, and I wasn't using them so much because I forgot to turn the difficulty up, was on a purple cave map, and just wasn't figuring when to use the different click on target location powers.


    Character 2) Since I wasn't getting the flow of the set, I created a new character. Running x2 xp but leveling through game play. 

    Ran the lake and the building behind it to get the first 4 levels without enhancements. It seemed easier than most sets.

  4. On 11/22/2023 at 11:43 AM, The Curator said:

    New Powerset - Arsenal Control



    I'm working with Arsenal/Arsenal Doms so I'm going to post in both threads - at least to start - and then keep specifics of the sets to the on the individual threads.


    Character 1) auto leveled up to like level 22. Set-up with mostly if not all SOs.

    Ran a police scanner mission in Talos.

    I didn't really get the flow of the game play. Their are a bunch of click on a target location powers, and I wasn't using them so much because I forgot to turn the difficulty up, was on a purple cave map, and just wasn't figuring when to use the different click on target location powers.


    Character 2) Since I wasn't getting the flow of the set, I created a new character. Running x2 xp but leveling through game play. 

    Ran the lake and the building behind it to get the first 4 levels without enhancements. It seemed easier than most sets.

  5. 3 hours ago, PancakeGnome said:

    t's the CoH equivalent of "it was all just a dream!!". I just can't get into them like I can running task forces and things "in the real CoH world" 


    Yeah, because "in the real CoH world" wasn't dreamed up by anyone?!

    You know, because it is "real".


    In a very real sense, the non-AE missions have just as much of an impact on what happens "in the real CoH world"  as the ones in the AE.


    There are good AE missions and bad ones  .... and then ... the "farms". 


    You can create your own "dream" to meet your specifications. Then it will be your own dreamworld, but you have to share it with others to get the drops.


    Sleep well and dream us an adventurous dream ... or would that be a nightmare of difficulty and challenge?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. On 11/22/2023 at 11:51 AM, The Curator said:

    Holstered Dual Pistols

    • Holstered Dual Pistols toggle option now available.


    Dual Pistols>pistols


    All of the pistols I've checked, except for the 6 Semi-auto ones, do a twirl when you draw before using a power.

    The Semi-autos get the twirl on the other power, but the draw on pistols - the hands come up empty and the then pistols appear in the character's hands.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. On 11/22/2023 at 11:43 AM, The Curator said:

    Ignite  Range, DoT(Fire)


    Ignite is to bright for my eyes. Not as bad as Flash Bang, but still a bit bight.

    I can't change it so that it isn't eye painful.

    I know it is supposed to be fire but how about we give it a dark setting, tintable, or at least substitute a medium to dark shade of red in the brighter parts?

    I'd prefer to not have to "noparticles 1" because of my own characters powers.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. On 11/22/2023 at 11:43 AM, The Curator said:

    Flash Bang  Disorient, -To Hit


    Flash Bang is to bright for my eyes.

    I can't change it so that it isn't eye painful.

    I know it is "flash" but how about we give it a dark setting?

    I'd prefer to not have to "noparticles 1" because of my own characters powers.





    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. On 1/19/2024 at 2:37 AM, HiddenWings said:

    After discovering the poison powerset, and trying to figure out what I want to do with it


    Other than using a plant set with poison, the only other route that I have taken is with zombie/poison or ninja/poison masterminds.


    Honestly, on the masterminds, that's more for fun ... to be thematic. Poison isn't the easiest set to use with mastermind pets.

  10. On 11/22/2023 at 11:49 AM, The Curator said:

    Giant Monster Balancing Pass


    Due to the times that I play, I will be unlikely to go on any giant monster hunts on the beta.

    I'm unsure how much testing this will be able to get.

    I'm assuming there will end up being a lot of tweaking once this goes live.


    On 11/22/2023 at 11:49 AM, The Curator said:

    New Vanity Pets

    Giant Monster Mini Pets



    I'm good with this idea. Looks like fun.

    I don't use vanity pets all that often, but I do use them.


    On 11/22/2023 at 11:49 AM, The Curator said:

    Unstable Aether


    This looks like a hook/bait to get people into the whole prismatic aether thing.


    Personally, I have only used on them on one character and that was only because I forgot that the mini-form has a bobblehead ... yeah, how about we get the mini option without the oversized head?

    I mean the combat mini pets don't have bobbleheads, so why do player characters have to have bobbleheads in mini form?




  11. 10 hours ago, punahou said:

    1. is AE super important-- especially for solo play? 

       a.  yes-- I want an OP build that can handle all content that doenst have to rely on grouping all the time.



    So obviously you are new. We were all new to the game at one point or another.


    The AE is not Farming. Farming is something that farmers do in the AE.

    The AE wasn't designed for farming. Originally, the DEVs said that they were going to ban accounts that created AE missions for Farming and/or used AE mission to farm.

    The DEVs relented almost as soon as the AE hit live because of all the accounts that were banned for farming with the AE.

    So there is that.


    You don't have to Farm.

    I don't farm.

    I have made AE non-farm AE missions. I sometimes play non-farm AE missions.


    Okay, now onto the "OP".

    If the entire reason you are playing is that you want to play on easy mode with some cookie-cutter character, that's on you.

    The easiest way to do this is to turn the notoriety down to -1. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Notoriety

    Enjoy playing.


    As a character conception player, I think you are throwing the whole reason to play City of Heroes out the window.

    But again, enjoy playing the game in a way that is enjoyable to you.


    10 hours ago, punahou said:

    2.  i wouldnt mind psionic, but, again im reading that too many mobs are ultra resistant to it.


    As you approach level 50 and beyond, groups become more resistant to psionic.

    More groups in general are resistant to lethal and smashing damage.

    Various groups have more defense against one type of damage or another, so it really depends on what enemy group you are fighting against.


    If you are going to narrow down the game to make it as easy as possible, you have to pick enemies that are least resistant to you ALL THE TIME.

    Which is one reason that people farm.

    But gain, enjoy playing the game the way that it is fun for you.


    10 hours ago, punahou said:

    3.  Other sets I like the look of are 

    --- Street Justice, Savage, and martial arts, Kinetic-- of which...... bad ae im reading, ad in re to savage, im reading its best on brute and not good on savage

    Too bad brute cant take ninjutsu =(

    ---I dont like SS, Rad. Electric either, and while fire is a good concept-- Im not a fan of the  Fire Sword thing.


    You can change the fire sword to a punch in the FX settings.


    10 hours ago, punahou said:

    4.  Id consider shield  IF I could hide the shield lol like you can with Bio armor graphics.


    Well, that would kind of defeat the whole purpose of it being a shield set.


    10 hours ago, punahou said:

    any help is much appreciated, as ive been logging in make all kinda toons, then reading that build with good AE are too essential.




    I think you started off correctly "ive been logging in make all kinda toons".


    I believe that is the best way to play the game. 

    Create characters that you will enjoy playing. Forget about "beating the game" or only end-gaming. Actually play the game.


    I create a character conception and then figure out how to implement it most of the time.

    When I need to play a character is more solo focused, I switch to one of those characters.

    When I'm grouping, I play any of my characters dependant on how I feel at that time.


    I don't farm. I am against farming.

    You don't have to farm.

    I think it is a good bet that I have more influence than most AE farmers. Not as much as @Yomo Kimyata, but a good bit.

    I market on the AE.


    I play the game.

    I don't like the end-game.

    I have a couple of 50's, but I don't intend to take many more to 50. I'll just turn off the XP at 49.

    I have other characters that I turn off the XP at a far lower level. I do this to cap them to content or I don't really see their character conception allowing them to be more powerful than a certain point in leveling.


    I think you have to play the game for a while with different characters in order to find what you enjoy about it.

    I wouldn't dismiss the fun in simply creating characters. Level them up a little bit, and you always have a character to switch up to in order to keep the game interesting.


    Again, you should play the game the way that you enjoy it.

  12. 4 hours ago, Uun said:

    My thought was that controllers, corruptors or brutes could fill more than one role, much the way that VEATs do. Alternatively, the player or team lead could select which of two roles those ATs were filling for purpose of the bonus. 


    It looks like it really comes down to the multi-bonus for ETAs and VETAs.


    I don't know how it would be handled, but I think the calculation should be for the ETA/VETA filling one (1) role that is missing like a wild card.


    Part of the reason that I'm saying this is that a duo Warshade and Arachnos Soldier can run a task force with just the 2 of them and get the reward. And I don't think that is the intent behind this idea.

    If it can't be programmed to handle them as a wild card, then they should be designated to single role.



  13. On 11/22/2023 at 11:55 AM, The Curator said:

    Role Diversity Bonus

    New Challenge Option


    Myself, I won't be going out of my way to get this bonus when recruiting. It seems like an anti-funneling mechanic for creating teams.


    With this mechanic in place, I'll be likely to ask what kind of archetype is need for Task force team.

    I used to ask, but we had pretty much come to the territory where it was generally known to be "Bring the character you want to play."


    This is also likely to bring multiboxing into play to insure that missing roles are filled in order to get the reward.


    From the point of providing new players with something that they can sell on the market to make some cash for SOs - I have no problem with that.

    However, if it is felt like that is the route that needs to be taken in order for low level characters to purchase what they are expected to slot, then the prices of SO's should be looked at first before adding a way to get additional rewards that can be converted to inf in the /ah (some players really don't want to bother with marketing). 

  14. RoleDiversityHelp.PNG


    On 1/20/2024 at 1:48 PM, Uun said:

    Corruptors and Controllers should be included in Support.

    Brutes should be included in Melee Damage.


    Why wouldn't "Controllers" be under the "Control" listing? 

    This makes no sense to me.


    I agree that Corruptors would make more sense to be listed under Support.


    When you compare Stalkers, Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks, Brutes definitely fall more on the Tank side. I think Brute should be under the Tank listing.


    As far as the Tanks listing, I would think that a Mastermind deserves to be there more than it does under the Support listing, and moving them would make room for Corruptors under the Support listing.

  15. On 1/19/2024 at 12:22 AM, Blackfeather said:

    As such, this is where my proposal comes in - removing Containment from Controllers should allow for an improvement in damage across the board, rather than boosting up some power sets more than others. As a bonus, it'd also mean not needing to pick any specific power just to trigger Containment, allowing for additional build flexibility.


    On 1/19/2024 at 9:45 AM, UltraAlt said:

    From what I can see, you are coming at this from an end-game gamer's only point-of-view .... and probably from a solo player's point-of-view.

    You can easily clear that up if I'm wrong.


    Apparently, I'm not wrong.


    The DEVs, hopefully, look at the game from a leveling perspective and don't focus on how sets work on endgame-play alone or adversely changing the characteristics of an archetype simply to increase an aspect of archetype that is more to the benefit of solo-play.


    Containment possibilities happen all the time when teaming. Other people set it up for you.

    I really like the mechanic of Containment and find nothing wrong with how it behaves.


    If you don't like Containment, you don't have to play a controller.

    If you want more damage, go with a Dominator.

    The different archetypes require different modes of game play for a reason.

    Removing Containment and simply replacing with default extra damage takes away part of the archetype's flavor.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  16. On 1/20/2024 at 5:27 PM, StarkWhite said:

    I know, I'm there too. I'm just not twelve and don't find it particularly hilarious.


    I don't find it comedic myself, but you haven't played very along if you don't know how some players will react to being able to use the term in-game .... with an excuse for doing so.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  17. 9 hours ago, Blackfeather said:

    Hope it provides good food for thought.


    No food for thought at all.

    I am against this big time.


    From what I can see, you are coming at this from an end-game gamer's only point-of-view .... and probably from a solo player's point-of-view.

    You can easily clear that up if I'm wrong.


    Regardless, I'm against your suggestion.


    • Thumbs Up 2
    • Thumbs Down 1
  18. 14 hours ago, An R Key5993 said:

    Obviously the character creator is amazing, for RP I could see falling even more in love with it.


    You could go directly to the Pocket D and do RP at level 1.


    14 hours ago, An R Key5993 said:

    Early game is just really.... boring. There is essentially no decision making up to where I am, just use power as soon as its off cooldown rinse repeat. 


    The game is teaching you how to use your powers.

    Join a DFB or two if you want to level past the early levels to get more powers quickly.


    14 hours ago, An R Key5993 said:

    Map design for instances are really clunky to navigate (tight hallways, awkward floor layouts, etc)



    You got me on that one.

    The maps get bigger as you go, but most of the hallways are going to get any bigger until you hit some level 30 or so content that was made post release of Going Rogue.


    14 hours ago, An R Key5993 said:

    Questing/Missions are very redundant so far, just swap gang and do the same thing.


    Each of the "gangs" fight differently and have different power sets.

    So yeah, maybe the game isn't for  you.



  19. 14 hours ago, An R Key5993 said:

    I hope given the topic no one takes offense, if the game is not for me it's just not for me.


    Have you ever read a comic book?

    Ever wished to have super powers?

    Ever thought about fighting crime or being a villian?


    Well, think of what kind of powers that you would like to have and figure out a cool costume to go with it.

    I would suggest starting on hero side as most of the players are on hero side.

    Once you are in the world, go City Hall and look for contact in the basement. Best to get the one that fits their origin, and run their missions. (personally, I would avoid Matthew Habashy and Twinshot as contacts)

    Otherwise, look for someone recruiting for a DFB and join that team.


    Use the "contact" on the nav bar and "find contact" to get a contact that is related to your level as you level up.

    With the bonus xp on may servers, it is easy to outlevel a contact and missions quickly unless you turn the xp off.


    The game to me is much better when you have a character you feel like playing at the time and when running with a team, so look for teams to join.

    In most cases, teams will take you regardless of your level. When you join a team, you'll get sidekicked up to near the level of the team leader.


    The City might not be for you. No harm no foul.

    It gets more complicated as you level up.


    Of course, it gets more heroic feeling once you pick up a travel power from the power pools like flight, superleap, superspeed, or teleportation.


    You have plenty of choices to choose from, I would suggest a melee characters (scrapper or tank) or a ranged damage character (blaster or sentinel) to start.

    If you play a range character, while you get used to the game, it's best to always back away from the foes and fire at them from a distance.

    Even if you are a melee character, if you get in over your head, run for it.

    The enemies will only chase you so far.


  20. 1 hour ago, DougGraves said:

    Old contacts, new contacts, blue side, red side, gold side, DFB, story arc zones (Hollows, Faultline, Striga), AE stories, AE farming?




    Most of the time at this point I end up doing DFB's until level 8.

    If it's slow, I'll run the lake in Atlas Park for some levels and then go to King Row or the Hollows.

    I ran the Origin contacts with my Origin Project characters.


    At level 8, tend to move to Steel to see if I can get a Posi 1 going - then a Posi 2.

    If that isn't happening, it a toss up based on the character. Parking and switching. Kings Row, Hollows, or Police Scanner missions. On a whim, I'll go to Skyway.


    Once I get to 20, then it's time for Yin. If no Yin, head to Talos or Striga. Maybe run Posi 1 or Posi 2 if someone is recruiting. Maybe some police scanner missions.


    After the Yin, maybe another Yin, Moodfire, Citadel, or Hess. Run around some more in Talos or Striga. Maybe run Posi 1 or Posi 2 if someone is recruiting. Maybe some police scanner missions.


    Usually reaching 30 by that point.


    I don't run any villains.

    My Rogues usually end up following the same path a lot of the time (because it is easier to find low level teams in Paragon City), but I mix in newspaper missions (once a high enough level) because I like running Mayhem missions.

  21. 11 hours ago, smnolimits43 said:

    What i need from you guys is to pick a set of powers that i don't normally play.


    How about a Storm Blast/Storm Corruptor or a bots/electricity mastermind?


    Are you only looking to play homage characters?


  22. 13 hours ago, wjrasmussen said:

    st take a look at this: 


    coh villian server.png


    yeah, you still have to go under

    Browse>Server Status

    to get the full breakdown - well minus Gold Side stuff.


    I just take the total of heroes and villains subtract that out of the total online and figure the remaining ones are in character creation or on the Gold Side, but I'm not sure it counts characters that haven't actually entered the game world yet or not. It could be it includes a player that is in the character selection screen as well ... for all I know.

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