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Posts posted by UltraAlt

  1. 7 hours ago, McSpazz said:

    Well said! Sometimes hacking can be as simple as "they didn't change the default password from 1111". It's not always hackerman.


    ... if you program something that looks like a login screen and leave it  up on a computer ... have it mail the username and password to you, put up a message that the username or password is incorrect, and then have it set to actually log out of the computer so the real login screen comes up ...

    • Thumbs Up 2
  2. 5 hours ago, PatternGhost said:

    First thing: We all like short, pithy, descriptive, punny, or whatever names. I like names that I can have a little head canon about, too. The problem is, at this point those are mostly taken. So, you need to loosen up a bit. But it's still possible to get some decent names.


    Yes. It is.

    Quite easily for me.

    I usually end up making a couple of characters every month it seems.


    It rarely takes me 4-5 times to get a name I want based on my character's conception. Most of the time, I get it the first time.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, eiynp said:

    I mean, it's not insulting to say that some task might be too challenging to be worth the time to figure out; any project faces those issues.


    if you don't wanna talk about it fine but I don't see how linking threads from a year ago contributes anything


    It's obvious that  you are fine about insulting people. That's why you posted it and are defending it.


    Of course, you don't see how linking a thread with an extended discussion about the subject that is from the Beta of the system that this thread is talking about is irrelevant.


    Yeah, I guess isn't worth my time to discuss things with you. Thanks for letting me know.

    • Confused 1
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  4. 37 minutes ago, PatternGhost said:


    I did. But I fail to see anything in what you quoted that indicates that I should have.


    Unless you think I'm advocating for name releases. I'm not. I had my main renamed in the first round of name releases on CoH live, and it sucked. I had left for a while, came back for CoV, then found my characters had all lost their names, including some that I had close to cap and had spent a ton of time on. Doesn't feel good.


    I'm with you about losing the names, though I never did.

    I always logged all my characters in once a month or so. (looks like I was slacking on a couple lately - yikes!)


    I have a couple of 50's here (I think 3, so several I guess, or maybe a few?)

    I lock the xp at 49. I also have other character that I don't intend to take past one level or another due to character conception.

    I also xp lock my origin project characters a lot so that I don't outlevel content.


    If you read my posts in that thread, you know I'm against turning the thing on as well as long as 50's are immune from renaming.

    Having a 50 now simply doesn't mean that it did when the game was live.

    There are plenty of players that have characters with more time under their masks/capes at sub-50 levels than a good number level 50's.

    It simply takes too short of a time to get to level 50 for than to be any metric for permanently keeping a name if others are going have names taken from them for not playing a character for X amount of time.



    • Like 1
  5. On 1/19/2024 at 10:48 PM, Dev Unitas said:

    Hello everyone! I wanted to field some community discussion on a topic that is near and dear to many of our hearts- the wonderful, picturesque Rogue Isles!


    As we all know, player interest is lower overall in City of Villains content, with populations being consistently lower than heroes by a significant margin. I'd simply like to ask why people personally think this is, beyond the clear recursive chicken-and-egg situation (ie. less players leads to less players). It's intriguing, because I've seen a decently common sentiment that Redside has higher quality content overall. I've also seen the atmosphere of the zones as a reason why people don't play there.


    As a follow-up question, what would you think is a good solution to increasing general interest in the Rogue Isles?


    Also, Praetoria is not a part of this specific conversation- it's a whole kettle of fish on its own, and perhaps worthy of independent discussion in a future thread.


    Quick Disclaimer: This is a question purely being asked by me, not the development team. I'm simply curious what people think, and this is absolutely not indicative of anything in future being planned. Please take on the post at face value and refrain from speculation within the thread.


    Make all of CoV co-op zone.



  6. 31 minutes ago, Damoklese said:

    But everyone says the set is bad


    I didn't.

    You are the first person that I have run into on the forums that says it is "bad". That being said, there is a lot of negativity on the forums about some power sets by people playing cookie-cutter/mini-maxed characters built with Mids.


    Part of the issues that some players have with electric powers is that they forgo some damage for the end-drain effect.


    Also, it is best to clearly state if you are talking about characters level 50+ (the end-game) or if you are talking about characters playing the game (the leveling content) -and- if you are talking about playing on teams (the game is designed for team play) or solo (the game has had some changes to make it more solo-friendly)


    Personally, I have no problems with any of my electric characters (across the various archetypes).

    I think that I only have one electric controller. They are electric/electric. I only play them when teaming. They are level 28 this point.

    I'm a character conception player so I'm playing to the character conception while trying to leverage the powers of the set to do what they do best. That is through power usage, rotation, and tactics.

    The character doesn't have end issues. You can slot Performance Shifter: Chance for +end in almost every power (only slot a couple of course, but...)

    You can also slot Power Transfer: Chance for heal in any of the powers that take end mods. However, most of the self heals the character receives comes from bouncing the electric heal off nearby characters - it chains and if you are nearby it will hit you pretty much every time. 


    The set seems to work fine to me, but I'm not number crunching.

    For reference, I have 150 characters on Homecoming and have been playing since about a week before Issue 2 dropped (I was there for the Rularuu Invasion Event 2004).


    You can make all the characters you want.

    Making characters by character conception (and playing them that way) and playing different archetypes and power sets allows you to explore world in City of Heroes in different ways. No two characters really play the same unless you intentionally use the same builds - I don't really see a point in doing that myself unless it is to make the same character over again on another server instead of moving a character from one server to another one.

    Playing the game differently, adds variety and increase game replay value.


    I suggest that you don't let people persuade you not to try something. Try it and find out for yourself. 

    That being said, play the game the way you enjoy it.




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  7. 5 hours ago, Crystal Dragon said:

    Lengthening the name character field MIGHT help significantly but we would run into this same problem later down the line.


    Increasing the number of characters in a character name will likely cause issues on some level at any rate.


    5 hours ago, Crystal Dragon said:

    I like the idea about gifting a badge to those that do release a name. I can imagine a number of players having qualified for this but I don't know if the devs would want to put that much work into it. What would be the qualifiers? Especially if the name was released from one player, to another through calm request in private chats?


    Badges easily obtained by creating random string of characters for a name, and then changing it to another random string of characters and repeat until all the badges are obtained. This could even be done between the same player multiboxing if it required trading the name.

    It wouldn't function as intended.


    5 hours ago, Crystal Dragon said:

    That last one, "The" being part of the name, I like that, it would be nice to see that as an option but I'm unsure if such can be done.


    Historically, that is something the game can add to the title.

    I agree it adds more name options, but, still, even so ... I would be against it for the reason above.


    5 hours ago, Skyhawke said:

    I sometimes hit a wall with names, but usually get something I want in the end. As much as I'm sure some are tired of hearing "use your imagination", you really do need to use your imagination...well, coupled with some resources as well. www.thesaurus.com has already been mentioned and I use https://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=superheronameorg  as well. Seventhsanctum lets you input some keywords, like your powersets, and generate names from there. Definitely worth a look.


    I had a discussion with Bard (Googles AI) a while back -

    And here is what Bard would name their CoH Mastermind,


    "UltraAlt: If you were playing City of Heroes and you created your Demons/Storm Summoning Mastermind, what would their name be?


    Bard: If I were playing City of Heroes and I created a Demons/Storm Summoning Mastermind, I would name them Tempest.

    I think the name Tempest is a good fit for this character because it evokes the power and fury of both storms and demons. It also suggests that the character is unpredictable and dangerous, which are both qualities that I would want my mastermind character to have.

    Another name that I considered was Stormcaller. This name is more literal, but I also like it because it suggests that the character has a deep understanding of and connection to the storm.

    Ultimately, the best name for your character is the one that you like the most. There are no right or wrong answers. The most important thing is to choose a name that you think fits your character's personality and playstyle.

    I hope this helps!


    UltraAlt: What would you do if both of those names were already taken?


    Bard: If both of those names were already taken, I would try to come up with a variation of one of them, or a completely new name that has a similar theme. Here are a few ideas:

    • Tempestuous
    • Storm Weaver
    • Skybringer
    • Lightning Lord
    • Demon Master
    • Stormfiend
    • Tempest Bringer
    • Stormcaller of the Abyss
    • Demoncaller of the Tempest
    • Master of the Storm and the Demon
    • Tempestuous Stormcaller
    • Demonic Storm Weaver
    • Tempestuous Skybringer
    • Demonic Lightning Lord

    I could also try to come up with a name that is more personal and unique to my character. For example, I could think about what kind of demons my character summons, or what kind of storm powers they use. I could also think about my character's backstory and personality.

    Ultimately, the best name for your character is the one that you like the most. There are no right or wrong answers. The most important thing is to choose a name that you think fits your character's personality and playstyle.

    I hope this helps!"


    Of course, some of those names are too long, but Bard could help a well, if you give Bard the kind of name you are looking for (the name you would have picked first, the power sets, some character background information or mind-set, etc.) and a character limit on the name.



  8. 2 hours ago, PatternGhost said:

    Lots of alts in WoW. I had 35 max level in the last expansion, about 8 in the current. They do have a much lower character limit. Currently it's 50 per account. Having 1000 characters does help enable name camping.


    Did you read the previous discussion about this?



  9. 54 minutes ago, eiynp said:

    for purpose of the HC servers I feel like at minimum they should release names of level 1 characters who haven't logged in for a year or more; it may be that's too technically challenging for them though


    I don't appreciate you insulting the DEVs.

    This has been discussed.

    • Confused 1
  10. How about just changing https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Teleportation#Team_Teleport into https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Team_Transporter or a "long-range recall friend" power that would allow you to teleport a teammate anywhere in the game to your location (with a prompt hopefully)?


    I wouldn't expect https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Team_Transporter to change recharge time-wise.

    Long-Range Recall Friend - I would give a 3.75-4 minute recharge time. Should make it roughly equivalent recharge time versus usefulness as  https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Team_Transporter




  11. 4 hours ago, DougGraves said:

    So what server are you on?


    I have characters on all the servers, but the DEVs want us off Excelsior. I don't even think I have been on it to do marketing recently. I'll only go there on off hours - which is easy for me as I tend to play in off-prime hours.


    I've been mainly teaming on Torchbearer and Reunion recently.


    I have a group that I game with on Torchbearer, and we still team there.

    I had been spending off-hours time on Everlasting, but the population has generally been good there - and the DEVs really want us to spread the love elsewhere.

    I have been spending my non-Torchbearer time mainly on Reunion lately. The population has been high enough to get teams going there.

    I haven't tried to play on Indomitable since the population change. Reunion usually has lower numbers, so I've been going there instead. (Only ever did get on one team on Indomitable in the past, so that might have something to do with it as well).


    4 hours ago, DougGraves said:

    How has the increased server population affected you?


    I never have to wait to get into the game.


    Teaming is rarely an issue even on Reunion.


    When I'm playing on PuGs now, there is a lot more chaos.

    I figure there are a lot of players that are paying attention to their own characters and powers because they aren't used to playing yet or simply used to playing one-player games.

    A good number of players don't seem to be used to playing with/working with a team.





  12. On 1/23/2024 at 10:05 AM, Madmarcus said:

    Are there any useful non-PBAOE powers that stalkers can get? Something that is worth using to whittle down mobs when you have to run away (kiting or healing). A hold, sleep, or confuse with enough strength to actually work sometimes would be decent or simply enough damage to be worth spending one of your limited powers on.


    Wait. I'm confused.

    Are you looking for info for a scrapper or fro a stalker?


    https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Ninjitsu#Blinding_Powder - Ranged (Cone), Foe Sleep, Confuse, -To Hit, -Perception


    These are sort of the things that you seem to looking for ... they keep enemies at a distance from running away.

    https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Spines#Impale - ranged immobilize

    https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Presence#Intimidate - Ranged, Foe Fear <--- power pool power

    https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Presence#Invoke_Panic - PBAoE, Foe Fear <--- power pool power


    They don't do hold, sleep, and confuse, but I also will often used one of these Power Pool powers to get a ranged power on a melee character:

    https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Sorcery#Arcane_Bolt - this one has an inbuilt build-up, so I really like this one on mystical/magic characters



  13. 10 hours ago, lilclaws said:

    Cool idea to have archery have different ammo/arrow types the way dual pistols works. Will help archery be played more often and would be pretty cool to see. Can give it different debuff effects rather than having the same as dual pistols


    Change ammo isn't a big draw for dual pistols.

    Some people think it is waste of a power.


    I'm a character conception play, so pretty much alway stake it.


    I don't think taking away a power to create a swap arrow type power would be get any more people to play the set.


    How many Ammo types would you have, what would you call them, and what would they change about the powers that they arrow type can change?

  14. 21 minutes ago, PancakeGnome said:

    I don't know why people on these forums are so hostile / against the idea of adding more features and end game content.....

    I think the game could use more end game content and progressions systems and challenge settings..... and the counter to that is "nah nah, we got everything we need already, there are some hard AE missions!".

    Kind of not the same... and everyone knows that... but it won't stop you from insisting that the AE mission and turning off my powers is "really what you want". lol


    You are trolling me. Good day.

  15. 15 hours ago, FlammeFatale said:

    I read that the devs were looking at the kheldians and afterward would address the changeling trick.


    I say leave the Kheldians alone.

    They were created to be intentionally difficult to play for those players that think the game is too easy.


    Why does everything have to get dummied down?

    Some people are always complaining that the game isn't difficult enough.

    Other people always seem to complain that power are too weak.

    People keep recruiting for Council police scanner missions in PI (they are probably going to be in for a surprise when the BETA goes live) because people are apparently scared of Malta.


    Two-form Kheldians are pretty simple to play.

    Tri-form ones are more complicated, but do-able.


    I miss the old Nictus Crystals myself.

    They were challenging.

    • Like 3
  16. 11 hours ago, PancakeGnome said:

    Haha I just want a challenge in the game.... and actually be able to play with other people for rewards and stuff 😐 Using my abilities of a character I leveled up and outfitted with stuff 😐 

    I'm not sure why people are pretending this is a strange desire lol. 


    We are trying to help you, but you obviously can't understand that.

  17. 36 minutes ago, punahou said:

    Ok-- so where and how do I do that?


    i know how to change the colors of powers, but when looking at firesword, I onlt see the types of sowrd i can select, i dont not see change to punch option


    Yeah, I'm not seeing.

    It could have sworn it was in there for the swords.


    Then I thought it was the ice ones, but you can't change that either.

    I must have had a dream or been remembering something incorrectly.


    Sorry about that.

  18. 19 minutes ago, Tubalcain said:

    Cloaking is very useful for getting into position. The problem is you have to choose between the advantage of being unseen against having your gun happy pet out shooting everything in sight. It doesn't jive with the rest of the set.


    https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Devices has the same thing going on.


    1) If the pet isn't out, don't drop it until you engage with a group.

    2) It is out, try to watch the line-of-sight and use a ranged attack at max range to hopefully pull one at a time or Recall Target when around the corner from a mob.

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