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Everything posted by Cyri

  1. That is something very strongly considered. However, as I build the ACTUAL character, I nearly always adjust the levels the abilities are selected as the respecification is being done. Though the OP asked for 'exemplar well', I left that detail out because I did not want to over complicate the post or confuse anyone who might find some use of the builds I posted. Of course, the other reason I left that detail out is that the order I take the abilities is my preference. Building is like art (in this game anyway), and true artwork is never completed, it is only abandoned. If I did elect to redo the mids build (in Mids), I'd likely find a reason to change this, or that. Even now I am thinking about what order or what slotting would be better... I have the list for what I actually took and when for the very first build I posted. Not sure about the others. Neither of the selections nor slotting changed (during the actual respecification), but the order did a bit. Also, I turn off all extra things and leave Invincibility on about 6 enemies surrounded. Most seem to post with Superior Might of the Tanker and Melee Core Embodiment turned on. I have seen some posting with Dull Pain turned on and so forth. Again, I post with these turned off because it more accurately reflects what the character/build can do.
  2. What I have run on two tanks I have: Czajen71.mbd What I am thinking of respeccing: Khoeur90.mbd Or another: Qoeuralan Rysa90.mbd The second and third appear objectively better than the first...but not sure. Anyway...I did not wanna make another thread just for a vanity project, so there it is. Comment if you wish. If not, understood.
  3. I will ask her. 😋
  4. Thank you 🙂. I have played with them quite a lot. What I meant was that I seem to have exhausted my imagination for prompts for a bit. After several hours (and I had fun, mind you XD), nothing I did seemed to offer any kind of meaningful improvement. What I HAVE noticed is that the style of art one elects to choose seems to alter the results significantly (as it should) but I was not aware of the style thing at first. I went with default. Then I noticed it and made changes. I would ask you whether you have noticed the AI Strength and Resemblance getting better or worse as they're increased or decreased? That is, put more simply, where do you feel you get the best results. You and P2 seem to generate good results. I have followed your character generation with some interest for a bit now and I do wonder how you do it. I am aware of the prompts, but what else do you do? Thank you for your time 😊.
  5. Strangely, some work well, and some do not. This one has pleased me.
  6. At this point, I believe I have gone as far as I can today until I can think of new ways to describe what I want produced. These preceded those from above. Not sure if any of them are good, or which are better. I mean, they're not terrible, but I need to work on this if I am going to get the desired results.
  7. I cannot seem to do backgrounds well as Krimson can. The above is the result of literal hours of loading files into Krea and continually adjusting the prompts to achieve better results. My opinions on it are...mixed.
  8. I start with this simple concept: Could I do that? That's the baseline. Things I cannot do because I lack training or aptitude: code overlay music onto a video compose music with simple play manage to make masterminds look fun (I hate the class on principle...pets, I do not like pet classes (it's a play style thing)) Gabrilen managed to do all four. So, good effort as far as I am concerned. What's more, I am less opposed to playing a mastermind now. Probably won't, but if someone asked me to do it as a project for a day, the answer is not now an outright, "no!" Were the video were submitted as a professional grade product, then I would agree with you. But a simple video for fun, posted to an obscure forum? I do not think it requires the level of 'constructive' criticism that it has garnered here. edit: Okay, some of the comments were pretty okay. I am not a fan of participation trophies either. I simply mean that harsh criticism is not necessary here. Again, most were not harsh. My attention span is rather short. So, I watched a minute here, skipped ahead, watched a minute there....skipped ahead...and like that. I don't have strong feelings about it. It was cute...that's it. Moving on.
  9. Mass Effect, Warhammer II, and Warhammer III have given me the most for my money. Any number of games qualify for least.
  10. /sigh We do not need more revamps.
  11. That is a bit sanctimonious. Simply don't team with those MMs. Solved. Again, I am not sure we get to tell people how to play. If they're not actively sabotaging my fun, I generally don't care what people on my teams do. As for bad pugs...I cannot remember the last time I had a bad experience. Relax...enjoy the game.
  12. If I could have Total Focus x 2, I would, and it would be six slotted both times.
  13. Only at 50. Only if I am REALLY satisfied with the mids result on test server. No expense spared.
  14. Energy/Energy/Psionic Sentinel. I like her. Damage is less than hoped, but she's still fun. Very durable.
  15. Never really had a bad PUG experience...iunno. People expect perfection...ain't gonna happen.
  16. Your speculation is as close to fact as can be without actually putting it to the test, imo. I like this game...a lot. I play this game...a lot. I play PvP in other mmos, but not this one.
  17. Atlas park mission painting arc (whichever one that is) until level five. Then to KR and radio missions until level 40. At 40 I start Tina's missions to get Anti-Matter for PJ, and then other three accolades (AM, TFC, FFR). Once that is finished, then I finish with radios to 50. I don't particularly care for the story in the game, and I don't like zone hopping required of story arcs. So radios it is. I am in no particular rush.
  18. A number of people (one blaster in particular) often join my teams and then go off and do whatever. The one blaster mostly does very well. Other times he dies and that's his problem. If he caused my team to wipe then, and only then, I would take issue with it. Until such point I don't see it as my responsibility or right to tell others how to play...and I always invite him when he messages me because he's very good. Sure, I'd like him to play with us and chat a bit rather than go off on his own, but ultimately he's not doing us harm so I don't care. On my teams I don't care whether people door sit or not either. I am only likely to remove people from groups (with reasonable warning) if they do either of the following: cause me to wait (minutes - plural) before I can select next mission DELIBERATELY cause team wipes or through egregious incompetence cause us to wipe (everyone makes mistakes...so I am pretty patient with this) After hundreds to thousands of hours of play, I have neither asked nor removed anyone from my teams.
  19. CometCometh, I quit when gdn hit. But, I am here now, due in large part to the Homecoming team. The Homecoming team did a good job and introduced a lot of quality-of-life features (and at least a few buffs that I know about) that make the game even more enjoyable. Give it a try. Whatever your choice, best wishes.
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