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  1. Name: Daeva Status: Extinct. A few thousand survivors scattered all over, and never enough in one place to consider a viable gene pool. Location: Native to the crab nebula, but can be found anywhere there is conflict. Physical Description: Humanoid in appearance with dark skin and hair in perpetual incandescence (and grows fiercer once adrenaline starts pumping). 2.1 meters tall on average. When on earth, often mistaken with Hinduist deva. Daeva are possessed of superhuman physiology and physicality with an innate mastery of Chi manipulation that borders on the supernatural (and vasts Chi reserves that only grow even more inmense as they grow and develop). Can survive the vacuum of space and the strongest specimens can fly at near-light speeds. Specimens that survive their own lifestyles long enough can grow into Omega-class threats. Affiliation: None. Idiosyncracies and way of life: Largely antisocial and bellicose, with a strong eugenicist streak. To daeva, might makes right and they love pushing their weight around. Most remarkable tech hallmark: While their outstanding physical might means they want for very little (and thus, no need for invention), they're adaptable enough to adopt technologies from vanquished/obilterated rivals (which enable them to reach the stars). Cultural Progress Level: Kardashev Type-I. While Daeva have become adept spare-farers (out of necessity to escape their dying planet), they don't develop technology of their own and only have access to technology as advanced as their latest conquest. History: Millions of years ago, a unknown and long-gone progenitor species engaged in an eugenicist experiment in hopes to create their own Well. The experiment consisted in seeding a selection of planets with life. They used two types of seeds: Bright seeds would spawn life of great innate power, and Dark seeds that would spawn life of great intellect. No planet would ever be sown with both, and planets part of this experiment were meant to be far apart... until a clerical error seeded the two moons of a same planet. As was inevitable. the mighty and war-mongering Daevas would clash with the Annunaki war machine, driving each other to near-extinction and destroying their homeworlds. While the Annunaki eventually got back on their feet, surviving Daevas are too unruly and war-mongering to rebuild. As it would be happen with School Planets, Daeva and Annunaki diasporas would be bound to meet once again on Earth, both sides posing as gods to their respective peoples; and they were too busy at each other's throats to see Tielekku, Merulina, and Verethragna getting the drop on them. While the annunaki were wise enough to realize they were outclassed by Tielekku's magic and left while they still could, the daevas, never backing down from a fight, ended up joining the Banished Pantheon in netherworld exile. Ever since that day, the word "daeva" was associated with "fake god" and "to be rejected." Current Agenda: A Daeva showing up on any planet is always out for trouble. While some daevas are ambitious enough to usurp empires, most others are thugs with thug mentality. Barring the occasional band of inter-galactic daeva marauders, daevas rarely seek the company of their own kind since it tends to come to blows more often than not.
  2. Statesman stopped the Cold War dead on its tracks during the Korea war and disarmed the world powers. What does this entail for CoX earth? 1) We didn't have Vietman. 2) We didn't have 9/11 and thus, we don't live in a surveillance state (since this is a superhero comic and secret IDs are a thing). 3) The U.S.A has never had a president that puts babies in cages or threatens war with three countries at the same time. Carry on. (and please please, can mods make this a sticky?)
  3. A friend of mine wants, for personal reason, avoid the Early Bird badge, which is awarded for being one of the first to play a recently published AE arc. Is the criteria for "one of the first" based on time after the arc is published? Number of people that played it? I'd like to put this friend at ease and show them my work.
  4. Solo-hostility? (see THIS THREAD), all factions past lvl 30 now having the holds/blinds/stun trifecta (which was the specific providence of Arachnos and Longbow)? Concealment nerfs. Next time you're going to deny someone's point, please do it in a less disingenious way, preferably with actual evidence to the contrary rather than just saying "nuh-uh."
  5. Please don't put words in my mouth that have nothing to do with what I said. In two threads you have moved from making bad arguments to arguing in bad faith. Stop that. (Granted, with the concealment nerf and the ongoing shift to forced trinity and haaardcore, this worst-case scenario may eventually become the case).
  6. One of the best things about CoH (and WoW back in the day) was the promise that you could level your way to 50 solo if you so wished, and you didn't need to do obsessive grinding. The best MMOs in the market discarded "hAaAaRdCoRe" design mentality, because people no longer have time for "hardcore." I don't care for hardcore, or forced trinity gaming either.
  7. So they're basically "puzzle monsters" (for those of us not great at number crunching)... ok, I can live with puzzle monsters now that I can identify 'em as such and that I know there is a strategy to nullify them. Thanks.
  8. Once again for those in the back: She tanks incarnate content. All incarnate content is +4 by definition. Explain how there is any balance in a +2 -boss- that is harder than a +4 arch-villain?? Preferably in a logical, non-condescending "git gud" way.
  9. You guess wrong. Also I fail to see how is KB related to anything a nu Galaxy boss does. Invul/SS tanker. She has tanked itrials, she ha tanked ApeMage, both with little trouble. Those Nu Galaxy bosses either Inflict an OBSCENE amount of energy damage or have an OBSCENE RES debuff (your pick), also, they're obscene bags of hit points. I've killed EBs less time than those mobs. They're not fun, I don't wan to deal with them, and now EVERYONE from lvl 25+ has to (see Citadel).
  10. How about you have the OP mobs only appear when you specifically set difficulty to +3/+4? My fully slotted, full incarnate tanker, the same one who has little trouble tanking incarnate content and absurd AE mission AVs keeps getting owned by plain Nu Galaxy bosses at mere +2 and that's a bit ridiculous if you ask me. It's the opposite of fun. Make the new deal optional and everyone will be happy. Those who want UbEr challenges can get them, and the rest of us can still go about our business.
  11. And Megaman/Metroid/Turrican arm cannons! THAT would be PERFECT.
  12. Now you can't trigger bosses to spawn "upon completion" of any glowy o destructible targets, only upon killing other bosses. I'd be grateful for help on this when you can.
  13. Yes, in the Everlasting Taskforces Discord, in the announcements section. And they explicitly say they leave because they no longer agree with the direction the devs are taking the game. And I can't say I blame them. When they buffed Crey.... ok, they're supposed to have a private army with experience in metahumans, but when EVERY SINGLE FACTION above level 30 has the damn Triple Threat (holds, KB, blinds and/or some equally crippling debuff), the message is clear: Trinity or GTFO. What's even the point of the Concealment pool existing if the devs buffed all factions' perception to the point rikti drones are redundant now? No, now you want real stealth? Stalker/Illus or GTFO (and even proc slotted, don't even think about sneaking past any faction with drones). Why not just REVERT that messup of being able to toggle several travel powers at a time? THE DEVS themselves created the "over concealment" problem, and then "patched it up" by nerfing stealth into near oblivion. What made WoW (and then CoX) great back in the day was the promise of "you can solo your way to lvl 50 and you don't need to grind all day every day" because only home-officed imsomniacs had time for otherwise, the "haaaardcoooore" model thing was long abandoned in MMOs (and good riddance for that). MMO's target demo in general (and CoX' in particular) is adults, BUSY adults with disposable income. We don't have time to grind all day every day, and this is not even an ARPG, so don't even start with "durr hurr git gud." TL;DR: Creating exclusive hardcore content is ok, creating new difficulty modes is ok (since those are optional), raising the bar of the whole game experience is NOT ok.
  14. Buffing up a faction or two was interesting at first, but now that this difficulty increase is becoming a constant, between the constant buffs to mobs and the non-stop nerfs I'm starting to get vietnam flashbacks of Anarchy Online where the game ended up outright unplayable solo, and playing with a solid, "1337" party was merely the entry ticket to play content of your own level. I just come from an ApeMage where our tank was repeately KB'd.... no scratch that, she was ragdolled by Malta, a TANK. Is mag10 protection now supposed to be "for gimps"? Do tanks now need to be followed by an Empath everywhere to cast Focused Mind or something? Forced Trinity gaming is anathema to both the superhero genre (a superhero is supposed self-sufficient enough, at least) and to CoH's original design objectives. When the direction you insist on taking the game just costed us Everlasting community's main two load-bearing pillars (Veracor and SSR), then maybe it's time to reconsider if that's really the direction you wanna take. I beg you to reconsider.
  15. I know, but since it's already the master mold Emmert and Miller used, and the document is already there well, why reinventing the wheel when someone else already went the whole nine yards 20 years ago? Could a team of geeky lawyers come up with an even better, more suitable law code to suit City of Heroes' alternate history fiction? Maybe, but I don't see a lot of hands raised to volunteer and I really, really need people to remember the superhero genre is not "the world outside your widow" (that comic school died along with the WTC towers), superhero worlds have their own laws, socio-political landscape, and even laws of physics. No fan of the genre reads comics for the "realisms." Neil Gaiman once complained about how adults mind caulk and try to explain how Superman's powers work while any seven-year old kid already knows the answer: "Because he's Superman dad, it's not real, that's how it works." Batman's evidence is admitted in court because he's Batman. It's comics. Superheroes don't live on earth, and City of Heroes has a completely different history from Korea's war onwards.
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