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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. Okay tested tranq on a ARS/ Controller.  It now sleeps them and the added damage helps but my previously stated feedback on the diminishment of the set with the alteration of Sleep Grenade to not pulsing stands.  Now its just another bland set.  Not saying I wont build one for thematic purposes . . . new is new.

  2. Nice addition.


    I have been playing CoH since Beta and never played a Prat on live or early in Homecoming so when I tried to make one, I had to ask for help.  This is a really good idea.  Riding others tails, the since of Prat click bar should be the same as H/V and while I like the idea of coloring the resistance logo, I also think that it might fool people into thinking there is a good or bad guy side . . . they are all kind of creeps 🙂


    Quibble - Not sure why you are handing out a jet pack.  Dont need it for the tutorial, or learning to play in AP or DFB.  Is it so you can get to the top of Atlas Globe/City Hall for the 10 badges?  P2W already has a free jump pack, use that. - End Quibble

  3. Further testing with my ARS/ARS Dom; still seems solid.


    Agree with @Dispari regarding Buckshot vs M30 grenade for thematic reasons.  Alter the damage or whatevah.  Or if you are going with bullet-driven gun attacks, alter it to a cony burst like the Huntsmen have (again, alter whatever needs to be altered to make it damage balanced).  But not Slug, not a Single target attack.  Need to be able to engage multi targets since sleep no longer reapplies on the the primary.  I need to whittle them down until I can fire again.

  4. I can’t stop focusing on this thing with Sleep Grenade no longer pulsing so I am just going to say it.

    Gas clouds don't stop dosing after one time.  If you find yourself in a Tear/CS Gas situation, until you get out of the cloud to mask up and clear, you are still getting dosed.  I have, as part of my training in the military, you want to get the eff out of it as soon as possible which of course is why it’s great for riot control and infantry suppression.  Now this is super hero shit where somehow they have synthesized an extremely fast acting, instant action sleep gas but the body develops an immediate immunity to it so that when they are tapped on the shoulder its is rendered ineffective, unless a new dose of gas is applied.

    The games mechanic establishes that very rule and that’s fine.  Most other sleep powers use different mechanics that can explain away the one application only (mostly that it’s not a cloud/field they have to get out of).

    But as has been shown with the game mechanics, the more realistic sleep gas/field application is what is seen in Static Field (and formerly Arsenal Control).  They are touched and awakened but until they get out of the cloud/field it should reapply.  In fact several other AoE sleep powers should be altered to match that.  Just looking at the Homecoming Wiki there are four (4) cloud-based sleeps; Poison Gas Arrow, Poison Trap, Sleep Grenade (Munitions) and Spore Burst (Cloud of Spores).  There may be more but I am just using the wiki.  Now if we include persistent field shots then there might be more.  Honestly you all should do a power change to all of those to make them reapplying

    You have something new-ish with Arsenal, but you are giving in to making it more vanilla.  You’ve diminished Sleep Grenade and are buffing damage . . . to a control set.


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  5. So I just logged in on the ARS/ARS Dom I have been testing on to see what the changes have wrought.


    The Good


    - Moving Cryo Tier 2 Slot - Good call

    - The fix to the timing of the bright muzzle animation after firing Cryo Freeze Ray -  excello.  Now its not distracting/angering.  Still would have liked it changed to a simple grenade but you know what, compromise isn't a dirty word and that is what has happened so awesome.

    - Tri-Gun - The additional damage is nice.  Thanks.

    - Smoke now having a chance to trigger OP or DOM - Groovy


    The Bad


    - Sleep Grenade - Really?!  Now it doesn't pulse which was what made it useful (regardless of what the anti-sleep crowd thinks).  Now it is useless without the pulse, just another effin proc mule.  That took pre-Tri-Gun survivability down a bit.  Not money.  Just became an optional power pick.


    The Other


    - When Tri-Gun is cast the default name for it still says "Gun Drone"

    - Will have to respec to take Tranq to test because i found it not useful.




    • Like 2
  6. Imagine if the NPCs exercised rational self-preservation judgement and didn't jump off of balconies and such to follow you, like you would have to escort them down those flights of convoluted stairs.


    Escort pain = OG Positron "Rescue the Workers" Escort Mission.

  7. 1 hour ago, ZorkNemesis said:


    Stop the Ritual, which is a kill-all in disguise on a big map and mobs run for an exit.  Automatic skip in my books, one of the few I do that with.

    Yeah that one kind of blows and sucks at the same time.  I only do Croatoa arcs with my magic origin types.

    • Like 1
  8. 42 minutes ago, ranagrande said:

    Does the timer even do anything?  I usually have it run out and I can still complete the mission anyway.

    Depends.  In Cooling's arc you don't make the time you don't get the badge.  In Graveyard, you don't get the badge.  Failure rarely results in the full fail, just look at that doctor rescue in Moonfire.


    Do not mention Efficiency Expert Pither.  That MFer counts time to the nano-second and sucks.


    Funny though.  First time I ever did Hess back on live that countdown timer effed me up panicking.

  9. What @Frostbiter said, tension.  I honestly love that arc because of moments like that.  Well the whole thing really.  Chernobog's cutscenes, the rave music in that club where those asshole Skulls:


    Lock the ravers in with orders to kill anyone who tries to get out

    And yes, the timer.  Honestly its a well crafted series of missions compared to things like escorting the office workers in OG Positron through waves of Ruin Mage-infused ambushed.  And its not just old NCSoft/Cryptic; do the Homecoming created Story Arc of awesome called the Graveyard Shift.


    Get out of the explody in time.

    Are there annoying ones, sure.  Roy Cooling Arc (


    Where you have to rescue the Rogue PPD Cops form the burning building for the badge.

    Tension and you feel you earned your reward.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Techwright said:

    No. Who.


    Friend of Louise Costello, I take it?

    Great!  Just great.  Now I need to get Stan and Ollie involved and you truly don't want to see those two pissed off.

    • Haha 1
  11. On 11/22/2023 at 11:46 AM, The Curator said:

    Atomic Manipulation:

    • No longer accepts to-hit debuff/accurate to-hit debuff enhancements and sets.


    Across the board?  Please don't say across the board as in also removed from Beta Decay.


    I know that you all noted in the notes that Positron Cell (referred to as Proton Cell in the notes) was just mis-identified.  But right now it still says -ToHit on Beta Decay.

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