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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. Is it down?  Offline for long term maintenance.  Nemesis plot.  Both is and


    I get Error retrieving Shard Status in the Homecoming Launcher for Beta (have done check for updates and verify for fun and profit).  Can login in but they are both grey and no reachable:



    New Picture.jpg

  2. 16 hours ago, Dynamo-Joe said:

    So a friend posted this image on another forum. 



    And the overall reaction was something along the lines of "GOOD LORD!! What happened here? Did you set your difficulty to APOCALYPTIC???" 

    Poster was unsure of the origin of the image. Said they'd forgotten exactly when/where it was taken. 

    To which our resident pun mistress and Queen of the GIFS, Healix responded: 

    Those are just Riktis on Black Friday when the stores opened.....

    To which I responded: 

    "I can just see it now..."



    "The Ships appeared over our store!" Said store manager Hopkins. He continued, "... But assistant manager Jenkins had a genius idea! He quickly got online and announced 75% off on all Gucci items while supplies lasted! The flash mob that appeared steamrolled those Rikti right out the back of the store!"

    When asked about the post battle cleanup and how it compared to regular Black Friday events, Hopkins said, "Eh... about the same."

    Looks like it was taken from the Mender whatshisnut Incarnate mission where Hero 1 is here and there are like 4 portals that will spawn massive if you dont pull the AVs.  Someone stealthed in on the back side to get that shot.

    • Like 1
  3. Back on Live my step-son was 18-19 and played on and off until it was shut down but never to a dedicated level; he was Eve Online.  My Nephew was little and would watch me play and toward the end was old enough to play somewhat okay and we would do duo runs.  But when shutdown occurred he moved on.  When I discovered Homecoming I told both of them and my step son was like "have fun I am invested in <insert whatever flavor of the month there is>." (but he has a great job and probably a fiancé soon so how can I complain).  My nephew is like "sorry, I got weed to smoke and manga to read" (but at least he is doing good in college).


    Oh and my spouse, well if they had their way the game would be erased; they felt that way when it was live and feel that way now.

    • Haha 1
  4. Career RPG player here but outside of developing good back stories/biographies for my characters and a few that make it into my larger literary activities, I do not RP in game.  People who RP in game, good on them.


    I like that the game allows for all sorts of variety including RP.  And, like all of the other play styles, as long as they do not negatively impact the game as a whole, or adopt a sense of entitlement, then all is good.


    Activate Humor Mode


    Except for the Super Cat Girls and Panda RPers.  The former gets annoying in like 8.78 seconds of conversation and the latter can simply die in a fire 🙂


    Secure From Humor Mode

    • Like 2
  5. On 10/17/2023 at 5:41 PM, Laucianna said:

    Heads up all: This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Creepy Dolls"! It will be in Atlas park under the statue on Homecoming - Excelsior

    So all cabbage patch kids and Bratz.  Got it. 🙂


    Yes I know no copyright infringement.

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