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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. I love politics.  Originally Political Science was my major (Asian Studies focus) then it became my minor when I realized I could make real money with computers.  I like to get into spirited debates with people who are willing to do so.  And that to me is the key and is why I don't drag politics into the game.  Not everyone wants to hear it, regardless of the why, and the game is for lack of a better term a public venue so you need to respect others as well as yourself.  I feel similarly about other forms of politics like religion and social commentary, keep them out of the game.  Its escapism this little pixel world and even though there are political concepts and even messages woven into it; they aren't real.


    Plus General Chat is s bubbling cauldron of suck when it isn't politics.  I want to blow my freaking brains out when the idiot panda crap starts.  Its not cute or funny; just annoying.  But see there is the best example you can find.  A stunted species of fundamentally lazy animals that technically should be extinct, played as powerful super heroes, that isn't real.🤣


    Also Acme Rocket Skates are prone to premature fuel explosions.💥

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  2. 8 hours ago, Snarky said:

    Just the Aeon is 1) repetitive.  2) stupid hard 3) the people that do run it are done with the mission by the time you get to the room.  So, that is just a ton of fun.

    Yeah.  I have done it like maybe seven times and I still have no idea what's up with that story beyond some pizza and beer chugging Goldbrick Princess and some Inception fever dream space place.  A gravity well?  I got a wrench?  I mean it was on number 7 that I realized there are DE Giant Monsters in the warp warp warp mission.  In the Bizzaro World of Superman someone in LFG will say "Kill All Aeon, Normal Diff - Trying for Becky Badge."

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

    I think @Crasical brings up a good point: the Rogue Isles in game aren't presented as anything other than a really depressing version of the continental US, right down to many of the same villain groups being present.

    Well that's somewhat true but there are a number of native villain groups you do not see on the mainland (except in instanced missions); Gold Brickers, Luddites, Snakes, Coralax (yes there are a few that pop up in Hollows but only after CoV came out).  If you read deep into the Mu/Circle/Coralax stories there is a rich and local history there to work with that is not driven by the mainland (or European) thought.  I mean the issues between Hequat and Ermeeth and the deal with the Prince of Demons and the fall of two civilizations that technically haven't fallen is a massive playground of story telling.  I have several alts and a hundred plus pages of story built around it; I mean my character Runeslingers main story arc after the defeat of most of the Pantheon is helping the spirits of Oranbega break the Blood Pact with the Prince of Demons and make peace with the Mu.

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  4. Well the only thing I can say is don't go overboard and end up becoming unintelligible like some of those cats in Praetoria (ugh First Ward).  The point on the French is interesting when you read on the Rogue Isles lore (etoile isles if I remember right, spelling is probably wrong).  Martin Henri and the Luddites may well be holdovers so maybe there are some hooks in their patter.

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  5. Oh I still collect.  I technically have three Badgers (explore, history) but all will try for badges.  Its the ones that require total time sinks or expenditures of resources (merits or Aether) that I don't sweat.  I am also not sweeping areas over and over again to get defeat badges or going on Fake Nemesis Farms.  Those can come through game play.  Being a total OCD Badger on live as High Beam eventually led to being one of the several reasons I didn't get as much joy from playing as I did at the beginning.


    Get Older = Learn Lessons

  6. I use Mids for two things; building my own characters and integrating ideas from other builds into my characters.  For the first part, this impacts my character creation zero.  What @Bionic_Flea posted will get the job done for the second part.  See, I rarely imported a data chunk to see what someone was building but instead used the printout of the powers and what was selected (like the examples Flea showed).  I like the visual feel and when I am juggling power selection points or even powers themselves I use those.


    The new link that you click and it executes Mids . . . I do not like and will not use.



    Are the changes to the export function (and some font sizing issues) annoying?  Yes.  Is it a reason to toss the software,?  Hell no.  Its still an amazing tool that we are lucky to have at all and even if a dozen more features vanished, I would still use because it lets me make my hero.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Ultimo said:

    Ok... another question now that I have it working.


    The power pools as listed are only showing three of the powers.  Trying to scroll through them is awkward... and I don't remember needing to do that before.  Is this a change? Is there a way to alter the presentation of the powers so the pools can all be visible?

    Yes there is a configuration tab where you can reduce font size, I have to do it on my laptop but not my desktop.

  8. 21 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Category Five is not just about what it does in the absence of your other powers - it has synergy with your other storm blast powers when they are used within its AoE; It's like complaining about mastermind pets underperforming, but neglecting to take any of the upgrades...

    I was talking in the context of being in Storm Cell and the other synergies.  The whole set sings with Storm Cell and yet the T9 is underwhelming in Storm Cell, both ways, uphill.  That doesn't mean I toss the toon, hell no.  She is fun to play especially solo and in kind of Blappery with the Radiation secondary I am using.

  9. 1 hour ago, Captain Fabulous said:

    His career spanned nearly 50 years, with over 100 TV and movie credits and over 20 award nominations/wins. His comedic timing and improvisational skills were unmatched. He was also an accomplished musician with almost 60 albums, a number of which were in the Billboard top 20.

    Like "I Love Lucy" I laugh hysterically whenever I watch "The Honeymooners".

    Cool mate.  It makes you laugh so there ya go, that's you and lots of others.  I find him and Lucy not funny at all and that's me; I'll take Carol Burnett ten times out of ten.  That movie starring Kidman and Bardam about Ball was real good however.

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  10. It wasn't until I came to Homecoming did I embrace melee characters.  On Live I was a shooter or a locking shooter, or a supporting shooter.  Most of my characters were Blasters followed by Controllers then Defenders.  I wanted to like them, admired some eve,  I created a Tanker (INV/MACE) and ran her to 50 and found the experience . . . boring.  Then I created a Scrapper (BS/SR) and well hated her.  Oh I ran her to 50 as well but I just wasn't feeling it.  SO I made more of what I did enjoy.  I never hated on those that did do melee but I did kind of become a little bit of an ass regarding Blapping (Beam don't Blap - No Blaster should Blap).  I dislived the whole concept of villains and deleted my Stalker around level 39 or so and the Brute, shit she didn't make it to 20, I just wasn't feeling it.


    I got better.  Enter Homecoming where I told myself I would avoid doing or falling victim to same issues I had on Live and to try new stuff.  High on that list was giving a real chance to the non shooter types.  What resulted was that I had to realize that the fun I had with most of my shooters was the alterations to the fighting style even with the same primary, that's why I have three separate DP Blasters and each is played completely differently.  So with melee types I tried the same thing.  So from worst to first.


    Stalker - Yeah I have one, (tried two others on test - deleted) and I don't like them.  I am not a sneaky pete so the whole mechanic doesn't work for me.  The one I have committed to play on Excelsior is out of stubborness and to be honest is a bad mood away from deletion.  Oh I am sure the power set I took is "teh suck" by stalker people (PSI/SR) but that was the only one that actually seemed interesting to me.  My brain cannot let go of the thematic problems.


    Scrapper - I have 1, she's Level 50 . . . and that's all there is to say.  Scrappers feel disappointing to me.  I am sure I am missing something.  After the one (BS/WP) made it to 50 as part of a theme group I build a couple on test server with different powers and every time even with the Set IOs kitted in I didn't find them fun.


    Blapper - Yep a Blaster who gets in the melee and mixes it up is better than a Stalker and a Scrapper to me.  But really, it isn't a melee type I am just putting it here to show I can grow.  I have two Blasters and another that's maturing into that roll and I find it fun in doses.


    Tanker - I have 1 and she is awesome.  There I found joy in true survivability, finally realizing that while it is about damage its damage taken.  When I was a level like 30 Tank with very little in the way of Set IOs slotted but fully kitted out armors (Invulnerability) and sidekicked to a level 50 against +4 enemies, running that Freakshow portal mission and I was taunting multiple mobs and corner pulling and they were beating on me and my health bar wasn't moving . . . it was glorious.  Oh I was rarely even hitting and when I did the damage was microscopic and slow (Energy Melee), that was my team mates job, but I held aggro and didn't die.


    Brute - Very interesting thing here.  I like Brutes, probably my favorite melee types to play, I have like 3 on Excelsior and like 1 on Everlasting.  Brutes are fun to me because they aren't quite tankers, just a bit shy on survivability but not too much to where you scream at the monitor and the whole mechanic of fury building is perhaps what does it for me.  You have to keep chugging, like that Statham movie where he like couldn't let his heart rate drop too low or he would die.  It ads this self-imposed sense of frantic need to constantly seek out a fight which I cant help but embrace.  And because they aren't quite tanks you have to actually pay attention a little to your bars.  Fun.


    As for new powers.  Everyone seems to want to El Kabong people, so how about you make a General weapon-based melee that is bashy like mace but not a copy of mace and then let the weapons be things like a guitar or plain old heavy log obviously you could have bats and crowbars and batons.  Maybe a lamp or sure Nunchaku.


    Also I had a fever dream about a power called Magic Fists - Like the punches did crazy things with like random effects like sometimes it holds or it sets a guy on fire or shrinks them down to bobblehead guy size.  Oh call it Chaos Melee and totally lean into the "you wont know from one punch to the next" Sure it does a fixed damage but the secondary effects random.  OMG!  Perfect crazy!


  11. I like it.  I have fun with it.  And yes, the T9 is pretty underwhelming.  I cast it and it feels like Whirlpool from Water Blast and the numbers I see dont seem to build up in intensity as the description says but then again as was noted in Test and live play already, its not for todays team mission running because the team has already moved on to the third alpha while you build up intensity.  Storm Blast is great fun solo.


    and @Etched; Ow.  Sorry that sucks but at least you are still on the right side of the dirt with that much radiation to the noggin.

  12. 1 hour ago, EmperorSteele said:

    Welcome home! Did you get your gift basket from the Pay 2 Win lady?


    (It... it's not actually a basket, but you can get some free prestige powers that will help in the lower levels. There's also abilities and buffs that can be bought with inf. She's the lady in the black suit just North West of Ms. Liberty)

    Two words; Bran muffins.  Avoid the Bran Muffins.  If there is any tip I can pass that will be the most useful to you is this.  It is a grand deception that they are good for you.  Likely a Nemesis plot  vast scope.  They hurt going in and hurt going out.  They are evil muffins of pain.  They put them in the gift basket hidden among such tasty things like Blackwands and Sands of Mu and Bucknards Everfull Box of Inspirations, waiting; patiently waiting to hurt you with their . . . Bran.

    • Haha 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Snarky said:

    That was called "acting"


    Took me twenty years to realize I never liked John Travolta because he was acting characters that I disliked.  When I saw him act as a character I liked I was like...WTF?

    No, that's not it.  Gleason couldn't act.  it has to be something else.  Maybe Superadine?

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