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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. It was glorious fun and made me feel warm in many places.  Ran around clicking presents and killing the spawns for the badge then got some Baby New Year Action (ick) then got me a Winter Lord Trial and the other one with the Mistress of Secksi Winter.  I love the Winter Event and missed it last year due to hospital and the year before because Japan vacation so I need badge-ville on all my alts, though I am pacing myself so as not to end up in the hospital again due to stress induces Cardiac incidents 🙂

  2. 44 minutes ago, roleki said:

    I used to get mad about people opening presents and abandoning the spawns, but then I realized that people racing around gathering shit they don't need and giving zero fucks about the impact of their activities on others is the perfect representation of the season.

    I was looking for a Frances Xavier Cross.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Luminara said:

    Rad/Rad Paragon Protector Elites.  -Regen, -Recharge, -Movement Speed (Lingering Radiation, 30s duration... and 25s recharge time), -Defense (10-30% with every successful attack), -Resistance and -Damage (toggle).  I fight everything, and this is the one thing I don't like to fight.

    Shivers.  Yeah I ran into some of those recently.  Not money.

  4. Frank Masterson from HR, terrible boss to work for.  Countess Crey actually told him to take it down a notch at a meeting once.


    But yeah, Carnie Master Illusionists are a pain in the buttocks.  Paragon Protectors are dreadful solo and when they pop MoG or moment of whatever else; suck clock starts.  Ruin Mages are terrible.


    But yea, Frank Masterson, constantly nagging about updating your contact information and harping about timecard closure in Deltek, and the paperwork nightmare with regards to the travel claim.  I know he's a Nemesis automaton.

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  5. Mercs has improved.  I don't feel bad about myself when I play them now and might even say I enjoy them now (and I have demons).  DP is fun even if damage isn't spreadsheet awesome.  Most of my characters play well enough with SOs but IOs are essentially a must.  I have Set IOs on some (full or partial) but ZERO Purples.  Oh yeah, my sonics are also fun to play now.


  6. 10 hours ago, biostem said:

    No earth/earth doms themed after giving out charcoal to all the naughty boys & girls?

    Why does everyone see this as a bad thing.  🙂 It was a valuable resource that kept your home warm.  It was originally given in the days of Sinterklass (and before him Saint Nicholas) as a practical gift to those who were naughty as opposed to sweets (or coins) to those who were nice.

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  7. 17 hours ago, Luminara said:

    From the other end of the perspective spectrum:


    My mother would start decorating right after Halloween.  Splashes of red and green everywhere, that canned snow stuff frosting the windows, garlands of gold and silver strewn around.  Christmas music played constantly for months.  Family tree tinseling and ornament hanging, and nothing came down until the tree was shedding needles faster than she could vacuum them up.  She never put up a single decoration outside, everything was always indoors.  Christmas was in her heart, and her home was her heart.  We were poor, so it wasn't about presents and fancy displays for other people, more about feeling Christmas for as long as possible.  That was usually about six months.  When the inevitable time came to put everything away, we took the tinsel off of the tree and saved it (i said we were poor), boxed everything up and moved it to the shed, and she'd get a mixed look on her face.  Part regret, part anticipation.


    I still believe it was the best Christmas present she ever gave me.  I love Christmas.  I love seeing Christmas decorations.  I love snow and firs and holly trees and hot cocoa on cold days and Christmas music and Christmas movies with cheesy cliché conclusions.  During the holiday season, middle of the year, doesn't matter to me, every day is Christmas because Christmas is in me every day.  It's a perpetual feeling, and I'm grateful that people leave their decorations up because these complete strangers are sharing their joy, their love of Christmas, with me.  Just like my mother did.

    There's always bad shit going on in the world.  Wars, hate, starvation, abuse.  The Christmas spirit is the polar opposite of all of it, and to the people who leave their decorations up past some stranger's arbitrarily determined date of expiration, I say thank you.  There's never a time when we don't need some of that spirit, and for every person who rolls his/her eyes and scoffs at the doofuses who haven't taken down their decorations, there's also a person who looks at those decorations and feels a spark of warmth.

    This response is not sarcasm, it's sincere.  That was was some real knot in your throat Hallmark channel stuff right there.  Made me take a moment and think about things.


    Merry Christmas.

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  8. Monty and Captain Canada are both true boosters on Excelsior.  Monty runs the game show so its a fun distraction and to be honest, wants you to win because he often gives you second, third and fifth chances if you are also having fun.  I watch the people play his game and some are chatty and get it while others know what's up and just play along for the cash and Monty, well he just drives on, no judgement; a true game show host.


    Captain Canada is a drive by donations guy in the Canadian-color theme suit not Santa) and a million from him on a starter character even if you have alts you can transfer from makes a difference.  He doesn't care if your character is alt number sixty, I've flat out said to him, hey its cool man I have other alts and he was like "I don't care I give to everyone".  There is a story with him and his old Super Group which is a little sad but I will leave that to him to tell.


    Boosters come in all forms in and out of game and those different flavors are why I still love playing CoH because a bad day in Paragon City is still a good day anywhere else.

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  9. On 11/26/2022 at 4:03 PM, Spaghetti Betty said:

    I think a support set could also work in a vague sense. Like a "Battle Captain" type of thing where your weapon would be used as more of an idol than for combat. You would fortify your team's strengths through shouts and battle tactics. That would be pretty cool.

    Rally around the flag as it were.  It was why people gave their lives to keep the flag flying in a battle in the old days of war because it acted as not just a positional beacon for the force but a motivator to fight.


    Flag-Fu Melee Set

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  10. I love it and I like the fact that several powers require you to be on the ground.  Sometimes thematics matter and being close to the earth makes complete sense.  I ran my Rock Blaster Krystala up to 50 extremely fast and had a ton of fun doing it.  The animations and the effects are fun and yes, the combos (building up enough seismic to get orange rings) to strengthen other effects actually flow well for me unlike by DB sword swinger and pre-recent issue Beam Sentinel.  I have never suffered an inability to mow through enemies at and was the first Blaster I actually upped the difficulty on while leveling because of the survivability (No Set IOs either, not until 50).  Love.

  11. On 11/25/2022 at 12:45 AM, MistressOhm said:

    It's a thing where I am too.


    Lights, and themed inflatables on the lawns.  


    I'm going to do my usual luminarias (aka farolitos) along the sidewalk and the driveway, run some icicle lights along the arches for the porch, and call it good.

    The Following Is My Opinion and By No Means the Only Opinion


    When I was younger and far more likely to lash out "inappropriately" at things I disliked I would have totally been destroying those horrid inflatable pieces of $h1t.  If you are going to decorate, then do it for real and stop taking shortcuts.  Easy (read lazy) decorating options lead to this whole more is better concept (which is wrong) and conversely cheapen everything.  It takes me several hours to do the outside which is comprised of the following:


    - Three (3) symmetrically aligned fake Christmas trees with lights and balls.

    - Three (3) Large Christmas Tree Balls (Size of Basketball) with lights spaced evenly around trees.

    - Three (3) Christmas Presents (milk crates wrapped with weatherproof material and lights) spaced evenly around trees.

    - Blue Blanket Lights on the Box Shrubbery (2)

    - One Garland with Lights strung over Garage.

    - One wreath on house front door.


    Spouse used to do a Nativity on the the other side of the garage but fallen Catholics are fun in their inconsistent application of faith so we don't do it any more.


    BUT I AM NOT A GRINCH (Yelling Intentional)


    My indoor tree is effing fabulous and it takes five hours to do and seven to take down.  Its glorious and it makes me tingly in several places just thinking about it.

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  12. On 12/21/2021 at 10:09 PM, Tailcoat said:


    You could use the image macro command if you're talking about using the same image, but would have to know the power icon's file name. The wiki should have that info. The disadvantage is that you won't get that cooldown timer like the actual power icon. If you need to see the timer, maybe you could put the actual icon in a spare power tray off to the side so you can glance at it to check the timer, and put the macro version in your normal power tray.

    I actually move the actual power (or in some cases powers) to a separate tray and have the macro image in the slot I was going to use that way I can see the cooldowns in a central location.  This is the case with my Grav/Time where several location AoE's have been tweaked.

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