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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. Here's some focused feedback for the people wanting knockback or repel removed or changed to KD or whatever . . . just because you don't like the mechanic doesn't mean it needs to be removed.


    Its wind and storms and having been through several category 3 Hurricanes and a Severe Typhoon on a flat bottomed amphibious assault ship, things don't get knocked down, they get blown off the deck, like helicopters snapping chocks and chains.  How about letting a themed power set actually have a theme vice just being a reskinned version of something else.

    Hurricane Wind GIFs | Tenor

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  2. My problem with DP Suppressive Fire change is that the power is supposed to be low damage for the gain of the not terrible but not controller hold.   One DP didnt take it at all because she had a better hold from her secondary (Radiation).  Upping the damage to downgrade the hold renders the power pointless.  But again I am copying them over now as well as my DP Corr and DP Sent for comparison

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  3. I am gonna be running my three DP Blasters tonight to see the impact from the changes to Suppressive Fire.  On the surface I am not pleased that its hold is reduced even further.  I have enough issues with it being a heavy damage low-to-no hold power on a Sentinel.  I know Blasters aren't supposed to be controllers but damn, they aren't one trick poines. 

    • Like 4
  4. Zone events have never been about XP for me, they are what I like to call seasoning events, meaning they add a little flavor to an otherwise bland zone.


    Take Skyway and the Troll Rave.  That zone sucks, terrible for navigation at low levels and boring.  You go there for Synapse Task Force or when it pops in a triggered event like Nemesis or the recent Mapserver thingy.  But the Troll Rave is a thing you see pop up and run over to catch some Supa's.  Its for badgers and in general its done well beyond the zone level so you are sweeping easily.  But still, it adds a sense of "life" to the zone, the cops putitng down these drug addled clown shoes.


    Steel Canyon Fires, again seasoning but also a curious thing as even if you have totally outlevelled every thing you can still die if you dont get the fire out and the building blows.  I always found it a little odd that it was Hellions who you have fundamentally outleveled once you leave AP.  But since Outcasts do cold and electricity and earth, I guess they had to go all fire.  But it works and you kind of feel heroic.


    Ghost ship is not so much one I am a fan of.  Oh I do the badge run but the fact that so much of its transit is through water (yes it's a ship, I get it), but the ghosts don't spawn on water.  Also there exploration badges on Striga relating to that ill fated ship yet it doesn't spawn there.  Personally I would love to see the even altered to where it starts its pass through then docks, as if it has reached its original destination and then disgorges swarms of ghosts that scale like in other triggered events like Nemesis or Rikti or Zombie's (Think Ghostbusters II, terrible move but good scene)


    Ghostbusters II (1989) - IMDb

    Brickstown - Well that is a classic example of bad advertising coupled with lack of interest.  I have done it once, on my badger and never looked at it again.  Ironically its actually a pretty crazy chaos event.


    Praetorian - Those are all nice actually, fitting to the zone but plagued by the utter absence of players in the zone.  However they are the kind of events that should be used as a templat for creating new events (see below)


    Scrapyard - Yeah that pushes all the right buttons, badges, applicability to the environment and while you and your team might be over leveled to his lackeys he is a GM and takes work.  The nature of the event (roving around) means if you made his minion spawn level similar to those seen in events like Nemesis then they would be a hazard/impedence to the zone.  The key is his mob following him, not spawning around people in zone.  Imagine a zone equal toon in Sharkhead accidently stumbling on the ass mob of  keyed up Scrapyarders.


    I consider Caleb, Lusca, The Clockwork Paladin, The Babbage/GWW deal in Boom and the Paladin as non-event events.  Thats just me.  The War in the Vale in Coratoa is more of an event like the above items becuase of its design.


    Now additional zones events for flavor, I can think of a couple (along with the ghost ship revamp).


    Kings Row - It's the Row and it's the Skulls so naturally, at least to me it would be an opportunity to go a little further with the Lords of Death story Arc;



    Maybe its some kind of who tries to take control since Veles and Cherno have been taken out, or maybe trick it up and have Morana grasp for power, I mean she did roll out with Atta after all before the warehouse fire.


    Independence Port - This would be a perfect place to design up some sort of "Mob War" type event perhaps following the template of the Syndacate one in Praetoria or maybe trick it up by doing some kind of keep the balance thing where you have to take down just enough Marcones and enough Verandi's (or Frosts or whatever) . . . dont let Family X take over the rackets.


    Talos Island - If you do a revamped Ghost ship I would disgorge them here.  Otherwise the zone needs something.  The Tsoo seem underserved as a whole so maybe a different kind of gang War that plays upon the actions in that Arc with Sun Xiong.  You know what would be great, do some kind of Big Trouble in Little China thing!  OMG that would be great!


    Egg Shen Electricity GIF - Egg Shen Electricity Science ...


    Founders Falls - Okay work with me here . . . pigeons . . . swarms of pigeons . . . it works in Venice so why not the Venice of the Northeast (as opposed to the Venice District known as Crey's Folly.  But seriously, how about a real deal high level Circle of Thorns event.  Like they are coming after Infernal or maybe coming after the Midnighter facility in FF.  Waves of the dead, especially ones that are generally only common on the V Side like Hellfrosts and Succcubus.  But come up with another named behemoth like Baphomet leading an army.  LIke defeat X spawn from X ports before timer expires then holy crap they are inside the club and crazy magic stuff (like the craziness of the Animus Arcanus in Praetoria and final demon battle summoning power from artifacts in the Midnight Club!


    Peregrine Island - Its the end-game zone and the event should reflect it . . . other dimensional leakage from Portal Corp spawns variants of the Thousand worlds.  Take the existing crazy.  Use the tech from the Shadow Simuncrums used in Posi 1 and the clone missions later but amp them up so you are facing you from other dimensions.  Hell Russian roulette powers on them to mix it up.  Double down on overpowered versions of Statesman, or get freaky with things like gather allies which include good guy Recluse from Dimension X and a non-plotting Nemesis.  Hell give us no power having Phalanxers who are generic citizens who have to be rescued.  Mend the rifts and escort the people back to their dimension.  There is so much whacky fun you could have here.


    Anyway that's my two cents.


    Oh the question was favorite - Steel Canyon Fires.

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  5. 29 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    There are no timed missions in Grandville.  It is just something you think you see.


    Efficiency Expert Pither actually encourages you to be safe and take your time. 

    And the badge is just because HR says you cannot focus on efficiency in the workplace as it makes employees feel they aren't valued for their unique qualities as a person rather than their ability to perform their job.

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  6. On 3/31/2023 at 2:12 PM, Ironblade said:

    Sure, but you're all grim/dark/undead about it.

    I have an invuln/dark tank named Chromatic Cat where every attack is a different color of the rainbow.  🙂

    The Colors!


    • Haha 1
  7. The following reflects my current MM Inventory:


    Munitions Mistress (50) Mercs/Traps

    Archduchess Glasya (50) Demons/Dark

    Hatshepsut Eternal (50) Necro/Time

    Fatal Fragrance (35) Thugs/Rad


    I have played others but deleted them or never recreated them from live (Beast/Nature, Ninja/Storm, Bots/Force Field, Bots/Sonic, Mercs/Pain, Thugs/Poison, Thugs/Pain).  However this is about trying to provide a response to the OP about them so the four have all their pets and both tiers of upgrades.


    Commando - He's a pretty heavy hitter, tended to last some time in a fight even prior to the recent Homecoming changes.  He was the one I had to pay the least attention to with regards to keeping alive.  He tended to stay in his lane.  When Serum got buffed and Mercs as a whole got the Resistance and Defense buff from the Upgrades added on HC update, he got better.  He has enough attacks in his chain with both upgrades to where he no longer seems to want to brawl (awesome).  Now, since Medic isn't as stupid as he used to be I think these guys synergize the best with each other.  Spec Ops need to stop trying to rifle butt people but overall they now stay at range without me constantly having to call them back to me in order to reset the close-in AI.  Alone, he is still rock solid.


    Bruiser - Yeah he's a tank and when you get the Set IOs slotted in he's a good tank.  Hell I often wade in alongside him to give love taps to the enemies because I feel kind of awesome.  He's totally melee so you fully know what you are getting.  Furthermore once you get him, the constant death of the arsonist is diminished significantly as Bruiser had their attention.  Still happens of course but with Bruiser I don't have to micromanage the rest of the thugs.  Otherwise they function similarly to Mercs with regards to range.  They synergize in a weird way to me because enforcers and thugs (including Torchy McBurnsalot) stay back allowing a clear delineation and allowing me to step slightly forward to buff the Bruiser or slightly back to buff them.  And I am not even adding the chaos killing when you call a gang war.  By himself he is pretty freaking awesome.


    Demon Prince - Other than the sounds (ugh) he is tough but he is part of the overall Demon package.  They synergize very well with so much slow and -Rech laid down they can render mobs useless.  their mix of melee and range in generally equal amounts lets you have great range strike lead then close in melee coupled with crazy panic fun.  To be honest, they are insane fun because of the manic pace you can set, its like a wrecking crew at times, kind of like a Freakshow melee furball.  Solo he isn't the best though his control aspects keep him from being kicked out of bed, but he is a beast (see what I did with words) when he is with his fellow hellspawn.


    Lich - This is a weird one to me.  I found the Grave Knights to be better than the Lich and they tend to outlive the Lich in a big protracted fight (Soul Extraction anyone).  A minor damage knockback cone?  Five minions who are melee centric and the Lich is knocking enemies around.  That gets the lesser dead scampering everywhere.  Oh and while the Fear is nice its a cone and the pet AI isn't exactly patiently steering into position to maximize the cone, it would be better as an AoE.  His synergies aren't great and by himself, less than great.


    Obviously secondary powers make a massive difference in each of these (and all of the others).  I my case I selected all of the secondaries based on two criteria; story/creation theme and suck factor.  Radiation isn't radiation but pheromones.  Dark is with demons because duh!  Demons!  Time with Necro because the MM is the eternally undead Pharaoh Hatshepsut who defied death by mastering time itself.  Mercs/Traps, it was a theme though I wish so badly that they would create a grenades Secondary that would so better fit.  Traps is tricky.  Anyway that's what I got based on what I have played.

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  8. I am going to give you two that YOU SHOULD AVOID.  I have two (2) Illusion controllers and they both suffer from "what was I thinking" syndrome.  Please note this is my opinion, a lot of people will disagree I am sure.


    Flattery is Illusion/Kinetics, built specifically for Nukem events (Giant Monster pull party!).  Do teams love Kinetics? Sure.  But that's what they love they do not love you they love your car.  Kinetics is too busy when I am also busy with my illusioning.  And of course my pets give the illusionary middle finger to my buffs.  I ran her to 50 and have done some incarnate stuff but I never fell in love with her so she is shelved, except for when we do the Nukem event that she was built for.  It was painful and to be honest, boring especially in the majority of todays Team/Task Force environment.


    My other Illusion is Doctor Finetush who is Empathy.  She was a tribute character to a late friend.  She was built as team support and while I have plenty of teams they honestly rarely care about needing my heals and again, my pets with the middle finger.  Lost track of the number of teams that have quite literally said, you should be kinetics so you can at least help the team.  A slow and painful grind that I do not recommend to anyone, even using Arcane Bolt 🙂

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  9. On 3/27/2023 at 7:43 PM, Crysis said:

    The D-Sync Threats are going for ridonkulous prices right now.  Last 5 sales are between 400MM and 700MM.  Don't think I've seen something priced like that since Live marketplace.

    Well not the level 49 ones . . . . curses.   I guess I aint getting those new shoes.

  10. Try to play "OG" City of Heroes (Ouro-Dev server at home) that's not got the Homecoming QoL tweaks including travel and how bases tie in to that.  They are so not irrelevant.  Plus yes those that see it as a mii-game, I have been in some fabulous creations.

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