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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. 58 minutes ago, lemming said:

    And my version of vidiot maps (latest) shows the spawn locations; Red for PPD, Orange for Arson, Green for Pawn, Pink for Warehouse, Blue for Hostage

    Well that makes me happy to hear (and will download when I get home).


    As for the deal mission showing, your report messes my hypothesis up, but that's why its a hypothesis so now I need to do trend analysis.


    Who doesn't love linear fault isolation and analytical thought . . . oh wait.

  2. Okay I was running a bunch of mayhem missions yesterday for explore badges and progress on the tasks (arson, impounder, etc) and I repeatedly had a situation where I would hit "key giver", kill them, say I got a key and then nothing.  Now what I saw was that there is that I think its the RAID mission that doesn't drop a waypoint.  I got arson (2x), Kidnap (1x), PPD (1x but there is the cop there too), pawn shop (2x).  No raid.  I plan on doing a little more testing before I totally bug.


    - All done before Bank.  After bank no waypoint suddenly appears.


    There use to be a set of maps that showed the actual spawn locations and the mission grantors but I for the life of me cant find them any more.  Not a vidiotmaps thing it used to me like paragon wiki.  But what I have done is after the mystery key drops I essentially go and click on every door on the map.  Nothing! as far as I have seen.  I mean Ive been doing them for so long, especially AP, KR, Sky and Steel to where I pretty much have them memorized.  Its gotta be the raid the deal mission.



  3. There are a few I would like that wouldnt be hard to implement really


    Grenades - Specifically Hand Grenades as a secondary.  There are enough already in game where you could be kind of like trick/tactical arrow but use a different vector (shorter range to start with) and to be honest, lay into the KB/KD mechanism as a sell not a detriment.  Works for a Blaster, works for a Defender or Corruptor.


    Whips or Fiery (or Energy) Lash - Take the Demons Mastermind power and work from there.  It really doesn't require a lot of deep thought.  So fun as a semi-short range blast set with a half lethal and half fire or maybe even something exotic like toxic to give it something unique.  But its whips man.  How can you not.  Give it some stylistic aspect as well akin to how DP was designed.  Sometimes style trumps substance and in this game any power works and it definitely isn't just a reskin of another power as you have to develop the moves for the 6 new powers at a minimum.  It's secksi and cool and . . . I want it.


    Lucent energy - Leveraging some aspects of energy blast (sans the KB) adding a to-hit debuff or disorient because blinded by the light (queue Steve Miller).  Energy and fire damage (like say 75/25 or something like that).  You can take some from the Legacy Chain but also go original.  Or instead of a blast you make it a defense set leveraging the same to-hit debuff vectors but unlike say radiation or dark with the toggles they are flash shots, several different ones (theme), a heavily trending AoE support set largely in the debuff arena but I am sure someone could develop a few buffs (a target illuminator -def foe or +to hit ally) or like a built in team Build Up.

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  4. On 3/18/2023 at 10:10 AM, tidge said:

    One of my Controllers (who went through Redside) has a bio that explicitly identifies him as a former hench that got "cut" because he was always making people fall down, or otherwise getting in each others' way.

    Arsonist.  I'd tell him, keep the zippo in your pants but he never listens.

  5. I know a guy

    55 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    I have enough bodies down there.  Find another hiding spot.  

    I know a guy who knows a guy in Jersey who might be able to help you out.  He's what they call a sanitation engineer if you know what I mean.

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  6. The laptop that I use for laptopy stuff and CoH dual boxing is HP DV7T from 2011 with a Core i7 and an Geforce GT 650M.  When you notch down the graphics settings it runs real well but anything above medium actually starts to stress it and it becomes herky jerky.  But it is pretty old and is due for a refresh since the semi-infamous "ballpeen hammer dropped on the keyboard" incident has now rendered seven keys on the right side useless.


    I probably wont be getting a replacement that will play CoH on cause the big rig I have lets me run two CoH instances with ease.


    Then again . . . shiny.

  7. 2 hours ago, Nyghtmaire said:

    I’ve been futzing around with “Action Hero Sidekick” - mercs/traps summoning only T3. Character is basically a scrawny kid trying to keep up with the 80s era action movie soldier of fortune with too many guns. Traps is suitably self-contained and functional. And with stealth, can do a lot solo. But it’s slow. Sloooooow!

    I find this to be interesting in concept, like the Last Action Hero . . . especially when Danny realized he's the comic relief sidekick.

  8. BLUF: By the time I have run a character to 50, they are generally exactly where I want them to be, have RESPEC'd several times in the process and now allow me to just be heroic with no fuss or muss; Sets, Slots, all good to go so the only thing is the Incarnate stuff.


    I have a process built around weather or not its a play often, play occasionally or no longer play.  But also framed around several axioms:


    - Build for overall play not specialized activity; no 10 Star Ultra ITF build or speed runs in the Pocket D Slalom.  Half the fun comes from being challenged (not tortured).

    - No Purples.  I have nothing against them, you are more than welcome to use them but when I get them I sell them, period, without hesitation. I made the decision that I didn't need them in any build to be happy with my character and it has saved me so much pain (and money) and I am happy when I play.

    - Don't play for the prize, play for the fun.  On Live I was an OCD Badge hunter, one of the top on Freedom at the time, but to do that I had to do un-fun things (grind, afk heal, etc).  I would have gone insane over the Prismatic Aether deal if I was still that person.  Sure badges are fun to earn, but you aren't going to see my blaster with all of the heal badges, I am over that crap Johnny.


    So with that in mind no longer play have all of their IO's stripped and stored and an optimized RESEPC performed then they are shipped to Everlasting, or in some cases, outright deleted.  No-Play Keepers are generally due to having cool back story or whatever.


    Play often are for lack of a better term (to me at least) perfect.  I don't need to mess with them unless something messes with them (good or bad).  Munitions Mistress was perfect until they changed Mercs for the better and I needed to respec to take advantage.  Taking the ToHit Debuff out of throw sand in Martial Combat was stupid (thematically and mechanically - sand in the eyes makes it harder to see, i.e. aim but you stun - inane?)  but as long as I don't respec Di Di, the proc from Cloud Senses still fires (at least for now).


    The middle ground guys, they are the ones that are the alts that are moving up or the alts at 50 that I play when I want to play.  I have some that are exclusively for SG events only, others that are relegated to thematic runs (a villain working through all the villain content in flashback, or only doing magic-centric arcs in flashback).  There I will often find a "mistake" or realize something no longer works for me in how I want to play.


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  9. Regarding Scorpion Shield - You have to temporarily go Rogue or villain to get scorpion shield (Epic Patron) which you can do by talking to Null the Gull in Pocket D.  Often its simply a matter of waiting for someone to announce they are doing the last mission on a Patron Arc  and inviting.  You have to be in their zone to join their team and to do that you have to be able to go there so full hero wont cut it.  Vigilante will let you pass through.  I am also seeming to remember that its the presence of the earned badge from the mission that triggers your being able to select villain pools on respec.  Once you are done you can Null the Gull back to your old alignment.  But remember if you have Force Mastery then regardless of unlocking you cannot have Scorpion as well - you are allowed only one active epic power pool.


    Temp Invulnerability - If you are staying with Temp invulnerability then you kind of have to keep PFF because of unlocking requirements.  All good, you can have it as an oh sh1t power.  Since that is your decision there I would suggest notching down the slotting a little from that full six to say four and slot in unbreakable Guard or Titanium Coating in order to get some multi-use Set IO bonuses.


    Which IO's have Procs - In the build you posted you have procs in a lot of powers (Chance for X).  But do you mean where to find the information on Set Bonuses (i.e. 2 slots gives 3% x and 3 slots gives Increased Y).  Either way, Mids does a lot of the explaining and is where you would fine tune and tweak obviously.  The other place of good information that isn't deep in the weeds of min-max optimization is the Homecoming Wiki:


    Homecoming Wiki - Main Page


    Of course play and time are also the best ways to figure out but having good tools makes it a less bumpy ride.  Hope this helps.

  10. Its like my dryer and the fact that all dryers when activated open up portals to a specific alternate dimension.  There the inhabitants are all hateful because the only thing they do is steal from you.  They only speak the binary language of ones and zeroes.  Their hatefulness is so pronounced that they don't steal anything of real value but rather complete utility to us bipeds; socks.  They steal only 1 sock however (the aforementioned binary aspect).  This forces us to wear mismatched socks resulting in general discomfort and embarrassment among our friends, family and peers.


    They are a malevolent enemy the Binary Sock Thieves of the Kenmore Dimension, worse than the Rikti.

    • Haha 4
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