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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. 20 hours ago, Snarky said:

    i avoid reddit like the plague.  in the rare occasions the discussions are rooted in reality there is still enough malware one misclick  away on that site to screw a comp forever

    Reddit, like most of the rest of the internet is good for one thing; free porn.  Mom always said all you need is a free hand and a will to live.


    I come here because I like to read and enjoy myself.


    I go there because I don't want to read but want to enjoy myself . . . if you know what I mean.  Some of those NSFW sub-reddit's are amazing.  Except the vampire one.  Everyone there is so . . . I don't know . . . Snarky 🙂

    • Haha 2
  2. I don't intentionally have preferred parings, meaning that I planned it.  But I have noticed that I do tend to swing a lot of Dual Pistols types.


    DP/MC Blaster - Di Di Guns

    DP/Atomic Blaster - Runeslinger

    DP/Kin Corrupter - Boom Boom Britta

    DP/Energy Aura Sentinel - Trinity Six

    DP/Time Defender - Mender Oakley

    DP/Ninja Blaster - Two Gun Trixie


    Wait, don't Thugs use two handguns.  Oh my.

    • Like 1
  3. On 2/3/2023 at 8:56 AM, Snarky said:

    Too true. These people seriously misjudge how much i game

    I was in a PUG with Snarky yesterday and I can attest to him not dropping and not totally being Snarky, I think he lol'd at a terrible joke I made, or maybe it was a pity laugh, or maybe he was being snar . . . . heeeeeeyyyyyy.

    • Like 1
  4. Pain Marty?  Try Prison.


    For me, Homecomings alterations make the play time that I have due to work and home and other real life things more valuable.  The relative ease in moving around now compared to live makes me happy.  Comic books and cartoons do not spend time showing us the drive to the battle unless there is exposition to go with it.  Why shouldn't the game short-cut those same things.  I have mentioned before that I run an Project OuroDev server at home (i25) like it was at shutdown (for the most part) and let me tell you, I wish there was a release of Homecoming the same way because ouch.


    Sure there are changes but fundamentally its still the same game I love.

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  5. I like the Nemesis event for the spectacle of it all.  The same goes for the Rikti Invasion event.


    But @Greycat pointed out the Steel Canyon fires and it got me to thinking about them and the Troll Rave.  I like those events very much, in large part because they grant practically zero experience unless you are actually in the level range.  They grant badges but that's about it so there isn't a mass of players LFG or LFL for it, usually maybe only 1 or two at the most if that.  Yet I find them fulfilling, especially the fires.  Oh my Chief Williams gave me an improved firefighting pack.  Sweet.


    Oh I like experience and enjoy most of the zone events but there is something about saving a kind of slummy building from burning to the ground.  Stupid Hellions.

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