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Not a clue, sorry - I haven't had any Mac users comment on how it correlates. It should be the same as Windows as far as keyboard layout though; default movement keys being W/A/S/D and 1-0 being power keys. The numpad was only used for (quick) popping reds and blues, you could just as easily change numpad1 and numpad2 in the binds above to be one of the function keys at the top (F1-F12) or whatever is convenient. If the bind is stopping after you hit the key once then I suspect it's the folder location that is different for Mac clients. Do a find & replace in a text editor for bindloadfilesilent and change it to bindloadfile instead, that way you'll see any error messages in the chat window in-game and whether it's finding the next bind file or not. If you get an error that it couldn't load it's definitely the path that is the problem; you'll need to figure out where that is for the Mac client.
I do similar to this on characters with Vengeance too - one key that you push once, will automatically find the dead teammate/friendly, then cast the ability. Laziness intensifies. 😁 Joke or not you could do 90% of those commands as binds that use the ability or yell something in chat - you're just going one step further and automating all interaction with your teammates to button pushing. 😆
Found some of my old Peacebringer macros whilst tidying up my game folder too - no fancy looping binds for these as you don't really need them on the PB unless you're taking a Teleport power in your Human form. Follow the guide above for the Warshade trays for each form, but substitute with the macros below to have nice, fancy icons for each form and it's own seperate tray of abilities. I also use /bind shift+lbutton "powexecname White Dwarf Step" for White Dwarf's teleport. /macro_image "LuminousAura_TeleportSelf" "Human Form" "powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$gototray 1" /macro_image "LuminousAura_WhiteDwarf" "White Dwarf" "powexectoggleon White Dwarf$$gototray 9" /macro_image "LuminousBlast_BrightNova" "Bright Nova" "powexectoggleon Bright Nova$$gototray 8"
Check what it's saying in the game chat window when you try the bindload file command - if it says it can't find the file, my guess is that you unpacked the RAR to c:\Binds, BUT left 'MMBinds' in there as an extra folder. The text files need to be sitting loose in c:\binds\ for this set-up to work. The tray you've got selected makes no difference - these are binds, not macros, they don't add anything to your trays.
Do you play a Kinetics alt? Do you HATE having to click people to target them and then try to queue up two buffs before they inevitably run off out of range? Is thinking too hard? Then this bind is for you. This is something I use on all my Kin alts, because I cannot be bothered to chase after players or put any level of thought in to buffing them with SB and ID. Other people are usually far too squirmy for my liking and make keeping those buffs up a chore - I am NOT someone who enjoys playing a healer/buffer class as you can tell... but I CAN fake it using this bind! TL;DR: Hit Q - squirmy 'friendly' player (teamed or otherwise) you're *roughly* looking at gets buffed with both powers. Thank goodness these powers were made soft targetted AoE's - it made this bind even lazier. 🙂 First up - the basics, and some things you'll benefit from knowing, in plain English: Binds have a hard limit of around 255 characters, so for more complex ones you need to split them in to chunks (files) that fit those restrictions. That's why binds like this use multiple text files. The 'bindloadfile' command will default to the 'root' game directory if you use relative paths ("bindloadfile file1.txt" would look for file1.txt in the root directory), this means you're cutting out however many characters you would waste on typing out the full HDD path, so you don't need to use "C:/Binds/whatever.txt" as a sloppy workaround for that - "binds/whatever.txt" is MUCH shorter than even that and lets you keep your binds subfolder in the game's directory. Win-win. Now this will differ from launcher to launcher - but essentially Tequila will look in the 'Tequila' directory if you don't use a full path, whereas Homecoming's launcher would look in "settings/live" (for the live servers). You may need to fiddle with this if you're using other launchers to find out where the game is looking by default, generally it'll be in the same location as the City of Heroes executable file, Homecoming have just sorted their versions to their own subfolders. Removing the underscores from slash commands makes them shorter and the game still understands them - you don't need "bind_load_file", because "bindloadfile" works too and is two characters shorter. I like "bindloadfilesilent" because whilst it's a little longer, it means my chat window isn't getting spammed with bind files loading in, and I can still split most of my long bind loops in to 2 or 4 files to avoid the hard limit of text characters. If you add "+ $$- $$" (note the spaces) to the beginning of your multiple file bind, it will actually execute two steps - once when you press the key down, and again when you release it. In a bind that uses multiple files - this means one keypress will run *two* bind files on a single push and release, speeding things up (this is the shortest possible number of characters and is thanks to JAMMan0000's post below). We're using this here so we only have to hit Q once and it'll slap them with Speed Boost then queue up Increase Density immediately after. File 1 'sb.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') When I push Q: clear my current target, target the nearest friendly player who is not dead, hit them with Speed Boost, then load in my Increase Density bind file. Q "+ $$- $$unselect$$targetcustomnext friend alive$$powexecname Speed Boost$$bindloadfilesilent binds/id.txt" File 2 'id.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') When I *RELEASE* Q: queue up casting Increase Density on my previously selected not-dead friendly, then load in my Speed Boost bind file. Q "+ $$- $$powexecname Increase Density$$bindloadfilesilent binds/sb.txt" How to use: Type /bindloadfile "binds/sb.txt" in game chat and hit enter, this will initially load the bind in. 1) Hit Q to buff SB on the nearest target friendly you're *roughly* looking at (you'll get used to how to frame your camera to get specific people with practice), release Q and it'll follow up with ID. Press and release quickly to do both without thinking or applying any level of effort. 2) Profit.
This one ties in with my custom default binds topic, as I use this same set of monitored stats on all my new alts. We're going to set up our 'O' key so that each time you press it, it will change the set of stats shown on your screen in the combat attributes monitor window. It'll cycle between general stats like your regen, recovery, recharge speed and influence total, defensive stats and resistance stats. One important thing to note here is that a couple of the combat monitor attributes are actually bugged in the game client and the slash command for them doesn't work - so there are a couple of stats (in the Resistances section if I recall correctly) that cannot be shown on the monitor window - they will display if you go in to the full combat stats window with all the dropdowns, but there's no way to display them onscreen unless the HC devs figure out how to fix the commands unfortunately. This is probably the bind that uses the most text files of any I have (TWELVE of them all up!) but the actual content of those files is really simple - it's a repeat of the '+down$$-down$$' beginning, which makes it a toggle that runs on both the key being pushed in and again when let go, then it's literally just telling the game to start (or stop) monitoring certain attributes. I'll break down how each pair/quad of files relates to what is happening ingame when you hit O, so it's all in plain English and easy to understand. The reason it needs so many files is the ingame slash commands use really long names and you have to actively tell the game to STOP monitoring a stat before you start monitoring a new one if you want your stats window to remain consistent, with everything always appearing in the right order and not bugging out or scrolling stuff off the bottom by accident. First up - the basics, and some things you'll benefit from knowing, in plain English: Binds have a hard limit of around 255 characters, so for more complex ones you need to split them in to chunks (files) that fit those restrictions. That's why binds like this use multiple text files. The 'bindloadfile' command will default to the 'root' game directory if you use relative paths ("bindloadfile file1.txt" would look for file1.txt in the root directory), this means you're cutting out however many characters you would waste on typing out the full HDD path, so you don't need to use "C:/Binds/whatever.txt" as a sloppy workaround for that - "binds/whatever.txt" is MUCH shorter than even that and lets you keep your binds subfolder in the game's directory. Win-win. Now this will differ from launcher to launcher - but essentially Tequila will look in the 'Tequila' directory if you don't use a full path, whereas Homecoming's launcher would look in "settings/live" (for the live servers). You may need to fiddle with this if you're using other launchers to find out where the game is looking by default, generally it'll be in the same location as the City of Heroes executable file, Homecoming have just sorted their versions to their own subfolders. Removing the underscores from slash commands makes them shorter and the game still understands them - you don't need "bind_load_file", because "bindloadfile" works too and is two characters shorter. I like "bindloadfilesilent" because whilst it's a little longer, it means my chat window isn't getting spammed with bind files loading in, and I can still split most of my long bind loops in to 2 or 4 files to avoid the hard limit of text characters. If you add "+ $$- $$" (note the spaces) to the beginning of your multiple file bind, it will actually execute two steps - once when you press the key down, and again when you release it. In a bind that uses multiple files - this means one keypress will run *two* bind files on a single push and release, speeding things up (this is the shortest possible number of characters and is thanks to JAMMan0000's suggestion on my 'Lazy Kin' bind topic). We're using this here so we only have to hit Q once and it'll slap them with Speed Boost then queue up Increase Density immediately after. This is going to be used here because the monitor attribute commands are quite long and hit the 255 character limit quickly, so for each set of stats the window displays we're going to need them to be split between two files - one that runs when you push O down, and the second that runs when you let go. Now that's out of the way, the binds... File 1 'mon1.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Monitor certain stats then load in the next file in sequence (this is half of the first set of stats - loaded in when you PRESS 'O'). O "+ $$- $$monitorattribute regeneration rate$$monitorattribute recovery rate$$monitorattribute Endurance Consumption$$monitorattribute to hit bonus$$monitorattribute damage bonus$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon2.txt" File 2 'mon2.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Monitor certain stats then load in the next file in sequence (this is the second half of the first set of stats - loaded in when you RELEASE 'O'). O "+ $$- $$monitorattribute recharge time bonus$$monitorattribute Influence$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon3.txt" So these seem more complicated than my other bind topics, but they really aren't - file 1 and 2 are essentially the 'main' part of the bind, they're loading in the first set of stats we want to monitor (7 in total so we don't start losing them as we hit the limit and scroll them off the bottom of the window) - the content of these two files all happens in the space of time it takes you to hit O once. Now, the next two files will be the reverse of this - remove all seven of these monitored stats from the combat attribute monitor window, so that we have a blank slate before the next seven get loaded in, and our bind doesn't bug out/get out of sync/scroll excess stats off the bottom of the window. File 3 'mon3.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Stop monitoring certain stats then load in the next file in sequence (this is half of the first set of stats - loaded in when you PRESS 'O'). O "+ $$- $$stopmonitorattribute regeneration rate$$stopmonitorattribute recovery rate$$stopmonitorattribute Endurance Consumption$$stopmonitorattribute to hit bonus$$stopmonitorattribute damage bonus$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon4.txt" File 4 'mon4.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Stop monitoring certain stats then load in the next file in sequence (this is the second half of the first set of stats - loaded in when you RELEASE 'O'). O "+ $$- $$stopmonitorattribute recharge time bonus$$stopmonitorattribute Influence$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon5.txt" Those four files are now a complete cycle of loading in seven stats when O is pushed once, and then removing those stats when you push O again (four steps in total when you count that pressing O counts as one step and releasing it counts as a second). Every file we add from now on is going to be a repetition of these same four steps but we'll use different attribute names each time. So the twelve bind files, divided by these four steps, means you're cycling through seeing three different sets of stats on your screen - and between each set of stats 'O' is blanking them/turning off stat monitoring altogether - meaning you can play with no stats visible/general recovery and recharge stats/defensive stats/resistance stats. File 5 'mon5.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Follows the same pattern as the four files above, this time we're loading and unloading Defense attributes O "+ $$- $$monitorattribute Melee Defense$$monitorattribute Ranged Defense$$monitorattribute AoE Defense$$monitorattribute Smashing Defense$$monitorattribute Lethal Defense$$monitorattribute Fire Defense$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon6.txt" File 6 'mon6.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Follows the same pattern as the four files above, this time we're loading and unloading Defense attributes O "+ $$- $$monitorattribute Cold Defense$$monitorattribute Energy Defense$$monitorattribute Negative Energy Defense$$monitorattribute Psionic Defense$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon7.txt" File 7 'mon7.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Follows the same pattern as the four files above, this time we're loading and unloading Defense attributes O "+ $$- $$stopmonitorattribute Melee Defense$$stopmonitorattribute Ranged Defense$$stopmonitorattribute AoE Defense$$stopmonitorattribute Smashing Defense$$stopmonitorattribute Lethal Defense$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon8.txt" File 8 'mon8.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Follows the same pattern as the four files above, this time we're loading and unloading Defense attributes O "+ $$- $$stopmonitorattribute Fire Defense$$stopmonitorattribute Cold Defense$$stopmonitorattribute Energy Defense$$stopmonitorattribute Negative Energy Defense$$stopmonitorattribute Psionic Defense$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon9.txt" That is all the Defense stats - notice how it's functionally similar to the first four files that show General stats? We're going to do the same again now with another block of four files, but this time for Resistance stats. File 9 'mon9.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Follows the same pattern as the four files above, this time we're loading and unloading Resistance attributes O "+ $$- $$monitorattribute Smashing Resistance$$monitorattribute Lethal Resistance$$monitorattribute Fire Resistance$$monitorattribute Cold Resistance$$monitorattribute Energy Resistance$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon10.txt" File 10 'mon10.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Follows the same pattern as the four files above, this time we're loading and unloading Resistance attributes O "+ $$- $$monitorattribute Negative Energy Resistance$$monitorattribute Psionic Resistance$$monitorattribute Toxic Resistance$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon11.txt" File 11 'mon11.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Follows the same pattern as the four files above, this time we're loading and unloading Resistance attributes O "+ $$- $$stopmonitorattribute Smashing Resistance$$stopmonitorattribute Lethal Resistance$$stopmonitorattribute Fire Resistance$$stopmonitorattribute Cold Resistance$$stopmonitorattribute Energy Resistance$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon12.txt" File 12 'mon12.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Follows the same pattern as the four files above, this time we're loading and unloading Resistance attributes O "+ $$- $$stopmonitorattribute Negative Energy Resistance$$stopmonitorattribute Psionic Resistance$$stopmonitorattribute Toxic Resistance$$bindloadfilesilent binds/mon1.txt" Phew! A lot of files but that's it - mon12.txt loads in mon1.txt at the end, which starts the loop over from the beginning. To initially load this bind ingame you would use the following command: /bindloadfile "binds/mon1.txt" Once that's done it will automatically keep rotating between the 12 files as you press O on the keyboard. A whole lot of bind files there but you only have to create them once and then they'll provide you with a nice, quick way to see all the important stats at a glance, and a convenient way to cycle through sets of those stats - turning them off inbetween so you also have the option of not cluttering your screen. As I mentioned at the start of the topic, I use this as part of my default keybind set-up for new alts - so my O key in that file is a straight copy & paste of the contents of mon1.txt - the game then loads in the rest of the files in sequence for me.
I derped a bit here - my example set-ups don't load in the options the /optionsave command saves out to options.txt. You don't actually need it, as your game client options will remain the same across all alts, unless you change them. You can either skip the /optionsave command step entirely, or add in optionload in to 1.txt somewhere with an extra $$ pair separating it from the other commands. It'll still fall under the 255 character limit for that file.
This one takes a little more patience to set up but makes life quicker and easier when starting new alts. I like to have some of my quality of life and shortcut binds present on ALL of my characters, then I can edit different mouse shortcuts for powers etc. individually after that. I'm impatient though, and I don't like having the pop-up on my screen with a countdown when I first log in on a new alt before I can click OK, I want my windows to be the right scales and colours I use, my chat bubble set-up how I like it etc. etc. This is how I fix that. I won't post my *entire* default keybinds - because a lot of them are dependent on having other text files present in your binds folder and it wouldn't work for other players without them copying my exact set-up. I will, however, explain some of them that I like to use, why, and how you would tweak that to your preferences. First up - the basics, and some things you'll benefit from knowing, in plain English: Binds have a hard limit of around 255 characters, so for more complex ones you need to split them in to chunks (files) that fit those restrictions. That's why binds like this use multiple text files. The 'bindloadfile' command will default to the 'root' game directory if you use relative paths ("bindloadfile file1.txt" would look for file1.txt in the root directory), this means you're cutting out however many characters you would waste on typing out the full HDD path, so you don't need to use "C:/Binds/whatever.txt" as a sloppy workaround for that - "binds/whatever.txt" is MUCH shorter than even that and lets you keep your binds subfolder in the game's directory. Win-win. Now this will differ from launcher to launcher - but essentially Tequila will look in the 'Tequila' directory if you don't use a full path, whereas Homecoming's launcher would look in "settings/live" (for the live servers). You may need to fiddle with this if you're using other launchers to find out where the game is looking by default, generally it'll be in the same location as the City of Heroes executable file, Homecoming have just sorted their versions to their own subfolders. Removing the underscores from slash commands makes them shorter and the game still understands them - you don't need "bind_load_file", because "bindloadfile" works too and is two characters shorter. I like "bindloadfilesilent" because whilst it's a little longer, it means my chat window isn't getting spammed with bind files loading in, and I can still split most of my long bind loops in to 2 or 4 files to avoid the hard limit of text characters. If you add "+ $$- $$" (note the spaces) to the beginning of your multiple file bind, it will actually execute two steps - once when you press the key down, and again when you release it. In a bind that uses multiple files - this means one keypress will run *two* bind files on a single push and release, speeding things up (this is the shortest possible number of characters and is thanks to JAMMan0000's suggestion on my 'Lazy Kin' bind topic). This is used here so that my T key loads in two sets of binds/commands with one press - file 1 loads when I press the key down, file 2 executes when I let go. Right then, let's get started. Step 1) First up whilst you're ingame - get your window, positions scales & colours, chat bubbles/profanity settings, default keybinds etc. all configured how you like them and how you want them to be on all new characters you create. So don't put anything specific to a single alt in there (E.G. Don't put key binds in for Domination if you also play other ATs). Once you've done that you're going to use three slash commands in chat to save those settings out to text files in your game directory. Command 1: /wdwsave - This should save a text file called wdw.txt to your CoH game directory (HC will save it in '/settings/live') Command 2: /chatsave - This should save a text file called chat.txt to your CoH game directory (HC will save it in '/settings/live') Command 3: /bindsave - This should save a text file called keybinds.txt to your CoH game directory (HC will save it in '/settings/live') (These may actually be saved in '/settings/live' on Homecoming, hard to tell as mine is not a clean install. If they appear to be in that folder for you, then use that wherever I mentioned the main game/root directory below.) ***EDIT*** OPTIONAL Command 4 (not used in the bind file examples below, see reply): /optionsave - This should save a text file called options.txt to your CoH game directory (HC will save it in '/settings/live') These are now your preferred default settings for new alts. So whatever is in those three files becomes your baseline set of options/window appearances/keybinds on all new characters. Step 2) Navigate to the game directory and open up keybinds.txt in your text editor software. We're immediately going to save a copy of this with a new name - personally I use '2.txt' and I'll explain why shortly as well as give my examples below. This file needs to be saved in your binds directory, not in the game's root folder, for my examples here the 'binds' directory is one I've created at <game folder>/settings/live/binds because I'm using Homecoming's launcher, if you were using Tequilla it would be <game directory>/binds and this will change between launchers and operating systems so see my notes above and test to see where yours is if it's not on PC and using the Homecoming launcher. This is so the ./ path shortcut works in your binds and ingame using slash commands - if you don't have the binds folder in the right location, this won't work and you'll get an error message in chat. For this example, I've saved a copy of my keybinds.txt file as 2.txt in 'City of Heroes\settings\live\binds\. Step 3) Make another text file in the same directory as 2.txt and call it 1.txt. Save it, then open up all three files in your text editor; keybinds.txt in your game directory, and both 1.txt and 2.txt in your binds folder. This is where we start to tinker. We're going to blank our keybinds.txt file, then set up a single keybind in it that will load in our preferred settings, which will be split between keybinds.txt and 1.txt to avoid the 255 character limitation, then load in our default keybinds that we have saved in 2.txt For me - T is the button I like to use when I start a new alt - I only have to press it once to load everything in, and as soon as I release the button it gets reset to it's default binding (no function or 'nop' for me). So it's only my 'load in my defaults' button for about 5 seconds on each new character. I like to use the stat monitors for a set of default stats too, so I've split those across the keybinds.txt and 1.txt file also. My 'keybinds.txt' - located in the main game directory of my Homecoming installation When I press T down, start monitoring Regen/Recovery/End Usage/To Hit/Damage/Recharge and then load in 1.txt from my binds directory. Want different stats monitored? Change it to your preferences - just bear in mind that some of the Defense and Resistance ones are bugged and their commands don't work. T "+ $$- $$monitorattribute regeneration rate$$monitorattribute recovery rate$$monitorattribute Endurance Consumption$$monitorattribute to hit bonus$$monitorattribute damage bonus$$monitorattribute recharge time bonus$$bindloadfile binds\1.txt" My '1.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') When I *release* T, add in Inf to my monitored stats window, load in my window settings from wdw.txt, load in my chat settings from chat.txt, set my buff icons at the top-right of my screen and my Team window side panel to the stacking/display settings I like, stack my power trays at the bottom-right of my screen and set them to tray 1, tray 2, and tray 3 immediately, then finally load in 2.txt which was my original default keybinds file. T "+ $$- $$monitorattribute Influence$$wdwload$$chatload$$optionset buffsettings 1118480$$alttraysticky$$alttraysticky$$goto_tray_alt 2$$goto_tray_alt2 3$$bindloadfile binds/2.txt" This will then load in your actual default key bindings that you saved in 2.txt and you can further edit to your liking or to add in some more of my advanced bind guides (E.G. I use my Manage quick shortcut on my E key, so this 2.txt file has the content of the first bindfile in that tutorial set to E's default binding - that way it loads in those two files to rotation for me on new alts) BONUS addition for 2.txt - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Make sure to add these binds to your Y and N keys in your 2.txt file - they're a MASSIVE time saver and will allow you to skip that annoying countdown on 'OK' that pops-up on your screen when you first load in new alts. Edit your 'N' bind in 2.txt to read: N "dialog_no$$dialog_answer cancel$$dialog_answer Ok" Edit your 'Y' bind in 2.txt to read: Y "dialog_yes$$dialog_answer accept$$dialog_answer Ok" If you use that bonus note - after you load the binds in on your new character - hit Y on your keyboard and the annoying welcome pop-up with the countdown timer before you can click OK will just go away. The accept binds I've added mean you can press N to decline/answer no to pop-ups and Y to accept/answer yes to them. This works for teaming/buff prompts/teleport requests and other game dialog pop-ups in missions etc. How to load this ingame when you have created your new alt: type /bindload in chat and hit enter then press and release T - that's it. Your new character now has your UI appearance, chat settings, power trays and default binds all loaded in and ready to go. If you used my bonus bindings for Y and N - you can also hit Y on your keyboard to dismiss that annoying timed welcome message you normally can't click OK on for 10 seconds. Don't need all the stat monitor stuff? No problem, just delete those bits of the two files or alter to your own preferences (bear in mind you can only monitor a set number of stats at a time, if you add more they just get scrolled off the bottom - I have another advanced bind topic coming up for rotating monitored stats). Want to change the way the alt trays work instead of having three of them stacked and set to trays 1, 2 and 3 like mine? Just edit the numbers in this part of 2.txt: alttraysticky$$alttraysticky$$goto_tray_alt 2$$goto_tray_alt2 3 - that command is telling the game to add both sticky trays above my normal tray 1 (alttraysticky ran twice adds the two trays) then set the second one to tray 2 and the third to tray 3. You could just as easily tell it to load in 8 and 9 by changing the 'goto_tray alt' and 'goto_tray alt2' commands to use 8 and 9 instead of 2 and 3. You can even remove the underscores here 'gototray alt' and 'gototray alt2' will work as well and save you 2 characters. Don't like the buff icon settings I use? No problem, delete that command from 1.txt or alter to your preference; there's a good guide how it works here: Best thing about this is that as you find your own little quality of life shortcuts and binds, you can just open up your 2.txt file in your text editor and add them in, that way when you load this on your new alts they all benefit straight out of the box. 🙂
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Another one I use as part of my Default.txt and Keybinds.txt files for all my new alts. This pair of bind files lets me press Shift+M to toggle between two window scales (zoom levels) for the ingame Map and is great for things like finding badges if you're using the Vidiotmaps pack or the upcoming thumbtack commands on the beta server, or just seeing things with a bit more detail and precision quickly before toggling back to normal zoom. First up - the basics, and some things you'll benefit from knowing, in plain English: Binds have a hard limit of around 255 characters, so for more complex ones you need to split them in to chunks (files) that fit those restrictions. That's why binds like this use multiple text files. The 'bindloadfile' command will default to the 'root' game directory if you use relative paths ("bindloadfile file1.txt" would look for file1.txt in the root directory), this means you're cutting out however many characters you would waste on typing out the full HDD path, so you don't need to use "C:/Binds/whatever.txt" as a sloppy workaround for that - "binds/whatever.txt" is MUCH shorter than even that and lets you keep your binds subfolder in the game's directory. Win-win. Now this will differ from launcher to launcher - but essentially Tequila will look in the 'Tequila' directory if you don't use a full path, whereas Homecoming's launcher would look in "settings/live" (for the live servers). You may need to fiddle with this if you're using other launchers to find out where the game is looking by default, generally it'll be in the same location as the City of Heroes executable file, Homecoming have just sorted their versions to their own subfolders. Removing the underscores from slash commands makes them shorter and the game still understands them - you don't need "bind_load_file", because "bindloadfile" works too and is two characters shorter. I like "bindloadfilesilent" because whilst it's a little longer, it means my chat window isn't getting spammed with bind files loading in, and I can still split most of my long bind loops in to 2 or 4 files to avoid the hard limit of text characters. If you add "+ $$- $$" (note the spaces) to the beginning of your multiple file bind, it will actually execute two steps - once when you press the key down, and again when you release it. In a bind that uses multiple files - this means one keypress will run *two* bind files on a single push and release, speeding things up (this is the shortest possible number of characters and is thanks to JAMMan0000's suggestion on my 'Lazy Kin' bind topic). You could easily use this here if you don't want to use Shift+M, add + $$- $$ infront of both bind files commands below and this zoom will behave as a toggle while you hold the button down instead - when you let go of the key it will return to normal zoom. Now that's out of the way, the binds... I use two files for this and call them 'map1.txt' and 'map2.txt', both are saved in a 'Binds' sub-folder of my 'CoH/Settings/Live' (Homecoming launcher's 'default' folder for the ./ shortcut in paths). To load them in to the game initially you would use: /bindloadfile "binds/map1.txt" - I've actually edited my 'Default.txt' and 'Keybinds.txt' files in the game's folder so that the Shift+M uses the bind from 'map1.txt' below, that way when I run /bindload on my new alts, this map zoom shortcut is always present on them from level 1. File 1 'map1.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') This file makes the map 75% larger then loads in map2.txt. SHIFT+M "windowscale map 1.75$$bindloadfilesilent binds/map2.txt" File 2 'map2.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') This file returns the map to it's normal scale then loads in map1.txt. SHIFT+M "windowscale map 1.00$$bindloadfilesilent binds/map1.txt" Dead simple - easy to edit these to use your preferred keys instead of Shift+M, just set both files to whatever key you want. Same goes for the scales - maybe you run the game with an 80% scale map window by default instead of 100% - just change map2.txt so it reads windowscale map 0.80 instead of 1.00. Maybe 1.75 is too big for you? Change map1.txt to read 1.50 or whatever scale works best for you. Want this to work like a press-to-zoom? Add +down$$-down$$ to the front of both files so it reads "+ $$- $$windowscale map"... that way it will zoom your map in while you hold the bind button/combo in, and return to normal zoom when you release. Enjoy. 🙂
If you're like me and you played this game for donkey's years, have about a million alts, and you've got your inf farmer set-up to fund them all - sooner or later you're going to want to quickly slot your tray full of Set IO's as you reach the level required to do so, mid-gameplay, without fumbling around clicking the manage link on your powers tray or having to rapidly smash the 'Exit' button as an ambush spawn starts attacking you mid-way through. As part of my default keybindings I load in to new alts, I've got this set up to my E button (because I'm also lazy and don't want to move my hand of the W/A/S/D block), so I can hold in E to quickly drag my fancy set enhs to their slots as I level then let go of the button to return to gameplay quick and easily. You can easily replace E in the bind file with whatever key you want to use instead. Another little time-saving trick that makes things feel a lot more seamless. First up - the basics, and some things you'll benefit from knowing, in plain English: Binds have a hard limit of around 255 characters, so for more complex ones you need to split them in to chunks (files) that fit those restrictions. That's why binds like this use multiple text files. The 'bindloadfile' command will default to the 'root' game directory if you use relative paths ("bindloadfile file1.txt" would look for file1.txt in the root directory), this means you're cutting out however many characters you would waste on typing out the full HDD path, so you don't need to use "C:/Binds/whatever.txt" as a sloppy workaround for that - "binds/whatever.txt" is MUCH shorter than even that and lets you keep your binds subfolder in the game's directory. Win-win. Now this will differ from launcher to launcher - but essentially Tequila will look in the 'Tequila' directory if you don't use a full path, whereas Homecoming's launcher would look in "settings/live" (for the live servers). You may need to fiddle with this if you're using other launchers to find out where the game is looking by default, generally it'll be in the same location as the City of Heroes executable file, Homecoming have just sorted their versions to their own subfolders. Removing the underscores from slash commands makes them shorter and the game still understands them - you don't need "bind_load_file", because "bindloadfile" works too and is two characters shorter. I like "bindloadfilesilent" because whilst it's a little longer, it means my chat window isn't getting spammed with bind files loading in, and I can still split most of my long bind loops in to 2 or 4 files to avoid the hard limit of text characters. If you add "+ $$- $$" (note the spaces) to the beginning of your multiple file bind, it will actually execute two steps - once when you press the key down, and again when you release it. In a bind that uses multiple files - this means one keypress will run *two* bind files on a single push and release, speeding things up (this is the shortest possible number of characters and is thanks to JAMMan0000's suggestion on my 'Lazy Kin' bind topic). This is how we're going to make this Manage bind work - both files will have 'E' set up with this bit of text at the start, that way the game will run the first command/file as you're holding the key down, and the second command/file when you let go. Now that's out of the way, the binds... I use two files for this and call them 'manage1.txt' and 'manage2.txt', both are saved in a 'Binds' sub-folder of my 'CoH/Settings/Live' (Homecoming launcher's 'default' folder for the ./ shortcut in paths). To load them in to the game initially you would use: /bindloadfile "binds/manage1.txt" - I've actually edited my 'Default.txt' and 'Keybinds.txt' files in the same folder so that the E key uses the bind from 'manage1.txt' below, that way when I run /bindload on my new alts, this Manage shortcut is always present on them from level 1. File 1 'manage1.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') This file runs the 'manage' command while you hold E, plus then loads 'manage2.txt' so that when you release the button the "+down$$-down$$' bit triggers and instantly runs the second file's commands. E "+ $$- $$manage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/manage2.txt" File 2 'manage2.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') This file closes the manage window and returns to the game view, loads in 'manage1.txt' and also pops my extra power tray window back open because the 'gamereturn' command closes *all* UI windows apart from the static ones. E "+ $$- $$gamereturn$$show tray1$$bindloadfilesilent binds/manage1.txt" If you don't use the extra power trays like I do, just delete the 'show tray1' part plus one pair of the double dollar signs either before or after it. If you have another window you do like to keep open on your screen as part of your default UI - put it's name in instead, you can even add in several separated by $$ marks, just be sure to keep the total number of text characters between the two quotation marks to 255 characters or less to ensure the bind doesn't get trimmed ingame.
The CoH engine only ever supported BUTTON4 and BUTTON5 - you could bind to numbers 6 and higher but the engine didn't recognise how to use them.
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- power trays
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Flashtoo's Graphic Mod Compendium
Avernal replied to Flashtoo's topic in Tools, Utilities & Downloads
Think you can help with this one, Flashtoo? It's a fix for the glitched mist/smoke texture overlay used in Night Ward/DA Incarnate arcs/etc. Here's a link to the Reddit thread where I've put screenshots of the bug up, done some digging, and managed to fix a couple of the textures it uses. I'm still missing one and I'm a bit stumped for finding it. I've put the modified (100% transparent replacements) texture files that I've made to kill 90% of the bug in a MEGA download link on the topic. -
This one is just a nice quality of life thing for Warshades who play tri-form, I use it on mine for fast form switching and keeping my teleport binds all working on my usual modifer+lbutton set-up. First up - the basics, and some things you'll benefit from knowing, in plain English: Binds have a hard limit of around 255 characters, so for more complex ones you need to split them in to chunks (files) that fit those restrictions. That's why binds like this use multiple text files. The 'bindloadfile' command will default to the 'root' game directory if you use relative paths ("bindloadfile file1.txt" would look for file1.txt in the root directory), this means you're cutting out however many characters you would waste on typing out the full HDD path, so you don't need to use "C:/Binds/whatever.txt" as a sloppy workaround for that - "binds/whatever.txt" is MUCH shorter than even that and lets you keep your binds subfolder in the game's directory. Win-win. Now this will differ from launcher to launcher - but essentially Tequila will look in the 'Tequila' directory if you don't use a full path, whereas Homecoming's launcher would look in "settings/live" (for the live servers). You may need to fiddle with this if you're using other launchers to find out where the game is looking by default, generally it'll be in the same location as the City of Heroes executable file, Homecoming have just sorted their versions to their own subfolders. Removing the underscores from slash commands makes them shorter and the game still understands them - you don't need "bind_load_file", because "bindloadfile" works too and is two characters shorter. I like "bindloadfilesilent" because whilst it's a little longer, it means my chat window isn't getting spammed with bind files loading in, and I can still split most of my long bind loops in to 2 or 4 files to avoid the hard limit of text characters. You'll need to set up your trays and macros (three copies of them to be exact). I use Tray 1 (Human), Tray 8 (Nova) and Tray 9 (Dwarf) here but you can edit the numbers to your preference. Custom icons for each - again my choices, something you can customise to your preference using the Google Sheet of all in-game icons. Human Form Macro - paste in to game chat (you need two copies of this for Dwarf and Nova trays) /macro_image "NewPraetorians_Pendragon_DefensiveSweep" "Human Form" "powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$bindloadfilesilent binds/Hmn.txt$$gototray 1" Dwarf Form Macro - paste in to game chat (you need two copies of this for Human and Nova trays) /macro_image "NewPraetorians_Pendragon_ShatterArmor" "Black Dwarf" "powexectoggleon Black Dwarf$$bindloadfilesilent binds/Dwf.txt$$gototray 9" Nova Form Macro - paste in to game chat (you need two copies of this for Human and Dwarf trays) /macro_image "NewPraetorians_Pendragon_TectonicAssault" "Dark Nova" "powexectoggleon Dark Nova$$gototray 8" As I mentioned, you'll need duplicate copies of these for each of the three trays - leave out Human form for Tray 1, Nova form for Tray 8 and Dwarf form for Tray 9 (you don't need to turn in to the form you're already in), but otherwise try to put those macros in to the same slots for each tray so you build up an instinctive ability to tap the same key. (E.G. I might put the Human form macro in slot 10 for both the Dwarf and Nova form trays, Dwarf in slot 9 for Human and Nova form trays, Nova in slot 8 for Human and Dwarf trays - so I'm always tapping the same number for Dwarf/Human/Nova regardless of what form I'm in) ...and next we'll need the binds that accompany the Dwarf and Human macros, this is what lets you keep using SHIFT+LBUTTON to teleport on click whether you're in Dwarf or Human form, without having to change your binds manually each time. File 1 'Hmn.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') Here I'm setting the human form teleport to shift+left-click, my damage buff in human form to my top side-button of my mouse, my hp/end heal to the bottom side-button of my mouse and then my foe and teammate teleport powers to ALT and CTRL plus left-click respectively. I like to have ALT+bottom side-button on my mouse be for quickly toggling on Shadow Cloak and Super Speed - because the two of them together is full invisibility plus rapid movement, so is really good for ghosting missions. By having them on a quickly accessible bind like this I can quickly tap that mouse combination as soon as I swap to Human form. shift+lbutton "powexecname Shadow Step" button5 "powexecname Sunless Mire" button4 "powexecname Stygian Circle" ALT+BUTTON4 "powexectoggleon Shadow Cloak$$powexectoggleon Super Speed" CTRL+LBUTTON "powexecname Shadow Recall" SHIFT+LBUTTON "powexecname Shadow Step" ALT+LBUTTON "powexecname Starless Step" File 2 'Dwf.txt' - As above for storage location Dead simple - only changes two binds for your damage buff and teleport powers since Dwarf form's have different names shift+lbutton "powexecname Black Dwarf Step" button5 "powexecname Black Dwarf Mire" ...and as a bonus bind for Kheldians, I like to have this: Press Num0 to target the biggest pain in my arse first /bind numpad0 "targetcustomnext quant enemy alive$$targetcustomnext void enemy alive$$targetcustomnext dwarf enemy alive$$targetcustomnext nova enemy alive$$targetcustomnext cyst enemy alive$$targetcustomnext sapp enemy alive" That's all you need. The macros will load the appropriate binds in to the game for you, so you just push them like you would a normal power in your tray and they'll take care of the rest. The beauty of this is you're always using the same buttons/key combinations to perform the same actions, regardless of the form you're in, so you'll build up muscle memory really quickly and it'll feel pretty smooth and intuitive. Because those form macros are going to sit in the same slots across the three trays - in the event you get mezzed and detoggled you just tap the Human number to switch your tray and binds back, then you're ready to get back to form-swapping as soon as the mez clears or carry on fighting in human form.
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Another topic following the same technique of looping binds in my queuing auto powers and combining insps topics. Here we're going to set up a bind that will only function while you're holding a key down (works brilliantly with SHIFT/CTRL/ALT) and returns to normal operation when you release it. This is pretty handy for powers like Teleport where you're limited in your camera's field of view when zoomed in on your character - hold your toggle button in and you can instantly zoom out to the maximum camera distance (or any distance you like, it's easy to customise), letting you see the rooftops above you that would normally be out of view, or around the back of that obstacle infront of you. For door missions and attack powers like Lightning Rod/Spring Attack/Shield Charge/etc. you can use a slightly closer camera range to still zoom out enough that you can easily target the dead centre of a spawn group without whatever scenery is currently directly behind your character, not visible on screen, but is still messing with your targeting (thanks to the game engine) getting in the way. First up - the basics, and some things you'll benefit from knowing, in plain English: Binds have a hard limit of around 255 characters, so for more complex ones you need to split them in to chunks (files) that fit those restrictions. That's why binds like this use multiple text files. The 'bindloadfile' command will default to the 'root' game directory if you use relative paths ("bindloadfile file1.txt" would look for file1.txt in the root directory), this means you're cutting out however many characters you would waste on typing out the full HDD path, so you don't need to use "C:/Binds/whatever.txt" as a sloppy workaround for that - "binds/whatever.txt" is MUCH shorter than even that and lets you keep your binds subfolder in the game's directory. Win-win. Now this will differ from launcher to launcher - but essentially Tequila will look in the 'Tequila' directory if you don't use a full path, whereas Homecoming's launcher would look in "settings/live" (for the live servers). You may need to fiddle with this if you're using other launchers to find out where the game is looking by default, generally it'll be in the same location as the City of Heroes executable file, Homecoming have just sorted their versions to their own subfolders. Removing the underscores from slash commands makes them shorter and the game still understands them - you don't need "bind_load_file", because "bindloadfile" works too and is two characters shorter. I like "bindloadfilesilent" because whilst it's a little longer, it means my chat window isn't getting spammed with bind files loading in, and I can still split most of my long bind loops in to 2 or 4 files to avoid the hard limit of text characters. If you add "+down$$-down$$" to the beginning of your multiple file bind, it will actually execute two steps - once when you press the key down, and again when you release it. In a bind that uses multiple files - this means one keypress will run *two* bind files on a single push and release, speeding things up (works with other commands with a + then again with a - too, 'up' for example is shorter, but will rarely make your character hop, or stutter upwards if flying). This is how we're going to set-up the zoom bind to only be active when you're holding a key. Now that's out of the way, the binds... You'll only need two files for this - and I like to keep a few different versions handy for different powers (or no powers at all and just different zoom ranges). Let's start with one for Teleport first. To load in initially in-game you would type /bindloadfile "binds/tp1.txt" in this example. File 1 'tp1.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') You only really need the first line here as the usual teleport on shift+click bind can just be set once ingame, it doesn't need to be loaded each time a file is here. Another line people like to add is LSHIFT+F "powexec_location camera:max Teleport" so they can instantly teleport forward at the maximum range of the power by tapping a key combination. LSHIFT "+down$$-down$$powexecunqueue$$camdist 8$$show health$$show chat$$show target$$show tray$$bindloadfilesilent binds/tp2.txt" LSHIFT+LBUTTON "powexecname Teleport" File 2 'tp2.txt' - As above for storage location Again, you only really need the first line for the left-shift zoom functionality. LSHIFT "+down$$-down$$powexecname Teleport$$camdist 60$$windowhide health$$windowhide chat$$windowhide target$$windowhide tray$$bindloadfilesilent binds/tp1.txt" LSHIFT+LBUTTON "powexecname Teleport" You can tinker with the camera distances here to personal preference, 8-9ft is generally what I like to run as my default character zoom and 60ft gives me enough distance to see what I want to, just change the numbers on the camdist command in both files to your preferred ones. This bind will also hide your UI elements to give you an unobstructed view and then return them when you release left-shift - again, delete those commands from the two files if you'd rather leave the UI alone - just leave in the bindloadfilesilent bit at the end and your camera distance lines. You can also use this for powers like Translocation in Mystic Flight from the Sorcery pool, Dark Dwarf Step, etc. by simply changing 'powexecname Teleport' to whatever the power's name is you'd like to use. Example 2 - Zoom toggle key (no powers) - for use with stuff like Lightning Rod/Shield Charge/Spring Attack/Oil Slick Arrow/Rain of Fire etc. etc. This one doesn't mess with the UI, just a small zoom out. Again, customise distances to your liking. To load in initially in-game you would type /bindloadfile "binds/z25out.txt" in this example. File 1 'z25out.txt' - As above for storage location Dead simple - zooms out to 25ft while you're holding left-shift LSHIFT "+down$$-down$$camdist 25$$bindloadfilesilent binds/z25in.txt" File 2 'z25in.txt' - As above for storage location Returns the camera to 8ft when shift is released LSHIFT "+down$$-down$$camdist 8$$bindloadfilesilent binds/z25out.txt" Then you would bind whatever the power you wanted to use with it to SHIFT+LBUTTON (E.G. SHIFT+LBUTTON "powexecname Lightning Rod") - just left-click anywhere while you've got shift held down and your zoomed out view to activate.
UPDATED JUNE 16 2021 - Further improvements, clean two file version covering SML & MED insps. UPDATED JUNE 12 2021 - Streamlined to three files with improvements from comments, covers small, medium and large insps. Have had a few people asking me how I set this up, so figured I'd put a plain English explanation up on the forums, in the hopes it'll demystify binds like this for people that struggle with the jargon. This same looping method can be used for a number of nifty things (see my other post on queuing multiple auto powers). First up - the basics, and some things you'll benefit from knowing, in plain English: Binds have a hard limit of around 255 characters (it's actually about 246), so for more complex ones you need to split them in to chunks (files) that fit those restrictions. That's why binds like this use multiple text files. In this case some of the inspiration names are quite long, so when you add those alongside having a binds folder and turning off the chat window spam by using the 'silent' bind load command - you quickly hit the character limit and have to add another file to your loop. For this bind loop I have tested having ALL inspirations turned on except for break frees and rezzes (So Team Insps and Dual Insps enabled as well as Small, Medium and Large) - but even putting the bind files loose in the root directory, and using the normal 'bindloadfile' - you're still two characters over the limit for deleting all the non-combinable inspirations and you have to use SIX files which slows down how quickly the loop plays and you combine stuff. It's just not worth it in the long run. The 'bindloadfile' command will default to the 'root' game directory if you use relative paths ("bindloadfile file1.txt" would look for file1.txt in the root directory), this means you're cutting out however many characters you would waste on typing out the full HDD path, so you don't need to use "C:/Binds/whatever.txt" as a sloppy workaround for that - "binds/whatever.txt" is MUCH shorter than even that and lets you keep your binds subfolder in the game's directory. Win-win. Now this will differ from launcher to launcher - but essentially Tequila will look in the 'Tequila' directory if you don't use a full path, whereas Homecoming's launcher would look in "settings/live" (for the live servers). You may need to fiddle with this if you're using other launchers to find out where the game is looking by default, generally it'll be in the same location as the City of Heroes executable file, Homecoming have just sorted their versions to their own subfolders. Removing the underscores from slash commands makes them shorter and the game still understands them - you don't need "bind_load_file", because "bindloadfile" works too and is two characters shorter. I like "bindloadfilesilent" because whilst it's a little longer, it means my chat window isn't getting spammed with bind files loading in, and I can still split most of my long bind loops in to 2 or 4 files to avoid the hard limit of text characters. If you add "+ $$- $$" (note the spaces) to the beginning of your multiple file bind, it will actually execute two steps - once when you press the key down, and again when you release it. In a bind that uses multiple files - this means one keypress will run *two* bind files on a single push and release, speeding things up (this is the shortest possible number of characters and is thanks to JAMMan0000's suggestion on my 'Lazy Kin' bind topic). This is used below for my numpad inspiration use bindings to speed up how fast they cycle between the two bind files. You can keep the default binding for a key or mouse button AND add some more to the end of it by putting it after a $$. So what I'm going to be doing here is taking my movement keys (W/A/S/D/C/Spacebar), left and right mouse buttons, and my 1-0 power activation keys. By adding on an extra couple of functions to those buttons (and keeping in mind the hard limit of text characters) I'm making these binds run whenever I perform a pretty common action in the game - essentially automating the binds so that they're happening as I play without any further thought or effort on my part. LBUTTON is hard-bound by the game engine and can't be unbound, so that bind is even easier because you just leave it's default function out, the game will add your custom bind and still behave like a normal left-click - you can't accidentally break it. The rest you will need to include the default bindings such as +mouse_look for RBUTTON (don't worry, they're included in the examples below). Now that's out of the way, the binds... I personally use the two bind version on my fire farmers. Whenever I move, attack or click something/move the camera or use my mouse side buttons - it's checking my inspirations for three of a kind and combining those three in to the same size red. So as you play normally, watch your insp tray playing Tetris and automatically making reds whenever it gets any three of a kind, hit Numpad 1 to use reds. I've also got my numpad 1 & 0 keys set-up using the "+down$$-down$$" trick mentioned above so they run whenever I push the key in and again when I release it (so I've got File1 loaded, I push Num 0 in and it loads File2, I release Num0 and it's loaded File1 back in). Numpad 0 is set up to try to target a dead teammate and fire Vengeance, numpad 1 will try and use a Red inspiration (any size) - they're all doing this *twice* on each key press; when I hit the key and again when released. Nifty stuff! NOTES: I use CTRL for Down (default binding is X I believe), change this if you use something else. I also like to use my mouse side buttons to activate my two build up powers and my heal and end heal. Usually this would be a straight bind like BUTTON5 "powexecname Build Up" but when you add in those inspcombine strings you exceed the character limit because of how long those are. So I've used "powexecaltslot 3" instead - it's three characters shorter than the above but a whole TEN characters shorter than "powexecname Healing Flames". I just put those powers in my specific alt tray slots I like to use and they function exactly the same as when I usually hit the side buttons, but now I can include the inspcombine strings and have the side buttons included in converting insps! ( Screenshot of tray & mouse set-up ) These bindings are included in the two file version but not the three file version solely because of the bind length getting too long. It *can* be done with the three file version, but you need to move the bind files to 'settings/live', then change the bind files so they read 'bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt' etc. with no folder path; you need those extra characters shaved off to stay within the character limit. You CAN actually add in a step that will use any/all red insps at the end of each action (some macros from the Farm Fresh Builds topic on the Brutes subforum do this also) BUT in practice what that will do is interrupt your attack chain queuing and usually skip using the insp altogether because it doesn't trigger fast enough before the next power/movement key. Hence my using Numpad1 instead. Feel free to experiment here as you *might* be able to cheese it by adding an actual macro to your power tray and building that in to the below bindfiles (E.G: do all the rest and add "powexectray 1 6" with Luka's macro in tray 6, slot 1), Luka's Macro in below spoiler if you want to experiment. RECOMMENDED VERSION: Two file bind covering SML & MED insp sizes (Leave on: Small, Medium - Turn off: Large Insps,Rezzes,Break Frees,Team,Dual): NOT RECOMMENDED (Only for people who insist on leaving large insps on - in practice this actually slows down your flow of reds) Three file bind covering all insp sizes (Leave on: Small, Medium, Large - Turn off: Rezzes,Break Frees,Team,Dual): and finally... ALSO NOT RECOMMENDED (same as above but includes the mouse side button bindings used in the recommended version - this one HAS to be saved in the root game folder to work due to bind length) Three file bind covering all insp sizes (Leave on: Small, Medium, Large - Turn off: Rezzes,Break Frees,Team,Dual):
Have had a few people asking me how I set this up, so figured I'd put a plain English explanation up on the forums, in the hopes it'll demystify binds like this for people that struggle with the jargon. This same looping method can be used for a number of nifty things (I also use it for my fire farmer to automatically combine red inspirations of all sizes, I'll have a separate 'Advanced Binds' post up for that too). First up - the basics, and some things you'll benefit from knowing, in plain English: Binds have a hard character limit of around 255 characters (246 I believe), so for more complex ones you need to split them in to chunks (files) that fit those restrictions. That's why binds like this use multiple text files and why we like ways that let you shorten commands. The 'bindloadfile' command will default to the 'root' game directory if you use relative paths ("bindloadfile file1.txt" would look for file1.txt in the root directory which is '/settings/live' for HC), this means you're cutting out however many characters you would waste on typing out the full HDD path, so you don't need to use "C:/Binds/whatever.txt" as a sloppy workaround. This way is MUCH shorter and lets you keep your binds subfolder in the game's directory. Win-win. Now this will differ from launcher to launcher - but essentially Tequila will look in the 'Tequila' directory if you don't use a full path, whereas Homecoming's launcher would look in "settings/live" (for the live servers). You may need to fiddle with this if you're using other launchers to find out where the game is looking by default, generally it'll be in the same location as the City of Heroes executable file, Homecoming have just sorted their versions to their own subfolders. Removing the underscores from slash commands makes them shorter and the game still understands them - you don't need "bind_load_file", because "bindloadfile" works too and is two characters shorter, same goes for "pow_exec_name" etc. I like "bindloadfilesilent" because whilst it's a little longer, it means my chat window isn't getting spammed with bind files loading in, and I can still split most of my long bind loops in to 2 or 4 files to avoid the hard limit of text characters. If you add "+ $$- $$" to the beginning of your multiple file bind, it will actually execute two steps - once when you press the key down, and again when you release it. In a bind that uses multiple files - this means one keypress will run *two* bind files on a single push and release, speeding things up (works with other commands with a + then again with a - too, 'up' for example is shorter, but will rarely make your character hop, or stutter upwards if flying). This won't be used in the queuing bind below, but I'll be using it in my fire farmer bind topic, and another good example is for binds where you want something to happen while you're holding a key that stops when you release it (like zooming your view out while you hold shift to better target your teleport, then returning to the default zoom when you release). We're not going to be using this here but I do use it for things like my Speed Boost, Vengeance and Insp use binds on other topics. It's just a useful trick for making a single keypress run two stages of your bind files quickly. The reason a lot of double Auto queuing binds don't work very well is because you need a filler file between each auto queue to do it smoothly. This means a minimum of *FOUR* text files. The people who use only two will find that it occasionally glitches out or unqueues the green auto circle instead - you *need* those extra two dummy steps inbetween to ensure a smooth rotation without errors (these are the ODD numbered file names in my examples below - they're basically a cut & paste of file1 except for the name of the next file they load in). You can keep the default binding for a key or mouse button AND add some more to the end of it by putting it after a $$. So what I'm going to be doing here is using my movement keys (W/A/S/D/CTRL/Spacebar), TAB key, left and right mouse buttons, mouse side buttons and my 1-0 power activation keys. By adding on an extra couple of functions to those buttons (and keeping in mind the hard limit of text characters) I'm making these binds run whenever I perform any one of those pretty common actions in the game - essentially automating the binds so that they're happening as I play without any further thought or effort on my part. LBUTTON is hard-bound by the game engine and can't be unbound, so that bind is even easier because you just leave it's default function out, the game will add your custom bind and still behave like a normal left-click - you can't accidentally break it. The rest you will need to include the default bindings such as +mouselook for RBUTTON (don't worry, they're included in the examples below). Now that's out of the way, the binds... I use four files for this and have multiple copies for different combinations (I.E. Hasten + Active Defense, Hasten + Domination, etc. etc.), just make sure you're using a unique filename for each so you don't overwrite your /SR alt's loop with a /Bio alt's power names. It's pretty easy to make copies with power change-outs, you're literally just copying files 1 & 2 over for as many powers as you want queued. Just be careful to give them new filenames and do a Find/Replace with your text editor on the filenames in the bind also. For this example I'll be using Hasten + Active Defense from the /Shield set. I've also included a blank template file below that you can work from if it's easier. Active Defense Example: Blank Template files (insert your power here): So you'll notice how each file is basically the exact same command, repeated 18 times across the keys I want it running on, in addition to their default bind. If you've reconfigured your controls for movement etc. just alter what I've done above to your key set-up but make sure you do it in all four files. You can quickly change out the power names/file names using the Find & Replace feature of most good text editors, so essentially you're just copying Files 1 & 2 above then swapping the power name and file names out using that. It also *should* work if you want to auto queue more than 2 powers as well, just add more copies of Files 1 & 2 to the loop with increasing numbers in sequence - don't forget to keep that filler/dummy file inbetween each of the queuing files, as long as you do that it should work fine with three or even four powers rotating on auto-queue (using six bind files for three powers, and eight bind files for four respectively). I don't have a character where I need to run three powers on auto, but let me know if you do and how it works out.
Keybind or way to exit menus without clicking 'Exit'?
Avernal replied to biostem's topic in Help & Support
Bit late of a reply, but /gamereturn works (my E key is set up to show the enh slotting screen whilst held, then automatically close as soon as I release E, so I can quickly slot stuff mid-action). Downside is it also closes things like the team window if you're on one, I haven't found a solution to both yet.- 1 reply
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Mid's Reborn: Hero Designer
Avernal replied to Metalios's topic in Mids' Reborn Hero Designer's Forum
Been manually tweaking the database to make Impervious Skin: Status Resistance also reflect the 25% regen bonus that was added, not sure if this is a Homecoming change only but if it's universal it'd be good to have in 'officially'. 🙂