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  1. Steps to reproduce: 1. Select a lvl 50 character that has a second build at level 1 2. Level up to lvl 34 3. Talk to the trainer and open up the lvl 35 train up UI 4. Select a power from an epic pool, but don't click Finish 5. Click Cancel 6. Log out and in on a lower level character 7. Talk to the trainer and level up 8. Observe that the power from the epic pool is selected 9. Click Finish 10. The client will crash.
  2. I would say that Corruptor would exemplar better because the best Rad powers come in the first 4 picks with Lingering Radiation at 20.
  3. I don't think this is true. With the changes to TA, I believe if you use Disruption, it replaces the old one now.
  4. Just want to point out that Defense Debuff is one of the more useless types of debuffs. Most folks slot enough Accuracy to hit things at a reasonable rate on their own. In reality, any defense debuffs applied will only be useful in the event that the enemies have defense buffs, or to hit debuffs and yellow inspirations aren't readily available. If you want to go for the most useful debuffer, I would instead go with a primary of Dark/ (for -ToHit) or Sonic/ (for -Res) or DP/ (for -Dam). There isn't anything wrong with Rad/, except that it's secondary is useless in most cases. If you stick with Rad/, I would slot for Damage and Procs, instead of -Def.
  5. If you want to do some serious PBAoE blasting, Rad/Mental would fit the bill. And, you can really make a dent in the debt badges just by leveling... It's enjoyable to just Leeroy Jenkins into melee range and see how long you last going through your AoE attack chain of Irradiate, Drain Psyche, Atomic Blast, Neutron Bomb, Psy Shockwave.
  6. FYI, I don't believe you need a specific order. Both debuffs will apply, regardless.
  7. Both /Water and /Dark are top tier defender secondaries. I would say, if you plan on being in melee with Entangling Aura, then Water would be the better choice. Its targeted AoEs will mesh much better than Dark's cones. However, if you're not going to do that, then you could go either way. Both secondaries would be pretty safe; Dark with all the -ToHit and Water with all the KD. Both secondaries have room for lots of procs to up the damage.
  8. Power is a good Epic for a number of Primaries or Secondaries. However, Nature doesn't have a lot of synergy with it (other than stacking S/L resistance). One of the big reasons to go with Power is to pick up Power Build Up. But, it doesn't do much of anything for nature. About the only thing it does is increase the heals and absorb in Regrowth and Wild Bastion as well as the ToHit debuff in Spore Cloud. Not really game changing. For Nature, I would probably go with Dark Mastery Epic for Soul Drain, Dark Embrace and (if you plan on using Entangling Aura and being in melee) Oppressive Gloom. Alternatively, like you said, Mace Mastery wouldn't be a bad choice if you really want to focus more on S\L defense. For reference, here is a thread on Nature/Water:
  9. Of 2019? or 2020? 😆
  10. FYI, the defense can not be counted on. If you do anything (attack, command pets, buff an ally, etc) the defense is suppressed.
  11. Just to make sure you're aware... This build is pretty old. There have been a number of changes to the game since then. Most of the slotting is probably fine, but the Tactics slotting is obsolete, because the snipes don't require 22.1% ToHit for instasnipe. Also, Rune of Protection is immune from recharge slotting now. Those are the obvious things that stand out to me, though there might be others.
  12. paco6381

    Props to MMs

    In case you haven't really paid much attention to the following thread, it's a bunch of key binds that are already set up for you, and I think quite a few people use them. For me, I took it and modified to make it a bit simpler (for me at least). With 7 keys, I can select either a single tier of pets (or all pets) and do a go to, set to bodyguard mode, or attack. I use Z to select Tier 1, X to select Tier 2, C to select Tier 3, or ` (tilde) to select all pets. Then, I use my two mouse buttons to either send the group to a location or set the group to defensive/follow. Lastly, I use the 1 key for the group to Attack/Aggressive.
  13. @Frosticus is probably the resident expert on poison... Not sure if he is still around, but here is his Poison guide, including a Poison/Fire build.
  14. FYI, Voltak has posted builds before. Here is one that I could find:
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