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Super Atom

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Everything posted by Super Atom

  1. Except, you're doing it again. You're completely ignoring the previous posts which have completely shut down your take about influence gain while leveling. The literal math was done for you and you still ignore that you are wrong. Also, it would be politics to discuss the fine points of income equality and how people cannot afford things IRL even if they "manage their resources" which is a really disgusting stance you're trying to make btw
  2. I think this is a pretty unreasonable stance given a huge part of the game is fashion. While i do agree, with the benefit of knowing the costs it would be smart to settle on major changes pre-10, new players are unlikely to know this or fully comprehend just how bad the cost is given that SO's become completely useless faster than you cant even be 1/3rd slotted. I don't think comparing income to real life income issues is the gotcha you think it is, but i will avoid politics. see above
  3. Absolutely, but surely nobody thinks people stop making edits or new costumes at 10, right?
  4. It is worth mentioning apparently that, 25 > 26 is 85200xp so assuming you only kill minions, that is only 887 at the reported 96 xp. Keeping in mind, it is only 447 per SO purchase. So you would be able to buy TWO SO's with the entire 25-26 worth of influence and that's also assuming they have no patrol XP which is very unlikely these days.
  5. This is clearly not the case, as the above data has proven without any room for doubt. Yeah, this was apart of my initial point a lot of pages ago. Giving new players room to explore the enhancement system doubles as giving them freedom to learn it easier. Cannot be stated enough how important it is to have that room for trial and error and learning.
  6. With the above data we have proven a couple things here 1) The current system is either an oversight or it wasn't considered a problem as an influx of new players wasn't that high until recently. 2) Even maintaing semi-slotted status is not really feasible even if you pretend a new player WOULDN'T constantly be messing with costume. The suggested solutions have been (i skimmed so i might have missed one or two) 1) Lower the cost to buy SO's to a more reasonable price 2) Make it so either all or more of your SO drops are your origin specific 3) put a cap on SO's so they don't lose all value just some. 4) Remove SO/DO entirely and just add base IO's or something akin to them to a vendor with cost adjustment which basically combined multiple ideas. I personally like Option 1 or 2 but would also be ok with 3, though i don't think it's ideal.
  7. For further clarity sakes A level 25 killing a level 25 minion produced I had patrol XP (sorry rudra) but i don't think that effects inf? So for a level 25 to buy ONE SO they would need to defeat 447 minions to buy a single SO. or 2682 for one power full of SO's or for lue, which is 64 per SO. Which is 384 per power, if you -only- killed lues which be honest, at 25 you aren't killing 5-6 per group you're killing 1-2 per group. This to me, is no good. By the time you could afford to even slot 4 abilities, you would have leveled twice and those SO's are about to be obsolete.
  8. If the buy price and the sale price were identical, it would likely have the same outcome as making all drops be your origin. They don't /need/ to be identical but they could be. I also think you can lower the purchase without lowering the sale, as the sale price is low. For clarity Buy Sell Now if the buy was say, 25k and the sale is still 15k that is a much more reasonable gap, as currently you'd need to sell 4 to get 1. Prices at 25 for further clarity Buy Sell
  9. At this point, you're just derailing the thread while refusing to acknowledge the many posts from different people that have answered you and your claims. Either come back with an actual argument or feel satisfied with your very poor claim of "Well it hasn't happened yet so i win".
  10. My position was defended, supported and reposted about six times and you were just like "nope im right" with no further evidence or anything else. You also keep using the terrible argument of "they haven't done it yet so clearly its fine" which is literally proven false by every change they do make and will make.
  11. Alright, now you're just refusing to be wrong and it's weird. I've lost interest as its derailing this thread to sooth your bruised ego.
  12. Homecoming has repeatedly put themselves on display as 1) Time limited 2) volunteer based Them not making a change 100% does not mean they currently like and support how its going. This was a very very bad argument you just made. You already have everything you need if you just read what is posted. As i told you before, but i guess i'll make it big this time There is no more proof to my opinion, that the way the game was designed, being balanced around SO, suggests they intended for the player to be fully slotted by 30 then there is to your claim they didn't intend you to be slotted. It is my interpretation of intention given that level 30 is quite high in level and progress through the game. the difference is, I don't have very strong evidence that contradicts my opinion like your opinion has in XP/inf rates.
  13. to be honest, i do think making enhancements drop only for your origin is the better solution overall, it creates a nice balance of sell what you don't need buy what you're missing without modifying things too much. Though i still think in that same area, finishing a story arc should give you extra enhancement drops of your origin.
  14. You already got proven wrong, i don't know what else you want other than arguing in circles to bump up your post count some more
  15. None of the goal posts got moved, I called your claim of the xp/inf rates being carefully designed by the OG devs with intent for you not be slotted into question while citing its current inf/xp/enhancement as an oversight in balance on homecomings part. I also provided an example of homecoming xp rates vs live xp rates that is well documented as an ongoing issue gold side faces. You just don't like that it directly strikes down your claim of a careful well designed balance in xp/inf/enhancement. This isn't about me not being able to afford anything and its something you and everyone else who opposed this basic suggestion to help new players can't seem to understand. This isn't about veteran players who can easily navigate this game. This is a real problem new players face and complain about daily in help channels.
  16. again, this is a difference in opinion of intention. I believe not being able to afford SO's in your 30s is currently an oversight that was never adjusted with xp/inf rates. I would also ask, why on live could you fully complete one morality path(gold side) completely without disabling XP while you currently cannot on homecoming. (This does not include XP boosters). There are repeatable mission contacts that you used on live to reach the next step in the questlines that go completely unused due to a difference in base XP rates. Something doesn't quite add up. If the xp/inf rates were designed so carefully, why is it different on homecoming?
  17. Has absolutely nothing to do with my argument. The shut up was because there would be someone who 100% laser focuses on how they solo, failing to once again realize this isn't about them. What source is it you think exists outside of a difference in ideology? City of Heroes by nature is a very relaxed and easy MMO. My claim of a character being fully slotted by 30 is no more backed by a source than your claim they shouldn't be. With the exception i put up the idea that since the game is balanced around you being slotted with SO's, by 30 right before they start handing you 3 slots instead of 2, you should already be fully slotted and able to maintain it and experience the game as intended by the developers. Also, i honestly doubt the xp/inf rate is the same this whole time and things got adjusted but i'm not 100% enough to make that claim with any kind of confidence.
  18. It's almost like seeing into the future and knowing what some 5k poster is gonna reply with, or something.
  19. The repeated argument of "People shouldn't be fully slotted at all times!" Is a direct contradiction to this games balancing point. It should be repeated again, since people can't seem to grasp the point. Most of the issue starts at 20. "Starts" which mean its goes into the 30s. and so on. If you don't think a level 30 should be fully slotted at all times and going forward, i think you are out of touch with the basics of City of Heroes and its relaxed game design. Just because you can ignore the enhancements, doesn't mean the game was designed that way. It is an extremely out of touch opinion that new people to this game should just ignore the most basic feature of it, and given how this is a very team centric game (but i SolOOLolOollo. shut up) An unslotted level 25-35 will be a hindrance to their team and that never feels good. Also, idk why everyone keeps pretending 100% of new player inf is going to enhancers, im willing to bet its costumes and costume edits, the most alluring part of this game, that keeps new players unable to maintain their enhancements. almost feels like the SO cost punishes you for spending any inf on looking cool
  20. Yeah and we have enough mindless time consuming grinds in Aether particles, Incarnate, and IO's for new players to look forward to, vendor trash gear doesn't need to be one of them.
  21. That wasn't why i think they should lower it, That was just a comment on how most people don't instantly go read the whole wiki and forums before trying to enjoy a game, it's usually the opposite as just playing a game blind is a better experience and -should- usually be tooled to give you everything you need in the game itself. If a game requires you to study it on a wiki, it's badly designed. Struggling to affording SO's is not a challenge or a difficulty setting. If lower level players want a challenge, they can simply raise the difficulty of the missions. Withholding gear that most power sets don't function right without as a "difficulty" is just being out of touch. I don't think anyone is asking for them to be free, just reasonable. They are currently unreasonable in cost as you cannot keep up with upgrading them/buying new ones at the same time with how quickly you level, even without double xp. As for your top suggestion, This does not fix anything as the problem only really starts to show around level 15-20.
  22. Very first characters in MMO's get most of their gear needed to enhance themselves through quests/dungeons. They don't need to randomly have a bunch of money to buy 30 pieces of gear by level 15. If you want to mirror that for CoH, it's time to start making it only drop SO's for your origin from enemies/missions. Most MMO players actively avoid the forums for their game because it is a known fact the forums are full of people who live on the boards and shit them up, CoH is no different. It is fairly difficult to find current updated information about City of Heroes due to outdated or badly designed wikis, alternate servers, and wikis from the dead game still active, even this forum links to two different wikis with no real indication on difference for someone who is new. Asking in game will for sure help, but generally most people ask how the fuck they're suppose to afford anything in my experience. I see people gifting millions to help new players DAILY because of the dumb cost of SO's. Reducing the price of SO's will have no effect on the ecnomy at large, if anything it'll lower how much level 50 billionaires make by dumping their 7 trays of 50+ SO's every couple of missions, but aside from that, this isn't about the billionaires it's about new players.
  23. I'm sure in your out of touch mind you actually think new players have an understanding of how to play the game enough to "just get by" with the minimum, but in my experience in talking to new players and introducing people to the game, they really don't. A lot of people don't think about little things like knowing what every enemy can and will do in a fight and how much of an advantage that is for us long time players. Knowing your limits from level 1 and up, knowing exactly what enhancements you should be putting even if you don't full slot will make a world of difference. Opening up SO's to be more affordable to new players gives people the chance to experiment with how they're boosting their powers and learn what is and isn't helping and will probably lead to a better understanding of the enhancement system overall as well. TO's don't boost much so that won't do and DO's are alright but same problem. SO's make a real steady noticeable boost and difference needed for that kind of self-learning. For those reasons alone, I support OP in making the current under-used often ignored SO's cheaper.
  24. Your personal experience in how you play now as a veteran of the game is absolutely useless in the discussion of a new player. Enhancements are so important, they give you a bunch of them for free with procs to make you enjoy the game more, alongside free travel powers and attacks. How this game is played and designed disagrees with everything you say at every corner.
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