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Super Atom

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Everything posted by Super Atom

  1. Oh no, i wasn't saying you can't / shouldn't talk about it. I was just letting everyone know, much like rage, homecoming has probably seen about everything there is to be said about the presence pool.
  2. This subject has been talked to death At this point Homecoming is aware of every viewpoint in regards to this specific power pool. until now, DELETE THE PRESENCE POOL 🌭🌭🌭
  3. I do not, however i enjoy those and thank homecoming for doing so. When i say "new" I mean literally new. ex; Water Melee, Plant Melee, Plant armor. etc Had it been entirely different but a similar concept ex; Seismic Blast, it would be different as that would then count by what i mean with "new". edit; Quick edit to note, i think adding those to AT's who didn't have them previously made more sense to be done first as well, as my comment was not a dig at homecoming.
  4. There hasn't been a new melee set or a new armor set the entire duration of Homecoming. So... good?
  5. you mean like dis?
  6. "This has some variety, so this other thing shouldn't" is not the argument people seem to think it is. Radios expanded wouldn't invalidate tip missions either as they serve a specific purpose, plus that's already a lost argument as Null the Gull invalidated the main purpose of tips a long time ago. There is no real reason Radio/Paper shouldn't receive an update. It's a very limited radial mission system that should not only get more enemy groups but randomized mission update to include more types of missions. Radial questing is an extremely underutilized feature in a game that has limited updates.
  7. Oh i don't really count the forums for any kind of measure of the player bases opinions or desires. Most of my experience with people commenting about council is based purely on in-game conversations on everlasting, well aside from Synapse not liking the changes either. You're not wrong though, IT is hard to gauge when enough complaints is actually enough. Sometimes it's if just ONE person says anything sometimes the whole forums and in-game can be on fire and nothing changes. Truly anyone's guess
  8. you think you can just do that cobalt, use game data and facts in a conversation? smh council aren't hard to me, but they're hard for others. If it's causing enough of a stir, perhaps they should get another look. I see it all the time in game people complaining about the council being unfun. Synapse even found them unfun so... if its between easing back on their difficulty or appeasing the hardmode crowd, i think they should get dialed in. though the middle ground answer already got suggested here:
  9. Other than the cave thing, yes. Though maybe add a disclaimer on what the map is on the bottom like some kind of recon on the mission so people can avoid caves easier if they so desire.
  10. when you're right, you're right. I give this 10 hotdogs
  11. It would be cool if you could disable your shield-hand pompom while being shield. This would be like Stone Melee's one handed hammers with shield. quick edit; Most of the animations EM uses, use the non-shield hand anyway. So it already lines up pretty nice. Outside of maybe TF and slow ET' but the shield compensates pretty well for that
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  12. hotdog jpegs?
  13. You should have stopped taking them seriously the second they tried to push the idea it can't even be done due to power animations.
  14. Nazi lobsters from SPACE
  15. Formless Kheldians would be cool, surely opens a lot of character concepts up for roleplayers without hurting much of anything. It might be a bit awkward to look at though- still needing to use the form buttons and the weird pauses in-between attacks, but if someone is ok with dealing with it, why not?
  16. @Rudra i aint reading all that homie, he floats in the water in the abyss he could float in pi's water. but we both know this idea is just a silly one and wouldn't actually happen.
  17. Lord Recluse hard mode, he actually pulls out the gun from his belt and starts blasting
  18. I only spoke in the Guardian channel occasionally with her, was a nice person to chat with. RIP Anne, sorry for your loss
  19. Theres no conspiracy is exactly what people involved in a conspiracy WOULD say 🤔
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