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Virtual Green

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Posts posted by Virtual Green

  1. So I've recently been meaning to create an ideally full Ice toon, akin to characters like Frozone or Iceman in terms of playstyle and theme. Unfortunately, I'm thoroughly unfamiliar with Ice powersets and how well they performe and/or synergize.


    So, what would be the optimal Ice/Ice (maybe with an /Ice PP, even) character, between Blaster and Corruptor? (I haven't heard great things about Ice Control, hence why I'm not including Controllers and Dominators, and Ice Armor on Sentinels is apparently pretty disappointing)

  2. 13 hours ago, AkuTenshiiZero said:

    The first time you finish Breakout and round the corner to the Arachnos copter, and your face is immediately melted by the most epic guitar riff of all time.


    Nothing says "Time to be a bad guy" quite like that.

    One of the main reasons (along with getting the "Jailbird") I still do the Breakout tutorial for each of my villains. Breaking out of jail still feels so damn good.

  3. Somehow managed to grab the name Starfighter once again, so I decided to make my love letter to cosmic heroes, my own Green Lantern/Commander Shepard hybrid... An Air Force pilot who fought in the first Rikti War and ended up joining an intergalactic army or remarkable soldiers. Powered by the mysterious Starforce, he now protects the Earth and roams the galaxy to fight evil ! (Beam/Energy sentinel) (Modern and "heroic" outfits)



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  4. An elemental double-feature today :


    One of my longest-running villains/concepts : disco-loving, pyromaniac psychopath, the Matchstick Man ! (Fire/Energy)




    And his thematic nemesis : former Outcast and all round chill dude, Snowstrike ! (full Cold corruptor, created just in time for the Power Slide customization)





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  5. A couple of magic characters I came up with recently!


    Murdermask : a mystic mask from an ancient civilization granting its owner supernatural reflexes as well as a thirst for killing, found its way in the hands of a high school dropout with an axe (or a baseball bat) to grind... what could possibly go wrong? (War Mace/Ninjitsu Scrapper, my hommage to Hotline Miami)




    Thunderson : a man with tremedous lightning powers claiming to be one of Zeus' many unwanted offsprings. An actual demi-god or a metahuman with delusions of grandeur? Only time will tell. (Full Elec Sentinel)



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  6. Captured by the Council during an investigation into a string of abductions, private eye Victor Lugosi thought he'd finally met his end at the hand of Nosferatu, who chose him as a patient zero for the latest version of his Ubermensch serum... only for the unfortunate investigator to transform into an improved, "sane" version of a Vampyri! Breaking free of his captors, Victor decided to use his newfound bloodcurling powers to keep the Council and any other criminal organization from ruining good people's lives. He now roams the streets and rooftops of Paragon as the vampiric vigilante, the crimson V of vengeance... Nightblood ! (Savage/Bio Stalker)





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