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Everything posted by twospirited

  1. when it comes to AT & power combo stats, can we get something more like this? on a monthly basis if possible pls?
  2. I'm guessing "He's taken off" should be "She's taken off" unless it's like Johnny Cash's song "A Boy Named Sue." from a Granville newspaper mission
  3. i think turn it on, but yes, absolutely agree. this includes for players pets too. to not be affected by group travel or incarnate travel powers that affect groups. nothing like missing a teleport because you're set to click accept, and your pets are pulled away mid-fight with aggroed mobs, right?
  4. for me it's the main issue, i'd like them to move with me, not me stand and wait for em to catch up. pathing is a prob even for npc's. surprised there's no preset path for them to move along in mission maps lol flying could be one option to get em to keep up, at least faster than the SJ they sometimes start with maybe that could be tied in to the pet summon? as a way to say "hey, you're too far from me." keep the cd the same as if it was a fresh summon too too keep it from being op, disable in pvp areas sure, there's always more important issues, try untangling sphagetti code w/o breaking the game lol
  5. idk if it'd be possible, but add a player created event, to the event messages, or to to the event messages itself, otherwise it'd take creating a custom chat channel to post those kinds of messsages. though the labyrinth one should still be an LFG channel msg. since it takes groups to do that after all
  6. if you're going to bring statesman back, swap out atlas for galaxy too please. as to the npc in game, let him stay dead.
  7. sadly this no longer works now 😞 Miscellaneous Remove /emailsend, /emailsendattachment, /gmailclaim, and /gmailreturn slash commands. These commands were intended for internal use by the UI and correct usage depends on knowing internal character state that is not visible to the player. Incorrect usage can leave the player's mailbox in a corrupt state that renders it unusable without manual administrator intervention to fix the database records.
  8. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Terrence_Dobbs for the missions https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Terrence_Dobbs#Clear_out_Arachnoid_tunnels and https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Terrence_Dobbs#Clear_out_Arachnoid_tunnels_2 both required GM intervention to complete. 1st one mob wasn't even visible to GM Flints when i filed the first ticket, and mission wouldn't auto complete for 2nd ticket, completed by GM Crumpet as all mobs were cleared.
  9. Windows: at 283.8 0.0 238.8 in this map , the gloiwe noise sounds it's coming from behind the wall, or blow the floor at this location. it's in https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Scirocco#Recover_the_Malleus_Mundi_for_Scirocco. iturns out it's not needed, but incase object spawns are affected overall, esp ones that are needed for clearing missions. but some may try find it and not be able to.. from ingame " Lord of Twelve: Get as close as you can, stand facing it, then /interact" hidden glowie.mp4
  10. how about drop down menus, that have a reset button you click to reset to None in each field, but those fields stay there till you change it? something similar to the tailor window for costumes, but limited to: 1) alignment, 2) archetype 3) level range 4) primary and secondary power sets. as examples anyway Overall, keep in mind, Spaghetti coding can make any of this or previous suggestions hard, if not impossible to do.
  11. that'd happen when players stop hating on new players not knowing how to play the game, cuzz they got PL'd to max level alll to easily
  12. yes, hence the 2nd part as well, level lock missions too. once there's a 50 on the acc't, that limit could be removed by having one ofc
  13. is there a way to get the pets to move faster on their own? so they can keep up with the player that summoned them? as a controller, dom or mm (or any AT with summonable pets), it can get tedious moving at player speeds from one mob group to the next, only to have to wait for ones pet(s) to catch up because they move a lot slower than the player. while faster than walk, it's not even comparable to sprint or athletic run. can pets get the same move speed as sprint w/athletic run enabled, out of combat at least? to help keep up with the player? food for thought,
  14. i've said it before and i'll say it again, lock AE access to requiring a 50 on your account before you can even enter into it, or any player created missions. this'd help curb PLs for new accounts at least. same goes for contact missions in open world, put a level requirement to enter them so they can't be used for PL's either. or even put a level lock on zones so players can't go there w/o meeting the level req's to do so.
  15. even the ingame option to prompt to accept still ports the pets away from you. the only option i see that makes sense is turn off the TP prompt on speed runs, otherwise, you wrote the ticket for having it on, enjoy the rough ride ahead, right?
  16. this is what i was talking about, any AT i have that's got pets, i don't summon till the boss fights. or just use lore's if they're an option. idk, just makes sense to me to do that for TF's, etc. but MSR's got no need to port players all over the place, esp from bombs to center to fight U'kon Gr'ai
  17. this'd warrant a ticket to GM's for player conduct i think. esp because it leaves you all but powerless to deal with the mob groups you're handling. otherwise it'll mean you going petless till the boss fights or where it's the tp's not needed
  18. used M TP to get to mission in mercy. was the defeat jenkins you see in the nav bar mission list. however, on zoning in, i was behind the door, not in front of it. and when i did /stuck to get out, i was kind of far from mission door, as shown in 2nd pic.
  19. Excelsior - POakes - Fort Hades -3700.9 226.0 -1699.1 they're spawning partially into the floor, sometimes if you do move near them. you can push your self just a bit below the floor as well.
  20. tie it to something like a Team completing the joining Ourobos arc, since the last one is a Shivan map in Atlas. the higher the difficulty, the more zones that can have the Shivan event triggered in.
  21. as arcane portals go, the magic portal and the carni one are fine, but both of the mushroom ones don't work. for the the tech portals, the shard, the black and white hole portals don't work nor do the small and Portal unit (peregrine portal) don't work either. but the vanguard, standard tech tp ones and the large portal do still work. this is as much to let the Dev Team know, as those stuck in base or can't use their portals.
  22. to have something like the char copy to beta or prerelease servers, but instead as a means to transfer (move) char's from server to server via the game acc't or beta acc't pages. keeping (or perhaps even removing) the current limits. but having a system in place to ensure it doesn't cause back end issues. ie; only done if server resources are below a certain level of usage, handled in the order they're received, etc. with the usual warning prompt given like the one in game seen when the transfers are done. i think this could help w/o having to log in to char select list in game, and allow smoother means of moving char's at the same time.
  23. if you're on Excel, please understand, there's an ongoing issue that they're in talks with the server host provider to resolve asap, please be patient
  24. aye i think the focused acc makes more sense. ty, will try the swap out in mids and beta before committing to doing it on live
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