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Mystic Fortune

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Everything posted by Mystic Fortune

  1. Been away for some time, but I just got back into the game and saw they added some Plague Doctor pieces, so I decided to play around with that a little bit. My new Dark Melee/Willpower Scrapper. Noir Nevermore
  2. The new 'glow' option for the shoulder and belt options is not much of an actual glow? Also, the skull option for the Think Tank head is a bit on the small side?
  3. I'm guessing it has something to do with lacking the proper software to convert modeled assets into a format the game can read. I can't presume to understand what's going on behind the curtains, but I have to wonder how it is smaller servers (such as Rebirth and Thunderspy) can add community made modeled clothing assets, while Homecoming cannot. Perhaps, it's something as simple as lacking a 3D modeler, or perhaps it's something much more complex... Most times, I think the lack of any specific development tends to boil down to the god damned ancient spaghetti code this game is woven from.
  4. Good eye! Yes, I intended it to look like a helmet. While I didn't try it, that feels like something that would have already been taken. Plus, being a parody character, the name "American Symbol" plays on the stereotypical nature of the character. A cocky bald Eagle soaring through the air listening to "Danger Zone". while blasting everything to smithereens with his M-16.
  5. This is so well done. Great job!
  6. Seems like there's a lot to unpack here. Who hurt you? Did a Munchkin steal your lunch money or stuff you in a locker? You can tell us. This is a safe place and we're all friends here.
  7. The new currency called Prismatic Aether which was added in page 4. It can be redeemed for permanent costume powers. Basically any power you can earn briefly from the Halloween Trick or Treating event, you can purchase permanently by exchanging Prismatic Aether salvage. For a higher premium price, you can also purchase costume modes that alter your characters size and appearance. The Mini Mode costume power is one of the most popular ones, and costs 250 Aether... Which on the surface is a LOT.... there are a few ways to get the Aether outside of running the new Difficult content. Earn the new Halloween Defeat badges, which grant 2 Aether per badge... (Someone with perseverance and a lot of patience can grind 250 Prismatic Aether by getting theses new badges on 25 alts... it's grinding, and it will make you hate the ToT event after you're finished... but it's doable.) Buy the Prismatic Aether outright off the Auction House for 750 million to 1 billion inf. (This is the P2W option, but it is extremely expensive to maintain.) There may be other options, but these are the two that I have experimented with.
  8. ...because Carrot Crusader needed a sometimes rival partner. Not sure which will break first. My sanity or my bank. These mini mode costumes be expensive...
  9. In fact they do! See above.
  10. Resurrected an alt from way back in the live days. New look. New small stature. Same fierce fluffiness. Meet the Carrot Crusader
  11. My little green Martian man has been waiting for this moment a LONG time...
  12. So did people farm up 1,500 250 Prismatic Aether... or is everyone just dumping billions of INF into the AH to buy their Prismatic Aether to get the mini mode costume power? EDIT: Seems I was looking at the wrong tier... basic mini mode is only 250... not 1,500... that's not that bad after all.
  13. Here's my Seismic/Bio Sentinel, Geoguard
  14. I wonder if instead of a click power, a vulnerability global debuff 'proc' could be added to each of the single target attacks and have an opportunity cost to trigger the proc. From there have Opportunity generated at a slower rate than it currently does on BETA. When you activate a power, if you have enough opportunity the attack applies the vulnerability, if you have insufficient Opportunity the attack fires regularly without the vulnerability proc? I dunno, I'm spit ball here at this point. I just REALLY hate the addition of a click power. Sentinel has been my favorite AT post shutdown, but adding a micromanagement click power to my tray is just going to be annoying, especially when the majority of my Sentinels use weapon sets, and the current BETA version of vulnerability forces redraw.
  15. Thanks! Wanted to see how Stone Armor looked as "Amber Armor" for him, but found that some of the powers couldn't be activated while flying... super annoying. Took Sting of the Wasp from Ninja Tool Mastery for kicks. Sadly, the Geode pet won't retain the rename between casts... but I thought this was cool.
  16. I've seen a lot of Bee themed characters over the years, but I don't know that I've ever seen the concept uses in this way? Where the character uses a bow to represent their stinger?
  17. That's... brilliant!
  18. Finally rolled my first Symphony character in the form of a Symphony/Time Controller. Pretty set on the costume, but can't decide on the name. I'm torn between these two options.
  19. One of those costume editor tricks. Each time I edit the costume it defaults to the body aura instead. So the trick is to temporarily change the head to standard (or anything that does not restrict the head aura), then re-select the head aura, and finally re-select the floating head and save changes. Of course now that I've revealed the secret I'm sure they'll fix it.
  20. I haven't gotten much of the Fiery Aura kit just yet, so at the moment he feels like he's made of tissue paper. May have to think outside the box to get his survivability up.
  21. Been away from the game for quite some time, but had some free time this weekend so I rolled up a new toon for Page 4. Bit of a homage and amalgam of The Phantom, Blazing Skull and Ghost Rider. Introducing, Torrid Spirit.
  22. Actually, I feel like we were desperately lacking that speedster forward leaning run animation made famous by characters such as The Flash. Parkour/Blitz fills that slot nicely, sure it's not perfect, but neither are most of the animations of this game. The fact that Cobalt managed to utilize it such as they have is a feat in and of itself. One thing that is a bit worrisome though, with this animation being pulled from the unimplemented Freerunning power from Utility Belt, does this mean we're unlikely to see the last two Origin Pools added? Especially if they are that incomplete?
  23. Capes do not appear to scale down with the mini mode costume power. In fact on the huge model, larger capes become almost like a huge tent.
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