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Mystic Fortune

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Everything posted by Mystic Fortune

  1. ...and now everything that is great about this update will now be overshadowed by this huge INF nerf. Boo! Boo I say!
  2. Then you'll rez the entire mob your team just defeated! lol, can you imagine?
  3. I like it. But that was just a test slotting. I actually need to find room for it in the build. Because that's a pretty amazing heal.
  4. Are we okay with this? Because I'm perfectly okay with this... This is slotted in Jacob's Ladder on my Shield/Electrical Tank.
  5. The concern here is for a Mastermind teamed with an Illusion Controller. Unless PA is flagged to be the lowest priority target among other pets, when you target one of your MM pets, PA will still eat up 3 potential jumps.
  6. Boy though, I would love it if Phantom Army were not valid targets for buffs. Many a time I've wasted a Temporal Selection on one of my PA.
  7. Let's wait for the power to be 'fixed' and test it out properly before we go calling for it to be weakened.
  8. I know you didn't just associate the crash-less nukes change to the Homecoming devs... that change was part of the beta release for i24 that never made it to the live servers before the shutdown.
  9. Hey, I recognize that image! To be fair, yeah that was a bit much for it being slotted in an Auto-Hit power. It is kind of funny though when you think about it, Power Transfer started off non-unique.
  10. Can you spit ball what those changes might look like, so I can decide if I need to delete my TW/Fiery farming toon and roll RM/Fiery like EVERYONE else? Without seeming too passive aggressive about this. I REALLY hope these changes are well balanced. TW performs great at 50, but getting there is a god damn battle. Early level Titan Weapons is brutal, and not in the good way.
  11. A couple of bugs that I discovered while playing around with Defibrillate, ironically enough, not related to Defibrillate at all. First, enemies will randomly flash a con level below what they are. For instance, these Possessed Scientist would normal con Blue to me being 50+1, however for an instance they flash Green as if they were -2's. I believe this may be associated with the Alpha slot, perhaps there is a refreshing issue which is causing a level shift overlap. However, as shown in the image, my level shift never changes. Second, appears to be a combat attributes bug. As you can see above I monitor a good deal of combat attributes. I noticed that Smashing Resistance had been replaced with Knockback Resistance. Removing Knockback Resistance from the combat attributes monitor and attempting to monitor Smashing Resistance just brings Knockback Resistance back up. Smashing Resistance is currently unable to be monitored and no longer shows the sources of the values it is receiving. Continuing from the previous bug, looking at the Status Effect Resistance tab I see that Knockback Resistance is incorrectly receiving the values from the sources of Smashing Resistance. EDIT: In the first two images the values in Resistance, Defense and Recovery are different because I unslotted ALL of the procs and global enhancements from the build in an attempt to track down the culprit of the flash con bug. At first I thought it was the Reactive Defenses global, but the flash con persisted. Finally I unslotted my Agility Core Paragon, and the bug appeared to go away.
  12. Actually it does. Otherwise, we're no better than the other servers out there that are throwing balance right out the window. Neither of the powers in question are new. Time Manipulation was introduced in issue 21. Power Boost and Power Build Up had been available for support ATs since as early as Issue 3. Why now is this combination being deemed a problem?
  13. That's great. You know what I'm not amused by? Unnecessary nerfs disguised as 'fixes'.
  14. I guess I was referring more to Power Boost. That said, Time Manipulation was a premium powerset. It was meant to be more powerful because it was pay for content. Just like Titan Weapons and Nature Affinity. These sets need to maintain the integrity of their original design. Not be changed after the fact just because a handful of people feel they are over performing nearly a decade after the game has risen from the ashes.
  15. How about we leave it well enough alone? This was brought up back on live. Castle didn't see it as a problem then. It shouldn't be a problem now.
  16. They could probably get away with cutting it's duration in half. Two minutes is more than enough for your average fight, and with a base recharge of 10 seconds, it will still ALWAYS be available for when you need it.
  17. Did we really need to change it so the Power Transfer proc doesn't fire off multiple times in AoEs? What harm was that really causing?
  18. So I feel like a complete idiot. This appears to have been solved on my end. I'm too embarrassed to reveal what the issue appears to have been... So yeah, this thread can be removed. I'm going to go hang my head in shame now...
  19. This has been happening off and on for a good 2 weeks. We had been having issues with our internet speed, along with issues with internet in the area all last week, leading up to a complete outage on Saturday. Apparently someone decided to play chicken with a pole and knocked out the service in our area for the entire day. Once they repaired the pole our service was restored around 6 pm on Saturday, but the speed issues persisted. Fast forward to yesterday when we had an Xfinity Technician come out. They replaced our modem and also capped off the cable lines that we were no longer using since we had recently dropped Xfinity's cable TV service. Replacing the modem and capping the lines appears to have solved the speed issues...,However, I am still randomly losing connection to the game. I know it has to be related to CoH as my brother who's using the same internet connection to play World of Warcraft hasn't had any issues. Since replacing the modem this has happened 4 times this morning between midnight and 4 am PST, and twice this afternoon around 2:30 and 4 pm. This is only happening with CoH. While I was waiting for tonight's costume contest to begin I lost connection to the server while still maintaining a connection to Discord and able to browse the internet with no issues. This is beyond frustrating...
  20. Shock still has an enhanceable -End component, and it looks like when it starts working properly again, Galvanic Sentinel will also do -End.
  21. ...and if you hadn't pointed these out, I never would have noticed. Also, Galvanic Sentinel may last for 2 minutes 15 seconds now... but it still doesn't do anything with this patch. Taking the passive bonuses out of Static completely shows that you want us to spend the stacks as soon as possible. Which just makes the set very spammy and as I have been told first hand by a few people just makes it annoying. It makes me feel like that annoying player who continuously spams Speed Boost on the entire team for no reason.
  22. Having to summon a Galvanic Sentinel to build up 5 stacks of Static JUST so I can summon a longer lasting Galvanic Sentinel seems quite a bit clumsy. Couple of potential bugs. I just tested these in Portal Corp parking lot, Faraday Cage no longer summons a globe of electricity, or any graphic for that matter. Galvanic Sentinel doesn't seem to actually do anything now. It never once used [Discharge]. Shock shows in Combat Log as granting the Caster 1 stack of Blood Frenzy.
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