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America's Angel

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Everything posted by America's Angel

  1. Defenses are fine as they are. I don't die because this game is a MMORPG and MMORPGs are not hard.
  2. Yeah escorts say their rescue text as soon as the map loads, now. So this wouldn't work.
  3. Put AE in bases. We already have contacts (mission computer) and mission-entry points (raid teleporter) in the base. All you'd need to add is a room type that flags "/architect" as "active" when in the room. (Similar function to entering an AE building.) Would really open up the game to player-made stories. Could make custom zones, travel the cosmos in a spaceship going on adventures, etc.
  4. If only there was some sort of gull who could null this problem.
  5. You've a perfectly good rad tank at home.
  6. Yeah, only change powers that need it, please.
  7. You're literally posting in a thread about tweaking it.
  8. Do this. Anything else is just foreplay to an actual idea.
  9. It has good defence/resistance to smashing/lethal. It also requires no micromanagement.
  10. The lower levels are already balanced for SOs. Any tank can tank with SOs in regular content. As for why lowbies should pick Invuln; It has good defence/resistance to smashing/lethal. It also requires no micromanagement. It's obviously a very attractive powerset for people at low levels, considering that more invulns are played through those low levels, and taken all the way to 50, than any other tanker set. I'd suggest you stop suggesting tweaks to powersets you don't understand.
  11. I'd assume casual gamers are playing on +0 difficulty. An Invuln tanker can do that with SOs.
  12. I think high-level, "one size fits all" ideas aren't helpful when discussing such a diverse range of powersets. Broad stroke solutions are always bad when it comes to power tweaks. Unfortunately, they can sound very persuasive to those who don't know better. I also think it would add unnecessary powercreep to an end game already rife with it.
  13. Yeah it doesn't need a layer of anything. Invuln is fine.
  14. My invuln tank: 59% def to everything (except psy/toxic) 90% res to everything (INCLUDING psy/toxic) for every 3 out of 4 minutes I spent tanking. For that one remaining minute? Take damage, hit dull pain, wait for melee hybrid to recharge. Invuln is godlike. It doesn't need changing.
  15. Exactly. Bases already have contacts and mission entry point functionality.
  16. How feasible would it be to put an AE contact & mission entry point into a sueprgroup base? Would really open up the game to player-made stories. Could make custom zones, travel the cosmos in a spaceship, etc.
  17. Cool idea! Sadly, it doesn't work for my non-combat missions full of "flavor" NPCs who greet the players as they hunt clues. ;'(
  18. We need to start a support group.
  19. They usually come down at 2:30 (UK time) on Tuesday. Probs just forgot to announce it is all.
  20. Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot.
  21. Was trying to recreate my AE arcs from live and I noticed bosses/allies/etc don't say any dialogue anymore. (Well, they do, but I think all lines are set to autofire as soon as the map loads, so by the time my character gets to the boss/ally/etc the word balloon has already vanished.) This is super lame. It makes the missions play silent. Is there any way to fix this? Otherwise AE kinda sucks for telling stories. :(
  22. Was trying to recreate my AE arcs from live and I noticed bosses/allies/etc don't say any dialogue anymore. (Well, they do, but I think all lines are set to autofire as soon as the map loads, so by the time my character gets to the boss/ally/etc the word balloon has already vanished.) This is super lame. It makes the missions play silent. Is there any way to fix this? Otherwise AE kinda sucks for telling stories. :(
  23. Are you selling items in bulk in those other markets with decreased demand? Or just going by last 5? Because I'm still selling 50-100 items per day for 4mil that always have 2-3mil listed on the last 5.
  24. I wonder if the price dips are due to players mass-buying out their competition for lowest position? I had about 100 enhancements sell in 30 seconds yesterday for just above my asking price. Any money made from flipping them would get eaten by market fees, so I can only assume it's so the buyer can: A) clear out all the enhancements being sold for lower than his/hers B) Relist said items higher to break even on them C) A combination of A&B driving the price upwards, allowing his/her own versions of the item to still sell high. So yeah, I reckon the low prices are just market PVP.
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