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America's Angel

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Everything posted by America's Angel

  1. Yeah the P2W powers Glacier Peak listed above should be on the ban list for sure. Recovery Serum nullifies end drain, med pack is infinite green inspirations, and Envenomed Daggers gives everyone a -250% regen power.
  2. Good catch. These are P2W powers which should be banned from zones IMO. Med Pack heals for the same as a green inspiration and you can carry 100 at a time.
  3. These changes make it easier for casual players. No need to grind incarnates/accolades.
  4. Incredible stuff @Faultline& @Jimmy. Thank you both for taking time to chat to the PVP community. It's been a long time since we had anything like this. I'm sorry for killing you both on Brainstorm. It's how we PVPers show we like someone. Figured these names might work: Veteran Demonic Mind (PVPers always call this power "demonic". As it's being merged with Elusive Mind, this name would reflect it.) Geas (PVPers always call this Geas. Won't name conflict.) Mezalomaniac Crey Pistol (PVPers already call this Crey Pistol. Won't name conflict.) Heroic Charge (PVPers always refer to this as the "hero alignment power". This name would keep that, without confusing new players that it's hero only.) Villainous Charge (Same thing as Heroic Charge.) *Edit* See Waypoint's post below for an updated list.
  5. I explored this recently with some RP friends. Was really fun! (And so big!)
  6. I love all of these! Always fun to have a change of pace from Pocket D.
  7. Yeah, we'll start doing that from the next tournament onwards. I'm looking at hosting the matchups all on a website (probably Challonge.com) so that people can check ongoing scores/who they are fighting next as the event progresses, without having to rely on me copying and pasting stuff into the request channel. Challonge also has some cool options to do "Swiss Draw" tournaments, that pairs people with others with a similar point score. (Helps to avoid win-streaks, and pairs up people playing for draws with each other.)
  8. If anyone wants to dual-box without melting their PC. Use this macro in game: /macro FPS "maxfps 60$$maxInactiveFps 1" Click it once when you log into the character. It lets you dual/triple box with minimal GPU strain.
  9. Yeah it's the beta server where they do all the open testing. You can autolevel characters to 50, give them IOs/incarnates/etc for free. It's good for testing out character combos to see what works. See here:
  10. Ooh. This sounds exciting. Just need to find two team-mates...
  11. If your focus is zones, Psy/NRG Scrapper or Stalker would be worlds better than the brute IMO. I tested a psy/nrg brute on the training room server, it's not great.
  12. Dark Melee can be good on scrappers in 1v1s and Fightclub. The -tohit pairs well with elusivity, it has a heal, and the T1 and T2 attacks are short enough to get 3 off in the +50% ATO crit window of 3.25 seconds. A DM/EA Scrapper just won a 1v1 tournament over on Everlasting. Dark Melee isn't so hot for 8v8s and general zone play, though. (AKA the majority of PVP in this game.)
  13. Thank you to everyone who came to the first NAUGHTY CHAOS CUP. We had around 50 people in total. Between them, they had over 125 PVP matches. I think that's a new best for Everlasting. This was our first time running something like this, so there were a few growing pains. But I had a great time, and it seems like most everyone else did too. (Apart from a few ragequitters. but you get those at every PVP event!) Congratulations again to Alou and Cold Healz for winning the Ranged Bracket! (A Beam/Plant Blaster versus a Therm/Ice Defender! Ouch!) Congratulations again to Madvillain for winning the melee bracket. (His DM/EA Scrapper was a beast!) Thanks @CU_Krow for co-running this with me. And thank you to everyone who came to fight and watch. I hope you all had fun!
  14. Thank you to everyone who came to the first NAUGHTY CHAOS CUP. We had around 50 people in total. Between them, they had over 125 PVP matches. I think that's a new best for Everlasting. This was our first time running something like this, so there were a few growing pains. But I had a great time, and it seems like most everyone else did too. (Apart from a few ragequitters. but you get those at every PVP event!) Congratulations again to Alou and Cold Healz for winning the Ranged Bracket! (A Beam/Plant Blaster versus a Therm/Ice Defender! Ouch!) Congratulations again to Madvillain for winning the melee bracket. (His DM/EA Scrapper was a beast!) Thanks @CU_Krow for co-running this with me. And thank you to everyone who came to fight and watch. I hope you all had fun!
  15. Thank you to everyone who came to the first NAUGHTY CHAOS CUP. We had around 50 people in total. Between them, they had over 125 PVP matches. I think that's a new best for Everlasting. This was our first time running something like this, so there were a few growing pains. But I had a great time, and it seems like most everyone else did too. (Apart from a few ragequitters. but you get those at every PVP event!) Congratulations again to Alou and Cold Healz for winning the Ranged Bracket! (A Beam/Plant Blaster versus a Therm/Ice Defender! Ouch!) Congratulations again to Madvillain for winning the melee bracket. (His DM/EA Scrapper was a beast!) Thanks @CU_Krow for co-running this with me. And thank you to everyone who came to fight and watch. I hope you all had fun!
  16. Glad you moved someone across! :-)
  17. Sorry to hear that. Plenty of people moved their characters over this morning without problem. Guess you just got unlucky. :( Suggest you open a support ticket or contact a GM on the official Homecoming Discord. They should be able to help ya.
  18. New to the arena? Don't worry. This post will show you how to start matches. (Players have to set up their own matches once they have been told who their opponent is.) First, find a Battle Terminal and click on it. Or just type /arenalist This will bring up the arena list. Once here, click on "Create Event" This will create an event. And will take you to this window: Now, click on "Random Map", and make sure you've selected the right map for the round you are in. (We'll be announcing which map to use in the Request channel.) If you're in the RANGED bracket, click on "More Options": Then set it to "Small Inspirations Only": If you're in the MELEE bracket, Click on "More Options": And change it so it says "No Inspirations Allowed": Congrats! You're all set up! Now there's only one thing left to do - invite your opponent! If you see them you can right click on them and select "Invite to Arena Event" Or you can type /ai and then their name to invite them to the match. Like this: And that's everything! Go fight! However, if you're just coming to watch... All you need to do is click on an arena terminal (or type /arenalist) and then change it from "Show Best Fit" to "Show Ongoing": You'll then be given a choice of matches to watch! And that's everything. See y'all at 6pm EST/3pm PDT/11pm GMT
  19. New to the arena? Don't worry. This post will show you how to start matches. (Players have to set up their own matches once they have been told who their opponent is.) First, find a Battle Terminal and click on it. Or just type /arenalist This will bring up the arena list. Once here, click on "Create Event" This will create an event. And will take you to this window: Now, click on "Random Map", and make sure you've selected the right map for the round you are in. (We'll be announcing which map to use in the Request channel.) If you're in the RANGED bracket, click on "More Options": Then set it to "Small Inspirations Only": If you're in the MELEE bracket, Click on "More Options": And change it so it says "No Inspirations Allowed": Congrats! You're all set up! Now there's only one thing left to do - invite your opponent! If you see them you can right click on them and select "Invite to Arena Event" Or you can type /ai and then their name to invite them to the match. Like this: And that's everything! Go fight! However, if you're just coming to watch... All you need to do is click on an arena terminal (or type /arenalist) and then change it from "Show Best Fit" to "Show Ongoing": You'll then be given a choice of matches to watch! And that's everything. See y'all at 6pm EST/3pm PDT/11pm GMT
  20. New to the arena? Don't worry. This post will show you how to start matches. (Players have to set up their own matches once they have been told who their opponent is.) First, find a Battle Terminal and click on it. Or just type /arenalist This will bring up the arena list. Once here, click on "Create Event" This will create an event. And will take you to this window: Now, click on "Random Map", and make sure you've selected the right map for the round you are in. (We'll be announcing which map to use in the Request channel.) If you're in the RANGED bracket, click on "More Options": Then set it to "Small Inspirations Only": If you're in the MELEE bracket, Click on "More Options": And change it so it says "No Inspirations Allowed": Congrats! You're all set up! Now there's only one thing left to do - invite your opponent! If you see them you can right click on them and select "Invite to Arena Event" Or you can type /ai and then their name to invite them to the match. Like this: And that's everything! Go fight! However, if you're just coming to watch... All you need to do is click on an arena terminal (or type /arenalist) and then change it from "Show Best Fit" to "Show Ongoing": You'll then be given a choice of matches to watch! And that's everything. See y'all at 6pm EST/3pm PDT/11pm GMT
  21. Tonight's the night! 6pm at the Sapphire Section of the Peregrine Island Arena on the Everlasting server. Here's what the section looks like: We'll be in the upstairs bit: Melee entrants, please stand next to this guy: Ranged Entrants please stand next to this guy: If you're new to the arena, my next post will show you how to set up a match.
  22. Tonight's the night! 6pm at the Sapphire Section of the Peregrine Island Arena on the Everlasting server. Here's what the section looks like: We'll be in the upstairs bit: Melee entrants, please stand next to this guy: Ranged Entrants please stand next to this guy: If you're new to the arena, my next post will show you how to set up a match.
  23. Tonight's the night! 6pm at the Sapphire Section of the Peregrine Island Arena on the Everlasting server. Here's what the section looks like: We'll be in the upstairs bit: Melee entrants, please stand next to this guy: Ranged Entrants please stand next to this guy: If you're new to the arena, my next post will show you how to set up a match.
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