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Epoch Paradox

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Everything posted by Epoch Paradox

  1. Sound effect mod? I've had trouble getting most of those mods to work right but I can't see how that would effect the power missing (without even saying "miss")
  2. Surprised to hear a vote for that. Fair enough. I was thinking a lesser version of the overcharge would be a better fit for both mechanical and style reasons.
  3. Replace Cutting Beam with Explosive Beam or some such? A decent target aoe would round out this set much better than with the currently - very skippable - cone. Probably been suggested before but I didn't find it in the suggestions.
  4. Only just started playing this to lvl 14 so, haven't tried out final build yet.
  5. I was looking for an account wide nerf, not a powerset nerf! You're just too OP. ;D
  6. @Captain Powerhouse , I would like to formerly request that you nerf Myrmidon.
  7. I see yes and I hear you, though, extra defense actually does come in handy in certain situations. No matter. I did reference your build and used repel with +recharge proc. Currently getting PLENTY of recharge, especially running ageless it's nearly capped most of the time. I've never been one to go all out on the min/maxing thing... A good build is well, good! I still have my preferences for getting around and play feel. Thanks for your shares!
  8. made a fire version using the repel idea and tested on beta server a bit - good fun! PistolKinTest - Corruptor (Dual Pistols).mxd
  9. You say that with such certainty and I don't see why. Required? No. I don't think that is true at all.
  10. Definitely. I enjoyed my stone/elec brute back around 2012 and I enjoy stone melee now. Personally I don't think there's much that it needs (especially no overhauling "g word"s) The only other thing I've thought about is cosmetic, namely, the option to select one of the many weapons to swing around instead of the morphing rock stuff. I'm already happy either way and have found the HC team to be willing to hear and answer requests - so hey, why not just ask! 😄
  11. Was trying for defense s/l/e & range softcap while keeping good damage/recharge on this pistol wielding blapper. 2 kicks wasn't enough to satisfy so added crosspunch to try and round out the engagement abilities. Offer tweaks or entirely fresh build, I'm open. Only just recently realized the 8%? def melee/ranged boost from hail of bullets, I guess because it won't accept defense enh., it's a very brief buff so not counting it in totals. Blaster - Dual Pistols - Martial Combat.mxd
  12. So... animation time decrease with a side of damage boost? I'll make it an even 12inf for that kinda love.
  13. Can we get the same animation time fix for Stone Melee Tremor as Thunderstrike and Total Focus? What a difference about 0.5sec makes in the feel. Pretty please with 9inf on top? 😄 -adjusted inf for inflation/cost of living increases.
  14. ya man good stuff. Notice though the quoted "farmer" I have KB reduc slotted and aim cause it's not fire farm only. Still works great but yours looks even better! I take it with the recharge proc and siphon speed etc you don't need more than 1 recharge on hasten? Pretty cool stuff!
  15. I've had a few requests for this build so posting it here to share, discuss etc. Epoch Chalice - Corruptor (Fire Blast).mxd
  16. I took this build out for a spin with a fire/kin corr and spine/fire brute running a fire farm. Devastation ensued yet I don't pretend to really know what I'm doing... Presented for consideration/ suggestions http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1471&c=680&a=1360&f=HEX&dc=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
  17. Maybe the "Venomous Gas" power could have self and maybe team heal/regen added.
  18. Blaster secondaries are getting a reworking now, maybe next could be support sets? Seams possible anyway! I'm sure there are ways to implement some of these ideas, even if it's something along the lines of Defender's damage buff when solo then diminished as the team grows? I really enjoy those ATs (fender/ cor) and can be very versatile game play. Around 2002 I played my first character Fire/Kin controller and have always wanted to have Increase Density and speed boost work for the one that's giving it. How can you give something you don't have? Anyway, I hear you! In the meantime we can search out teams that can buff back. I hear all defender/corr type teams can really tear it up!
  19. What does broke mean to you? Not fun anymore? Or maybe just that comparing gameplay today with issue 5, for example is extremely different? Good point on MMs, though, I don’t use them it seems to make sense.
  20. Agreed that some sets would benefit more than others and then again, can we say that the ATs/sets are balanced now? Electrical affinity uses chain effects that can come back to the caster, empathy is mixed between self affecting and teammate only.... It would change some things for sure, but even though I'm not actually vying for this, I'm also not convinced it would "break the game".
  21. I've often wondered what it would be like if support characters could buff self as well as others (think ID, SB, Fortitude, Frostworks, shields and so on). Might that be what everyone would play then? I can't seriously suggest that, but I do think it would be both logical and... very fun.
  22. Oh wait, you didn't select "enhancements have no effect"?! And here I was thinking you ticked ALL the boxes... "Max difficulty" and all...
  23. To be fair, I've never actually attempted that particular benchmark but, I think it's awesome when people pull off extraordinary things. I take it most of you don't do things like that and then go complaining that the game is too easy and therefore, nerf everyone. Just a difficult task for bragging rights? Also, is Rommy set to EB or AV? I might have to give it a shot just so I know how poor I am at this game. Still having fun here in noobland too! Keep it up! "I don't think he is using the same wind as we are using..." -Inigo Montoya
  24. Indeed and a rare testament to what is possible. It's an exception, not the norm. Some of us couldn't pull that off if we had private lessons for a year 😄
  25. So this max diff ITF soloing business... that's something only a few people are doing? Or are you guys all stomping through it with your empath/psi defenders while no one is looking... Are you suggesting there is a huge discrepancy between ATs? Anyone with something other than tanker, scrapper, brute... want to post ITF max setting speed run times? I guess I'm just saying it doesn't seem all that surprising that the obviously stronger ATs still far outperform the obviously weaker ones. So what are we figuring out here? Defenders and the like need to be nerfed along with tankers to find game balance? I wonder what kind of insane buffs would be needed before the new FoTY was a "support" character. 'Spine/Fire brute? Hah! You should see this arch/TA tear through the mobs!' I know, it seems completely ridiculous...
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