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Everything posted by MagicalAct

  1. Yup, that was entirely my fault. Must have hit auto enhance without realizing it along the way. Will edit my previous post.
  2. Thought I'd come up with a costume for when Marine hits live. Not sure what his name is going to be as I know Devilray and anything close to it will be taken, but happy with how it turned out.
  3. In my testing as a Marine/Water defender the set is strong solo, and great for long fights AV/GM/Raids but on higher level mish teams I could see it end up as basically the new Traps. The powers don't have super long animations but you have enough that you want to do at the start of a fight that it'd be over before you get everything out you wanted. Whitecap I wish was a location targeted AoE. Making it location targeted would allow for more open ended play, like landing in front to push the mobs into a corner while still debuffing them. Or while not a probable option due to it's recharge, in fights that go south it could be used as a disengage tool. The other major gripe I have with the set is the tier 9. It's a good effect but for how cool the animation is and the work that went into it, it's just a buff. I'd like to see a small knock back effect around the caster upon activation to simulate the rising of the tentacles from the depths and knocking back whatever was in their way.
  4. Blue-Print, a kind of Forge tribute, Traps/BR defender
  5. Sol-Forged, Grav/Fire, space traveler who absorbed the powers of a dying star.
  6. Never really got into tanks on live or homecoming but for some reason this week, I really wanted to make an ice/ice tank and he's actually been pretty enjoyable. Man-Squatch
  7. Power Cable. Kidnapped by the Vahzilok, they had began using him for harvesting organs but he kept himself alive creating devices from their medical scraps. Upon escaping his body was rebuilt using top of the line technology, but now he wonders is he still truly man or machine?
  8. An update to one of the already posted costumes, and a new one for Voo-Dooer
  9. So I had to take a break from playing a little while for health reasons but still came in every now and then and checked out your guys' awesome costumes. Just wanted to say thank you to you guys posting them, and thank you to the dev team for making all the Bane changes with the last patch, adding the Stheno staff, and letting us mess with the power customization I finally have a Bane I love playing. Voodooer, the spookiest Bane out there.
  10. I think you'd enjoy it. I adored the first game and the second one feels like what they really wanted the first to turn out to be. It's a little more tongue in cheek than Halo, you'll die in silly ways thanks to team mates and enemies but it has some amazing cinematic style moments coming from your gameplay. There's an ongoing galactic war that has a game master in charge of it that keeps things fresh. So like they just added mechs to the game and to earn them we had to keep the planet in charge of production safe for several days. Let me know if you decide to pick it up and need someone to play with.
  11. Been playing quite a bit of Helldivers, so to take a break I finally rolled an Arsenal/Arsenal dom now that every team isn't chock full of Arsenal...So of course, I made the Hell-Ranger >_> Costumes are kind of fun approximations of some of the armors while the backstory is while fighting off some of the cyborgs, he discovered some new tech they were working on. Fearing it to be some kind of super weapon, he decided to sacrifice himself to blow it up, and the cyborgs around it. However, in the blast the chrono-energy stored in the device sent the Hell-Ranger back in time to Paragon City. Disillusioned with the never ending war he was fighting in and losing friends and comrades in every moment, he's decided to try and prevent his world's time line.
  12. Living Banshee Sonic/Dark Defender
  13. Dark Miasma is probably the one set I've played the most but never taken a toon to 50 with. Made a couple of Dark/DP toons that got shelved but looked forward to the crossbow option for DP with page 7. Came up with Jericho Vex, old west sheriff turned vampire turned monster hunter that uses crossbows as stake throwers rather than the usual pistols. Heavily inspired by the somewhat forgotten gem Darkwatch and Jonah Hex.
  14. Thank you, I have never even seen Crime Master before. He's got a very cool look, I imagine the name kind of held him back lol. The second costume and general idea were inspired by a somewhat similar obscure Marvel villain, The Rose.
  15. A fun idea, a Thugs/ mastermind hiring goons to help him him steal from other villains and thwart their plans while seemingly advancing his criminal empire..Only for him to secretly be a hero the entire time. Returning stolen goods to the rightful owners afterwards, using his underworld connections to find out villain schemes and stop them, I present the Plotter.
  16. Thank you kindly! I'm still working on the endurance problem, but yeah, he's an absolute buzzsaw for mobs and looks awesome doing it.
  17. My power has been out all day, so I've just been messing with this, trying the different model styles. We have another crack at Alpha that came shockingly close to his in game look, Son of Surtur, my Fire/Earth Dom, and Masked Hornet, my Poison/Elec defender.
  18. Thank you kindly, a lot of people seem to be fond of Draculad lol. And I used civitai that someone had mentioned earlier. I can't get it to go for certain styles as far as I found outside of the different model filters but it seems pretty easy to use.
  19. This was my first time messing around with AI stuff in general on kind of lazy afternoon. Had some good results, and some not so good results. Trying to figure out how to do my parameters better as I struggled with what I thought would be the easier characters and the more non linear ones seemed to come out well right away. We have Snow-Dragon, an Ice/MA dom, Draculad, a Mind/Savage dom, and Alpha Animal, a Beasts/Poison MM.
  20. Here's my current fun project, Son of Surtur, a Fire/Earth dom. The look and powersets match so well in my opinion. Just waiting to get to the fire epic pool.
  21. I'd like to point out that you're making a pretty disingenuous comparison. Arctic Air you have to survive in melee range and all the perils that come with that, especially on certain controller combos without mez protection. Arsenal control can do this all from range. We had a more interesting version with the sleep patch that made the set "The patch control set" until people complained Sleep Grenade's pulse didn't make sense with the dots in the set.
  22. Well that sucks to see the devs caved in on making Sleep Grenade a standard sleep. Just add the AoE immob at this point to make the set as bland as possible and get it over with.
  23. No, didn't realize they had changed that. Nobody really takes Flash Freeze to make that much of a difference.
  24. It stacks -to hit debuffs, while also giving solid -damage, -recharge. Smoke Canister is entirely unique to this set, no other powers operates like it in the game at the moment, same for Liquid Nitrogen only damaging non sleeping enemies. I agree I'd like to see it's damage upped to make the no mass immob=bad crowd happy, but I feel like people are just saying stuff to say stuff at this point.
  25. So Smoke Cannister is pretty different from those powers despite being a confuse as well. It doesn't alert enemies when deployed, but it doesn't trigger the patch to start confusing until you aggro the group. I have it slotted mainly as a to hit debuff but it still confuses multiple targets no problem. I think the way you're engaging the -to hit and perception is causing only a small portion of the mob to be aggroed. I start with smoke and then immediately go into flashbang or sleep, followed by liquid nitrogen so the whole mob is aggroed everytime.
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