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Everything posted by MagicalAct

  1. I've seen you running around quite a few times, nice bio and love the drawing.
  2. So I should love Earth/Earth doms, but for some reason I keep bailing on them in the 30s. Part of it is just reusing the same costume ideas for these earthies, but thanks to across the spiderverse and a certain punk we got some inspiration, for Rock Punk (Punk Rock was taken sadly). Really happy with how his costumes turned out, and will hopefully motivate me to keep smashing stuff.
  3. I just want the emblems the Outcasts get, especially the cracked rock ones bricks get. There's no emblems really rockish or mountainlike at the moment for our Earthies.
  4. Yeah, I don't know why I brought up the PI team it should be kind of expected, the one that really bothered me was a Croatoa team around 30ish when I was 28 or so? Fir Bolg bosses just ate my pets alive. It's gotten a bit better, as you and kelika have said poison is pretty bad at keeping my pets alive, but can tear through things too. It's still going to be a struggle I'm sure but I'm still enjoying the toon and closing in on 50.
  5. I'm a huge Animal Man fan and decided that something like him would be a good reason to roll a Beast/Poison MM. Not only able to communicate with animals, he can draw upon their powers for everything from spewing venom, bile spray (Which looks hilarious), or increased strength and durability as the Alpha Animal
  6. So I've been playing a Beast/Poison MM, and while I enjoy it mainly for the theme, I originally thought about rolling him a beast/sonic. He's in the low 30s now and while I hadn't had any major problems I've started encountering some. My pets started dying more often. I joined a PI team fighting reds and purples and while I wasn't dying I was resummoning pets multiple times a fight. At 27 I slotted the usual call to arms, sovereign right, edict of the master and expedient reinforcement buffs but it didn't seem to make a huge jump in survivability to them. I figured things would be okay after getting Noxious Gas only to find it's a click not a toggle on a 5 minute cooldown that can't take sets. I still like the toon but I'm worried about joining another team now and wondering if I should have just rolled him as beast/sonic instead.
  7. Indeed, although which toon were you on? And Excelsiora looks awesome. Good job.
  8. Decided to make a Pain/Dark defender, that's turning out pretty fun. Between all the -to hit, soothing aura+Life drain and World of Pain solos surprisingly well. The Grave Caretaker is an attempt at mashing Dead Man and The Crow together.
  9. Another character that's closing in on 50, Shaman Storm A Storm/Dark Corruptor heavily inspired by Brother Voodoo. As a teenager I went through a Marvel horror phase, and those marvel essential reprints were cheap fun, plus the horror art looked awesome in black and white. While not super popular I really enjoyed Brother Voodoo and I'm glad he's had stints of moving up in the Marvel world.
  10. So looking through I'm not the first to bring up whip assault but thought I'd try and give it a power set layout. I see it being an interesting set where it has more ranged powers than most of the assaults but not as long of a range. It instead lives in this mid range sweet spot. Tier 1: Whip (Using the Corruption animation) Ranged Single Target -res Tier 2: Kick Away, Melee Single target, Uses the kick animation, light damage push power that puts enemies back in that sweet spot. As a whip user you don't want the fight to get to close but know what to do someone does get to you. Tier 3: Hard Crack, Single target, -res moderate damage moderate recharge blast attack most Dom sets get. Uses the lash animation. Tier 4: Whip Around, Cone, -res, chance for knockdown, animation uses Crack Whip Tier 5: Sharp as a Whip, the set's build up. I'd like it to be kind of like Martial assault's toxic blades. Upon activation you focus, the crack of your whip hits even more precise. You gain to hit and have a small DoT added as you're rending your enemies defenses with your strikes. Animation is just aim, doesn't have to be fancy. Tier 6: Serpent's tail, pbaoe, using the Dragon's tail animation, you make a sweep attack to trip the enemies around you. Tier 7: Coated Whip, like swap ammo upon selecting this power you gain access to 3 ways of coating your whip increasing it's strength and providing additional benefits. To separate it from swap ammo change the coatings and effects. Electrical Whip: Changes the damage to electric, attacks gain -end and have a chance of causing the shocked animation. Fire Whip: Changes the damage to fire, attack can cause fear and apply a dot. Razor: Damage stays lethal, Increases damage slightly, Increases -resistance Tier 8: Not sure on this one at the moment without just using one of the MM whip animations again Tier 9: Wrap Up, Ranged Superior damage hold, -fly Using the Hell on Earth animation. You bind an enemy with your whip pulling it tight and constricting them.
  11. A small-time tech villain for hire named Rebuff, would shield the heavy hitter villains and keep interference at bay with his forcefield device eventually wound up being caught and sent to the Zig. Time passed before he was approached by an old government type who informed him that he had fought alongside his grandfather in WWII on a team of superheroes called the Victory Squad. While he had super powers which got him through the war and slowed his aging, Rebuff's grandfather did not. He was a man in a costume, who inspired those around him as Commander Victorious. Rebuff was given an opportunity. He agreed to carry on his grandfather's legacy and serve Paragon as the new Commander Victorious in exchange for a pardon. Armed with his grandfather's pistols, his grandfather's old costume, his forcefield gear from his days as Rebuff, and several even more minor-er villains he's tried to convince to go straight with him as the new Victory Squad. In all my years of playing CoH I've never really got into MMs, the highest I'd play them would be to about the low 30s and then just get bored but I've really enjoyed Commander who should be 50 shortly after writing this. Part of is just that feeling that your pets do everything but thanks to being active with forcefield and kind of a strange build I'm constantly dual wielding, emptying clips, and liberal use of the fighting pool Commander Victorious is right there fighting alongside his squad.
  12. Mild mannered Faultline dam engineer knocked into the turbines by attacking villains, instead of dying was imbued with massive amounts of electricity. Super-Volt Elec/Elec Dom. Started rewatching Static-Shock and got a little inspired.
  13. Hey there, just wanted to let you know you talking about your journey with Ice/Martial made me roll one a few days ago and am happy to report Snow-Dragon is 50 and going through incarnate stuff. Went Ice/Martial/Ice to be lord of the patches and IO'ed out he chews through mobs (And blue bars still). One of the most fun toons I've played in a long time.
  14. No worries. Martial Assault Thunder Kick has a chance to disorient which I think fits pretty well with the gut punch animation. You hit them in the stomach hard enough they're left stunned, gasping for air for a second.
  15. Very minor suggestion but I'd really like if Martial Assault could get the gut punch animation from Martial Arts Storm Kick as a backup animation for Thunder Kick. As of right now Martial Assault is all kicks and shuriken, it'd be nice to have a punch animation in there for are all around martial artists.
  16. Thank you kindly. I really like how he turned out. Another quick project character Snow-Dragon, an Ice/Martial Dom, trained by the same monks of the four winds that Ice-Mistral was before slaughtering some of their ranks, now out to stop her. Could use some input though, do you guys like the blue mouth or just the all white mask?
  17. RhinOhm, an Elec/Energy armor brute. For some reason I got the idea that lightning rod would be a fun way to simulate a Rhino style character crashing into a mob.
  18. Indeed we did, think we actually talked about Darkness control a bit. Glad you're enjoying the set though, it's one of my favorites and one of the first I latched onto when starting homecoming.
  19. I took the most interesting of 3. First roll was a Necro/Cold MM, second roll an Ice/Ice tank which seemed a little boring for a random challenge, third was paydirt AR/TA Corruptor. Jungle Ace, Son of an eccentric millionaire who took his family on an African expedition only to have their expedition killed by poachers. The boy survived and escaped further into the forest learning to hunt and survive on his own. Years later he'd be found by people looking for the missing millionaire family still and brough back to Paragon. Inheriting his family's estate and pretty much set for life, he grew bored without the struggle for survival and was still trying to get readjusted to the outside world. Seeing the rise of crime in Paragon, the Jungle Ace decided it was time for him to hunt Paragon City's big game, super villains.
  20. Doctor Particle: A scientist kidnapped by Lord Recluse to build a particle accelerator. He waited for a group of heroes to rescue him but as days went by hope dwindled. With no ways out and not wanting Recluse to have something so dangerous he built it with a fatal flaw. Upon completion he threw the switch with Lord Recluse and his inner circle present to watch however a nearby Fortunata picked up on his thoughts and saved Recluse and Co while the scientist was bombarded with particles, seemingly being vaporized. Presumed dead and with his lab abandoned, no one noticed the strange particles gathering in the old lab for months before forming a full person. The scientist had been reborn. He's a human form peacebringer whose powers are colored differently to make it look like he's changing the molecules/particles around him to do different things. Light Form even works as him focusing heavily and turning himself into a mass of particles.
  21. Recoloring SoA powers, underarm wings, a kind of V-chest option ala Brother Voodoo, and the techknight belt style piece that hangs off the back to cover the front as well, so many mystic character designs that I can't quite do.
  22. Hey all, currently struggling with a costume for a Bane Spider. He's an inventor who creates his energy staff that allows him to fly, shoot bolts, bend light around him to turn invisible. I'm a big Jack Knight Starman fan, and wanted this character to be more the golden age style though, going for a Doctor Mid-Nite, and original Starman look but everything I've come up with so far hasn't made me happy. His name Lantern-Keeper based on the light of the staff he carries.
  23. Been on an alting spree lately and it's time for another character dump. Character 1: Dr. Sandman, Time/Seismic who uses the sands of time. Character 2: Living Leech Psi/Energy, Scrapper mutant who feeds off the energy of those around him. Character 3: Ensouled with two costumes, homage to Adam Warlock, Dark/Energy with all powers colored yellow for soul powers. Character 4: Atomic Bunker, FF/Rad defender, the survivor of a nuclear accident, now radioactive, Atomic Bunker is sealed away in his suit to protect those around him, along with force field technology to shield team mates and civilians from his nuclear powers when he's using them.
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