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23 Excellent
  1. Bravo and thank you for this!!!
  2. Munitions Mastery rifle ammo animation adjust Have a Lvl 50 mutation blaster Red Dirt Tanner on Excelsior, Dual Pistols & Ninja Training Munitions Mastery Epic pool > Cryo Freeze Ray (screenshot 2) and LRM Rocket powers (screenshot 1) The ammo appears to incorrectly exit the rifle about 4ft to the right of my toon when I have these Munitions rifles fitted: Crey Laser Rifle (both screenshots), Legacy Merc. Assault Weapon, Nemesis Rifle 2, Council Sub-Machine Gun. The ammo appears to exit correctly from: Tommy Gun, Forbidden Carbine The above are the only Munitions rifles I tested. Occurs regardless of zone, mish, live/brainstorm. Powers still work as designed, the animation is just a bit off. (Was going to enter this under the Costume section but didn't find anything regarding power animations in there.)
  3. About two days ago, the launcher updated to Issue 27, Page 3 - 27.3.4798. Ever since when I'm in the game I get the 'lost connection to mapserver' about every 10-15 seconds. Only for a second. I can't figure out if it's something with my wifi or router. I've reset the router multiple times. Restarted the computer. Even uninstalled and reinstalled CoH, but I'm still getting the momentary laps. Any others with this, or is it just me?
  4. Beautiful job!!!!! Thank you for all of your amazing dedication! Your hard work definitely pays off!
  5. Dreaming a little... Currently, you have to take 5 'red-tape' powers - summon summon bigger/more summon biggest/most 1st pet upgrade 2nd pet upgrade Instead of having 5 powers being taken up by summoning and upgrading, at least make the upgrades automatic. Have all pets automatically upgraded when reaching lvl 20 and 32 or something. This eliminates at least a couple seconds of that vulnerable 'wait till I get every pet up to speed' time. And gives MMs room for two new actual real powers that can be used during combat... like two mind/psi control powers or something fitting for a mastermind. Just thinking...
  6. This would be great!
  7. I HAD NO IDEA! Makes total sense though. Cool!
  8. Adventure - Atari 2600 Exodus: Ultima 3 - Commodore64 Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar - PC City of Heroes - PC Portal & Portal2 - PC These have been best games I've ever played. At least, they're the ones that engaged me the most. I've not found anything with the staying power of these. I played CoH from 2003-2005. I wasn't the greatest at it. The highest I ever got was lvl 34. But I loved it. For the past 7 years, I've been coping with severe anxiety and depression. It's been especially difficult this year. To have rediscovered Homecoming a few months ago was a life-saver. Playing CoH again has given me a severely needed coping mechanism. It's just an escape for a few hours here and there. But it gives my mind a much needed break from the constant fear, dread, and guilt. I just wanted to thank the developers and everyone that's put in so much wonderful effort into just the ongoing maintenance of this game. Not to mention the incredible additions and beautiful releases. You may get endless thankless requests for tweaks and changes. I just wanted you to know that what you've built has made it a little easier for one person to get through this shitty, crappy year. Thank you, x 1,000,000 Stephen @mindpyre
  9. Holy crap balls! This looks amazing! THANK YOU!
  10. <blown away by all these amazing SFX improvements> Thank you for all of your hard work!
  11. I played COH in the olden days. Have just gotten into Homecoming. I have to say the COH Modder is amazeballs! Makes it much easier and more fun to try different mods out. And I love having everything accessible in one place. Kudos on all of your work - and that of all the mod authors! One suggestion if I may - since I'm frequently reading the descriptions over in the right column to see what they do. Can you decrease the width of the mod names columns and increase the width of the descriptions columns? It would be nice not having to scroll down through each description. Thanks!
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