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Everything posted by RCU7115

  1. Who's the guy standing on Manticore's right at 49 seconds I to the video ?
  2. I always get all three on my Widows and Forts but I exemplar a lot and it's easy on the endurance playing the ranged attacks.
  3. Hate the ones that get stuck in the ceiling but love it when it's an open city zone map and the get stuck on the blue flypaper zone barrier.
  4. I PL almost all of my toons to 50 and get them I'D d out. I then will start or join a Posi 1 or 2 or a Synapse to get a feel for the toon before running any higher level content.
  5. Talented teams use all 4 elevators at the same time.
  6. So my lvl 1 tank just needs 40,050 levels to be The Best Around. Someone hold my beer 🍺.
  7. The thing I hate about the Synapse TF is the first 5 missions are kill alls. The first mission always has the biggest map. If they could just take 2 of the first 5 missions and give them a defeat boss/minions instead it would take 10 minutes or more of boredom out of the TF.
  8. I would have run the test on each AT running the Posi TF's, Synapse, Penny Yin, Citadel, Manticore. Numi's TF's and finish with an ITF. I would also used the change name feature for evey TF so no one would recognize the toon along with changing the costume at the tailor. To keep the names just make a new toon with the name and delete the lvl 1 toon after the test. I also would have only run the toons with either basic SO's or IO's. Once IO sets are put in the numbers actually get more skewed due to each toon having completely different bonuses.
  9. I still have the original game packaging and I have the 3 ring binder prima guides on my cpu. I'm not sure if I still have the actual 3 ring binders anymore. Scanned them into my cpu and made copies for a friend that told me about the game just after Xmas 2005.
  10. Ouroboros is a great way to play the game. My main has only 2 story arcs left on hero side before I switch them to red side to do all the story arcs there. I've made over 9k in reward merits alone from all the hero story arcs and only repeating story arcs from Pretoria which involve multiple badges depending on story arc decisions. You can also get badges depending on what parameters you set the missions at, like no Inspirations or travel powers etc. Some of those decisions can make a +1/+1 difficulty feel like +4/+8.
  11. I had no idea too. Must've missed the mail fliers advertising for the campaigns to represent this district or that district over the last few months. I didn't even see their names when I went to vote November 5th.
  12. It's the Rock !!
  13. I was on a Posi 1 or 2 with Snarky a while back and we succeeded. It's not always a bad PuG for Snarky.
  14. Thank You. I honestly never noticed the color of the xp bars in the circle. OMG I feel like an idiot.
  15. This is the 2nd time this has happened.I was in Kallisti Wharf Toting in costumes to get the Whispered Rumurs for the Malleus Mundiand noticed that the xp for an EB Hollow Reaper was reduced. It originally was giving 145,702 xp then dropped to 97,135. The influence given was correct though. I was not using any xp boosters at the time. I put in a ticket and was told to post it in the Report Bugs Section here. I continued to play and did notice that even the ToT minions were even giving the less xp.
  16. Pure Vengbait there. King of KB. My bad, that was its cousin the Suzuki Samurai that was always rolling over for KB.
  17. Love the awnings just watch the spawns.
  18. I follow Wednesdaywoe and Dark Current. Wednesdaywoe videos are great. You never know what she'll say. Dark Current makes you think about builds in a different way.
  19. You know they'll get back to nerfing the brutes but the have more important nerfing to do Regeneration first. Priorities.
  20. Heather Townsend in Dark Astoria has a 4 Mish story arc that upon completion it will give a choice reward of 1. An extra Empyrean merit 2. Random Incarnate Salvage ( common , uncommon , rare or very rare). 3. Random Super Inspirations. The whole story arc if run at 0/1 will take about 15 minutes per run.
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