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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. One of my friends wont go into the pvp zones because he doesnt like pvp.  There is no requirement to go into a pvp zone but the solution is right there,  if you dont want the possibility for pvp then dont go.


    I did run into a person once in recluses victory.  He waited till i was fighting the turrets and killed me.  He seemed to be only interested in fights he could win when i came back so i just left instead.

  2. Im down for some dual pickaxes.  Dual sledgehammers and baseball bats too.  Im not concerned at all about applying real world logic to a comic book superhero video game.  Let me dual wield some hellions,  i'd fight crime (or commit it) with a pair of fiery gang members as my melee weapons.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Jiro Ito said:

    Reading through the "What are you guys doing to revive pvp" post, and saw this one linked.


    We did this a couple times in my SG base on Live and was a lot of fun.  UIT on Torchbearer/Homecoming hosted something like this recently in the Coliseum map via the arena, with a 3-team match; 1 team consisted of 1 player "The Ball", and the other 2 teams were 6v6 level 2 /martial blasters using only Ki Punch.  It was all kinds of fun.


    And our team won =D

    • Like 1
  4. Time to rrrename some pow-Arrrrs.


    1. Aqua bolt - Tharrr be Watarrr


    3. Hydro blast - Blundarrrbus (The BP pistol)


    4. Upgraded swag - Plundarrr


    5. Whirlpool - Sleep with the Fishes (Captain Mako shark cone power)


    6. Raiders - Maytees


    7. Deck Gun - Walk the Plank (Whirlpool)


    I clicked into this thread saying to myself that one of the powers better be named pirates booty and I was not dissapointed.  Also,  yes pirates.





    • Haha 6
  5. I dont think accounts are flagged as dev or even GM.  The different commands have a level assigned to them and you cannot use commands that exceed your accounts level.  Even GMs have 3 different levels so that starting GMs dont have access to all of the commands.  Devs accounts are probably not even all level 10 which gives them access to every command - kill the whole map,  kick every player from the server at once and so on.


    I dont think there is any way to search by account permission level and thats probably on purpose so devs and GMs can log their official accounts in and not be instantly tracked down by players while they are trying to work. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, Major_Decoy said:

    Let me admit upfront that these were designed entirely because I think it'd be nice to have something to slot into attacks that you're forced to take but never use.


    Which attacks were those?  I take several abilities i never use to open further pool power picks but they only get slots if im after certain set bonuses.  In either case they served their purpose.  Im not sure if a 1 slot brawl and boxing need a global enhancement.

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  7. Many of the requirements have been loosened already.  Would be nice if there was a way for the game to know you unlocked it 5 times so now its unlocked on new alts.  But i dont want the requirement to go away completely.  I doubt there will ever be an account wide unlock though,  i hear account wide stuff is a pain in the butt to code.

  8. Im pretty sure the team doesnt pull out a dictionary before they name a badge to be sure the badge name and definition match up.  Alot of the names do match up with the dictionary but plenty dont for a pun.


    Knives are one of the more difficult enemy groups so a badge in there somewhere would be fine with me.  The name mythbuster is pretty good as well.  My only reason against the name would be to save it for somewhere even better.  But if there arent any plans for 'somewhere better' to exist,  then use it here.

  9. My lowbie will get stomped seems to be a common argument against more GMs.  How much of a zone does a GM actually cover?  Probably something like 600 square feet after considering vision radius.  I get people have other reasons against it but im never convinced that a lowbie cant work around a GM spawn.  Its not like they are placed on top of contacts or mission doors.


    I prefer more world events over more GMs but i prefer more GMs over nothing.  I would want a GM to make sense in its placement though.  Have an igneous GM in the hollows and not in Founders Falls for example.

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  10. 9 hours ago, Communistpenguin said:

    I always slot a chance for +2 mag hold in single target holds. I also like to slot chance for heal into blast powers. I have spent most of my time in this game without a self heal so I like things that heal me. 


    If it takes ranged damage enhancements then use the chance for hold from the ranged damage set.  Its also 2 mag hold but the proc rate is higher.  Or use them both and land a hold on elite bosses in 1 attack.

    • Like 1
  11. I suppose i should have actually answered earlier as well.  A weekly story arc or even several would be ok with me.  Ive also wished that the signature story arcs would have 1 as a weekly as well.  Even if it just went straight down the list,  one signature story arc a week.

  12. 1 hour ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I understand what you're saying, but you're using a false premise.


    "Good names" can't be based on a subset of the number of available characters that form words, it has to be based on a subset of words that are considered "good names", or combinations that are "good."


    Now you can argue all day long about which words are "good" and which ones aren't, but since there's only about 1 million words in the English language, the subset of "good names", that are also appropriate for comic book super heroes, is going to be considerably smaller than your 110 million estimate.


    But it should still be in the millions. So basically I'm bored at work today, and nitpicking.


    It would be lower after omitting similar names as well.  But after dividing the total of possible combinations by a trillion twice,  i was comfortable enough with what was left. 


    I was mostly just saying there are plenty of names if people try.  Im lazy though,  my characters are TheZag,  TheZag-one,  TheZag-two and so on. 



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  13. 10 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    like 204 in Grandville (the Spider that tells you how much trust you have based on the Toxic Tarantulas you've defeated)


    I found that contact and went and killed all those spiders and i guess it doesnt give missions to a level 50.



    • Like 1
  14. Exactly my point.  If 1 power makes a AT go from bad at something to good at something then that AT has a problem.  Buffing the pet power from cast on a defeated target to cast on an alive target but also add high damage and add fast recharge and add that the pet is invincible turns warshades into a 1 power pick AT.  Take dark extraction and you dont need anything else and you are amazing or skip it and suck.  If every power is so bad that dark extraction needs to be a faceroll i win button then the AT needs a balance pass and not a huge buff to a single power.


    Im not saying that this power shouldnt be better,  but it should be done with a look at the entire kit and how powers should work together and not just throw all the damage in 1 power and call it a day.



  15. 37 minutes ago, pblue said:

    I get that 16 seconds recharge is the magic number for single target damage in terms of best chance of getting the proc to fire. But how does that compare to say 4 second recharge attack over the course of 16 seconds?   In other words would 4 attempts at firing off the proc (albeit at a lower probability ) within the 16 second timeframe not match the 1 almost certain attempt triggering the proc? Not to mention that each of the faster attacks, even if it does not trigger the proc will still do it's regular damage (assuming you have the  Endurance to sustain it).



    This is accurate,  but in the world of max proc damage,  only useful if you cant make an attack chain of attacks with high proc chance.  Low level with few attacks you should get that 1 proc within 16 seconds on a fast attack.  High level you have 4-5 attacks in the max proc chance range and you get a proc on nearly every attack.


    Earth mastery on a controller can proc seismic smash with 5 damage procs at 90%.  Nearly every time i use it,  all 5 proc and it does around 530 damage without damage buffs.  I didnt proc out the rest of the build because i wanted survivability but you could go glass cannon mode and really do some crazy damage with the right power choices procced out.

    • Thanks 1
  16. Dominators cant heal or buff their pets either so they might need untouchable pets on a fast cooldown that do high AoE damage when summoned.


    If so much of an ATs effectiveness hinges on 1 power then buffing that power wont fix the AT.


    I like @Carnifax's idea and it looks like it could even work with a psuedopet summoning a little purple fuzz puddle that is a valid target for those powers.  If i may add to the idea that the warshade stores 'charges' of the power that refill on a set timer that is slower then optimal so the need for corpses isnt completely replaced but still able to provide benefit in drawn out battles.

  17. If you are using mids and slot a proc,  you can hover your mouse over the damage display in the bottom left and it will show you the %chance that proc has based on your recharge.


    In general though, for single target powers,  a recharge of 16 seconds before global recharge is applied will give you the maximum chance to proc.


    60 seconds ÷ 3.5 ppm = 17.14 seconds per proc.  But proc rate is capped at 90% so...

    17.14 × 90% = 15.43 seconds recharge for max proc rate.


    Single target powers with longer recharge will have 90% chance and the proc chance decreases as their recharge is lowered (but not including global recharge).


    AoE powers have different rules for determining their proc chance and includes the area hit by the power.  Large AoE with a 16 second recharge will proc less than a small AoE with a 16 second recharge.  For AoE powers i just check the proc chance through mids.  Their proc chance is still capped at 90% and i do get a good proc rate with the non-damaging lingering radiation attack.  2 damage procs turn it into a psuedo AoE so i drop it all the time instead of just on hard targets.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  18. On 2/19/2022 at 2:57 PM, BlackSpectre said:

    Thanks a bunch, @TheZag!


    Flyboost doesn't work, but fly_boost does.


    Out of curiosity, what are the internal names for the other popup travel tray powers?


    My bad,  i didnt check back.  Most internal names match the power.


    Translocation - Translocation

    Double Jump - Double_Jump

    Speed Phase - SpeedPhase


    If you look up a power in city of data and scroll down to where all the code is,  the first line says name and that is the powers internal name.  A few lines down is display name and that is the name we see on the power.  Most of the time they are the same.

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  19. I prefer to have more world events and not just a GM but if i have to choose between a new GM and nothing,  i will choose a new GM.


    And they dont even have 100 feet of vision.  I wouldnt take into consideration that less then 600 square feet of a zone will become a lowbie death trap.  They can go around.

  20. Knockback and knockdown are no longer required to be based on the magnitude of the knock.  Its possible to have a power with 20 magnitude knockdown or 3 magnitude knockback.  The devs just havent made any changes to knockback powers yet except for singularity.  It uses the new knock system to do that anti repel 'vaccuum' effect.


    We should wait and see what the devs do with the upgraded knock system.  Its likely that they wont be making any changes to knockback until they convert powers using the old knockback system over to the new knock system.

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