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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. Your damage doesnt go down when you team,  it goes up when you solo.  Vigilance may be in a strange place while teaming since endurance is thrown around like nothing while in a group.  But when it was first added and everyone didnt have maxed out builds,  it was very useful.  Maybe vigilance could use a look for the end reduction side of things,  but your damage returning to its intended values while on a team isnt really a good enough reason to convince me that the damage side of vigilance needs any changes.

  2. I looked all over and couldnt find a city of villains red coloration for the forum.  If the option exists and someone could point me towards it would be wonderful.  If it doesnt exist then thats why im here suggesting it.


    The banner at the top could change to city of villains and have pictures of villain locations.  Well,  i dont know what it could.  My only programming experience is fixing the clock on the microwave after the power goes out.


    And praetorian yellow would melt our brains so im only suggesting villain red.  Thanks for reading 😁.

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  3. So do current energy blast players lose their energy damage or their knockback?  I dont mind new powersets but this suggestion only takes away from my energy blast user.  Makes me feel like its an I want energy blast without the knockback suggestion.  In my opinion,  Energy Blast is the only real blast set.  You shoot energy and the knock blasts them away.  I consider other sets improperly named.  They should be Fire Shot,  Ice Shot,  Electric Shot ect.  You shoot fire but nothing got blasted.  (i dont actually think they should be named this,  it looks and sounds goofy and was just to illustrate that i dont feel enemies are being blasted if they never get pushed even a little bit)


    So go for it with a suggestion for a new powerset but please dont nerf my energy blast.  I wouldnt say Ice blast is pointy so lets split the set into lethal damage with the rest the same and the other power set is ice damage but a snipe power instead of 2 holds.  But suggested as is it either takes away my energy damage or my knockback and i cant support that.

  4. 19 hours ago, MTeague said:

    If ever any additional Incarnate powers ARE added, I would implore the devs to limit thier use to only actual Incarnate content AND NOT everything 45+.


    I also hope this would be the case if further incarnate powers were added.


    'Proximity to powerful foes has activated your latent incarnate abilities.  You are able to draw more power from the Well while engaging these enemies.  The Well is not interested in lesser foes and restricts access to its power upon leaving this area.'

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  5. As far as something more reliable is concerned,  maybe the signature summon: tank can distract it to let the debuffs fall off.  I couldnt say for sure though,  i only use echo of posi for particularly tough targets because his -resist debuff is amazing and he is the ranged damage category.

  6. 46 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    How can I deal with the constant HP debuffs from the crimson prototype when I'm solo other than running away to let them drop off?


    If you can manage to survive by using some defense buffs from purple inspirations or top your hp back to full after getting hit,  its possible to get debuffed down to 1 hp.  Then the games anti 1 shot code kicks into gear.  Attacks that should '1 shot you' from 100% hp leave you with 1 hp instead.  And since your max hp is 1,  you are still at 100% hp.  At this point you are invincible.  Turn off all those defense toggles and laugh while you take every single hit but never die.


    The hardest part for my tank is getting that last debuff.  It isnt easy or particularly reliable but its hilarious once you pull it off.



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  7. I remember being told back in the day that he was killed off so that he wouldnt be relied on and that players would have rise up and fill the gap left by his death.  Because if Statesman were still alive there are plenty of times that make u scratch your head as to why am i being sent on this mission while u stand around.


    I dont remember if any of that was from official sources but it made sense that the game could never really grow past him if he was still there.

  8. 7 hours ago, kiramon said:


    Effervescence is surely not breaking any rules, nor is something like “Energy Waive” 


    Not you breaking rules.  The only thing i can come up with is someone with the ability to change names wanted those to be available.  The 2 names from your screenshot and the 2 you mentioned look like they could be desirable names.  I hope this isnt the case but names in violation should get changed to GenericHero12345 and i think inactive hero name release still displays the same and prompts you to change it when trying to login.  Not having a 1 added to the end.  Someone familiar with the code would need to confirm that last bit though.


    I would be curious to know if /getglobalname   has all those changed names showing up on 1 or 2 accounts.  Probably dont post any results from that here though.  If you feel the names were changed in error,  go through the support process.

  9. 1 hour ago, kiramon said:

    We sure it is not in effect?


    Several of my characters had a 1 added on the end and get prompted to change the name when I login.






    A level 50 never goes inactive for the rename policy.  The level 1 could have but they never ran the character name unlocking script.  If that level 50 did get renamed,  i can only come up with a not good reason as to why.

  10. There may be some issue with having full screen UIs in a windowed mode.  The LFG queue specifically says you cannot access full screen UIs after accepting and while waiting for others to accept.  Maybe slotting an enhancement at the same time as hitting a loading screen will still slot it but also leave one in your inventory.  Or maybe it was just them not wanting full screen UIs to be forced closed when someone was using it so they blocked the possibility.


    If its possible to make a windowed version of the full screen UI and not mess something up then I'd say go for it as long as the full screen version still exists for those that prefer it.

  11. Well i was trying to make 2 points with that post.  If u think pay 2 win powers are comparable to the powers u get from lvl 32-50 thats fine.  Im sure there are some people out there that love to discuss the accuracy, recharge, and animation differences of p2w powers over their regular power pick counterparts.  On my dark melee i can say that shadow maul does do less total damage than sands of mu but shadow maul is way better - 3 second recharge vs 16 seconds, 1.96 accuracy vs 1.0,  2.37 animation time vs 3.07.


    The other point i was trying to make is that low level players will get blocked from content designed for them.  Not every team will be speed and require high level players.  But for actual new players to ever see a message 'posi 1 lvl 50' I can bet they will think its high level stuff and not join another when they see 'posi 1 lvl 8'.  And for people on their alts that know what levels the content is and arent allowed to join a low lvl TF because it was for players with all their powers only.


    Homecoming isnt a commercial entity that im aware of but they try to give the game a 'retail' or 'live server' feeling when you play.  This is likely why Homecoming population is way higher then Thunderspy or Cake,  where they do more of the stuff that you would have never seen on the retail servers.  Players bore quickly when everything is a faceroll.  Its fun for about an hour on a different server group and then its back to Homecoming where the real City of Heroes is.

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  12. Speed posi 1 LFM.  lvl 35+ pst


    Speed synapse forming.  30 minute run,  lvl 50 only.  pst


    Average clear times will increase so merit rewards for low and mid level content will be reduced.


    Your best bet to get something like this added is for it to be a checkbox on the taskforce difficulty options....'lol mode - all trained abilities available.  No xp, inf, drops, merits or badges'

    • Like 1
  13. I used the LFG queue to go to pandoras box part 1 in atlas park at wavelength.  I was deposited inside the wall of the little bridge and unable to move.


     Server: Torchbearer Zone/Mission: Atlas Park Position: [129.0 21.7 -1064.0]


    This also happened once when using the LFG queue to go to Glacia in peregrine island for who will die part 5.  Using /stuck got me out just fine so this is just to let u know that sometimes a character can be placed in a stuck position.

  14. Some people love regen,  but not so much for everyone else.  So i thought about what regen seems like it should be able to do but falls short of (in my opinion) and came up with some ways of addressing it.


    Regen is a click based set.  Click a heal,  click a rez,  click a Moment of Glory,  click instant (over time) healing.  Being click based leaves you in that difficult position of deciding if you should be proactive or reactive with your ability usage.  The click heal doesnt leave much room for being proactive since overhealing is wasted.  A reactive ability suffers since a player in combat cant use these abilities while another ability is animating.  This is where i feel the set falls short of other armors that make more heavy usage of toggles and was the starting point of my thoughts of something to help regen.


    My idea is for each regen click ability to grant a stacking buff.  A single stack of the buff will grant a small amount of regeneration debuff resistance and recharge debuff resistance and possibly a regen buff.  At 3 stacks of this buff,  your regen click abilities are no longer stopped by other ability animation times.  You just started a shadow maul and can activate your heal while it is still animating.  This means some of the damage loss by constantly having click animation times from your armor set can be partially recovered after you build up stacks of your buff.  Also having some regen and recharge resistance that builds as you use abilities rewards players for using their regen abilities.  Players would be able to be reactive with their click abilities instead of activating an attack and realizing they need a heal partway through the animation and hitting their heal button 15 times only to die before their attack finished animating.


    Moment of Glory would give 2 stacks of the buff and revive would give 3 stacks.  This lets MoG give a little extra nudge as a tier 9 power and have some remaining effect after its short duration has expired.  Revive gets 3 stacks because if players even took the power in the first place,  using it means your armor failed and it should be helping you get back in the fight quicker.


    I tried to come up with something to give regen a nudge without just revamping every power.  The abilities remain the same,  but after some usage they become available when needed instead of guessing that you might need it and using too early or being stuck in an animation and using too late.


    And while i do apologize for yet another regen topic,  i wanted to get my ideas out there.  Even if nobody likes it,  it may inspire someone to come up with something else thats new.



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  15. But only the archtypes forum has enough subforums to totally hide the fact that there are posts down there.  It wouldnt be necessary to highlight the fact that other forums have posts since you can immediately see them.


    Ive told people on the fourm at least twice that there are posts in the AT forum.  I say something to the effect of - scroll past all the archtype subforums to find the secret forum.  Once was a person posting in general because he wasnt sure what archtype to post under.  I told him about the 'secret' forum and he had no idea it existed.


    A link that said 'Archtypes General Forum'  right above blasters that scrolled you down past the subforums could potentially help alot of people notice that the general archtype forum exists.

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  16. DFB buffs do last a week.  Or more likely a few hours since they expire at lvl 20.  I would say DFB is mostly ran for a few badges and some quick experience points on a low level character with the buff being a bonus for the posi 1&2.  Once you finish those you are too high level and it expires.


    Other than a badge, Cathedral of Pain is only ran for those week long buffs.  Certain buffs are better for some ATs then others but anger specifically is the most sought after and increases your damage by 25% for a week.....on every AT except a mastermind.


    The majority of MM damage comes from its pets and anger monument is applied as a damage buff that you would see in the combat attributes window.  If anger were applied like the alpha slot as an enhancement that isnt affected by diminishing returns,  then it could enhance all damage powers instead of everyone except masterminds.

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