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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. 5 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    You enjoying that?


    Im able to do a long animation energy transfer then do total focus and a fast energy transfer so thats fun.  Its my only theme character and i needed all punches.  No elbows or kicks or magic looking stuff.  I built SR for incarnate level defense and figured that the scaling resist as HP drains would be good.  But resist doesnt really kick in till around 20-30% HP and that doesnt happen often.  Healers keep him topped off so the few hits that land hit hard and it just makes him feel like a squishy tank.  ill probably drop some defense to get more starting resist.  Hes a fresh 50 though with only alpha unlocked so ill have to get everything that i planned on before i make a final decision and do a rebuild.  I do like the double stacked practiced brawler,  hami tank levels of protection and havent even gotten an outside buff yet.

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  2. I like that it can double stack as a click power and with some effort you can have 2 powers on auto....sorta.


    With a bind load file set to my move forward key.  It sets hasten to auto and then loads the next bind.  That bind sets practiced brawler to auto and then loads the previous bind.  Every time i press forward it switches what power is on auto.  It keeps both powers going most of the time.


    The downsides are sometimes im not moving for awhile so one of the powers expires.  If i want a different power on auto it will revert to 1 of those 2 if i press forward (i probably should make a pair of macros for turning the bind on and off).  It will cast in combat when i dont want it to if i dont keep powers qued.  Setting up the bind files takes some time and know how.  An update to how binds work could break the functionality at any time.


    Most of my characters that need something other then hasten on auto usually dont take hasten at all.  But i finally caved for my SR/energy melee tank.

  3. I think topics about powers get moved to the archtype forum more often when people are asking in terms of a build or gameplay.  Seems they stay in general more often on topics like 'does X power or powerset need a buff'  or 'X power sucks,  what do you think'


    Of course this is just my personal observation and it isnt 100% true.  More occasionally topics get moved that probably could have stayed but dont make much difference if they are on general or somewhere else.  Overall,  general is the most inflated forum so im ok with topics getting moved elsewhere to help keep things organized.

  4. Unfortunately recluse isnt recolorable in AE.  It still may be possible to check his costume by recording a short demo with him in the frame and then looking through the text file that is created for the demo.  I probably wont be going through all that though just to get a list of his costume.

  5. I turn on my damage aura and stand in the corner where they jump over the fence.  Then i do some stuff around the house for 15 minutes.


    Maybe they also need to keep spawning even if the previous one isnt cleared.  15 minutes is way too long though.  10 minutes if some interesting stuff is added or just 5 minutes if its left as is.  Even inside Mot you only have 5 minutes of ambushes.

  6. We farmed it once - just the nightmares and then reset.  Took about 3 hours at 7 minutes per run.  So we ended up killing 77 nightmares before we finally got Kronos as #78.  We were at 15/16 after about 1.5 hours so it was a long wait for just kronos.


    It was a miracle when we finally got him so we finished the run.  But then the real miracle happened....the cutscene with Calvin,  Desdamona,  Penelope,  and Aurora was skipped.  Farming nightmares meant everyone brought a toon that had went before.  Skipping the cutscene was almost better then getting the last nightmare.  Ive only seen it not happen that 1 time and probably wont ever not see it again.

    • Haha 1
  7. I made my first mission in AE.  I had made a suggestion to add attacking the inside of the mothership to the MSR.  But even though i like the idea and so did alot of others,  its not likely to happen if im being realistic.


    So instead i made a series of 4 missions that ends with boarding the mothership.  It covers finding a way to get inside the ship and then finally attacking the inside of the ship itself.  Of course there isnt an actual ship interior map so i chose one that i felt was the best of what was available.


    I tried to give it a task force feel and make it hard since boarding the ship shouldnt be easy.  I also tried to do some less common stuff with whats available through the editor.  But im new to mission making so i cant say if i missed the mark on getting the story told and having the mission flow.


    The mission is called Board the Mothership and it is Arc ID: 47119


    Any feedback is appreciated.  And for reference,  mission 2 is supposed to be lvl 41.  Its because one if the enemies only exists at 41 so there isnt anything i can do for that missions level range.  And mission 3 has a 30 minute timer so soloists and small groups can advance.  Creative use of allies could probably allow a soloist to actually complete the mission before time even runs out.  Again,  any feedback is helpful.  Thanks for checking it out.

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  8. Alot of NPCs have strange costume slotting.  The rikti AV Hro'Dtohz has his glove details and his large back detail in the 'jaw' slot according to recoloring his costume in AE.  I plan to check out Recluse when i get home to see if he has wierd costume slotting as well.

    • Like 1
  9. Earth mastery for dominators would be nice.


    If i may offer a bit of advice for you since you make a fair amount of suggestions.  A suggestion is essentially trying to convince a developer that your idea is worth prioritizing their volunteer programming time over something else that they can be doing.  A subject title and some up arrows does less to persuade someone then adding some context to a suggestion.


    Something along the lines of,  my earth control dominator doesnt have earth mastery to match their other powers.  I want to make an all rock power dominator but its not currently possible.  My dominator 'i will rock you' wishes he had earth mastery to compliment his concept.


    All suggestions are trying to first convince a dev that they are worth implementation and then that they are worth being worked on before something else.  And since there is no shortage of suggestions,  anything to make yours stand above something else can help.


    Of course you arent required to listen to me but i am trying to offer advice to help set your ideas apart from other suggestions.  Earth mastery for dominators i believe has been suggested before and was a good idea then as its a good idea now.

    • Thanks 1
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  10. 1 hour ago, xl8 said:

    Okay, can we get SOME fur shoulders. Jees...



    I wasnt trying to just shoot you down.  Im not against players having similar costume options as signature NPCs.  I just prefer to minimize players having the exact same pieces.  So pieces like his spider pack,  helmet,  and  shoulders are things that i feel set him apart as a special character.  Players having them would water him down.


    Having fur shoulders but not those fur shoulders,  go for it.

    • Like 1
  11. The bug you refer to was actually intentional.  The internal name for evasive maneuvers was left as afterburner when evasive maneuvers took that power pick slot.  The internal name for afterburner is flyboost now.  If you use flyboost instead of afterburner then your binds should be compatible without having to disable the popup tray or put afterburner on your bar. 

    • Like 2
  12. Some trains i can click the side of the door while it is open and select a destination.  Most of them i cant click while the door is open.


    Would be nice if my hero wasnt stopped in his tracks by an open door.


    "Don't hold the train,  I can't walk through an open door anyway."

  13. On 2/8/2022 at 3:15 PM, lemming said:

    Awesome. Scouting it out now.



    First Mission: Captain Dietrich got stuck on the first door and wouldn't go further. I managed to get her into the first elevator by just barely staying in her range and clicking on a elevator.  (Don't know what you'd have to do to fix that)

    Minor typo: "... the processor core from from the facility leader."

    Safe clue didn't come up, just pointed toward bookshelf


    Second Mission:   Why Down at level 41?  I'd have them all set at the same level.  44 if you want no incarnates involved.

    Voot! Fuzionette doesn't follow you!


    Third Mission:

    Faultline doesn't attack until after I grabbed a Vangaurd HVAS as well. (Another, probably not your settings?)

    Ha! "Soloed" U'Kon Gr'al!  My tank led him over to eight Vanguard who chewed him up


    Final Mission:

    Will need to finish later


    So far, looks good.


    Ya Dietrich isnt that smart and gets stuck on the rubble by the elevator sometimes.  However,  she got stuck once for me and made it through 3 times.  At least she isnt required to finish anything.  I looked into other maps for that mission and they really dont have a good layout for the enemy spawns - they are completely avoidable.


    Those clues need to be added still.  I only had the message go to the chatbox for most of them.


    Fusionette is supposed to head back to base.  I added to her chat that she is headed back to HQ but its tight with a 100 character limit.


    The second mission is 41 because the invincible rikti AV only exists at lvl 41.   I wanted 'avoid the invincible boss' to be part of the mission and sadly it had to lock the mission at 41.


    Faultline and the HVAS were set to defensive but it made them pretty useless so i switched them to agressive.  Not sure if it makes them any more helpful though.


    And more issues came up when i ran through it today.  Stuff i never changed and was working correctly in previous runs.  Like the HVAS turned into a second faultline and spawns had their trigger turned off.  Its hard to work with when i go to fix something and then other things that i didnt touch have their settings change.  Ill keep trying to get it all fixed at the same time but it seems almost impossible.


    I think i have it working from a combat standpoint and just a few clues and typos to clean up currently.



  14. The internal name for evasive maneuvers was left as afterburner so every player with the power wouldnt be forced to respec when the flight pool was changed.  When the power is in your tray the game checks the display name first and uses that power.  If the power isnt in your tray then the game checks the internal name and then uses that power.  That is why commands using afterburner when it isnt in your tray are messing with evasive maneuvers instead.


    Try using flyboost or fly_boost to activate afterburner instead.  I 'think'  thats the internal name for afterburner now.

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  15. Ill admit that i thought interrupt time reduction enhancements were a reduction of the interrupt time not a reduction of the interruptable time.  But i only play 1 character with a blast powerset with any regularity and its ice blast so i dont even have a snipe.


    Id rather see interrupt time reduced from the enhancement.  Yes the enhancement would mean your damage per activation time would increase but damage enhancements make your damage per activation time increase as well.  The difference here would be that after the first cast you are in combat and the interrupt time enhancement does absolutely nothing until you exit combat again.  Seems fair enough for interrupt time enhancements to increase DPA once per combat cycle.  And if they reduce proc rates on that initial snipe then i think players should feel completely free to not use them.  But i was unaware of cast times affecting proc rates,  i thought it was just the recharge time of a power that changed it.

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