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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. <br> is short for line break.  when you are typing in your contacts dialogue and hit enter twice for a new paragraph,  these are inserted into the format.  When u first type it out it shows with the actual space made from hitting enter but after you save and come back later you will see the text with that formatting.  when you fire up the mission,  the contacts text should properly show that you hit enter twice and not actually display <br><br>.


    if you use enter for in mission speech bubbles,  its my experience that the NPC will actually speak <br> and not start a new line.  so i avoid hitting enter for line breaks on in mission spoken dialogue.


    for my wierd AE story,  i made a mission and tested it just fine.  went back in to the editor and filled in some more of the dialogue and go to save but an error popped up that i had too many boss details.  i literally just tested the mission and didnt add anything and then i had to go from 11 copies of a boss down to 3 to fit in the map.  Im fine with being within the limits of the map but i went with 11 to finish filling it out and i was able to play it so ive no idea what happened.

  2. 13 minutes ago, KC4800 said:

    I do understand the logistics of this and don't need it to be explained. I still don't like that I have to take a spot in the zone, when I have no desire to participate. Sometimes the zone limit is reached, and a person who wants in, can't get in, and gives up trying. Just so I can get that badge when the shield goes down. Do I feel guilty? No. But it is pretty poorly thought out where that badge is located. Perhaps move it out from under the shield, to the top of a building that overlooks the ship?


    A little birdie told me that the shield isnt as solid as one would think and a properly aimed teleport or incan could allow a player to collect a certain unnamed badge at a certain unknown location without first dropping previously mentioned shield.

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  3. Im the instanced version all players will earn slightly more vanguard merits but the people pulling rikti to the bowl will notice the most improvement.  When pulling rikti to the bowl i could get as little as 500 merits.  The average was 700ish and a 'good' run for my tank was a little over 900.  And all those numbers when dps in the bowl would report that they got 1100 to 1600 merits.  Being out of range of the kills really causes your pullers totals to suffer on the zone MSR.


    Lets ensure that our pullers never have to suffer lower rewards while helping everyone else get increased rewards by only running the instanced version of the MSR.  Everyone gets a vanguard merit for every kill without regard to distance or damage dealt to an enemy.  Your local pullers support you,  now lets remember to support them.  Vote yes on instanced MSR runs.

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  4. Vendors paying for them is why they wont be fungible.  You can create a money loop.


    Buy lvl 5 SOs at the vendor,  put them on the AH for your alt to buy as lvl 50 and then sell them to a vendor for a profit.  2 accounts and an auto clicker program and you can lag the AH while making a profit.


    The devs could make the above example not possible but its also not as easy a decision as it initially looks on the surface.

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  5. Minor clipping and the huge body type has kind of a hunchback thing going on where long hair would stab into the upper shoulders and reemerge somewhere in the middle of the back are 2 different things.  Some hair might move over no problem but others will take alot of work to fit properly on that frame.

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  6. i had a few requests for an AE mission covering my request here (looking at you @Jiro Ito)  so i went ahead and made one.


    its what i would consider the task force version,  finding a way on the ship and then finally attacking.  4 missions long.


    its meant to be hard,  probably a team of 6 or more to be able to kill the giant monster in mission 3 (i did add a timer to that mission so players can advance by running out of time)  All the missions and story are done,  i'll probably polish up the story some but there shouldnt be anything major.  it is available to play


    it is Board the Mothership  arc id: 47119

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Mezmera said:


    Mostly with you on signature pieces.  These shoulders for sure along with his helmet and extra arms are his most identifiable features.  A few lesser distinguishing pieces though I would like to see available from characters, especially hair and footwear.  I don't think its beyond hair stylists and bootmakers capabilities to be able to recreate some aspects of a characters appearance if you were to hand them a picture and say make it look like that.  


    i should have mentioned this very thing in my post since i was thinking it after i posted.  'some of his stuff isnt really signature though.  i dont see why people couldnt use his leg armor'


    and some signature heroes used player available costume pieces from the beginning.  you can pretty much make a sister psyche clone already

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  8. If its coming from the swarm then the place you are picking it up from is the ambrosia room.  It takes longer than 5 minutes to clear the pond around the crystal titan anyway.  So you should only still have that debuff if you are skipping the pond.  Given the fight lasts quite a bit longer on a Mo run and the danger posed by foot stomp,  skipping the mobs is asking for someone to die.  80+ mobs come running in,  everyone gets the agro cap worth of mobs attacking them.  I even free the heroes before the titan.  Dont need something to go wrong after a successful titan kill when the mission could have been completed right when it died.

  9. its reported but i havent been able to find a reliable way to replicate it.  It would be nice to report 'do this and it happens every time'.


    the only fix i know of is to exit to desktop and restart the game.  changing characters just leaves that characters camera in the ground.

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  10. For the specific reason that i decided to make the suggestion:  we were forming up a hami raid and were at 40-something members.  Someone mentioned that they had a first time hami raider coming and i looked at the league and we were at 45 members.  By the time the new person made it over the zone was totally full.  I said i would step out so they could join.  I zoned back to eden and i see the guy still hopelessly trying to get into the hive.  Someone else made it in when I zoned out.  Maybe they were waiting longer or maybe not.  Then 1 more person zoned out and the new guy was able to make it in.  And a few seconds later another person showed up so the new guy possibly only made it in by a few seconds.


    New players especially may not know the 'process' to get in to a full zone to join a raid.  Im sure after a few failed tries the person would likely give up,  possibly to never try again if they feel they wont make it into the zone anyway.  Im hoping for something that lets players know that getting into a full zone isnt hopeless or left to chance.   

  11. I didnt mean that other areas have to be rebuilt first before they could fix galaxy city.  They city can run as many construction projects as it wants in any order it chooses.  Im saying its still full of shivans.


    You dont leave the tutorial because you won and there is nothing left to do.  You are evacuated because the area is lost.  The giant shivan was pushed back into the pit at half health,  not defeated.  We never reclaim galaxy city from the shivans during gameplay after that either.


    Im good with contacts being restored in echo galaxy city though.  The mobs are still there so i dont see why a few contacts telling you what ones to kill and where would be game breaking.


    And ruined galaxy city should have something to do with actually clearing out the shivans before its rebuilt in any way. 

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  12.   Certain zones are prone to becoming full during specific times of the day.  Specifically the Hive during a Hamidon raid and Rikti War Zone during a Mothership Raid.  Once a zone is full,  you are given a popup showing that it is full with an option of entering a second instance of the zone.... or 3rd or 4th or however many your server has managed to fill plus 1.  But when you are trying to join a raid you don't want to enter those other instances,  you want to enter the one that your raid is in.  So you stay at the entrance and move back and forth to keep getting a refreshed popup while you wait for a space to open up in the hive or keep clicking the portal to check the rikti war zone.  This works great if you are the only person but sometimes you are the only person for 10-15 minutes and then several people start to show up.  The first person to attempt to zone in when a space opens is the person that is allowed in.  Often the person that was waiting the longest doesn't make it in when only a space or 2 open up.


    I suggest adding a 'Enter Queue' button for zones that are full.  When a space opens in the selected zone,  the player with the longest queue time gets a popup that allows them to enter the zone without having the space taken by someone lucky enough to have just shown up at just the right moment.  If the player ignores or declines, the now new highest que time gets the popup with an offer to join the zone.  This shouldnt be an afk space saver though and there could be more players waiting so I'm thinking the popup should only last 10-15 seconds.  Full zones should still discourage players from being afk and the full zone queue should reflect that as well.


    This could also help for players who don't go to an event because they feel they cant get in anyway.  Your turn will come in the order you arrived and not to the player that happened to cross the loading zone at the right time.


    A small display showing how many players are in que would be good as well so you know how many people are in front of you since you wont have to stand in the doorway while waiting for your space to open.  You could move around the zone and battle some enemies or grab some explore badges while you wait.  





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  13. i went ahead and ran all over the map to reveal the player accessible portions.  2 screenshots here,  before and after reveal is used.  i turned the map mod off for this but the results are the same with it on.  nothing is rotated,  look at where the markers are and the uncovered portion of the map before reveal is used.




    its is just a scale issue,  no new map, nothing is rotated,  nothing to do with vidiotmaps.  although i suppose if you remade the map to fit in the tiny corner of the first image then it would 'work'.


    you feel like its 2 different maps because when you start,  the map isnt zoomed all the way out and it looks like everything is correct when there is fog.  when u use reveal and it automatically zooms everything out and suddenly looks out of whack when in reality it was like that the whole time.

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