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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. Usually the first thing i say is do it without mods to make sure its a problem on homecomings end and not with the mod.  And i just gave a possible explination since the game achieves alot of functionality through methods that werent possible with the original code that feel unintuitive.  Like how a league cant actually exist with the original code and they did some janky spaghetti code to make it work. 


    I went ahead and disabled my map mod and ran the safeguard.  The map is always the wrong one and since it hasnt been revealed and zoomed out yet it just looks like you are being tracked properly.  You can verify this by running along the force field boundary and not seeing the blue line for the edge on the minimap.  The player marker along with the bank marker and the marker for the exit van are correctly spaced for the portion of the map that the player can move around in.  To me it feels like the entire map was enlarged and all the markers along with the boundary were placed in the bottom left 1/4 of the minimap.  So there is a problem but its there from the start and just becomes easier to see once you use reveal.

  2. I always get a laugh when people ask and ask for more challenge and then find a mission they cant solo at max difficulty and request it be made easier.  Theres at least 12 easier settings dude 🤪


    I think more of the existing game will be balanced around IOs but never all of the game.  Specifically the ASF difficulty settings being applied to existing TFs and SFs.  I dont expect it any time soon but i imagine it is on 'the list'.  




  3. A little popup toggle button that places escort npc's into the player version of follow would be great.  


    'Target me and press F.  I can rescue u faster that way.'


    Maybe street rescues could do the same by default and they only use beacon pathing if they are no longer closing the gap with their rescuer.

  4. In my past experience,  including the use of racism as part of your counter point usually doesnt end well.  If he meant a duck or a bad person instead then i highly recommend going that route first.  And maybe he was replying to everyone at that point but it was after quoting me so im here scratching my head as to how the jump from cease and desist to might as well call someone a racist came from.


    And a gm doesnt have to do something just because they were pinged.  But there us alot of forum to cover and its easier to stay informed if things turn southward by reading it in the first place.  I also cant un-ping him.


    Im also more than happy to be incorrect about this.  Discuss away and ignore that i ever said anything.

  5. I did kinda put words in someones mouth but it was NC,  not you.  They still hold the rights for the game and if they feel the IP is being infringed on for profit and dont sue,  then they risk losing the rights to the Property.  


    Im not sure why we should be calling you racist instead but im thinking maybe @GM Impervium should take a peek in here and make his own determination.

    • Thumbs Down 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Apparition said:

    The only Hybrid Incarnate you should take is Support Core.  The rest are either broken or barely functional on Masterminds


    The chance for double hit works for the pets if you click the hybrid first and then summon the pets.  If the pets survive then the next time you click the double hit hybrid you dont have to resummon.  But changing zones or exiting a mission means you need to start the procedure from the beginning again.  Its high maintenance but good for long missions. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. They have tiny gravity controllers in their fingers that cast wormhole to bring in ice from the north pole.  Then they force the gravity controllers to use propel to move the ice.  The gravity controllers are applying the slows and holds as well.  This perfectly explains why ice blast has so many control powers and no snipe.


    In reality ice blast users are mind controllers in disguise.

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  8. On 1/30/2022 at 1:02 AM, Snarky said:

    The second failure was a find 12 hostages in an Oranbegan map.  It was timed and I had a serious commitment. I spent 45 minutes and could not find the last guy.  I hate Blueside


    back on live i had to request GM assistance for a glowie that was inside the map geometry of an Oranbegan map.  its entirely possible that the last guy wasnt in a player accessible part of the map at all.

  9. In atlas park,  some of the sewer grates already have vahzilok come out when you get close.  Maybe they come out of some of the doors also but for sure they come out of the sewer grates.  If appropriate doors had appropriate mobs come out of them,  I would be ok with that.  Not every door all the time though.  But there are plenty of doors that are never mission doors that would totally make sense if some mobs came out.  Some warriors come out of a building in talos for example.  It is completely reasonable that mobs would be looking out a window and decide to exit their building as a hero approaches or just as an every day event that people exit buildings that arent about to fight you.  They shouldnt automatically agro to you and it shouldnt be a 'suprise, you clicked the wrong door,  heres some mobs'.  


    To fully flesh it out i would like to see mobs come out of a building,  walk to another building,  and go in.  Maybe they con yellow since they 'arent looking for a fight' like their peers that just hang out on the street all day.  

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Wavicle said:

    I WASN’T solo. The last fight is overtuned.


    Sorry, i meant for someone to mean anyone.  Wasnt intending to direct it towards you. 


    Ive gone solo on this mission and it was really hard and a team of 3 was hard.  Several deaths but the hospital is in the mission.  I cant see a team of 8 having any difficulty at +0 though.  And mission difficulty is meant for +0.  So on a mission that is supposed to be hard,  going above +0 will make it very hard.  I would say -1 exists for this purpose.

    • Like 1
  11. When i solo it i choose Mako because i consider it the easiest.  Kill alls arent hard,  they just take time.  Knives of artemis can be a pain but you can skip most of them.  Use the auto complete on the plant bombs on the boat mission skips all of those knives of artemis.  Skip the knives on the last mission too and head straight to the boss.  The boss in the last mission on low settings is a boss where its an elite boss on other arcs.  The fact that you never have to fight anything harder then a boss is why i feel its the easiest.

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  12. I prefer toggles and auto powers in my armor over clicks because of animation times getting in the way.  If i could click my heal from regen in the middle of a shadow maul, or any animation for that matter,  then the set would actually feel reactionary to me.  As it is now,  i have reacted that i need a heal and i get to hit the button 12 times while i wait for an animation to finish.  Letting regen clicks overlap with other abilities would go a long way to fixing the set in my opinion.

  13. 9 hours ago, srmalloy said:

    This ties into one of the things that disappoint me about redside -- you never get agency of your own; you start out as a legbreaker for street thugs, and work your way up to being a legbreaker for more and more powerful villains, but you're still a legbreaker. It would have taken a significantly different design for CoV to allow you to move up in rank in the power structure, acquiring your own henchpeople to send out on jobs.


    I didnt break his legs,  i just described in detail what i would do to him and he gave me all the information i needed.

  14. I dont know how many of the pieces are available to base builders but alot of these types of objects are just creative placement of sometimes much larger objects.  I think the fire is that pedestal in front of city hall and its been sunk into the floor.


    It would be great to have some of these multi object decorations to have a pre-built section so they could be dropped all at once. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. Does the mission text warn that the mission is higher difficulty then normal and to bring a team?  If it does then its fine.  If not then the text should be added and the mission unchanged.  Its not really reasonable to go in a mission that tells you to bring a team and then be irritated that someone had a hard time soloing it.

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