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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Impervium

  1. 2 hours ago, Ritikesh said:

    Impervium is already supposed to be the strongest metal in the Universe, with the old Paragon devs planning to have even Battalion use. I can get behind a new way to process, temper and shape it, but lets not go adding even stronger stuff into the mix, please


    I too would prefer to not become 2nd best!

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  2. I've just removed several pages worth of off-topic replies (and I may have over-zealously snagged one or two relevant posts; if so, I deeply apologize).

    This is NOT a discussion thread. It is a feedback thread. Play the beta, then post your experience and opinions based on that playing and testing. It is OKAY if other people don't like some of these changes and choose to air that opinion, or if they enjoy something that you do not. If you wish to counter saying why you like/don't like a certain change being put forward, that's okay, too, but the moment it starts turning into a conversation, stop and let it be.

    If you wish to promote a discussion about other parts of the game elsewhere on the forums, that's fine. But please keep it out off the feedback threads. Thank you.

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  3. Hi @IronDan

    You've already been given several of the standard suggestions: Verify, restart PC, restart router, play with the internals... But so far, nothing seems to be working for you. So, that's where I come in.

    Here's what I'd like you to try: Hit the Windows/Start button, and in the little dialog box, type "Dxdiag" and hit enter. This will bring up a self-test utility. Run it, and assuming it doesn't give you any obvious errors or anything, find the dxdiag.txt file that it creates. PM me that text file, and I'll hand it over to our tech guys to take a look at. Do NOT post it publicly in this thread, as it may have personally identifying information. You have my complete assurance that any such data is confidential and secure with the HC staff.

    Please note that it might take a little while to get back to you on this, as the dev team is all-hands-on-deck getting the next big update ready.

  4. Just hid nearly an entire PAGE of back-and-forth banter. While some of it may have been constructive, it was in the greater context of an argument.

    This feedback thread is for just that: Feedback. People are entitled to their opinions... HOWEVER, such opinions will hold more weight if they are quantified by play experience, and not just reading the patch notes or saying you don't use a certain power anyway. There's also no need to defend the proposed changes to someone doesn't like them.

    Please stay on topic; thank you.

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  5. Depending on which version of Windows you're on, simply hitting your Windows key/Start menu and typing "Windows update" should bring up the windows update interface.

    You can also google Visual C Runtime and try re downloading/reinstalling (preferably form Microsoft's website, not some 3rd party download hub).

  6. The custom foes in MA are limited to their own versions of Player Powersets. It sounds like Rookery encountered custom critters who were Sonic Attack/Time Manipulation characters who were dressed up like Malta.

    So it's not quite free-form power selection, but it's not as limiting as it may seem at first glance. For instance, you can give critters two attack sets, Or a MM Pets/Armor combo. Or a Control/armor combo. You can't do something like debuff/armor, though.

  7. And people wonder why we barely ever post =P

    Snark aside, I take full responsibility for the misunderstanding, and apologize for any grief I caused. @Christopher Robin, I promise you that neither I (in my capacity as a GM) nor the other GMs, nor the Dev team, are doing anything to sabotage or impede the ability of players to use and make influence off the Market. We don't use dev tools to manipulate prices or availability. We're hands-off, aside from some "quality of life" things which I'll list explicitly below.

    Seeding (as stated by @Ura Hero) : There's always a large number of salvage of all tiers available, though for prices far higher than you ever see them normally (I forget the exact prices, but I *think* it's Commons for 1,000, Uncommons for 10,000, and Rares for 1 million). We also seed some special salvage that you're otherwise unlikely to find, like the Access Bypass and Prototype Element (<- I think those are actually bucketed in with the rest of the Rare invention salvage, but I'm not 100% sure). This ensures availability, and places a ceiling on salvage prices. We also seed the Super-Packs, which cannot be obtained by any other means.

    Bucketing: In addition to the above, all invention salvage within a rarity (Common, Uncommon, Rare) is bucketed. So if you sell a Kinetic Weapon, and another player is looking to buy a Luck Charm, your Kinetic Weapon will be "turned into" a Luck Charm to be sold to that other player (assuming the pricing works out). We also bucket IOs to an extent. All levels of a given Set IO are bucketed. So if you want a level 25 Luck of the Gambler: +Recharge, and someone puts their level 50 LotGg: +Recharge on the market at the price you're looking to buy at? Then you get that LotG, but at the level you wanted it. This also works for Attuned versions of that Set IO. However, this only works on a Per-IO basis: I can't try to sell an LotG: Def/End and expect to have it turned into a +Recharge IO for someone to buy.


    Basic/Common IOs are not bucketed OR seeded.

    Increased Availability: Less about the AH itself, but PvP Recipes drop from PvE foes now, and, along with every other recipe (Very Rares included), are available to purchase with Reward Merits should luck not be on your side. This places an effective price ceiling on these goods. If they ever get "too expensive", people can just get whatever they want from a Merit Vendor instead. Heck, some people do that anyway, because they don't want to spend the time buying and selling converters. Speaking of: Converters! Did you get a lousy Red Fortune: Endurance as a drop? No problem! Craft it up, use up some converters, and BAM, you got a nice juicy LotG: +Recharge, without spending millions on the AH! And then you can use it... or sell it, MAKING millions! The only downside to the increased availability is that your fortune is likely to come piecemeal now, as compared to Live where one lucky drop would fund your alts forever.

    That's it, really. For better or worse, gone are the days of a piece of common salvage going for 25,000 inf, or using in-betweens to buy certain items for over 2 billion inf, while other items sit unused in a glut (even the most worthless Set IOs can now be converted into something worthwhile, and either used or sold, to either save or make money). This raises the price of "junk" Set IOs, and lowers the price of desired ones, putting most things in a happy medium. Note that our measures mainly target Salvage and certain (but not all) Enhancements. Some parts of the market, like Inspirations and Basic IOs, are completely player-driven.

    But yeah, that's all we do, and why we do it. Promise 😃 (unless I'm forgetting something, in which case, please assume ignorance instead of malice on my part; I'll edit this post with corrections if need be!)

    EDIT: Oh, we posted at like, the exact same time. Awkward!


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  8. Hey all. A couple things have become apparent.

    1) We need to Nerf Regen. Not really, just had to get that meme out of the way 🙂

    2) Everyone is arguing into a brick wall at this point. Base Performance vs "All the trimmings"; anecdotal personal experience vs numbers and data; whether or not Regen can do certain things that are the hallmarks of a top-tier set or player. These are important discussions to have, buuuuut....

    3) People have been getting a bit heated in these debates. Things seem to have cooled down a little over the last page or so, but I'm *this* close to closing the topic. Especially since the answer to the question posited by the thread title seems to have been answered: Is Regen Worth playing? The consensus is somewhere between "Yes, but it needs help" to "Not really". What, if anything, to do about that, has already been discussed, as pointed out by the posters who keep linking back to the same threads again and again. At this point, nothing new is being added to the conversation.

    I'll keep this thread open for the moment, but consider this a final notice (barring some exceptionally constructive discussion occurring soon).

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  9. My GameMaster avatar is an Invuln/EnM. There's nothing wrong with the combo per se, but since I don't usually PLAY the character, I have no money for enhancements, making it really hard when I actually choose to do so! His attacks tickle opponents, and he's not quite as tough as the name or powerset would suggest (the one time I let villain players smack me around in PvP for laughs, I died faster than I could blink!)

    I'm sure the combo is fine if actually slotted, though!

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  10. Hey all! Just popping back in to clarify a few things and hopefully not embarass myself more than I already have!


    First, yes, this was done on my regular account, no GM tools or anything else used. I'm sorry for leaving that open to interpretation, I should have been more clear. In fact, mistake number two was posting about this on my GM forum account to begin with. Live and learn!


    Second, this was just me, not part of some vaster GM or Dev-led conspiracy. If we were doing something on an official level, we would announce it (unless we were countering an active expoit, I suppose, in which case we would only announce something once the situation had been resolved). That said, with some obvious exceptions (seeding, bucketing, etc) we're rather lassiez faire, and content to let the market run itself.


    And third, none of this was intended to fuel any speculation about current or future development. So, no, I don't know when or even if we'll be able to convert Hami-Os. Sorry 😞


    That about covers it. I'm sorry for having caused a stir, I'll use better judgement next time!

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 4
  11. So, at the start of the weekend, I noticed something in the market that I found disturbing. A certain commodity had a LOT of items for sale, no bids, and the going price was... insultingly low. This is something that should be a desirable item and should go for at LEAST 1K. So, I decided to do some cleanup by bidding on as many of them as I could to clear out the cheapies, and have some "false bids" up so they looked like they would have more demand and bump up prices a bit. That was Friday night, and in the meantime, I, uh, forgotten I had done that.

    I logged in today, and... All the false bids filled.

    I now have HUNDREDS of these damn things I now have to go and delete. Agh! I done played myself!

    I figured people would appreciate that even GMs make silly mistakes 😃

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  12. Got this from another user:

    "Raid the Banished Pantheon lair!", a villain alignment mission, says in its description that the Banished Pantheon has a cave with the artifacts in Sharkhead Isle. Yet once accepting the mission, you are directed to Cap au Diable to find the cave. This makes no sense. The simple fix is to change the mission description so that the cave is described as being in Cap. The complex fix would be to ensure that the door for the mission spawns in Sharkhead to match the description.

    Tl;DR, mission text gives the wrong location.

  13. Issue: A user sent in a ticket about a month ago about how the power Lightning Rod (from Electric Melee) would occasionally not hit any opponents. It's not that it was missing the opponents, but it was literally not making any attack rolls after teleporting the character. We've actually had a few tickets on this since late January of last year, around the same time we rolled out the Tanker changes. The issue seems to affect Shield Charge and Savage Leap, as well.

    Testing/Reproducing: Simply using the Lightning Rod power on groups of enemies enough will have this happen eventually. It does not fail every time, roughly 10% of the time, though it can occasionally happen twice in a row. Testing was done on low-level gray-con mobs, as well as even con mobs. There is no "miss" indicator over the enemies' heads, and the combat log does not mention the power attempting to attack.

    Here are some items of note we discovered while testing:

    1) The bug is apparently random, with no sure-fire way to reproduce it.

    2) User lag/latency does not seem to be the issue.

    3) The character is still teleported, and the visual/audio FX still play. It's just that the attack rolls are never made.
    4) This only happens to the Tanker version of Lightning Rod and similar powers. Other AT versions of these abilities are unaffected.
    5) This bug does NOT occur on the Test server, only the Live ones. This has made independently verifying the bug difficult, though I did watch the character in question try and fail multiple times to strike foes with this attack.

    6) Slotting does not seem to make a difference. No matter what, if any, enhancements were slotted into the power or character, the bug continues to occur.

    Other: I am posting here in hopes of collecting additional feedback and data on this issue. If anyone using the Electric Melee, Savage Melee, or Shield Defense powersets (especially on a Tanker) have any info they can add to this, please do so.

    • Like 1
  14. Pretty sure this falls under the "it's a feature not a bug" category :classic_tongue:

    Jokes aside, this seems to be part of a known issue with rendering transparencies: An object with transparency will fail to render when viewed through another transparent layer (another example: certain capes -ones that are a different shape or have holes- when submerged in water). Clearly, BP models make a lot of use out of items with transparency. Kinda surprised he doesn't even have a loincloth painted on, though.

    Thanks for the report! To anyone else viewing this thread: Go ahead and make your, ahem, cracks, just keep it PG-13, ok? :classic_wink:


  15. Hiya!

    Does the game not give you an option to send a crash report? Can you double-check to see if you have a "Crash" folder anywhere in your CoH or Homecoming directories? If you do, and you see files in there, please PM me with the most recent crash file (the .report file please, not the rar archive); for your privacy and security, do NOT attach this file as a reply, as the reports will have some of your account info coded into them.

    Unfortunately, given the lack of information, there's a lot that could be going on. Hardware failure, malware, or Antivirus interference are the most likely culprits, though you might also have a bad install, too. And unfortunately, these all would open up different paths to a solution.

    First things first, update your antivirus and do a full scan on your computer. If you have a dedicated anti-spy and malware app, such as Spybot S&D or MalewareBytes, run one of those, as well, once the virus scan is finished.

    Once you're sure your PC isn't compromised, turn off any real-time protection on your Antivirus and see if CoH runs smoothly then. Make sure NO other apps or programs are running, especially those that connect to the internet, as you don't want to leave yourself vulnerable while your AV is off!

    If you're still experiencing crashes, turn your antivirus back on, and Verify/re-validate your CoH install. In HC Launcher, click the "..." under the Play button, which will have that option there. On Tequila, click "options" and find the "Re-validate" button at the bottom.

    Make sure CoH isn't installed in the windows directory or anything like that. Best place would be something like C:/Games/CoH or D:/CoH. If it's in C:/Windows/CoH, that's a problem, and you should uninstall it, then re-install somewhere else. Don't worry, your characters won't be deleted, they're safe on our server!

    If none of these seems to be the cause or cure for your crashing, then it's probably hardware related, unless I missed something else obvious. What you can do is press the Windows/Start button, and in the little command box, type dxdiag and hit enter. Once the little green bar is finished loading up and vanishes, you can click through the tabs/pages and see if it reports any issues. If you want one of us to take a look at it for you. click "Save All Information", and save that file somewhere you can access it easily, like your desktop. Open this file up, and make sure it doesn't have any Personal Identifying Information (This is unlikely, unless for some reason you named your computer something like your name or social security number; this would be displayed near the top of the text file). Then, once you've saved any changes, attach the file to your reply here, or again, PM me with the file, and we'll see if anything looks off.

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