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GM Impervium

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Posts posted by GM Impervium

  1. 1 hour ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I'm really looking forward to this challenge mode hitting the live servers. However, I hope that the mods and devs are already prepared to deal with the following:

    1. Don't make this game about the trinity again!
    2. Why can't I PUG on Mega-Death difficulty!?!
    3. It's not fair that Sentinels get a mez toggle and Blasters don't!
    4. All character should immediately get X temp power when zoning in to a mission that's set on Mega-Death difficulty!
    5. Sentinels don't do enough damage!
    6. The devs are trying to force me to get on Discord and actually *gasp* talk to other people!!!
    7. ZOMG! Mega-Death difficulty is waaaaaay too hard!!!!111eleventyone111!!!!


    This is all of my anxiety made manifest 😭


    But, we're up to the task! If anything, the complaints we get from non-forum users will be a good yardstick for how to apply challenge settings in the future 🙂


    (Or I'll just forward all the complaints as bug reports just to annoy @Cobalt Arachne, but don't tell him I said that!)

    • Haha 2
    • Sad 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Marine X said:

    I may be remembering this wrong but isn't there a way to back up a base on your PC? If so, anyone could create a few generic, fully equipped bases, that anyone could copy and load into the base editor, which would make this a no DEV time required process. I would defer to the base building experts on this one.


    You can save your base info in a demorecored file, but as far as I'm aware, Homecoming does not support importing that info back into the game, and I am unaware of any plans to change that.


    That said, I'm not saying this idea's a nonstarter, it would just need a bit of work!

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  3. It's a giant glowing pillar that makes an alarm noise for 10 seconds, complete with countdown (like the Self Destruct power). The only way to miss it is if you're not looking and have your sound down =/ Though if you were in the last room of the Crey mission, you were probably dealing with a handful of Paragon protectors (including the new tougher one), so, I can see how/why you may have been distracted.

    Also, it's a heads up that there are things that can/will destroy you. It's a learning curve, and more than fair once you know what's going on.


    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, neuropsych said:

    Question about the new DSOs:  if a power doesn't normally allow a particular enhancement to be slotted, would slotting DSO still affect that stat?  For example, Assault allows endurance reduction, but not damage one.  If one were to slot the damage/endurance reduction DSO, would assault's damage be boosted? 


    EDIT: and also same question for Build up:  would slotting the damage/recharge DSO boost the damage, even though build up normally doesn't take damage enhancements?

    The "Damage" in those only enhance straight up damage of an attack power, not +damage buffs, which are hard-coded as being unenhanceable. Someone else can explain it better than I, but apparently even trying really messes with the interaction between damage and resistance or something. So, no, slotting Dam/End into Assault or Build up won't increase the +Damage buff, it'll just decrease the endurance cost.

    In a similar vein, enhancing Acc/Rech/Threat into, say, Siphon Power, won't make it taunt or placate the target, as Siphon Power does not have that attribute. Putting Dam/Mez into Fireball won't make it mez targets on a hit. and so on.


  5. It looks like distance fog was temporarily disabled, allowing you to see All The Things (that would render properly, anyway). I believe other users have reported similair occurrences. Nothing to worry about, but cool when it happens (AP looks really nice like that. Other zones... not so much).

  6. 1 hour ago, ftckayes said:

    So, after a cursory run around Cimerora, I'm guessing that the Tips for Exploration badges doesn't extend there and that there still won't be a better/faster way of getting there than going either through the Midnighter's Club or using the LFG queue to "TP" to Imperious?

    IIRC the current plan is to have Exploration tip missions for Cim in page 4, but since p3 is still in beta, that's a way's off, and plans can change. As for "no better" way to get there... yeah, still gotta use Midnighters or the LFG-Q. I'm unaware if there's any plans to change that, but hey, who knows!

    • Thumbs Up 3
  7. A big factor in people running the ASF will be for the new D-Synch enhancements. I see quite a few of these being highly sought-after, and folks wanting to +3 them (especially since the OTHER new hard thing, the Classic LRSF, disables set bonuses, I suspect Hami-Os and D-Synchs will be the new hotness to take the edge off there). Sure, you could try your luck on the AH, but I'd surmise they'd go for a lot, especially if there's an inverse correlation between one's patience and how much inf they have banked.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Gulbasaur said:


    You almost got away with it, but I cracked the code.


    Looking forward to learning more. 


    Ha! The only "hidden thing" I intentionally put in that blurb was "the fifth or sixth this week", which is when we're pushing page 3 onto Brainstorm (at the time of writing, there seemed to be a little uncertainty about the exact date. I neglected to edit it properly after the official announcement was posted). But good catch otherwise!

    • Haha 1
  9. Kalinda sighed, looking at the fallen Fortunata at her feet. The fifth or sixth this week. They had all been assigned to work on Project: DESTINY, but something was now horribly wrong. As they would attempt to gaze into the near future, they'd instantly cry in pain and fall dead, with only a bare scrap of information shared among their psychic link before they were cut off.


    Kalinda had been "collecting" these "scraps", but couldn't make sense of them. It all looked like random numbers? Was her own mind protecting her from whatever lethally maddening images that killed her Fortunatas? No, wait... not numbers... just ones and zeros. Binary code, perhaps? She sat at a terminal, ignoring the dead body nearby and began to work like a woman possessed, compiling the bare code in whatever way seemed to make the most sense.


    By the time Kalinda came to, she had been without sleep for days, but the work was done... or so she thought. The code had translated into images... but what did they mean? She now had even more questions than answers, and she dared not report to Ghost Widow when she now had less than nothing. With an angry sigh, Kalinda pushed herself away from the terminal to get some much needed rest, unaware that she'd left the image open to prying eyes...



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    • Confused 1
  10. ToHit (iirc) is generally the better way to go, though harder to find. Not many set bonuses offer a ToHit bonus, and set bonuses that offer +Acc are a dime a dozen.

    Note that the Kismet: +6% Accuracy IO actually buffs your ToHit, despite it's name, and it goes into defense powers, so that's definitely a must-slot!

    Other sources of ToHit are Build up (in the case of MA, it's called Focus Chi), Tactics, and the Focused Accuracy power from the Body Mastery Epic pool. Though these are all powers and not enhancements, and nothing's going to stop you from having 5% chance of missing, so you don't have to go nuts fitting everything into your build.

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  11. On 10/31/2021 at 3:26 AM, OldLost said:

    In the first post, in the section titled "Simple explanation on attuned and crafted IOs", the word "aspect" is used but not defined in any way. What does the word mean in the context of enhancements?


    It means things like Accuracy, Damage, Recharge, etc. The aspects or particular features of the power that the enhancement improves.

  12. So, the text file IS supposed to be editable to allow your characters to appear in whatever order you'd like, so long as you have "remember username" checked when you log in, and you have write permission for the folder that it's in. And yes, you change the number at the end of each line, not the physical location of the line.

    Personally, I find it easier to just to drag and drop characters in the character select screen itself, though I can see how that wouldn't be a workable solution for someone with dozens of pages worth of characters.

    If it pleases, though, @Michiyo wrote a little utility to help with this:


    It's not digitally signed, so, use at your "own risk", but it's just a UI for editing the text file in a nicer way.

    • Like 1
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  13. 15 minutes ago, Zed said:

    - Injected melted impervium into this dreadful corner.








    Kidding aside, I'm glad you've sorted the issue. While we've made plenty of stability updates, this IS still a nearly 20 year old engine, so generally speaking, you should always aim to do more with less!


    • Haha 1
  14. So, I don't know the full answer, and that's something I'll ask about because now I'm curious, but I do know that when players have an issue where one of their characters has disappeared, deleting this file fixes the issue 99% of the time. So if I were to GUESS, it's some kind of pre-cache so that the client doesn't have to pull the name data from the server every time you switch characters. Not a huge deal these days, but since the game was coded back when many people were still on dial-up (shudder), every bit and byte counts!


    But yeah, I'll get the real answer later 😃

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