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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Impervium

  1. So, there IS a newer set of drivers available for your video card than what's shown here, and your Open GL version is WAY behind (at 1.1; it's at 3.6 or something right now).

    Try Downloading the drivers from this site (Win10 64 bit version):


    You may have to uninstall your current drivers first, though in my experience, modern setup wizards are pretty good at doing that for you as part of the update process. So just download and run the driver package.

    Let me know if this solves your issue, or you end up needing further assistance.

  2. Summary: Deleting a chat tab can sometimes cause a player to leave the channel that was linked in that tab.

    To reproduce: Join a global chat channel.

    Add that channel to it's own tab.

    REMOVE the channel from any other tabs (It's probably automatically in the default "Chat" tab).

    Delete the Tab you made.

    The game will then remove you from the channel.

    Possible cause: The game has nowhere else to put messages for that channel, so it simply removes you. Unknown if this is intended behavior or not.

  3. So, good news/bad news.

    Good news is, instead of closing this thread (Sorry, @Ghost!), I simply hid half the posts where people were subtly comparing each other to nazis and arguing semantics.

    Bad news is there isn't much thread left, and the next person who tries to Godwin the topic is getting a VERY long time out.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    I quoted this sentence because I'm not sure what you mean by it.  Are you saying you would have to put a warning that someone would get less inf and XP if they chose a lower level?  If so, why in the world isn't there one now, since obviously you get fewer rewards from -1 than +1.  Am I misunderstanding you?


    Well, there's a difference between "a little less XP" at -1, and "absolutely none at all"! And I feel like some of the people who would most want to take advantage of a -4 setting might be newer players who don't quite realize how the XP distribution curve works, and they'd feel put out. We've had a few support requests along that vein already (Incarnate stuff doesn't drop from level 49 foes), and I'd hate to see even more people feel screwed over because they didn't understand the consequence of their choice.

    So maybe a warning system is already warranted? No promises, but, let's see if the Devs pick up on this 😃

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  5. @Yomo Kimyata The Hamidon Raid rewards are based on the fact that it takes time to set up, and knowledge to attempt, and teamwork to execute. Sure, once you get down to it, it only takes a few minutes, but sometimes takes up to a half hour of giant monster hunting to get him to spawn... and if it doesn't, you might not have enough EoEs to survive the encounter. And sure, maybe someone can avoid the tedious part and join just after Hami spawns... but at that point, the Hive/Abyss might be full, so the run the risk of missing the raid.

    Also, doing Hami "quick", or having just a few people not listen and mess up, comes with a risk that you'll encounter a triple bloom, which, if you mess up, can be VERY hard to recover from. However, experienced teams/leaders can often avoid this.

    I won't posit my opinion on the idea in the OP, but just pointing out that -4 would deny a player inf and XP. so, maybe not a great idea, unless the player were informed of this when they select that difficulty.

  6. Look in your CoH directory to see if there's any sign of the arcs saved locally. They would be under Homecoming -> Architect (assuming you're using HC Launcher). Any arcs you have would be text files (They'd be called something like test.storyarc, hero.storyarc, etc). If you double-click one, Windows may ask you what program you want to use to open it. Select WordPad and you should be able to open it.

    Lack of space on your HD shouldn't be an issue. The largest missions can be upwards of 500K, but most one-shots or simple arcs are usually much smaller than that.

    Anyway, I managed to replicate this by filling the text file with junk data (basically just overwrote most of it with "asdfghjkl"over and over). If other people use your computer, they might have somehow borked the text file by writing something into it. Or something on your HD might have caused some file corruption.

  7. Man, why do all the "fun" threads explode when I'm at work?

    Anyway, as others have stated, if you ever see anything questionable: Costume, Name, Bio, chat, etc. Just report it to us with as much info as you can, and we'll sort it out. Thanks!

    Also, it's getting a bit heated in here, so...

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  8. On 6/7/2021 at 12:05 AM, ZorkNemesis said:

    To what extent do you mean "inside terrain"?  Do you mean instances where the objective is simply clipping into a wall/floor/whatever, or do you want cases where the objective is somehow so far into the terrain it's unclickable?  I assume the latter is requested, but is the former worth calling out, because I know a bunch of bad glowie spawns that don't line up with the floors, especially in caves where they spawn on uneven ground.


    While we would want to prioritize objects that are completely enclosed in terrain so that they are unclickable, anything that's more than, say, 50% in the terrain would be fair game for checking out.

    The issue is that maps don't have objects baked into them, they have object spawn points (something I'm sure anyone who's messed around with making missions in AE can attest). So a "stick of dynamite" object would look fine in a certain spot, but a desk, being much larger, might clip partially through the terrain, so that's probably something we'd want to look at, though it would be a lower-priority fix than something that's completely hidden by say, a rock or a set of stairs.

    • Thanks 2
  9. Please use this thread to report instances where a glowie has spawned inside of terrain. Please provide as much information as possible, especially screenshots and a /loc.

    Note for Players: You won't have access to the map name, so always try to get GM assistance with these so we can do so, as well as complete the mission for you 😃 However, if it's a non-random map that always occurs in a specific instance (like in most TFs or story arcs), then that will suffice. However, "A Council radio in PI, it was in the sewers" probably won't narrow it down!

    EDIT: Scratch that, you can use the command /where_am_i to get the mapname. Thanks, @GraspingVileTerror! But still, send in a ticket if you need help completing the mission!



    Map: maps/Missions/V_Arachnoid_Cave/V_Arachnoid_Cave_30/V_Arachnoid_Cave_30_Layout_05.txt (Small Arachnoid map #5 in AE)


    Loc: [779.1 19.4 -693.8] (inside of a giant rock)



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