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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Impervium

  1. 31 minutes ago, BillyMailman said:

    A quick check on City of Data says that you're correct - the wrench has a 100% chance on hitting a Brickernaut (not autohit, still requires the tohit check) to flip the mode thing that's checked later by the self-destruct, meaning they'll hit everything in their radius, not just their enemies. Well, everything except Zoe and Battle Becky.


    The script for the badge is separate, though. Either version of the power will trigger the script check if it hits Zoe, and the Brickernaut being confused _should_ mean that the foe-only one still hits her. Either way, though, the exact badge conditions aren't visible to us players, so it may require actually confusing the thing, if the script checks that. Just the wrench alone may or may not be enough.


    Actually, now that I think about it, that means that for a Brickernaut that the team can confuse anyway, the wrench ends up counter-productive, since it disables the friend/foe check, and means the explosion will hit players again despite the confuse. 


    That later part is exactly what happens. Teams should beware not to mix and match their strategy!

  2. Also, the wrench only has a 10% chance to confuse. However, I'm pretty sure just hitting a Brickernaut with it disables their friend-or-foe thingie. You'll still get hurt in the blast, but so will other enemies.


    Unless this was changed and I forgot?

  3. 18 hours ago, kelika2 said:

    I just noticed that over 25% of posts in Suggestions and Feedback got nuked.

    Wonder why


    Because people are too in love with their ideas to accept criticism, and others are too heckbent on Proving Someone Wrong on the Internet to let anything go. It stops being a discussion and exchange of ideas, and turns into arguments which eventually devolve into semantics, because people HAVE to be RIGHT.


    Which is where I come in. Keep it kind next time, folks.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Luminara said:

    You know what, I'll ask someone else.  Hey, @GM Impervium, how many people have used the in-game report tool to report:

    1. being kicked from a team for using KB
    2. being verbally harassed for using KB
    3. being griefed by someone using KB?

    We don't need names, dates, times or anything like that.  Just totals.  And while you're at it, the total number of active player accounts would be helpful, so we can determine the percentage of players these issues affect.

    While I'm not going to comment on cases about harassment/griefing/etc, nor about number of active accounts (you can check the server stats page at different times and try to suss it out yourself; Player data is really more Cipher's thing), I do have a related anecdote, which I'll serve with a pinch of salt.

    We often get tickets asking for help from people/groups who are stuck, because a required enemy (named boss, defeat all, or defeat-all-in-last-room, etc) got knocked into the geometry and is no longer targetable, or have straight up been knocked THROUGH the wall and are falling forever through an endless void! The tone and intention of such tickets is just to get help, not to point fingers or get people in trouble. Heck, I even recall one player who felt bad about it and asked if there was a way to control his knockback. I introduced them to the market and how to find a KB->KD IO, and they were ecstatic! If i HAD to put a number on how often we get such tickets, I'd say about 1.5 times per week on average. Might be statistically insignificant given the hundreds of missions played every day, though.

    Though to be fair, it's not always from KB effects, either. The AI in this game is REALLY dumb and has trouble navigating around, and can get themselves stuck for no reason *Glares hatefully at Amy Johnson and Baby New Year*

    So the main take-away, from my perspective, is that KB can cause issues, but nothing that anyone gets in too big of a huff about. Especially since help is a click and 3-5 minutes away in most cases.


    Oh, and I guess as long as I'm here, I should probably remind everyone to keep it cool, it seems to have gotten a bit heated here and there 😃


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  5. If the character doesn't exist, then the e-mail won't send. The fact that it didn't bounce means that someone got a pay-day. Sorry =(


    They could try sending another mail explaining the situation and asking for it back, but that's all I can really suggest. 


    The best practice in this case is to put a reward merit into the attachment box. This will auto-fill your global name, so you'll know it's you getting it. You can remove the merit afterwards, before you send. If sending to an alt on another account, have both logged in at the same time and use the Trade interface.


    As for a "refund/undo" button: From what I understand, mail is one of those old systems tied up in spaghetti code, and trying to bounce e-mails can do Very Bad Things, which is why even us GMs are unable to help in these scenarios. So while your request isn't an impossible one, it would require someone being willing and able to rewrite the e-mail code from scratch. Sadly, that isn't a priority afaik, but maybe one of the Devs will see this (once they're back from break) and decide it's a worthwhile project, so, fingers crossed!

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  6. 19 minutes ago, Aurora_Girl said:

    If we are not expected to mock and ridicule those who stand in the public square and declare radioactive moon leeches are coming for our testicles, are we not Americans?


    Except this is a privately run forum, and we have rules against that sort of thing.

    To wit, section 1 under "Content Guidelines" in our Code of Conduct:

    "Do not abuse or harass others"

    End of story. You think someone is stirring up trouble on purpose? Report them. Engaging is just as bad, if not worse. You're either feeding a troll, or if you're wrong, mocking someone who you perceive to be less intelligent than you. Either way, that's wrong, and it won't be tolerated. This message goes out to EVERYONE, I'm just quoting you specifically because it encapsulates the mindset we're trying to combat here.

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  7. You also have to remember that AT plays a role with how effective Hover and CJ are due to modifiers. Tanks and Defenders get 2.5% Defense from these powers (a single +3 SO or a high-level basic IO will get you just above 3%, which isn't bad!), while Blasters only get 1.75%, and can pull off about 2.5% enhancement value. Other ATs are somewhere in the middle.

    I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but keep in mind that the IOs that grant a flat 3% defense are pretty pricey on the AH, so clearly people agree that +3% Def is a big deal :)

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  8. 21 minutes ago, TheZag said:

    So its a pet that summons a pet and then dismisses the initial pet.  Sounds like someone over at NCsoft took all the ideas and drew from a hat and had to make a power from what came out.

    I'm pretty sure the MDC is all us! I'm not sure why they made it work that way, though I would guess because we can't summon enemies (though we can apparently summon an ally that summons an enemy?)

  9. Hey all!

    So, we've confirmed that this IS a bug, and should NOT be happening. Since the Dev team is on vacation and not available to fix anything not utterly game-breaking until January, our suggestions is to avoid opening Super Packs until then (as the 2xp boosts are kinda meaningless when they're free from p2w).

    Unless you don't mind having those instead of the experienced powers, then, w/e,

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  10. Well this went downhill quick.


    Since OP is unwilling (and perhaps now unable) to post proof of their claims, and since half of you are content to make fun instead of be helpful (though Thank You to those who tried!), I'm just gonna lock this up.


    @Squeegle, if you encounter issues like this in the future, please post evidence (preferably screenshots) in the bug report forum. Thank you.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

    Warning: Borderline post:
    IF a GM Adjudicates it over the line, please kill it.

    Well, if the past few years have taught us anytghing, some people NEVER outgrow high school drama.  No matter how old they get...


    Like, OMG, did you totally see what Becky was wearing yesterday?!


    *cough* I MEAN


    Let's keep it kind, folks. Had to delete some arguing.



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  12. Hey all!

    So, there will be an Official Announcement on this Soon.

    Hopefully before next Tuesday when they go on sale for 15m. And I really hope the HC Team is ready for cries of DOOM when they reveal this will probably be the LAST time the Winter Packs go on sale!

    Glibness of my post aside, that's the deal; 15M starting next Tuesday, until the end of the Winter Event, and it will probably be the last time they go on sale.

    Have fun!

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  13. Okay, SO!

    I'm gonna lock this thread for 2 reasons.

    1) This thread is fairly old by this point, and has lead to confusion. It's not even the page 2 thread, but page 1!

    2) On a related note, barring Bad Things, it looks like we're planning to release Page 3... TOMORROW!


    So put on your lab goggles, inflate your inner-tubes, clear some room on your badge shelf, and get ready to rock!

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