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Everything posted by Xaddy

  1. This stuff to the right - I just can't click that arrow to see it, as the buffs that are usually in play on any given league are such that they would stretch all the way across the screen. I am a horrible buffer because even on the team window, I can't stand having that stuff all over the screen, so I never look at it. It's just too obtrusive. I do appreciate the lesson, though!
  2. Okay, my mind is blown. Who even looks at that, other than maybe the health of their pet? Well, I'm glad I asked! Thanks!
  3. My character is an ice/cold corruptor. I really like ice. Cold..parts of it are good, heat loss is...disappointing so far. A bit underwhelming, but it's not got more than the token slot. Anyway, while looking for build ideas, I did a search, and found folks who were looking for info, folks who were giving info. Without necro-ing a thread..is that a word? Necroing? Anyway, the post was from 2019. Some time ago. One of the folks trying to be helpful suggested Musculature over Agility because (paraphrased) Musculature will help your damage, and that of your lore pets. This doesn't make sense to me. Alpha is an extra enhancement, right? for every power that would take that enhancement. Lore pets don't have slots, other than the incarnate slot that IS the lore pet. So how can this be true? Or is the helper needing help? I'm guessing it was just a misunderstanding about alpha, but I could be the one misunderstanding. So, here I am, asking.
  4. So..I read. A lot. Been through these forums a lot. Didn't say much until recently. But man...there's a few of you who play this game for reasons that escape me. You take no joy in the content - at least it seems that way by some of your posts. Look at this: No, nothing special about me beating a few nemesis in some random sewer mission in Bricks. But look at the bugs buzzing around the light! Someone made the effort to try and put some realism in this crazy instance of a world where reality just doesn't really apply. If I knew how to make it one of those fancy gifs where they moved...you'd see these bugs going nuts by the light, just like they do in the real world. Granted, I have to suspend a lot of disbelief when I play, but tiny details like this really help with immersion for me. It's been..20 years? since this game came out...small wonder so many folks missed this game with attention to minor details like this.
  5. Long time player, but essentially forgotten a lot of the details. If this is the wrong place to ask this, apologies. The Auto-Doc inspiration dispenser. For some reason, I thought there was a way to rig it where it would sell large inspirations. Is this my mind playing tricks on me?
  6. I saw Zara the Fey Blade on a Yin I hosted yesterday. It took me a moment to get the reference.
  7. Well, either I wasn't reported, or I was deemed not-guilty. Thanks to you all, I only felt anxious for a moment or two. Then I see how silly some of you are. Makes me wonder how the pugs I get on can be so quiet. Seems like folks would be making jokes all the time the way some of you carry on. Maybe it's easier here without some AV trying to clobber you.
  8. Thanks, I've been doing these kinds of tricks as soon as I had the salvage to do it. Also been reading through the various posts on generating the influence to make a build. Not in a class with some of these folks yet, not sure that's my goal, but I do have over 300M at level 29. So, I got the Miracle: recovery and the Panacea: +hit points/endurance. I decided to skip the numina based on some reading I did in these forums. And, I broke down and added a third slot to stamina. I figure once I get more bonuses to boost the recovery, and get portal jockey, I might be able to replace it with that Power Transfer: chance for heal and not suffer any lack of endurance. Still, it would make more sense to me to have the endurance management tool, Heat Loss, before the endurance burning toggle. But, I guess if everything made sense to me, it might not make any sense to others.
  9. From what I can recall, the HC folks have made quite a few changes, for the better, when it comes to having that "i" as an option to get further details about a power. But, as I play, and situations in game occur, I try to find answers and can't. Simple questions, really, most of the time. In fact, in hindsight, the answers are probably common sense. Given the PUG teams I've been on, I am concerned that I may be lacking a bit in the common sense department. So, I ask in help - and I get an answer, which is great! And, in this particular case, I even got a source for the information so I can further investigate myself. I understand this is an old game, so this post is probably more of a suggestion/request than feedback. Could we possibly just copy the information from the wiki or that cod.uberguy site and let that data be some of what I see when I click the detailed tab? In context, in case I've jumbled things up for you, I was looking to find out if Infrigidate stacked. (it does not - just resets the 20 second counter), but it would have been useful to see that in the detailed tab, rather than asking for chat. I realize that we have a very helpful community, and this would be a very tedious process, but it's one that I'd like to see. I am trying to play the game for fun, and yet, also play well. To this end, I have the wiki open, the forums open, and the https://cod.uberguy.net/ site open as well. I recognize it would be impossible for the game to disclose everything, but I think it could disclose more, without relying on these external sources.
  10. So...I came here hoping to find a solution to Arctic Fog. It puzzles me. A decent amount of benefit, at an extreme endurance cost. I would grasp the cost if it did damage, but it doesn't. And heat loss isn't available until 30, I think. So, that's 10 levels of relying on team buffs or something external. Seems like Heat Loss should come BEFORE Arctic Fog, so you can actually take AF and use it. But...while I'm sure at 50, taking Cardiac solves all the issues...it doesn't do much for me leveling up from 20 to 30. I suppose with 2xp those 10 levels don't last THAT long, but long enough to notice. A bit disappointed in my initial build. It plays so much like a blaster, and I kept waiting for Frigid Protection...and suddenly I remember, I'm a corruptor not a blaster. No Sustain, just an exhausting arctic fog, and a fairly lengthy recharge time on heat loss - too long to be of much use until 50. As far as builds go, I'm delighted to see the two different approaches to a build. It gives me some ideas. Appreciate the sharing.
  11. So, maybe I said something I was supposed to. Not real sure. Someone said something to me, irritated me, so I let 'em have it. Now, they say I'm "reported". So...let's say whoever looks at this report decides I'm awful and deserve to be banned or suspended or whatever...do they tell me in an email, send a note to my global? Anyone know what that looks like?
  12. I have no evidence of anything, beyond observation. And - I don't see everything, so even that makes my opinion less valid. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that those who control the code are behind these marketing schemes. We've been told that the marketing code is all spaghetti string, with very little duct tape to hold it all together. Just mucking with it could bring the digital world to a screeching halt. So - rationally thinking, odds are certainly against that kind of possibility. I do understand that - I am just saying I wouldn't be surprised. Besides, how can I trust the words of some stranger saying they've seen the code and it is horribly bloated and convoluted? I cannot. But, I certainly can't say they're lying, I haven't seen it. I'd love to look at it - but not enough to download it see it. It would likely take up far more room on my system than I'd like, and just having it...I'd still have to give it all a very good look to even know what I was looking at. No telling how much or little it's documented, and if it would even make sense. I'll leave it at that. I could bring up farming or reduced farming, but I've no evidence of that. I just know I've stopped.
  13. This game is odd, in a way. The drops I get are hit or miss. I get a nice +1 SO, but it's the wrong origin. I can only guess it does that so I'll sell it and someone else can sell the stuff they can't use. Still, it's pretty annoying. I'm not real sure why the game doesn't just recognize my origin and drop stuff I can use. I'd rather get one thing I can use than 5 things I can't. They could reduce the drop rate to make that happen. But, I get that for some folks, inf is so easy to get, it doesn't matter. But for those starting out, there is a learning curve. If it weren't for Ukase literally answering my zillions of questions about enhancements, merits, converters, and a slew of other stuff, I'd be lost. Dude even gave a two full sets of ATOs for my blaster, for free, and 10 winter packs! It's a nice thing when someone will spend an hour answering stupid questions!
  14. I would simply take further advantage of the zones that are already in the game - like Kallista Wharf. I think "hazard zones" should be considered for an overhaul into something more useful. All the destruction - and construction in Boomtown could finally be utilized and the zone might be used for something besides Babbage hunts and Giant war walker beat downs.
  15. If he's dead, I don't care. Make a dozen plaques. Never heard of him. If he's alive, he's not doing anything that dozens of others aren't doing day-in, day-out.
  16. I suggest folks never carry more than 9970 on any character - because, as was referenced above, if you have 10k, and were to earn one - you wouldn't get it. Not that I've ever earned 30 in a short time. I think I get about 20-30 from level 1 to 50. As far as number of converters, I go through a lot. It's a strange thing. I don't have any "system" so to speak. I have various things I do, but I usually have specific characters that do specific things. I get my converters in three different ways...well, four. 1. Burn Reward merits from packs. 2. Burn Reward merits from content. 3. Re-cycle farmers as soon as they reach vet level 48, using their emp merits to exchange into reward merits to exchange into converters. 4. I buy them in lump sum from ANYONE in my SG that wants to sell them. I'll buy as many as they want to unload. Usually it's 10k or close to that amount. It saves us both a lot of clicking. I don't pay "top" inf, I just pay 70k per. I do it as a courtesy, and I take pains to educate the folks that want to trade them in how they could use them to make more than I'll pay them. Never had anyone change their minds, as I guess I make it sound too much like work. I would open it up to just anyone, but each character can only hold so many, and as I said, they're practically free. For pvp IOs, I have 2 characters - one places the bids for the recipes, the other carries all the salvage from the AH, brain storm ideas and other alts that accumulate the level appropriate salvage as they level up. Sometimes, 200 slots just aren't enough. Yesterday, I gobbled up 600 pvp recipes and crafted and converted the trash into gold. I think I went through about 3800 converters. Took me about an hour. I was on hold on the phone for half that, lol. I feel as if I should add, I don't do PvP IOs all the time. Only when the price creeps up above the current 8m threshold. Last weekend, I saw them seemingly go above 10M. No idea why; there was plenty of supply. Could have been a UI glitch, but it showed for all the big three. So, figured I'd take advantage, place 'em for 8m, and for the first couple of days, I kept getting 10M, give or take a smidge. Only the past couple of days has price returned to previous levels, so I stopped bidding, but still had a ton to craft.
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