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About mistagoat

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  1. That's the dream buddy! I know there are tech limitations that prevent it but, jeez, that would be so awesome!!!
  2. Greetings Sentinel masters! So many folks really seem to love their Sentinels but unfortunately that wasn't my experience. I only have 1 Sent, Electric/Regen and I wasn't all that impressed with its performance. The lower target caps and lower damage but faster recharging nukes felt awful to me and the inherent debuff was pretty meh too. I took Regen because I hear Sents got the best version of Regen but after playing a Regen Sent and a Regen Scrap to 50 what I learned is that I simply don't enjoy playing regen. Now that may very well have tainted my outlook of Sents overall so I want to give them another chance. To that end, if I wanted to make a Sent that was guaranteed fun and effective as it's played up, what would you suggest? It doesn't need to be the best damage or the tankiest but rather the combo that is most likely to make it click for me, the most likely to make me say "oh okay this is where Sents shine, I get it!" I typically duo with a buddy 1-50 on story arcs and TFs so I'm looking for combos where you don't have to wait to 50 for them to blossom. It's certainly possible that Sents just aren't my jam but I gotta try at least one more before I give up on them. What do you think?
  3. You can right click and press "E" to sell a stack at a vendor. You can also delete a stack of something from your inventory page by right clicking and pressing "S".
  4. Okay, not that I didn't trust Championess but I had to see it with my own eyes and the Champ was absolutely correct. PB has no affect on the 3% Def uniques.
  5. As I understand it, the 3% def IOs will not change with Power Boost. It's all the other Defense (coming from powers or defense IOs, but not the uniques) in your build that is being increased with Power Boost. I was about to post the above but realized I haven't actually tested this. After work I'll use an alt build and only put the 3% IOs in and see if Power Boost gets me any higher than 6%. Now ya got me curious!
  6. Tried this last night and it works! All these years and I never knew, I love that there are still things to discover in a game I've played for nearly 20 years! Fun topic, thanks!
  7. If we don't port it to a TI-83, what are even doing here????
  8. Potentially. I know some real world firearms use stuff like that to reduce recoil, perhaps it could be tweaked to fully eliminate the recoil in a hypothetical future where hovering gun platforms are possible. It's hard to come up with rules for something like this since it's all imaginary. I also envision a floating platform that somewhat conforms to our current real world tech or at least a reasonable evolution of that tech in the future. Who knows what the future hold though, maybe someone figures out how to lock into Earths magnetic field in such a way to be stable and the whole game changes. That's also why none of this bothers me in game, I just imagine some crazy alien tech or magic is involved so I can suspend some disbelief.
  9. As a blanket statement, with no regard to AT or NPC or name of floating gun or in-game rules, I think the result of mounting conventional full auto firearms on some sort of floating or hovering or drone-like platform would not produce a firearms platform with pinpoint accuracy. Make is single shot and slow firing, allowing it to recover from recoil and aim the next shot and I think a case could be made.
  10. I think I agree. Seems hard to believe that it would be so pinpoint accurate with all that recoil on a floating platform. The tech keeping that thing afloat would have to be the most advanced tech in all of Paragon! I suppose that's possible but seems unlikely. A cone would probably be the real world outcome of mounting miniguns on a floating platform that follows you and attacks your enemies. (also not interested in any changes to the power in game, just exploring the thought)
  11. I got roughly 200 runs in, mostly solo. It was wild how different each run was with my different toons. Sometime its just you and the 2 EBs at the end and other times 90% of the guests survived. I died 3 times on one run and felt invincible on the next run (diff settings were always the same) Huge difference even between runs of the same ATs. Overall I found my controllers were the most consistently good but still lots of variation there too. Very fun event and I look forward to it coming back next year!
  12. It still seems to wander but it's much easier to find again when it does.
  13. That loud glowie mod is an absolute game changer, highly recommended! That plus the larger mouse pointer is all I have installed, it's the perfect "You're old now" package!
  14. I don't see the no MM stipulation often but I have seen it and I always assumed it had more to do with the "clutter" of so many pets being off-putting for some. Mostly because MMs kick so much ass I just couldn't imagine their exclusion was performance based.
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