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COH Radgen

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Everything posted by COH Radgen

  1. Hey, some of us resemble that remark!!! Thanks for posting the info Lauci!
  2. Plenty of us have multiple alts that we want to slot up to have the best enhancements that we can. But we also have old alts that we don't play much (or at all) that have some of those 'best' enhancements. Not all of us are floating in inf as @ukase but I'll admit have have plenty on hand if I need it. So my question to the audience is; Do you tend to move enhancements from one alt to another, do you leave them on an old alt that you don't use much/any, do you take and convert them to new enhancements, or do you just buy the new enhancements for the new alt. I understand, most 'normal' IO enhancements are getting cheaper these days. Even the usual 4 for health to help both green and blue bars are under, well, we won't talk about specifics here.\\ Anyway, do you feel it's worth it to save and convert or just sell and buy or do other?
  3. I'm glad this topic got posted. As @TygerDarkstorm mention, "MSR's and Hami are the exception to the rule and well known as group fly friendly events". While this may be true, I was on an Earth/Storm 'troller on a Hami the other day when someone toggled on Group Fly. Earth Control has Stalagmites which is a nice -Def (which requires the user to be on the ground) that I rotate with other -Def powers to help take down the Mending Mitos (this is on Torch EarlyBird Hami where all the Mitos are taken down). When Group Fly began to impact me and my power rotation, I politely (and sarcastically) thanked the person in League for reminding me to visit Null. I did so immediately after that round of taking down Hami. Seeing this post today reminded me to cycle all my Hami alts through PD which I was able to do before the maint this morning. All that said, the OP, after being on 75% of the TF, decided to deny the team leader's request to not use GF. I don't know if it was a single request or if the request came with an 'or else' but the team lead was indeed within their rights to boot. If your time was THAT important to you then you could have simply complied, turned off GF, then completed the TF. Simple.
  4. I was converting a 44 Glimpse of the Abyss: Chance for Psionic Damage, out of set, Rare to Rare. The conversion window shows the resulting Touch of rthe Nictus: Healing/Absorb/Recharge is a level 50 (and unavailable for use by my level 43 character). The Enhancement in my tray correctly shows that it is level 44 and potentially usable. There was no issue with further converting the enhancement.
  5. I've seen this WAYYYY too often in an Incarnate trial when the league star gets to someone unexpected. You tell in chat to pass the star to the league lead, you sent personal messages and nothing.... your last response is to start a vote to kick from league but should that really be the option there if they're still participating?
  6. I didn't see it at first either but the change is to Energy Torrent. IF you have Laser Beam Eyes you have the option to customize Energy Torrent to Bright/Dark Laser Sweep.
  7. I don't know why I hadn't seen this post before...maybe because I only recently decided to bite the bullet (so to speak) and create a PB. She is just hitting her 40's and will probably be there for a bit but I'm following Laucianna's build guide. This is my first PB. On the other hand, I had 2 'shades on live and my current 'shade was my first 50 on Homecoming and is my badger. I still had my bind files from live and tri-form is my preferred playstyle for him. I have 3 complete builds for him, one of which doesn't have Hasten to avoid having to drop back to human form when it's up. The second build very similar to GM Crumpet's Warbandit build, replacing Shadow Slip and Orbiting Debt with Weaken Resolve and Burnout. I'll admit that I've generally used the no-Hasten build more frequently but I may have to look into using this second build more often. The third build was designed around not using toggles before the changes which made that unnecessary.
  8. I didn't get to be there for the event but I DID go early to see the base and stage. @Enchantica even tried to give me a door prize just for showing up! I'm glad to hear it was a good time...hopefully there will be future opportunities on a day/time when I can be there. Maybe the Bastage will put on his Sunday best. 😁
  9. I would like to see a combination of these two ideas with the caveats that 1) the 'all your characters' would be by shard and 2) you could allow access to another @global on that shard so you could share your farmer account's drops with your rp account characters.
  10. That IS a nice look Biostem. My main complaint about the waist capes is that they don't colorize both interior and exterior in SG mode.
  11. A couple of my favorites: Backwoods Bastage, similar to Player2's Hillbilly Hero, he got his powers from drinking some moonshine he made with irradiated corn for the mash. He'll be glad to introduce you to his trusty hatchet he calls 'Molly'. This is also his heroing outfit. Eva de'Struction is a research scientist at Portal Corp. She got her powers when she unintentionally contacted a darkforce dimension. Gold Bricker Bobby was a member of the Gold Brickers until he decided he could make more cash by being a politician Blueside. He still has his Gold Bricker suit and weapons and will occasionally help out heros....in return for a campaign contribution. Groh...just another rage mutant but he DOES look similar to Carnifax' Boyband before he activates his powers... Last up is Scion of Hell whose day job as a professor of demonology.
  12. Thanks GM Tock, I was thinking about that overnight and that's exactly what happened. I appreciate the quick reply.
  13. This was using the Labeaux lower body piece.
  14. My char has the sybil costume and the colors that show for the lower body in the char edit screen is not what shows on the character afterward.
  15. I have about 40 lvl 50's, on my main account, all fully kitted out and each of them has at least 100m cash inf. Totaled up it's 8-9b and over 60k merits (spreadsheets are handy if they're kept current). My farm account has 1 50, also fully kitted out but I don't track inf on that one. When I start a new alt I tend to wait until level 10ish to see if I like how the power sets work for me. Assuming it's good, or if I have a theme for the char that I want to continue, I'll email 50m for some starting capital and pick out some attuned IO's from email also. Usually around lvl 40 they get another 100m to put in bids for final build IO's. Once they hit 50 they start earning their own inf from crafting/converting recipes earned along the journey, replace attuned IOs with unattuned, put the attuned in email and the process starts again. I got my start on building inf by doing Hami raids, spending time during the 'gathering' process crafting and converting and playing the market while waiting for the raid to start.
  16. I started using bind files when I made my first Warshade back on live and I fortunately I still had my bind files when I found HC. Numpad1 drops Nova and/or Dwarf form and sets the primary tray to tray 1. Since the change for toggle suppression/recovery when shifting forms, I've also set Numpad1 to toggle on other powers with repeated presses (Athletic Run, Shadow Cloak, Maneuvers, Tactics). Numpad2 toggles on Nova and goes to tray 3 where I have my Nova powers. Numpad3 toggles on Dwarf and goes to tray4 where I have the Dwarf powers. My 2nd tray has other powers and are bound to Numpad 4-0, Dark Extraction, Dwarf Antagonize, toggle for Orbiting Debt, Toggle for Inky Aspect, Eclipse, Quasar, etc. 3rd tray is for Incarnate powers and others that I specifically click. Since first using the bind file, I've been using files for all my characters. Numpad1 with repeated presses toggles on athletic/ninja/beast run then sprint then replaces sprint with prestige power slide (slotted with a Celerity Stealth IO). Numpad2 toggles on or off the travel power, Numpad3 with repeated presses toggles on defensive powers. Numpad 4-0 are pet summoning, self buffs, taunts, debuffs, cone attacks, nukes, etc. Numpad0 is normally a self heal and NumpadEnter is normally a hold. All this is to let muscle memory take over in most battles with my right hand on the numpad and left hand hitting attack keys (1-6 usually), movement keys, etc. I have an additional bind to set V to target the next specific target and SHIFT+V to 'beginchat /bind v target_custom_next enemy alive ' (note the space at the end) so I type the name of what I'm looking for and hit enter then V will attempt to target it.
  17. Another point to mention, specifically about ATOs...there are some which give desirable set bonuses when there are fewer are slotted. As an example, Corruptor's Scourging Blast gives a recharge bonus when 3 are slotted in a power: 6.25% natively and 10% when Catalyzed. I knew of this set's bonus as I'm currently leveling a corruptor and have the 6 Scourging Blast enh's split into 2 powers for that sweet recharge bonus before I could start slotting LoTG. Other ATO sets have different bonuses of course but they're worth looking into!
  18. You COULD at least give her a bench to relax upon. Just sayin'
  19. I was in a league getting ready to do a Lambda and I was afk when the queue came up. I didn't join so I put myself in lfg for Lambda and included willing to join in Progress. The league leader recognized that I wasn't in the league and sent an invite after the trial had started. I was able to enter the trial but I was NOT part of the league. I was able to converse in broadcast (didn't try local) but league chat wasn't an option. Not sure if this is a known thing or something new.
  20. My best is Backwoods Bastage. He'll introduce to his hatchet...he calls it Molly.
  21. Much like Greycat I have bind files left over from live. I first started using them when I rolled a Warshade and set up numpad 1 to toggle off nova/dwarf and switch to tray1, numpad 2 to toggle on nova and set the default tray to 4 (where I had the squid'spowers), numpad 3 to toggle on dwarf and set default to tray 5. That was where it all started. Now, every character has their own bind load file by level 5 or so and they are set up similarly: numpad 1 will execute 'normal' type powers; athletic run, sprint and/or prestige slide. Numpad 2 will execute travel powers, usually press once to toggle on, press again to toggle off. Numpad3 executes all defensive toggles with multiple presses. From there, numpad4 is usually a build up type power if the char has one, numpad5 - numpad 9 are powers with longer cooldowns and/or cone attacks/pbaoe/ranged or targetted aoe. Numpad 0 is for heal powers, numpad enter is for holds. ALT+L will bindloadfile .\(charname).txt so I can make changes on the fly. V will targetcustomnext enemy alive for pesky enemies (I'm looking at you sappers, quants ,etc), shift+v opens chat to rebind v to whatever enemy I need to find (ex Director 11), just type in the name and hit enter. Since I have all bound similarly it only takes a moment to reacclimate if I haven't played that char in a few days and doesn't require looking away from the screen thanks to years of muscle memory. Most chars do have macros for popmenus (badges, emotes, bases, etc) and some have a few macros other macros (change builds, 'taunts' to npc's in chat, etc).
  22. I've always been quite happy to recruit and lead a team but my time is often limited to an hour, maybe two, at a time. I feel it's a disservice to recruit a team to run two or three missions. I've also joined teams/tf's as a 50 where a lower level player was leading and have no qualms about running my character at that lower level...it happens all the time for many task forces anyway since there's an upper level cap. I've also been passed the star without me asking for it if I'm higher level and it makes sense for the content. I'm good to roll with it either way since I go to the City to have fun and I can have fun even if the team is getting wiped, so long as there isn't a bunch of snarky finger-pointing.
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