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Everything posted by MHertz

  1. There's a rumor that somebody is working on a thing, where you go to that one place, and you click something, and then something happens. Or maybe some other stuff happens. But don't quote me on that.
  2. Technically, uniformly bad from 1 through 50 is also "even."
  3. I started a thread in Multimedia, even though it doesn't seem to be a very active forum. I wondered if there would be any new listeners who wanted to discuss the series an episode at a time, or just binge the whole thing. Whatever the board prefers; I'm still new here.
  4. Thanks. I do all of the male voices myself. People have told me that there ought to be video, but that's so much more work than audio, so I stuck with the old-timey radio format. (I even make fun of this format in #17: Port Oakes.)
  5. Then you may be in for a treat.
  6. Some of you who were on Live around 2007-2009 may recall a series of audio comedy skits I did on YouTube called Stan and Lou, featuring two low-level mooks trying to get by in Paragon City. You'll also recall that I stopped making them (and stopped playing COH) due to a number of colliding life events: marriage, school, moving, buying a house, and many other things. Now that COH: Homecoming is out, in the words of John Wick, yeah: I'm thinking I'm back. For those of you who never heard of Stan and Lou, here's a link to Episode 1: Outbreak. If there is enough interest, we can post one new video link a week, or something similar. Or you can just watch them all at once. Or not at all. You got options, is what I'm saying. And for those of you who have been waiting patiently for new content, here it is: Stan and Lou #32: Sharkhead Isle. If you've never listened to these tracks before, you may feel like you're missing something, so I recommend starting at the beginning.
  7. Thanks for the help! Sadly, the link in the first post doesn't work.
  8. As long as Defenders and Controllers can solo more efficiently than an Embalmed Cadaver, it'll be good.
  9. Off the top of my head, it's a lot less running around to find new contacts and do street sweeps and so on. Travel time is idle time. Even if the XP rewards were the same, minute for minute, you'd make more in AE missions because you don't have to stop to catch a train.
  10. Does anybody happen to know how to extract environmental sounds, like the ambient background noise of a particular zone? Failing that, does anybody have access to Sharkhead Isle and a good audio recording program?
  11. No, it wouldn't make them more fun. Here's why, in my opinion. 1. Current map design synergizes with mob design. The maps are strung out and gangly because they kinda have to be. Enemies have a perception radius; powers have areas of effect. If you condensed the maps down into a realistically square space, the mob spawn sites would have to be closer together. This means it'd be much harder to attack one group without summoning nearby groups. To balance that out, the levels would have to be much bigger, to allow spawn points to be farther apart, which would in turn make the maps seem emptier. Add to that larger space a bunch of geometry to get hung up on, and it wouldn't be very fluid. 2. Map design accommodates tier 1 and tier 2 travel powers like Hover and Combat Jumping, as well as 8-foot-tall players and even taller enemies. A realistic building wouldn't have 15 foot ceilings and extra-wide hallways and large rooms with balconies you can fly up to and stairwells you can jump up. Battles would happen in more compact spaces. Targeting would be harder. Camera positioning would be a battle in itself. Getting through doors would be annoying. You'd end up having a Tanker taking point in a narrow hallway, and half the party can't even see around the corner to target the bad guys properly. Would it be nice to see more varied maps? Sure. Hospitals, schools, apartment blocks, etc. But small and cramped and human-sized, no thanks.
  12. Yes, absolutely, there should be a totally different channel for that. All these people coming into the regular channel ... it's so annoying. And it smells so bad! Some of them can be really fragrant and hang around in the chat for days. ...what? Oh, you were saying farming channel. Never mind.
  13. Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm glad people still find humor in it after all this time has passed.
  14. Oh, we're having this debate again? What, did 2009 come back around already?
  15. I was on Pinnacle for the hero side, previously under the global handle Hertz. I couldn't get that handle back, so now I'm @MHertz. I was the one responsible for Stan and Lou, if anyone recalls that.
  16. S: Lou. Hey, Lou. L: Whaddaya want now, Stan? S: Didja get the badge? L: Badge? What badge? S: The badge for falling into the Interdimensional Whatsitz of Space an' Time and getting lost. L: Lost? We weren't lost. I knew exactly where we were. And I didn't see no badge out there, either, while we was floating around out there in all that nothin'. S: It wasn't a bunch of nothin', Lou. I didn't mean we were Lost lost, We weren't stuck in the afterlife or whatever. L: Well, it would have to be, because over my dead body would I be stuck anywhere with you. S: More like Gillian's Island lost. L: Oh, no. Here we go. S: I figure I'd be Gillgan, because he's the minion, and you'd be the Skipper, because he's in charge. L: Okay, yeah, now that I could see. I'd be the Skipper, and you'd be all the other characters that I hate. Which is all of them. S: Aw, c'mon, Lou, how am I supposed to be the Professor and Mary Ann? L: You're the one with the Interdimensional Whatsitz of Space an' Time, you tell me. S: It wasn't that bad. We survived. We came back. And hey, Paragon City looks pretty good, y'know? L: Yeah, I kinda missed the old place. S: I missed you too, Lou. L: All the buildings. The architecture. The music. S: Did you miss me? L: All the train lines. The city walls. Miss Liberty standin' there, handing out fresh powers. S: You missed me, right? L: I missed the little Clockwork guys. S: And me. L: I missed goin' through the sewers and watchin' you get puked on by zombies. S: But you missed me. L: Mmm ... no, I wouldn't say that. S: You sure haven't been. L: But maybe, yeah, I missed you a little. I mean, not much. So don't get all weird or nothin'. But a little. S: What did you miss about-- L: Oh, no, would you look at that? I just fell into a portal of space and time again. I guess I can't hear you. S: But what did you-- L: It wasn't this that I missed, I'll tell you that for sure. I'm not sure if anybody in this incarnation of COH remembers Stan and Lou, but if you do, I'm the one to blame. I couldn't get my old handle back, but here I am nonetheless. Anybody out there from the original COH, around, oh, 2009-2011 on Pinnacle?
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