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Lines last won the day on October 7 2020

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  1. Wait, you guys aren't psychic IRL?
  2. Most normal people control ice with unremarkable precision.
  3. I don't know if you've ever met a pig, but they are rather resistant.
  4. You can think of the city council as like, Um... Sauron And the GMs are his Orcs. Yup, that illustrates it well, I think.
  5. Hey, don't let us keep you from your somewhat creative hobby.
  6. Nobody's noticed, but all of my posts on here are hidden Haiku.
  7. Speaking from the art school perspective, CoH is an awesome game but it's also crazy old. 3D modelling has moved on a long way and the way you'd create assets for COH are quite unlike the way you'd create using current methods and software. Unless the student is aiming for a specific retro niche, COH models may not be a good use of time for building a portfolio. But I would also discourage learners from working on anything for free. The attitude toward art and design students doing work for the sake of work experience is downright predatory at the moment. Not to say that Homecoming would behave this way, but it would compound the problem.
  8. 7-slot brawl.
  9. Keeping it and crafting it makes you a better human being. I, for one, would think more highly of you if you did so.
  10. What time is it? It's Diantime!
  11. "Toxic" might need some defining here.
  12. Dang! He's on to me!
  13. Grandad, please tell us one of your stories about how you used to pwn n00bs noscope from your roflcopter. I like it when you tell those stories.
  14. I hear there is a dark ritual used to summon Jimmy. It mostly involves catnip and compliments.
  15. Everyone knows the best way to beta test is to not open the game. Just go straight to the forums, switch on caps lock and go ham.
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