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  1. For me personally? I love this zone. I truly wish some good "stuff" would/could go in in there πŸ€”πŸ˜
  2. I honestly thought about that too..... just a lot of swirling ideas in my head at the moment. I know I could make this toon rock.... but it seemed as though I've hit a rough patch in the levels at the moment it seems πŸ™„
  3. Yeah.... I did have one Acc on each attack until an hour or so ago. I placed two End Reductions and then took the screenshots. Didn't seem to do much at all concerning endurance which shocked me. But yeah.... I thought about doing a Respec and getting rid of Air Superiority and the fighting pool. I thought about grabbing Tactics in the Leadership Power Pool also. But yeah.... at some point I want to get/keep Tough Weave.... and I would have to keep Boxing (eye roll) πŸ™„ LOL
  4. At the moment I am writing this I have taken a few weeks to level a Martial Arts/Dark Armor Stalker.... up to 29 at this moment. The first 20+ levels it seemed like I was chewing thru mobs and missions like a hot knife thru butter. The last couple? For some odd reason I keep getting smacked around. tossed around.... and overall? It feels like it is "struggling" at best πŸ€” I've leveled a scrapper to 50 back in the "live" days that had Martial Arts... but if memory serves it was a Secondary of Ninjitsu.... and another one that had Dark Armor as a secondary with a primary of Katana. Neither were as frustrating as this one it seems back in the mid to late 20s. Any tweaking anyone can think of concerning this? I know it (and knew it would) suck stamina like a fool for quite a while... but I was hoping the damage dealt would help in that matter by taking foes out rather quickly. The last few levels even the Assassin's Blow doesn't do all that much πŸ™„ When even The Warriors on a simple Radio Mission seem to ragdoll me? All I felt like my BP was getting higher with each tap of Dark Regeneration I was using πŸ₯΅ Here is a screenshot of what I have enhanced thus far. I hate using so many Endurance Reductions.... but it seems as though the toon is "sucking wind" after THREE simple attacks 😞
  5. Without a doubt back in the "live" days it was the Katie Hannon TF πŸ‘ Followed by the ITF.... Mothership Raids (if ya wanna call them "task forces") 😁 The last couple of years since we've been back? I don't have a "favorite".... mainly because as much as I have always absolutely love this game? Time is my biggest enemy... and I am actually retired now πŸ™„
  6. My earth/earth dom is VERY fun to play also. I think of Geo-Force each and every time myself as I play it πŸ˜„
  7. I understand your pain 😣 I love the visual of the power.... and it looks great for themes and such... but to me it's always aggravating when the toon gets bonked on the head and WoC suddenly goes away 🀐 Plus it just never seemed to "do much" as in the meaning of confusing anything unless they're close enough for a handshake. By that time it will have been too late so to speak at times πŸ€”
  8. One thing I've personally done with each and every toon I've created is pretty much the following; "____ of Magellen is a 2nd Generation Member of the Nation of Magellen SG in Paragon City. He excels in dealing with matters concerning the Crey Corporation, the Council and the 5th Column (as examples, changes with each toon's "theme") " I use "_____ of Magellen" because all of my toons are named "Something of Magellen" Wake of Magellen, Siloam of Magellen, Patrick of Magellen, etc, etc... It's just a theme I decided on many years ago when Live on Infinity. I make it where all the toons (36 for right now) are in my SG..... and it's a nice thing to have since I have my base all tricked out and super functional.
  9. I have to admit.... reading a lot of the replies and information in this thread? Is making me wanting to roll a Ice/Ice Stalker this evening 🀀
  10. Another reason why I decided to start posting on here last night was because (long story short)... I retired 3 months ago from a hotel I helped operate the last 12 years.... and I have even more "free" time now. Knowing this, I agreed with hotel ownership a couple of months before retirement that I would help out while they are on vacation time out of the country once in a while. Ergo.... last night at a different hotel they own, I posted this.... not realizing how sleepy I was.... mis-spelled the damn word "Odd" in the title. Oh well πŸ€ͺ Damn I am pooped πŸ˜‘
  11. I'm trying to remember.... I set my account up thru something along time ago. For some odd reason I'm drawing a blank πŸ€”
  12. Long story short... I've been playing on Homecoming (Reunion) for nearly 30 months now if memory serves. Most of the time daily. Back in the "Live" days I was on Infinity the last 6 years or so until the snap. Guh. Anyways.... I tend to read the forums here most days, usually weekly. I just decided to finally post something as a "test" so to speak. The email address I used for years (that is tied in to my username on the Launcher) no longer is in existence, so I decided to sign up here with the email addy I've primarily used since just to see if I did everything correctly. The forums in general have taught me as much in reading them as playing everything thru the years. After retiring from work a few months ago.... I finally have time to actually contribute so to speak. I hope this post finds everyone well... and.... long live City of Heroes πŸ˜€
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