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Everything posted by KingCeddd03

  1. Can you make a Kinetic Melee & invulnerability brute and tanker build and can you make a beam rifle and time manipulation corruptor
  2. No it should not matter everyone plays how they like but i do see your point. either way, no one should be forced to do something they don't want too.
  3. did u read the last question of course not, that's why u are asking silly questions
  4. 1. I said she could be a member not the leader. 2. Numina is dead so she can not possess magic powers no pretending there Users can project or separate their consciousness/presence/spirit, alternatively known as their astral form, from their material bodies, allowing for perception, interaction and travel independent of physical limitation. This state is usually achieved through entering a trance (via lucid dreaming or deep meditation), with the user gaining access or influence over the Mental and Astral Planes, as well as potentially other planes of existence, which can extend so enough as to allow the user to move and exist outside the limits of space and time using their astral form. Experienced individuals may be able to control both their astral and corporeal presences, allowing them to extend and project their astral selves without having to lose consciousness in their physical forms, as well as separate others from their physical forms to either to travel alongside them or to imprison them in an incorporeal state. Such a state may even allow for the retention of consciousness regardless of physical damage or even death. Telepaths often astral project by projecting their minds as well as that of other User's body is essentially dead/in a coma and thus very vulnerable during astral projection: May become possessed while on the Astral Plane. May be killed, trapping the user in astral form. Can be affected by users of Soul Manipulation. 3. True but can apex be allowed to leave their post at vanguard? Why isn't horus in the game ?
  5. The question is, is an AFKer taking away your fun of the game?
  6. what where they trying to do?
  7. Hey i can post my ideas and not tell you anything if i like or i will leave it up to you to make up the meat of the idea you're more than capable
  8. I have no idea it's just an idea
  9. those are enhancement procs, not the power itself if you're going to respond pls stay on topic
  10. The idea, I think would be great to have besides making new powersets it would be better to add more damage types instead of making a brand-new powerset containing the desired damage types and adding new FX and such. it would function sort of like the incarnate System For example, Seismic Blast only has smashing damage a one note damage but with the use of the system you can add fire, then it would become Fire/Smashing damage making it a brand-new power without making a new powerset, now making it magma blast just add the magma visual and done. Also, can be done with the melee as well This would be easy to do.
  11. 1. I said she could be a member not the leader. 2. Numina is dead so she can not possess magic powers no pretending there Users can project or separate their consciousness/presence/spirit, alternatively known as their astral form, from their material bodies, allowing for perception, interaction and travel independent of physical limitation. This state is usually achieved through entering a trance (via lucid dreaming or deep meditation), with the user gaining access or influence over the Mental and Astral Planes, as well as potentially other planes of existence, which can extend so enough as to allow the user to move and exist outside the limits of space and time using their astral form. Experienced individuals may be able to control both their astral and corporeal presences, allowing them to extend and project their astral selves without having to lose consciousness in their physical forms, as well as separate others from their physical forms to either to travel alongside them or to imprison them in an incorporeal state. Such a state may even allow for the retention of consciousness regardless of physical damage or even death. Telepaths often astral project by projecting their minds as well as that of other User's body is essentially dead/in a coma and thus very vulnerable during astral projection: May become possessed while on the Astral Plane. May be killed, trapping the user in astral form. Can be affected by users of Soul Manipulation. 3. True but can apex be allowed to leave their post at vanguard?
  12. I think War Witch deserves to be in the freedom Phalanx and she has worked with statesman before so her replacing him would be cool to add a real magic user I'm not sure numina can call herself a magic user while a ghost 2. Apex is doing his own thing at the moment
  13. @Doc_Scorpionwhy do you not like the idea?
  14. Too many events going on at the same time only serve to thin the playerbase and interest in these events quickly wanes...
  15. Now that war witch has returned to life, i was thinking she could be the one to introduce a new task force or become the 8th member of the freedom Phalanx. plus on top of that war witch now inhabits sorceress serene's body. now her having a better body and powers at that, i feel her potential as a hero would be far greater. The question is what the devs be doing with her moving forward? And will the powersets Autumnal Control and Assault be made to fit her come up.
  16. @Shadeknight yea agree but things can change like how they removed statesman and sister psyche and zones were changed to fit the now not the past.
  17. Have a good day,
  18. i don't have time to entertain you figure it out
  19. and @Rudra these are added ideas for higher level events
  20. these would be added events but @Luminara thanks
  21. I was thinking much like Dc universe online to have outdoor events. We may have two such events, one in Bricktown and one in kings' row, but I think I speak for most when I say there should be more. Hero Side: 1. Talos Flooding: I was thinking there should be an event on Talos island, I was thinking it would be an upcoming villain who escaped zig, who is making it storm all the time to flood the island and a league of heroes would have to stop them. 2. Demon Rampage: Another could happen in croatoa where a magic villain summoned a legion of demons this villain could have a new power arcane blast it will be an introduction to the power and use. same as the talos mission you need a league to stop them. 3. Arachnos comes to control: this will involve the whole roster of arachnos AV'S, in which any of them will spawn in a group of 6 and they will be random. this will happen on peregrine island, this will be a major event where arachnos is trying to take over the island so they can make it their personal base. Villian Side: 1. Gold Takeover: Simply the Gold Brickers are trying to take aeon corp whos going to stop them? 2 Nerva War: While arachnos and longbow fight it out defeat three random Heros for a badge 3. Hero Tour: Regent Korol Has picked up a hero plot of 24 of paragon city's finest heroes is on a villain crackdown tour and one of their stops is Grandville, they plan to make landfall near the gutter (north ward) those who are bad enough should stop them. these are just some ideas.
  22. Can you make a powerful energy blast pain dom corruptor pls
  23. Thank you
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