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Everything posted by KingCeddd03

  1. Your idea should be a higher-level enemy group great job
  2. i have other witch designs i can show but i think there needs to be a new high-level witch faction that could be added with the sexy look the cabal are like the amazons stuck in their ways
  3. The wiki indicates how far your character's powers can go and based on the AT and powers you PICK in-game is how far you can go with that power. example Fire control is only one WAY to use fire so there for you won't be able to go very far compared to someone who has fire manipulation that can have limited control as well as melee and other abilities, so yes some powersets are limited in their use, it would be ridicules to think otherwise
  4. @50caltech glad you like my work
  5. i really could care less
  6. i understand now that would not work for the zone but i do like it could be a trail or something
  7. but it seems you and the other god hand have a problem with this your not the leaders of the forums nor your opinion is law and as i recall i have been by one gm about not doing whatever he said i did not to do it again, so i accept that as for any other comments about behaver is irrelevant
  8. I never took Tyrannical's post and i have the right to voice my option on events. and to insist that i have made a mess out of the forums is ridiculous that is where you post your idea and options, I'm sorry if you think otherwise. i have acted accordingly. if i deiced to respond to ridiculous questions or give explanations i will, otherwise i would not bother to entertain the conversation
  9. and he not the only dev that has answers on this topic
  10. first off your friend was rude to say to drop my question so no he needs to do better
  11. you have made a point i didn't think about.
  12. There needs to be more unity in the Cox community when can you guys come together with the other servers and make one server and team? [8:08 AM] consolidating all the servers and people working on their own version of COX would be better than having more than one [8:10 AM] working together for the player base would be more important than serving your own selfish wants for the game
  13. Darkness sword
  14. *Hair that moves
  15. Multiple Arms
  16. well all you would have to do is make it easy
  17. i would like you to try to improve my idea not add your own
  18. Now to have a conversation with the real player base and not with those with god complexes thinking their option matters more than others. what I'm saying is that the attacking powers are set in stone nothing can change them, but the non-attacking powers do such as numina being dead it was never stated how powerful she is or was, what we conversion was about was what could she do out of combat being an astral projection and wither she could use magic or not in that i looked to the wiki to see what astral projections can do and also see if they are alive or dead. it was a very simple answer astral projections are souls without a body in numina's cause she is dead but not a ghost but something similar. and so it was never stated by the creator if she was able to use magic in this form. but getting back to the topic which is war witch she as well as other heroes and villains need to be looked at to expand their roles in the game or get promotions to a higher status, my suggestion was to put her in a well-known group like the freedom phalanx or her form a large coven of witch heroes that would be exciting. all this was not explained to other people who divert from the intended topic.
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