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Everything posted by smnolimits43

  1. I've been wanting to make a Fire Imp character, but i'm not sure there are enough costume pieces ???
  2. Here's a pic of the new He Man, i still can't find a costume that i really like.
  3. I just wanted to thank you for posting these builds. I used your Inv/SS Tank build. I find the only thing i can't seem to do is farm with him. That doesn't really bother me though, since i like to team.
  4. So i've been watching old movies on Tubi, and came across the American Ninja. I'm not sure of a name yet. I was wondering if you would make a Scrapper, Stalker or Blaster. Scrapper would be Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu. Blaster would be Archery/Ninja. As for Stalker probably Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu as well. Although i'm considering dual boxing.
  5. makes me think of the movie Gremlins :). Gotta keep them away from water 🙂
  6. Ice/Cold would be my choice. However, are you not getting the shields ??
  7. thanks for getting back to me guys 🙂
  8. do they have to be 50 or will any lvl work ?
  9. Are the Oro missions solo only, or is it possible to make a team ??
  10. does the dreck map still exist ?? or whats the map with the tents called. I'm looking for outdoor maps that arent timed. Thanks in advance.
  11. How do Astral and Emperiam (is that how its spelled) merits work ?? Do they need to be converted to normal merits ?? Where and What can they be used for ?? P.S. I hope this is the right section for this post, wasn't sure, and Thanks in Advance.
  12. So on any given day, i'm working on ten different alts. I just watched a new Power Ranger movie. My character's name is Bodan Ranger. Obviously he's going to be a MA scrapper, but i can't figure out what secondary i want. What would you guys choose ??
  13. So I'm trying to make a Tank/Healer. Sakura does both incredible damage with her fists, and she is a superior medical ninja. She is the apprentice of the 4th or 5th Hokage, i cant remember which. The only way i see this working, is if i go Willpower/Super Strength/Medicine. What do you guys think ???
  14. I usually pick up Energy Blast for my secondary
  15. i took all the attacks so far. I'm level 29, maybe 30. I realize i dont have anything slotted yet. It just feels like i do more damage with my energy blaster.
  16. Pistols seems to have such low damage, or is it me ??
  17. The problem i'm having right now is Accuracy
  18. I also recomend Ill/Cold. I just restarted mine, the other day, his name is Spookyboo.
  19. alright i'll give that a try, thanks for getting back to me
  20. I just leveled a Rad/Fire, and i'm looking to level my next Defender. I was thinking Poison, but i'm not sure on a secondary. What would you all suggest ???
  21. Starting a homage to Flash character. This will be the fastest Android alive. So i decided to make a new controller. I'm trying to make a more team orientated hero.
  22. So i thought i would give Force Fields another try. One of my favourite powers from this set is Dispersion Bubble. One of my problems is buffing, it drives me nuts. Especially when a team splits, or runs off, before i finish buffing. Second, i feel like all i do, is buff the team, i don't have the time to fire off attacks.
  23. makes me want to make a Bubbler, with stone blast 🙂
  24. Well i figured out a name. Now if i can just come up with a costume. A Snape mask would be nice, that looks like the Sceptre. The closest i've found so far, is the Viper Mask.
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